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The disposal of hazardous waste is a very critical issue. It is associated with many risks. Efforts are made to minimise these by consistent legislation and by proper treatment of the waste. The goal of a hazardous waste disposal site, as described in this paper, is to ensure that hazardous waste is treated and disposed of in a way that does not harm human beings or the environment. To assure this it is necessary to observe the handling of the hazardous waste from its producer up to the disposal site, and to identify possible inherent risks.  相似文献   

危险废物分级管理方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
危险废物因具有毒性、易燃性、腐蚀性和反应性等多种危害特性,如果暴露于环境中将会对人类健康和生态环境造成很大威胁.深入分析了欧美等一些国家对危险废物进行分级管理的方法,针对中国目前危险废物的产生现状和管理现状,提出了综合考虑危险废物的产生量和活性大小等各个方面,借助风险评价对危险废物进行分级管理的方法和原则,以及相应的分级管理程序的建议,为完善中国的危险废物管理体系提供参考.  相似文献   

硝基氧化剂废水处理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用钠盐(Na2CO3和NaHCO3)作为和剂去除硝基氧化剂废水中HNO3;用尿素、Na2SO3去除NO2^-、NO3^-;加入适量的沉淀剂、络合剂、絮凝剂、助凝剂去除废水中的F^-和PO4^3-;并对处理pH值、各种药剂浓度及处理时间作了讨论,得出了最佳条件,处理后的出水达到国家污水排放标准。  相似文献   

污酸是有色金属生产中汞的主要输出副产物。污酸处理过程的汞污染控制直接影响有色金属冶炼行业汞向水体的排放情况。选择6家有色金属冶炼企业开展污酸处理过程的汞流向研究。研究发现,测试冶炼厂污酸汞浓度分布在0.3~90 μg·mL-1范围内。污酸渣的汞浓度为73~26 354 μg·g-1;锌厂1和铜厂1硫化渣的汞浓度分别为404 218 μg·g-1和10 972 μg·g-1。石膏渣的汞浓度普遍低于污酸渣和硫化渣的汞浓度。污酸处理过程,汞主要进入到各种处理渣中。测试冶炼厂污酸处理过程的脱汞效率为87.2%~99.9%。相对于石灰中和法和石灰铁盐法,中和硫化法和硫化-石灰铁盐法的脱汞效果相对稳定,且对低汞污酸有较高的脱汞效率。测试冶炼厂最终排放水的汞浓度分布在0.006~0.065 μg·mL-1的范围内,存在部分冶炼厂超标排放的情况。  相似文献   

When disposing nuclear waste in clay formations it is expected that the most radiotoxic elements like Pu, Np or Am move only a few centimetres to meters before they decay. Only a few radionuclides are able to reach the biosphere and contribute to their long-term exposure risks, mainly anionic species like I129, Cl36, Se79 and in some cases C14 and Tc99, whatever the scenario considered. The recent OECD/NEA cosponsored international MOFAP workshop focussed on transport and chemical behaviour of these less toxic radionuclides. New research themes have been addressed, such as how to make use of molecular level information for the understanding of the problem of migration at large distances. Diffusion studies need to face mineralogical heterogeneities over tens to hundreds of meters. Diffusion rates are very low since the clay rock pores are so small (few nm) that electrostatic repulsion limits the space available for anion diffusion (anion exclusion). The large volume of traversed rock will provide so many retention sites that despite weak retention, even certain of these “mobile” nuclides may show significant retardation. However, the question how to measure reliably very low retention parameters has been posed. An important issue is whether redox states or organic/inorganic speciation change from their initial state at the moment of release from the waste during long term contact with surfaces, hydrogen saturated environments, etc.  相似文献   

废旧家用电器回收利用及处理处置技术   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
随着大量家用电器进入报废期,废旧家用电器的资源化回收利用成为一个新的环境问题。介绍了国内外废旧家电的回收利用状况、处理方法和工艺流程,重点介绍了废印刷线路板的处理工艺和废塑料的再生利用,并针对我国的实际问题提出了相应的措施和办法。  相似文献   

医疗垃圾是一种具有急性生物危害性的危险废物。医疗垃圾高压蒸汽消毒法是一种以饱和蒸汽或过热蒸汽为工质的二次污染物少、简便有效、投资省、运行费用低的处理方法。本文以湖南省长沙市为例 ,选 13 2℃ ,2 0 0kPa的过热蒸汽为工质 ,设计了一种用于医疗垃圾集中处理的高压蒸汽消毒器 ,并对其运行过程作了详细分析  相似文献   

随着水泥窑协同处置生活垃圾、污泥和危废等技术的推广应用,相关环保控制要求也不断提高,处置过程烟道气中总有机碳(total organic carbon,TOC)含量高低,也逐渐成为人们关注和控制的目标。为了消除人们的疑虑,将未经发酵的筛下(厨余)物直接加入低温烘干粉磨的水泥生料磨系统中,经实验检测分析和工程现场测试实践证明,在控制一定添加量的情况下,该过程中各环节TOC含量非但不会增加,反而有所降低,其降幅高达40%。  相似文献   

北京市生活垃圾处理的环境影响评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前北京市生活垃圾产生量不断增加,处理设施能力日渐不足,生活垃圾管理正面临着减量化与资源化必然趋势。在未来5~10年内,堆肥处理、焚烧处理和综合处理等方式将取代卫生填埋成为北京市垃圾处理的主要方式。本研究采用生命周期评价的方法,对北京市4处垃圾处理设施采用的不同工艺(卫生填埋、好氧堆肥、焚烧处理和综合处理)的环境影响进行比较。评价结果表明4,种处理方式中填埋、堆肥、焚烧和综合处理的环境影响负荷分别为4.82×10-2、1.10×10-21、.31×10-1和2.31×10-2,焚烧处理的总环境影响潜值最大,填埋处理次之,综合处理再次,堆肥处理最小。4种处理方式的资源耗竭系数分别为-2.39×10-51、.11×10-5、-3.45×10-4和-1.04×10-6,焚烧处理的资源耗竭系数最小。  相似文献   

Various hazardous substances contained in waste TV sets might be released into environment via dust during recycling activities. Two brominated flame retardants (BFRs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), and tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA), and five kinds of heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Cd, Cr, and Ni) were detected in indoor dust collected from two workshops (TV dismantling workshop and subsequent recycling workshop). PBDEs concentrations in dust from waste wires recycling line (722,000 ng/g) were the highest among the studied sites, followed by those in manual dismantling–sorting line (117,000 ng/g), whereas TBBPA concentrations were the highest in manual dismantling–sorting line (557 ng/g) and printed circuit board (PCB) recycling line (428 ng/g). For heavy metals, Cu and Pb were the most enriched metals in all dust samples. The highest concentration of Pb (22,900 mg/kg) was found in TV dismantling workshop-floor dust. Meanwhile, Cu was the predominant metal in dust from the PCB recycling line, especially in dust collected from electrostatic separation area (42,700 mg/kg). Occupational exposure assessment results showed that workers were the most exposed to BDE-209 among the four PBDE congeners (BDE-47, BDE-99, BDE-153, and BDE-209) in both workshops. The hazard quotient (HQ) indicated that noncancerous effects were unlikely for both BFRs and heavy metals (HQ?<?1), and carcinogenic risks for Cd, Cr, and Ni (risk?<?10?6) on workers in two workshops were relatively low.  相似文献   

焚烧法处理城市生活垃圾已在世界先进发达国家广泛采用。垃圾焚烧飞灰含有大量的重金属,必须进行合理安全处置。在分析城市生活垃圾焚烧飞灰的物理化学性质基础上,研究了垃圾焚烧飞灰固化成型、熔融分离的无害化处理新工艺。实验结果表明:飞灰固化成球的适宜粘结剂为5%~7%消石灰,养护时间为10~12 d,固化球强度达0.24 kg/cm2以上,可以满足运输和熔化分离要求;固化后的飞灰在1 300℃左右熔融分离后,重金属的分离效果好,达到97%以上,可达到无害化处理标准;对1 300℃和1 400℃熔融分离后熔渣的重金属浸出毒性测试显示,重金属浸出毒性问题可以完全解除。研究结果表明,采用飞灰固化-熔融分离工艺处理城市生活垃圾焚烧飞灰是可行的。  相似文献   

Open dumping and landfilling are the prevalent solid waste disposal practices in Thailand. Surveys on the disposal sites revealed the presence of 95 landfills and 330 open dumps. Methane emission potential at these sites was estimated by three methods. Results of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) method, Landfill Gas Emission model (LandGEM), and closed flux chamber technique were compared. The methane emission potential of 366 Gg/yr using the IPCC method was higher than the estimations of the LandGEM and closed flux chamber method of 115 Gg/yr and 103 Gg/yr, respectively. An understanding of the methane emission potential initiated the analysis of upgrading the open dumps into landfills, adding landfills to meet the future needs and utilization of landfill gases. Upgrading the open dumps to landfills increased the methane emission rates and their utilization potential. Approximately 20 additional landfills may be required to meet future demands. Landfill gas (LFG) utilization appears to be feasible in the large-scale landfills.  相似文献   

近20年来,我国在推进医疗废物无害化管理和处理处置方面开展了大量的工作,成绩举世瞩目。但处于新的历史时期,如何更好地基于可行技术,探索与其相匹配的管理模式,解决医疗废物处理处置短板已成为迫在眉睫的工作。我国目前存在针对医疗废物处理处置技术适用性考虑不足、农村及偏远地区医疗废物处置能力缺乏、医疗废物应急处置能力存在短板以及医疗废物领域科技创新能力有待提升等问题。因此,结合各种医疗处置技术特点及适用性,提出基于技术的适用性推进医疗废物处理处置技术布局优化、通过管理和技术进步解决农村和边远地区医疗废物处置难题、合理配置疫情期间应急处置能力以及推进科技创新等建议,为打造新时期医疗废物处理处置技术体系提供参考。  相似文献   

Field and laboratory studies were conducted to estimate concentration of potential contaminants from landfill in the underlying groundwater, leachate, and surface water. Samples collected in the vicinity of the landfill were analyzed for physiochemical parameters, organic contaminants, and toxic heavy metals. Water quality results obtained were compared from published data and reports. The results indicate serious groundwater and surface water contamination in and around the waste disposal site. Analysis of the organic samples revealed that the site contains polychlorinated biphenyls and other organo-chlorine chemicals, principally chloro-benzenes. Although the amount of PCB concentration discovered was not extreme, their presence indicates a potentially serious environmental threat. Elevated concentrations of lead, copper, nickel, manganese, cadmium, and cobalt at the downgradient indicate that the contamination plume migrated further from the site, and the distribution of metals and metals containing wastes in the site is nonhomogeneous. These results clearly indicate that materials are poorly contained and are at risk of entering the environment. Therefore, full characterization of the dump contents and the integrity of the site are necessary to evaluate the scope of the problem and to identify suitable remediation options.  相似文献   

The time required to destroy 3 concentrations (10, 100, and 1000 ppm) of 9 formulated herbicides (alachlor, atrazine, bentazon, butylate, cyanazine, 2, 4-D, metolachlor, metribuzin, and trifluralin) and two formulated insecticides (carbofuran and malathion) by ultraviolet (UV)-ozonation (O3) was measured in a 66 UV lamp unit. The time required for 90% destruction was dependent on the concentration and increased as the concentration of pesticide increased. UV irradiation in the presence of ozone rapidly photooxidized all pesticides at 10 and 100 ppm and averaged 22 and 61 min, respectively. Longer times were required for pesticides at 1000 ppm.  相似文献   

李沐  姚强 《环境工程学报》2006,7(4):107-110
综述了热解技术在废旧印刷电路板(printed circuit board,PCB)处理及资源化中应用的研究状况.热解技术可以改善和提高PCB中金属物质的回收效果,减少污染.同时,以热解为基础的PCB中非金属物质回收技术也有着很好的发展前景.PCB热解动力学的研究表明其在1000℃以下的热解过程可划分为分别服从不同反应机理的2个阶段.PCB热解产物中的油、气产物可以回收作为化工原料或燃料.PCB热解过程中含溴阻燃剂的转化和迁移规律以及热解产物中含溴污染物的控制和脱除、热解技术与其他PCB资源化技术的合理有效整合是今后研究的重点.  相似文献   

热解技术在废旧印刷电路板处理及资源化中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了热解技术在废旧印刷电路板(printed circuit board,PCB)处理及资源化中应用的研究状况。热解技术可以改善和提高PCB中金属物质的回收效果,减少污染。同时,以热解为基础的PCB中非金属物质回收技术也有着很好的发展前景。PCB热解动力学的研究表明其在1000℃以下的热解过程可划分为分别服从不同反应机理的2个阶段。PCB热解产物中的油、气产物可以回收作为化工原料或燃料。PCB热解过程中含溴阻燃剂的转化和迁移规律以及热解产物中含溴污染物的控制和脱除、热解技术与其他PCB资源化技术的合理有效整合是今后研究的重点。  相似文献   

通过对砒霜生产化工厂原场址废渣及污染场地调查的基础上,进行了处置方案比选及技术经济比较,确定了就地安全填埋的处置方案。根据区域性危险废物集中安全填埋场的设计经验,本工程采用先进的HDPE双层防渗的安全填埋方式,并设置了雨水分流系统、渗滤液收集系统、封场处理和填埋气体导排系统,整个场区布置合理,对周围环境的影响小,投资少,取得了良好的社会效益和环境效益,并对危险废物处理处置工程设计中应注意的问题提出了建议。  相似文献   

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