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A simple network approach has been developed to simulate the movement of pollutant within urban areas. The model uses estimates of pollutant exchange obtained from velocity measurements in experiments with various regular obstacle arrays. The transfer of tracer material was modelled using concepts of advection along streets, well-mixed flow properties within street segments and exchange velocities (akin to aerodynamic conductances) across side and top facets of the street segments.The results predicted both the centreline concentration and lateral dispersion of the tracer with reasonable accuracy for a range of packing densities and wind directions. The basic model's concentration predictions were accurate to better than a factor of two in all cases for the region from two obstacle rows behind a source located within the array to around eight rows behind, a range of distances that falls into the so-called “neighbourhood-scale” for dispersion problems. The results supported the use of parameterized rates of exchange between regions of flow as being useful for fast, approximate dispersion modelling. It was thought that the effects of re-entrainment of tracer back into the canopy were of significance, but modelling designed to incorporate these effects did not lead to general improvements to the modelling for these steady-state source experiments.The model's limitations were also investigated. Chief amongst these was that it worked poorly among tall buildings where the well-mixed assumption within street segments was inadequate.  相似文献   

This paper provides a background for and an overview of the results of a comprehensive study of transport and dispersion of dense gas plumes over rough surfaces typical of industrial sites. The Petroleum Environmental Research Forum (PERF) 93-16 project involved model development and evaluations using observations from three wind tunnels and from the Kit Fox field experiment. Detailed discussions of the results of the research are given in the other papers in this special issue. The wind tunnel experiments produced data showing that the resulting best-fit vertical entrainment formula was close to (i.e., within about 30%) the vertical entrainment formulas already in use by current models, which were derived primarily from observations over smooth surfaces. Observations from the Kit Fox field experiment demonstrated the validity of the entrainment curves derived from the wind tunnel data. The Kit Fox data were also used to evaluate algorithms for along-wind dispersion and cloud advection speeds for short-duration releases typical of an industrial site, and to evaluate the HEGADAS dense gas dispersion model.  相似文献   

Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) in air has been well known as the indicator of photochemical smog due to its frequent occurrences in Seoul metropolitan area. This study was implemented to assess the distribution characteristics of atmospheric PAN in association with relevant parameters measured concurrently. During a full year period in 2011, PAN was continuously measured at hourly intervals at two monitoring sites, Gwang Jin (GJ) and Gang Seo (GS) in the megacity of Seoul, South Korea. The annual mean concentrations of PAN during the study period were 0.64 ± 0.49 and 0.57 ± 0.46 ppb, respectively. The seasonal trends of PAN generally exhibited dual peaks in both early spring and fall, regardless of sites. Their diurnal trends were fairly comparable to each other. There was a slight time lag (e.g., 1 h) in the peak occurrence pattern between O3 and PAN, as the latter trended to peak after the maximum UV irradiance period (16:00 (GJ) and 17:00 (GS)). The concentrations of PAN generally exhibited strong correlations with particulates. The results of this study suggest that PAN concentrations were affected sensitively by atmospheric stability, the wet deposition of NO2, wind direction, and other factors.  相似文献   

A Lagrangian stochastic model (MicroSpray), able to simulate the airborne dispersion in complex terrain and in presence of obstacles, was modified to simulate the dispersion of dense gas clouds. This is accomplished by taking into account the following processes: negative buoyancy, gravity spreading and the particle's reflection at the bottom computational boundary. Elevated and ground level sources, continuous and instantaneous emissions, time varying sources, plumes with initial momentum (horizontal, vertical or oblique in any direction), plumes without initial momentum are considered. MicroSpray is part of the model system MSS, which also includes the diagnostic MicroSwift model for the reconstruction of the 3-D wind field in presence of obstacles and orography. To evaluate the MSS ability to simulate the dispersion of heavy gases, its simulation performances are compared in detail to two field experiments (Thorney Island and Kit Fox) and to a chlorine railway accident (Macdona). Then, a comprehensive analysis considering several experiments of the Modelers Data Archive is presented. The statistical analysis on the overall available data reveals that the performance of the new MicroSpray version for dense gas releases is generally reliable. For instance, the agreement between concentration predictions and observations is within a factor of two in the 72% up to 99% of the occurrences for the case studies considered. The values of other performance measures, such as correlation coefficient, geometric mean bias and geometric variance, mostly set in the ranges indicated as good-model performances in the specialized literature.  相似文献   

The results of an audited survey of production and use for methyl chloroform (1,1,1-trichloroethane) for the years 1970–1988 are presented.  相似文献   

Ambient air PCB concentrations in the Lake Calumet region in Southeast Chicago have been found to be significantly higher than in nearby non-urban areas. This area is highly industrialized and also contains municipal sludge drying facilities and landfills. In an effort to quantify the importance of the sludge drying facilities to the elevated concentrations, upwind/downwind air samples from the Calumet East sludge drying bed were obtained between April and October 2002. For these samples, the downwind minus upwind (downwind-upwind) concentration varied from 0.33 to 1.27ngm(-3) for non-northeast (NE) direction winds suggesting sludge drying is a source of PCBs to the atmosphere. However, the upwind concentrations were higher than the downwind for winds from the NE of the sampling site suggesting more significant source(s), possibly Lake Calumet or the so called "Cluster site" NE of the sludge drying beds. Flux chamber experiments carried out during the sampling period measured average PCB fluxes of 210ngm(-2)h(-1) (range 43-910ngm(-2)h(-1)) which resulted in an overall flux of 0.005kgday (d)(-1) ( approximately 2kgyr(-1)). A developed regression equation between moisture content and sludge concentration estimated higher PCB losses of 0.26kgd(-1) ( approximately 95kgyr(-1)). Although these two approaches yielded different values, they both indicate that the emission from the Calumet East sludge drying beds were of minimal importance when compared to the total estimated amount of 2-70kgd(-1) (700-2100kgyr(-1)) of PCBs entering the Chicago atmosphere.  相似文献   

Concentrations of tetrachlorobenzenes, pentachlorobenzene, hexachlorobenzene and alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta-HCH in air and deposition were measured at three different contaminated sites in Greppin, Roitzsch (both near Bitterfeld) and Leipzig during five time intervals of 14 days in the summer months of 1998. The mean values of the chlorobenzene concentrations (gas phase and particle bound portions) over the whole sampling time were 0.11 ng/Nm3 (Leipzig), 0.17 ng/Nm3 (Roitzsch) and 0.37 ng/Nm3 (Greppin), the mean values of the HCH concentrations were 0.22 ng/Nm3 (Leipzig), 0.31 ng/Nm3 (Roitzsch) and 0.69 ng/Nm3 (Greppin). This increase of the concentration values from Leipzig over Roitzsch to Greppin indicates the influences of industrial waste sites in the Bitterfeld region on the atmospheric environment. The significantly higher values of hexachlorobenzene, alpha- and beta-HCH in Greppin are probably caused by emissions from the former chemical plant Bitterfeld-Wolfen and the landfill 'Antonie' near Greppin. Compared with literature data from other industrial impacted areas the measured air concentration and deposition values are relatively low.  相似文献   

Gas- and particle-phase polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were collected at a tropical site in Southeast Asia over 12-h periods during November and December 2006 to determine their gas/particle distributions by analyzing integrated quartz filter and polyurethane foam samples. Gas/particle partitioning coefficients, Kp, were calculated, and their relationship with the subcooled liquid vapor pressure pLo for both PAHs and PCBs was investigated. The regressions of log Kp vs. log pLo for most of samples gave high correlations for both PAHs and PCBs and the slopes were statistically shallower than ?1, but they were relatively steeper than those obtained in temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere. By comparison, the particle-bound fraction of low molecular weight (LMW) PAHs was underestimated by both Junge-Pankow adsorption and KOA (octanol–air partition coefficient) absorption models, while the predicted values agree relatively better with those observed ones for high molecular weight (HMW) PAHs. In addition, the adsorption onto the soot phase (elemental carbon) predicted accurately the gas/particle partitioning of PAHs, especially for LMW compounds. On the other hand, the KOA absorption model using the measured organic matter fraction (fOM) value fitted the PCB data much better than the adsorption model did, indicating the sorption of nonpolar compounds to aerosols might be dominated by absorption into organic matters in this area.  相似文献   

The main objective of this work was to assess the atmospheric concentrations and seasonal variations of selected POPs in a sub-alpine location where few data are available. A monitoring and research station was set up at the JRC Ispra EMEP site (Italy). We present and discuss a one-year data set (2005-2006) on PCB air concentrations. ∑7PCBs monthly averaged concentration varied from 31 to 76 pg m−3. Concentrations in the gas phase (21-72 pg m−3) were higher than those in the particulate phase (3-10 pg m−3). Advection of air masses and re-volatilization from local sources seem to play a dominant role as drivers of PCB atmospheric concentrations in the area. Indications of seasonal variation affecting PCB congener patterns and the gas/particulate partitioning were found. Modeling calculations suggest a predominant importance of the wet deposition in this region (1 μg m−2 yr−1 ∑7PCBs yearly total wet deposition flux; 650-2400 pg L−1 rainwater concentrations).  相似文献   

The 1995 Kit Fox dense gas field data set consists of 52 trials where short-duration CO2 gas releases were made at ground level over a rough surface during neutral to stable conditions. The experiments were intended to demonstrate the effects on dense gas clouds of relatively large roughnesses typical of industrial process plants. Fast response concentration observations were made by 80 samplers located on four downwind lines (25, 50, 100, and 225 m), including profile observations on three towers on each of the closest three arcs. Detailed meteorological measurements were made on several towers within and outside of the roughness arrays. The data analysis emphasized the variation of maximum concentration with surface roughness, the dependence of cloud advection speed on cloud depth, the variation of the three components of dispersion with ambient turbulence, and the dependence of vertical entrainment rate on ambient friction velocity and cloud Richardson number. The Kit Fox data were used to evaluate a specific dense gas dispersion model (HEGADAS 3+), with emphasis on whether it would be able to account for the increased roughness. The model was able to satisfactorily simulate the observed concentrations, with a mean bias of about 5% and with about 90% of the predictions within a factor of two of the observations.  相似文献   

Weekly high-volume air samples have been collected in the Canadian High Arctic (Alert, Nunavut) since 1992. Fifteen polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are quantified in 104 samples over the time period of 2002–2004. To our knowledge, this study reports the first continuous multi-year measurements of PBDEs in Arctic air. Average air concentrations (in pg m−3) were 7.7 (0.40–47) and 1.6 (0.091–9.8) for 14 PBDEs (excluding BDE-209) and BDE-209, respectively, over the entire sampling period. BDE-28/33, 47, 99, 100, 153, 154, and 209 accounted for 90% (72–97%, n=104) of the 15 PBDEs. Occurrence of BDE-47, 99, and 209 suggests that PBDEs in Alert air were likely associated with the usage of “penta-BDE” and “deca-BDE” technical mixtures worldwide. Natural logarithm of concentrations for less brominated PBDEs correlated significantly with ambient temperatures in the summertime, suggesting importance of volatilization emissions in a local and/or regional scale. On the other hand, episodically elevated concentrations of the less brominated PBDEs in the wintertime and lack of seasonality for the non-volatile BDE-209 indicate potential inputs of particle-bound PBDEs through long-range transport (LRT), especially during the Arctic haze season. Inter-annual trend data further show that concentrations of the eight PBDEs increased inter-annually in 2002–2004 with doubling times of 2–6 years, which were similar to growth rates found in Arctic biotic samples. The results of this study and previous measurements suggest that potential sources of PBDEs in Arctic air include both volatilization emissions and LRT inputs.  相似文献   

Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) concentrations were measured from December 1982 to May 1984 in downtown Edmonton, Alberta, as well as upwind and downwind of the city. The highest PAN concentration recorded in Edmonton was 7.5 ppb, and the mean daily maximum was 0.6 ppb. Maximum PAN and ozone concentrations were often reached in the early afternoon but there were many exceptions, with maxima as early as 0900 MST and as late as 2000 MST. PAN often persisted throughout the night in Edmonton, whereas in Calgary it disappeared rapidly in the evening. Edmonton PAN concentrations showed seasonal variation and were limited in the wintertime by the lack of solar radiation and in the summer by the low concentration of pollutants. PAN episodes were highly correlated with the presence of anticyclonic synoptic disturbances (ridges) in the upper air flow. Surface synoptic conditions varied but weak pressure gradients were common to all episodes. Seasonal and diurnal variations of PAN are discussed in relation to observations from Calgary, Alberta; Los Angeles, CA; and other North American cities.  相似文献   

A light weight electron capture, gas chromatograph has been laboratory- and field-tested to conduct surface and airborne PAN measurements in the unpolluted troposphere. A dynamic calibration system based on CH3CHO/NO2/Cl2 photolysis studies by Gay et al. (1976) was constructed and successfully tested. PAN was cryogenically preconcentrated prior to analysis. A sensitivity of 5 parts per trillion (ppt) and an overall accuracy of ± 20 % is estimated. It is shown that gas phase coulometry (GPC) is unsuited for absolute PAN analysis—principally, because a significant fraction of PAN is destroyed prior to coulometric detection. The kinetics of this destruction process are nonlinear. PAN measurements at a marine Pacific site, and aboard an aircraft, show that PAN is always present at a concentration range of 10–100 ppt, although concentrations as high as 400 ppt were measured at an altitude of 4.6 km over the Pacific Ocean. Surface PAN measurements at a Pacific marine site indicate a distinct diurnal behavior, tentatively attributed to photochemistry involving alkenes, alkanes and NOx. There was no evidence of PAN diurnal variation in the free troposphere, but the data are currently too sparse. Measurements in the global atmosphere are needed to accurately describe the distribution and the role of PAN in the chemistry of the natural atmosphere.  相似文献   

Bisphenol A (BPA) is a suspected endocrine disruptor in the environment. However, little is known about its distribution and transport in the atmosphere. Here, the concentrations of BPA in the atmospheric aerosols from urban, rural, marine, and the polar regions were measured using solvent extraction/derivatization and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry technique. The concentrations of BPA (1-17,400 pg m−3) ranged over 4 orders of magnitude in the world with a declining trend from the continent (except for the Antarctica) to remote sites. A positive correlation was found between BPA and 1,3,5-triphenylbenzene, a tracer for plastic burning, in urban regions, indicating that the open burning of plastics in domestic waste should be a significant emission source of atmospheric BPA. Our results suggest that the ubiquity of BPA in the atmosphere may raise a requirement for the evaluation of health effects of BPA in order to control its emission sources, for example, from plastic burning.  相似文献   

High volume air sampling in Bermuda, Sable Island (Nova Scotia) and along a cruise track from the Gulf of Mexico to northeast coast of the USA, was carried out to assess air concentrations, particle-gas partitioning and transport of polyfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) in this region. Samples were collected in the summer of 2007. Targeted compounds included the neutral PFCs: fluorotelomer alcohols (FTOHs), perfluoroalkyl sulfonamides (FOSAs) and perfluoroalkyl sulfonamido ethanols (FOSEs).Among the FTOHs, 8:2 FTOH was dominant in all samples. Sum of the concentration of FTOHs (gas+particle phase) were higher in Bermuda (mean, 34 pg m?3) compared to Sable Island (mean, 16 pg m?3). In cruise samples, sum of FTOHs were highly variable (mean, 81 pg m?3) reflecting contributions from land-based sources in the northeast USA with concentrations reaching as high as 156 pg m?3.Among the FOSAs and FOSEs, MeFOSE was dominant in all samples. In Bermuda, levels of MeFOSE were exceptionally high (mean, 62 pg m?3), exceeding the FTOHs. Sable Island samples also exhibited the dominance of MeFOSE but at a lower concentration (mean, 15 pg m?3). MeFOSE air concentrations (pg m?3) in cruise samples ranged from 1.6 to 73 and were not linked to land-based sources. In fact high concentrations of MeFOSE observed in Bermuda were associated with air masses that originated over the Atlantic Ocean.The partitioning to particles for 8:2 FTOH, 10:2 FTOH, MeFOSE and EtFOSE ranged from as high as 15 to 42% for cruise samples to 0.9 to 14% in Bermuda. This study provides key information for validating and developing partitioning and transport models for the PFCs.  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in urban atmosphere of Hong Kong   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Lee SC  Chiu MY  Ho KF  Zou SC  Wang X 《Chemosphere》2002,48(3):375-382
The assessment of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) has become a major issue of air quality network monitoring in Hong Kong. This study is aimed to identify, quantify and characterize volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in different urban areas in Hong Kong. The spatial distribution, temporal variation as well as correlations of VOCs at five roadside sampling sites were discussed. Twelve VOCs were routinely detected in urban areas (Mong Kok, Kwai Chung, Yuen Long and Causeway Bay). The concentrations of VOCs ranged from undetectable to 1396 microg/m3. Among all of the VOC species, toluene has the highest concentration. Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX) were the major constituents (more than 60% in composition of total VOC detected), mainly contributed from mobile sources. Similar to other Asian cities, the VOC levels measured in urban areas in Hong Kong were affected both by automobile exhaust and industrial emissions. High toluene to benzene ratios (average T/B ratio = 5) was also found in Hong Kong as in other Asian cities. In general, VOC concentrations in the winter were higher than those measured in the summer (winter to summer ratio > 1). As toluene and benzene were the major pollutants from vehicle exhausts, there is a necessity to tighten automobile emission standards in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

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