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In 1997, the United States National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for ozone was revised from a 1-h average of 0.12 parts per million (ppm) to an 8-h average of 0.08 ppm. Analysis of ozone data for the ensemble of the contiguous United States and for the period 1980–1998 shows that the average number of summer days per year in exceedance of the new standard is in the range 8–24 in the Northeast and in Texas, and 12–73 in southern California. The probability of exceedance increases with temperature and exceeds 20% in the Northeast for daily maximum temperatures above 305 K. We present the results of several different approaches to analyzing the long-term trends in the old and new standards over the continental United States from 1980 to 1998. Daily temperature data are used to resolve meteorological variability and isolate the effects of changes in anthropogenic emissions. Significant negative trends are found in the Northeast urban corridor, in the Los Angeles Basin and on the western bank of Lake Michigan. Temperature segregation enhances the detection of negative trends. Positive trends occur at isolated sites, mostly in the Southeast; a strong positive trend is found in Nashville (Tennessee). There is some evidence that, except in the Southwest, air quality improvements from the 1980s to the 1990s have leveled off in the past decade.  相似文献   

Aspects of Canadian urban air quality are considered on an index basis, from both a local and national viewpoint. Seasonal trends are illustrated. National indices of suspended paniculate matter, sulphur dioxide, coefficient of haze and oxides of nitrogen show considerable decreases from 1971 to 1975. The word “national” refers to the population in areas of air quality measurement, rather than land surface. The national index of oxidants, however, shows an increase, indicating a worsening situation. A brief mathematical treatment analyzes the question of whether these are actual trends or merely statistical variations. Results are discussed in terms of the implications for public policy.  相似文献   

Emission reductions were mandated in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 with the expectation that they would result in major reductions in the concentrations of atmospherically transported pollutants. This paper investigates the form and magnitude of trends from 1989 to 1995 in atmospheric concentrations of sulfur dioxide, sulfate, and nitrogen at 34 rural sites in the eastern US. Across all sites, there is strong evidence of statistically significant declining trends in sulfur dioxide (median change of -35%) and sulfate concentrations (median change of -26%). In general, trends in nitrogen concentrations were not as pronounced (median change of -8%) as trends in the sulfur compounds. A regional estimate of trend for a cluster of sites in the Ohio River valley showed close correspondence between declining sulfur dioxide concentrations (-35%) and changes in sulfur dioxide emissions (-32%) in this region.  相似文献   

Operator splitting applied to cloud micro-physical and multiphase chemical process causes the so-called operator splitting errors in addition to other numerical errors when used in numerical models. Operator splitting is mainly used due to limited computer resources or for historical reasons. Unfortunately, it is impossible so far to theoretically estimate either the order of magnitude or the tendency of the splitting errors in complex non-linear systems such as mutually interacting cloud chemical and micro-physical processes.The present study systematically investigates the splitting error mentioned above, by numerical means to define valid ranges of the applicability of the method of operator splitting to those systems. Results of the current study show that de-coupling intervals larger than 100 s cause an underestimation of the total liquid water content as well as the particle radius of the order of 10% for simulation periods of 1000 s. The maximum overprediction of the total content of dissolved material in the particles is of the order of about 20% for de-coupling intervals of 10–15 min. The error in the sulphate production contributes about 50% to the discrepancy in total aerosol content. Since the de-coupling intervals between dynamical, micro-physical, and chemical processes in most recent air quality models are considerably longer than 15 min, the consequences of the application of operator splitting requires further investigation with respect to predicted aerosol formation, cloud water content, deposition rates, photo-chemistry, cloud optical properties, etc.  相似文献   

Air quality transcends all scales with in the atmosphere from the local to the global with handovers and feedbacks at each scale interaction. Air quality has manifold effects on health, ecosystems, heritage and climate. In this review the state of scientific understanding in relation to global and regional air quality is outlined. The review discusses air quality, in terms of emissions, processing and transport of trace gases and aerosols. New insights into the characterization of both natural and anthropogenic emissions are reviewed looking at both natural (e.g. dust and lightning) as well as plant emissions. Trends in anthropogenic emissions both by region and globally are discussed as well as biomass burning emissions. In terms of chemical processing the major air quality elements of ozone, non-methane hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides and aerosols are covered. A number of topics are presented as a way of integrating the process view into the atmospheric context; these include the atmospheric oxidation efficiency, halogen and HOx chemistry, nighttime chemistry, tropical chemistry, heat waves, megacities, biomass burning and the regional hot spot of the Mediterranean. New findings with respect to the transport of pollutants across the scales are discussed, in particular the move to quantify the impact of long-range transport on regional air quality. Gaps and research questions that remain intractable are identified. The review concludes with a focus of research and policy questions for the coming decade. In particular, the policy challenges for concerted air quality and climate change policy (co-benefit) are discussed.  相似文献   

Scientific concern exists about the toxic effect of dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (p, p′-DDE) and lindane on male infertility, and the mechanism underlying male reproductive toxicity of this pesticide remains unanswered. We investigated not only the possible association between the chlorinated pesticide levels and semen quality in nonoccupationally exposed men, but also the probable mode of action using mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), reactive oxygen species (ROS), lipid peroxidation (LPO), and sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA). A study in 278 men (21–40 years old) who visited Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, KGMU, Lucknow, for semen analysis was conducted. We performed semen analysis according to the WHO guidelines, while p, p′-DDE and lindane analysis was done by the GLC and LPO by the spectrophotometer, and the sperm mitochondrial status, ROS, and SCSA with the flow cytometer. The questionnaire data showed no significant difference in the demographic characteristics between the two groups, i.e., trying to conceive >1 year and proven fertility. However, a significant difference in the concentration of p, p′-DDE and lindane was observed between the groups. When the subjects were divided among four categories by quartile of exposure, the subjects in the highest quartile showed low sperm motility as compared to the subjects in the lowest quartile. Pearson’s correlation showed a significant negative correlation between semen p, p′-DDE, lindane level, and sperm quality and positive association with the number of cells with depolarized mitochondria, elevation in ROS production and LPO, and DNA fragmentation index (DFI). The findings are suggestive that these toxicants might cause a decline in semen quality, and these effects might be ROS, LPO, and mitochondrial dysfunction mediated.  相似文献   

Daily particle samples were collected in Chillán, Chile, at six urban locations from September 1, 2001, through September 30, 2003. Aerosol samples were collected using monitors equipped with a Sierra Andersen 246-b cyclone inlet on Teflon filters. Average concentrations of coarse particulate matter (PM10) for the 2001-2003 period ranged from 43.4 microg/m3 to 81.8 microg/m3 across the six sites. Annual PM10 concentration levels exceeded the European Union concentration limits. Mean PM10 levels during the cold season (April through September) were more than twice as high as those observed in the warm season (October through March). Average contributions to PM10 from organic matter, soil dust, nitrate (NO3-), elemental carbon, ammonium (NH4+), and sulfate (SO4(2-)) were 31%, 27%, 11%, 8%, 7%, and 5%, respectively. The chemical analyses indicated that carbonaceous substances were the most abundant components of PM10 in cold months, whereas crustal material was the most abundant component of PM10 during warm months. Higher concentration levels were observed in the downtown area suggesting a clear anthropogenic origin, whereas in the rural sites the source was mainly natural, such as resuspended soil dust associated with traffic on unpaved roads and agricultural activities.  相似文献   

Since we demonstrated the natural formation of chloroform in soil, the question arose to which extent this contributes to the chloroform present in the atmosphere. Concentration gradients in soil air and atmospheric air of different forests were measured. Chloroform concentration gradients indicating emission occur in forest soils and the atmosphere under the canopy, whereas this was not observed for other chlorinated solvents. Above the canopy all concentration gradients observed for chloroform and 1,1,1-trichloroethane indicate deposition. The emission flux was measured using enclosures and calculated from the observed concentration gradients in soil air and atmospheric air. Wood-degrading areas and soils with a humic layer were found to emit up to 1000 ng chloroform m−2 h−1 and seem to be larger chloroform sources than the other areas of study. Rather unexpectedly, some points of one sampling site appeared to emit 1,1,1-trichloroethane, tetrachloromethane and tetrachloroethene. A reasonable agreement was found between the fluxes using enclosures and those derived from the concentration gradients in soil air and atmospheric air.  相似文献   

It is generally believed that indoor air pollution, one way or another may cause indoor air complaints. However, any association between volatile organic compounds (VOCs) concentrations and increase of indoor climate complaints, like the sick-building syndrome symptoms, is not straightforward. The reported symptom rates of, in particular, eye and upper airway irritation cannot generally be explained by our present knowledge of common chemically non-reactive VOCs measured indoors. Recently, experimental evidence has shown those chemical reactions between ozone (either with or without nitrogen dioxide) and unsaturated organic compounds (e.g. from citrus and pine oils) produce strong eye and airway irritating species. These have not yet been well characterised by conventional sampling and analytical techniques. The chemical reactions can occur indoors, and there is indirect evidence that they are associated with eye and airway irritation. However, many other volatile and non-volatile organic compounds have not generally been measured which could equally well have potent biological effects and cause an increase of complaint rates, and posses a health/comfort risk. As a consequence, it is recommended to use a broader analytical window of organic compounds than the classic VOC window as defined by the World Health Organisation. It may include hitherto not yet sampled or identified intermediary species (e.g., radicals, hydroperoxides and ionic compounds like detergents) as well as species deposited onto particles. Additionally, sampling strategies including emission testing of building products should carefully be linked to the measurement of organic compounds that are expected, based on the best available toxicological knowledge, to have biological effects at indoor concentrations.  相似文献   


Ground-based ambient air monitoring was conducted to assess the contribution of crop residue burning of wheat (Triticum aestivum) and rice (Oriza sativa) at different locations in three districts (Kaithal, Kurukshetra, and Karnal) of the agricultural state of Haryana in India for two successive years (2016 and 2017). The Air Quality Index (AQI) and concentration of primary pollutants (SOx, NOx, and PM2.5) were determined in rice and wheat crop season, for burning and non-burning periods. During crop residue burning periods, concentrations of SOx, NOx, and PM2.5 were exceeded the NAAQS values by 78%, 71%, and 53%, respectively. A significant increase in SOx (4.5 times), NOx (3.8 times), and PM2.5 concentration (3.5 times) was observed in stubble burning periods as compared to pre-burning (p < 0.05). A positive and significant correlation among the three pollutant concentrations was observed (p < 0.01). The AQI of KA site in Karnal district fell in severely polluted category during 2016 for rice as well as wheat residue burning period, and of KK site in Kaithal during wheat residue burning in year 2017. Results of present study indicate a remarkable increase in pollutant concentration (SOx, NOx, and PM2.5) during the crop residue burning periods. To the best of our knowledge, the outcomes of present study in this region have not been reported in earlier reports. Hence, there is an urgent need to curb air pollution by adopting sustainable harvesting technologies and management of residues.


The levels of photochemical air pollutants: O3, NO and NO2, were monitored in Athens and in the neighbouring region of the Mesogia plain (Spata, Artemis and Markopoulo) from 1 May–31 August 2000. Phytodetection of ozone was also conducted using bioindicator plants of Bel-W3 and Zichnomirodata (KK6/5) tobacco varieties. The average maximum daily O3 concentration was 60–75 ppb, while the 24 hour average ranged from 40–65 ppb. The AOT40 (ppb hours) index was very high in Athens (16 679 over 121 days), Spata (16 325 over 110 days), Artemis (8093 over 22 days) and Markopoulo (18 646 over 113 days), suggesting potentially phytotoxic ozone levels. The ozone bioindicator plants of Bel-W3 and KK6/5 tobacco varieties were highly injured in all regions confirming the phytotoxicity of those ozone levels. The levels of NO and NO2 recorded at the three stations, in the Mesogia plain, were considerably lower than those occurring in Athens. The data presented here provide important background information concerning pollution levels in the Mesogia plain shortly before the operation of the new international airport 'Eleftherios Venizelos' in this region (March 2001).  相似文献   


A total of 47 passive air samples and 25 soil samples were collected to study the temporal trend, distribution, and air–soil exchange of polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) in Shanghai, China. Atmospheric PCNs ranged from 3.44 to 44.1 pg/m3 (average of 21.9 pg/m3) in summer and 13.6 to 153 pg/m3 (average of 40.0 pg/m3) in winter. In the soil samples, PCN concentrations were 54.7–1382 pg/g dry weight (average of 319 pg/g). Tri-CNs and tetra-CNs were two dominant homolog groups in air samples, while di-CNs were also found at comparable proportions to tri-CNs and tetra-CNs in soil samples. Most air and soil samples from the industrial and urban areas showed higher PCN concentrations than those from suburban areas. However, some soil samples in urban centers presented higher PCN concentrations than industrial areas. Analysis of PCN sources indicated that both industrial thermal process and historical usage of commercial PCN mixtures contributed to the PCN burden in most areas. The fugacity fraction results indicated a strong tendency of volatilization for lighter PCNs (tri- to hexa-CNs) in both seasons, and air–soil deposition for octa-CNs. Moreover, air–soil exchange fluxes indicate that soil was an important source of atmospheric PCNs in some areas. The results of this study provide information for use in the evaluation of the potential impact and human health risk of PCNs around the study areas.



Background and purpose  

In Pakistan, almost 70% of the population lives in rural areas. Ninety-four percent of households in rural areas and 58% in urban areas depend on biomass fuels (wood, dung, and agricultural waste). These solid fuels have poor combustion efficiency. Due to incomplete combustion of the biomass fuels, the resulting smoke contains a range of health-deteriorating substances that, at varying concentrations, can pose a serious threat to human health. Indoor air pollution accounts for 28,000 deaths a year and 40 million cases of acute respiratory illness. It places a significant economic burden on Pakistan with an annual cost of 1% of GDP. Despite the mounting evidence of an association between indoor air pollution and ill health, policy makers have paid little attention to it. This review analyzes the existing information on levels of indoor air pollution in Pakistan and suggests suitable intervention methods.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Excessive cobalt exposure has been shown to induce various adverse health effects in animal and human toxicity studies. However, the relationships...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) caused by household air pollution (HAP) have sparked widespread concern globally in the recent decade. Meanwhile,...  相似文献   

Prior to this study, indoor air constituent levels and ventilation rates of hospitality environments had not been measured simultaneously. This investigation measured indoor Environmental Tobacco Smoke-related (ETS-related) constituent levels in two restaurants, a billiard hall and a casino. The objective of this study was to characterize ETS-related constituent levels inside hospitality environments when the ventilation rates satisfy the requirements of the ASHRAE 62-1989 Ventilation Standard. The ventilation rate of each selected hospitality environment was measured and adjusted. The study advanced only if the requirements of the ASHRAE 62-1989 Ventilation Standard – the pertinent standard of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers – were satisfied. The supply rates of outdoor air and occupant density were measured intermittently to assure that the ventilation rate of each facility satisfied the standard under occupied conditions. Six ETS-related constituents were measured: respirable suspended particulate (RSP) matter, fluorescent particulate matter (FPM, an estimate of the ETS particle concentrations), ultraviolet particulate matter (UVPM, a second estimate of the ETS particle concentrations), solanesol, nicotine and 3-ethenylpyridine (3-EP). ETS-related constituent levels in smoking sections, non-smoking sections and outdoors were sampled daily for eight consecutive days at each hospitality environment. This study found that the difference between the concentrations of ETS-related constituents in indoor smoking and non-smoking sections was statistically significant. Differences between indoor non-smoking sections and outdoor ETS-related constituent levels were identified but were not statistically significant. Similarly, differences between weekday and weekend evenings were identified but were not statistically significant. The difference between indoor smoking sections and outdoors was statistically significant. Most importantly, ETS-related constituent concentrations measured indoors did not exceed existing occupational standards. It was concluded that if the measured ventilation rates of the sampled facilities satisfied the ASHRAE 62-1989 Ventilation Standard requirements, the corresponding ETS-related constituents were measured at concentrations below known harmful levels as specified by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygiene (ACGIH).  相似文献   


Meteorologically adjusted ozone (O3) concentrations during five recent O3 seasons (1998-2002) were computed for six Kentucky metro areas using a nonlinear regression model originally developed for forecasting ground-level O3 concentrations. The meteorological adjustment procedure was based on modifying actual measured O3 concentrations according to model-predicted responses to climate departures with respect to a reference year. For all six Kentucky metro areas, meteorologically adjusted O3 concentrations declined over the five-year period. The linear best-fit rate of decline in mean adjusted O3 concentrations ranged from 0.9 to 2.6 ppb/yr for these metro areas; the average rate of decline was 1.6 ppb/yr. The rates of decline in meteorologically adjusted extreme value (e.g., 95th percentile) concentrations were approximately the same, but there is greater statistical uncertainty concerning the extreme value trends.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Due to excessive application of essential oils and scented products in spa salons during aromatherapy and massage sessions, the elevated concentration...  相似文献   

A rapid analytical approach for determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) present in real samples of particulate matter (PM10 filters) was investigated, based on the use of water under sub critical conditions, and the subsequent determination by GC-MS (SIM). The method avoids the use of large volumes of organic solvents as dichloromethane, toluene or other unhealthy liquid organic mixtures which are normally used in time-consuming conventional sample preparation methods. By using leaching times <1 h, the method allows determination of PAHs in the range of ng/m3 (detection limits between 0.05 and 0.2 ng/m3 for 1458 m3 of sampled air) with a precision expressed as RSD between 5.6% and 11.2%. The main idea behind this approach is to raise the temperature and pressure of water inside a miniaturized laboratory-made extraction unit and to decrease its dielectric constant from 80 to nearly 20. This effect allows an increase in the solubility of low polarity hydrocarbons such as PAHs. In this way, an extraction step of a few minutes can be sufficient for a quantitative extraction of airborne particles collected in high volume PM10 samplers. Parameters such as: extraction flow, static or dynamic extraction times and water volume were optimized by using a standard reference material. Technical details are given and a comparison using real samples is made between the conventional Soxhlet extraction method and the proposed approach.The proposed approach can be used as a quantitative method to characterize low molecular PAHs and simultaneously as a screening method for high molecular weight PAHs, because the recoveries are not quantitative for molecular weights over 202. In the specific case of the Santiago metropolitan area, due to the frequent occurrence of particulate matter during high pollution episodes, this approach was applied as an efficient short-time screening method for urban PAHs. Application of this screening method is recommended especially during the winter, when periods of clear detriment of the atmospheric and meteorological conditions occur in the area.  相似文献   

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