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This paper evaluates the ranking of 21 priority air pollutants with three indicator schemes: environmental pressure indicator (EPI), environmental quality indicator (EQI), and human health effect indicator (HEI). The EPI and EQI compare the emissions and concentrations with the target emissions and target concentrations, respectively. The HEI comprehends the steps from cause (i.e. national emissions) to effect (i.e. human health effects), and is the total human health burden, expressed in Disability Adjusted Life Years per year of exposure (DALYs year?1). We estimated a health burden in the Netherlands of 41 × 103 DALYs year?1 caused by Dutch air emissions of PM10 and its precursors in the year 2003. The burden due to 17 carcinogenic substances emitted to air, was much lower (140 DALYs year?1). In contrast, when the same substances were evaluated regarding environmental pressure and environmental quality, carbon tetrachloride (pressure) and benzo[a]pyrene (quality) were of highest importance, whereas the importance of PM10 was substantially lower. This result is remarkable, because for the majority of substances evaluated, the target concentrations and target emissions are based on preventing human health damage. The differences in relevance are explained by the different weighting of interests in the indicators. The HEI is based on concentration–response relations, whereas the EPI and EQI also depend on other, policy-based, principles and on technical feasibility. Therefore, to effectively prioritize emission reduction measures in policy-making, substances should not only be evaluated as to whether emission targets and environmental quality targets are reached, but they should be evaluated regarding their human health impact as well. In this context, the HEI is a suitable indicator to evaluate the human health impact.  相似文献   

From 2004 to 2009, aiming to better understand implications for its smelters, Rio Tinto Alcan conducted a detailed study of PM2.5 and PM10 (particulate matter [PM] < or = 2.5 and 10 microm in aerodynamic diameter, respectively) in its facilities. This involved a two-level study: part 1, emission quantification; and part 2, assessment of aluminum smelter contribution to the surrounding environment. In the first part, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Other Test Method (OTM) OTM27 and OTM28 are assessed as relevant and efficient methods for measuring fine particle emissions from aluminum smelter stacks. Rio Tinto Alcan has also developed a safe and robust method called CYCLEX to measure PM2.5 and condensable particulate matter (CPM) at the roof vents of potrooms. This work aims to determine the PM2.5 emission coefficients of 17, 55, and 417 g x t(-1) of aluminum produced (including CPM) in anode baking furnace exhaust (fume treatment center), at potroom scrubber stacks (gas treatment centers), and at potroom roof vents, respectively. Results indicate that roof vents are the primary PM2.5 emitters (85% of all smelter emissions) and that 71% of all smelter PM2.5 comes from CPM. In the second part, preliminary inorganic speciation studies are conducted by scanning electron microscopy-energy-dispersive X-ray analysis and by isotopic ratios to track smelter emissions to their surrounding environment. This paper releases the first speciation results for an aluminum smelter, and the preliminary isotopic ratio study indicates a 3% impact in terms of PM2.5 emissions for a representative smelter in an urban area.  相似文献   

In an attempt to improve methodologies for assessing and predicting environmental impact, the relation between several measures of environmental impact potential and exergy is investigated. Exergy is a measure of the degree of disequilibrium between a substance and its environment. The approach taken compares current methods used to assess the environmental impact potential of waste emissions and the exergy associated with those emissions. The measures of environmental impact potential considered are the Ontario 7le of industrial air emission limits, and two methods of assessing the environmental costs for air emissions resulting from the combustion of three common fossil fuels: coal, oil and natural gas. A relationship was identified between one environmental costing methodology and exergy. Further work appears to be justified, using more data, to verify this relation, and to detect other relationships between the exergy of waste emissions and measures of environmental impact.  相似文献   

Since 2005, a dramatic decline of the Arctic sea-ice extent is observed which results in an increase of shipping activities. Even though this provides commercial and social development opportunities, the resulting environmental impacts need to be investigated and monitored. In order to understand the impact of shipping in arctic areas, the method described in this paper determines the travel time, fuel consumption and resulting exhaust emissions of ships navigating in arctic waters. The investigated case studies are considering ship particulars as well as environmental conditions with special focus on ice scenarios. Travel time, fuel consumption and exhaust gas emission were investigated for three different vessels, using different passages of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) in different seasons of years 1960, 2000 and 2040. The presented results show the sensitivity of vessel performance and amount of exhaust emissions to optimize arctic traffic with respect to efficiency, safety and environmental impact.  相似文献   

Impacts of biodiesel on pollutant emissions of a JP-8-fueled turbine engine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The impacts of biodiesel on gaseous and particulate matter (PM) emissions of a JP-8-fueled T63 engine were investigated. Jet fuel was blended with the soybean oil-derived methyl ester biofuel at various concentrations and combusted in the turbine engine. The engine was operated at three power settings, namely ground idle, cruise, and takeoff power, to study the impact of the biodiesel at significantly different pressure and temperature conditions. Particulate emissions were characterized by measuring the particle number density (PND; particulate concentration), the particle size distribution, and the total particulate mass. PM samples were collected for offline analysis to obtain information about the effect of the biodiesel on the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) content. In addition, temperature-programmed oxidation was performed on the collected soot samples to obtain information about the carbonaceous content (elemental or organic). Major and minor gaseous emissions were quantified using a total hydrocarbon analyzer, an oxygen analyzer, and a Fourier Transform IR analyzer. Test results showed the potential of biodiesel to reduce soot emissions in the jet-fueled turbine engine without negatively impacting the engine performance. These reductions, however, were observed only at the higher power settings with relatively high concentrations of biodiesel. Specifically, reductions of approximately 15% in the PND were observed at cruise and takeoff conditions with 20% biodiesel in the jet fuel. At the idle condition, slight increases in PND were observed; however, evidence shows this increase to be the result of condensed uncombusted biodiesel. Most of the gaseous emissions were unaffected under all of the conditions. The biodiesel was observed to have minimal effect on the formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during this study. In addition to the combustion results, discussion of the physical and chemical characteristics of the blended fuels obtained using standard American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) fuel specifications methods are presented.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In this paper, we analyze the existence of the environmental Kuznets curve as reported by Kuznets (Am Econ Rev 5:1–28, 1955) by using the...  相似文献   

Vegetation fire emissions and their impact on air pollution and climate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gaseous and particulate emissions from vegetation fires substantially modify the atmospheric chemical composition, degrade air quality and can alter weather and climate. The impact of vegetation fire emissions on air pollution and climate has been recognised in the late 1970s. The application of satellite data for fire-related studies in the beginning of the 21th century represented a major break through in our understanding of the global importance of fires. Today the location and extent of vegetation fires, burned area and emissions released from fires are determined from satellite products even though many uncertainties persist. Numerous dedicated experimental and modeling studies contributed to improve the current knowledge of the atmospheric impact of vegetation fires. The motivation of this paper is to give an overview of vegetation fire emissions, their environmental and climate impact, and what improvements can be expected in the near future.  相似文献   

常用城市污水再生处理工艺净化效果比较分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以城市污水回用为目的,对常规混凝-沉淀-过滤工艺、臭氧生物活性炭和直接超滤等深度处理技术处理城市污水处理厂二级出水的效果进行了试验研究,对各种工艺的去除效果进行了评价。  相似文献   

环境微生态研究中的分子生物学新技术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着分子生物学的发展,可用于环境微生态研究的新方法新手段不断出现.利用这些分子生物学技术,可直接对环境样品的总DNA进行分析,绕开菌株分离和培养瓶颈,可以最大限度地获得相关微生物的遗传信息,全面地分析环境中微生物的多样性.对目前广泛应用于环境微生态研究的分子生物学新技术,包括rDNA基因序列分析、变性梯度凝胶电泳、温度梯度凝胶电泳、单链构象多态性、限制性片段长度多态性、随机扩增多态性DNA、核酸杂交和DNA芯片等技术进行了综述.  相似文献   

Diesel engines: environmental impact and control.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The diesel engine is the most efficient prime mover commonly available today. Diesel engines move a large portion of the world's goods, power much of the world's equipment, and generate electricity more economically than any other device in their size range. But the diesel is one of the largest contributors to environmental pollution problems worldwide, and will remain so, with large increases expected in vehicle population and vehicle miles traveled (VMT) causing ever-increasing global emissions. Diesel emissions contribute to the development of cancer; cardiovascular and respiratory health effects; pollution of air, water, and soil; soiling; reductions in visibility; and global climate change. Where instituted, control programs have been effective in reducing diesel fleet emissions. Fuel changes, such as reduced sulfur and aromatics content, have resulted in immediate improvements across the entire diesel on- and off-road fleet, and promise more improvements with future control. In the United States, for example, 49-state (non-California) off-road diesel fuel sulfur content is 10 times higher than that of national on-road diesel fuel. Significantly reducing this sulfur content would reduce secondary particulate matter (PM) formation and allow the use of control technologies that have proven effective in the on-road arena. The use of essentially zero-sulfur fuels, such as natural gas, in heavy-duty applications is also expected to continue. Technology changes, such as engine modifications, exhaust gas recirculation, and catalytic aftertreatment, take longer to fully implement, due to slow fleet turnover. However, they eventually result in significant emission reductions and will be continued on an ever-widening basis in the United States and worldwide. New technologies, such as hybrids and fuel cells, show significant promise in reducing emissions from sources currently dominated by diesel use. Lastly, the turnover of trucks and especially off-road equipment is slow; pollution control agencies need to address existing emissions with in-use programs, such as exhaust trap retrofits and smoke inspections. Such a program is underway in California. These and other steps that can be continued and improved will allow the use of the diesel engine, with its superior fuel consumption, to continue to benefit society while greatly reducing its negative environmental and health impacts. The next ten years can and must become the "Decade of Clean Diesel."  相似文献   

规划环境影响评价隶属于战略环境影响评价的范畴,是国内外环境影响评价发展的一个新的阶段.其评价的方法和内容尚处于研究探索中,并未形成规范的方法系统.以某城市化工园区规划环境影响评价为例,对规划环境影响评价的环境影响界定方法进行初步探讨,提出规划环境影响评价应设置以环境影响识别和层次划分为具体内容的环境影响界定的观点.实例研究表明,在规划环境影响界定中,将规划的决策因子与识别出的主要环境议题联系起来,进行相关性分析和环境影响行为分析是十分有效的.  相似文献   


The paper selects the data of 30 regions in China from 2008 to 2020 as the basis to construct a theoretical analysis framework between fiscal decentralization, environmental regulation, and green economy efficiency (GEE). For empirical analysis, the study adopts super-slacks-based measure (SBM) method to measure GEE, and Tobit model is adopted to study the relationships between key constructs under investigation. The key findings of the study are as follows: (1) GEE level is at the upper middle level, and the green economic efficiency varies greatly among regions. The GEE value of the eastern region is the highest and lowest in the west, and the central region is in between. (2) From a national perspective, fiscal decentralization, environmental regulation, per capita gross domestic product (GDP), and urbanization all have a significant negative coefficient on the national GEE, inhibiting local GEE improvement. Foreign direct investment impact on GEE is not significant, but green credit has a significant positive coefficient. (3) From a regional perspective, the effects of fiscal decentralization on the green economic efficiency of western region were not significant, but the sign of coefficient found to be negative. However, in the other two regions, fiscal decentralization has a significant positive impact on GEE. Moreover, environmental regulation impact on GEE is positive in eastern region and negative in western part, and not significant in the central region; economic development can promote GEE in the central region and negative in west, but not significant in eastern region. Foreign direct investment (FDI) shows no significant impact in the eastern region but exists a significant negative impact in the other two regions. Finally, green credit has no significant impact in the central region but exists significant positive effect in the other two regions. This paper studies the green economic efficiency of undesired output, which is of great significance to my country’s future green development and the formulation of environmental regulation policies.


Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This paper discussed the possibility of replacing the internal combustion engine of the series plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) powered by...  相似文献   

The United Nations Framework Conventions on Climate Change (UNFCCC) asks their Parties to submit a National Inventory Report (NIR) for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on an annual basis. However, when many countries are quickly growing their economy, resulting in substantial GHG emissions, their inventory reporting systems either have not been established or been able to be linked to planning of mitigation measures at national administration levels. The present research was aimed to quantify the GHG emissions from an environmental sector in Taiwan and also to establish a linkage between the developed inventories and development of mitigation plans. The "environmental sector" consists of public service under jurisdiction of the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration: landfilling, composting, waste transportation, wastewater treatment, night soil treatment, and solid waste incineration. The preliminary results were compared with that of the United States, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, and Korea, considering the gaps in the scopes of the sectors. The GHG emissions from the Taiwanese environmental sector were mostly estimated by following the default methodology in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change guideline, except that of night soil treatment and waste transportation that were modified or newly developed. The GHG emissions from the environmental sectors in 2004 were 10,225 kilotons of CO2 equivalent (kt CO2 Eq.). Landfilling (48.86%), solid waste incineration (27%), and wastewater treatment (21.5%) were the major contributors. Methane was the most significant GHG (70.6%), followed by carbon dioxide (27.8%) and nitrous oxide (1.6%). In summary, the GHG emissions estimated for the environmental sector in Taiwan provided reasonable preliminary results that were consistent and comparable with the existing authorized data. On the basis of the inventory results and the comparisons with the other countries, recommendations of mitigation plans were made, including wastewater and solid waste recycling, methane recovery for energy, and waste reduction/sorting.  相似文献   

A field-based intercomparison study for ammonia measurements was conducted using seven analytical methods. It included sulphuric acid impinger, citric acid denuder, differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS), and continuous aqueous extraction followed by measurement of conductivity (Airrmonia). Measurements were done at the entrance and the exit of the Gubrist highway tunnel near Zurich, Switzerland. For DOAS, FTIR, PAS and Airrmonia, 24 hour means were calculated based on a time resolution of 10 minutes. At the tunnel exit, all 24 hour averages were within 13%, and the continuous data of the time-resolved methods agreed well. At the tunnel entrance, a slightly reduced method comparison included four methods, and daily mean values agreed within 23%. Ammonia emission factors, based on 4 weeks of continuous measurements with the Airrmonia, were 31 ± 4 mg km-1 for light-duty vehicles and 14 ± 7 mg km-1 for heavy-duty vehicles.  相似文献   

Staples CA  Gulledge W 《Chemosphere》2006,65(4):691-698
Ethylene oxide (EO) is mainly used as a chemical intermediate and as a fumigant and sterilizing agent. Through its manufacturing and intended uses, EO may be released into the environment. Therefore, an assessment of the environmental significance of those potential emissions was conducted. Data were collected describing pertinent physical properties, degradation and other loss mechanisms that control the fate of EO in the environment. Available aquatic and terrestrial ecotoxicity data were assembled and used as the basis of calculating critical toxicity values to characterize hazard. Environmental compartment concentrations of EO were calculated using Level III fugacity-based modeling. Six scenarios were developed to account for different climatic conditions in various portions of the US. Finally, potential regional-scale risks to aquatic and terrestrial wildlife were determined. In the conceptual model that was developed in this assessment, EO diffuses into air, partitions between environmental compartments, is transported out of the different compartments via advection, and undergoes abiotic and biological degradation within each compartment. All known emissions within the continental USA were assumed to enter a modeled region roughly the size of the State of Ohio. Organisms (receptors) were assumed to dwell in both terrestrial and aquatic compartments. Receptors were assumed to include small mammals, soil invertebrates, water column (pelagic) organisms, and sediment benthos. The goal of this assessment was to characterize any potential adverse risks to terrestrial and aquatic wildlife populations. Hazard Quotients (HQ) were calculated by dividing predicted concentrations of EO in air, water, sediment, and soil by their critical toxicity values. Maximum calculated HQ values in air were 1.52x10(-7), in water were 1.17x10(-5), in sediment were 2.25x10(-4), and in soil were 1.37x10(-5). The results of this assessment suggest that EO as currently manufactured and used does not pose adverse risks to aquatic or terrestrial wildlife. In all cases, the HQ values were much less than the maximum desired HQ value of 1.0 (4,400-6,600,000 times), indicating that the potential for diffuse emissions of EO to pose adverse environmental risks is quite low.  相似文献   

Energy consumption throughout the world contributes to pollution, environmental deterioration, and greenhouse gas emissions. Increases in energy consumption are usually driven by population growth and economic development that tends to increase energy use per capita. Thus, the projected increase in population in the near future, and the economic development that is likely in many countries, have serious implications for the environment. Since the early 1980s the relationship between energy use and environmental impact has received attention, and a number of activities have focused on this topic. In this paper, four important areas related to current and future patterns of environmental impact are introduced and discussed in detail: environmental impact, energy consumption, energy efficiency and conservation, and fuel substitution. We conclude that further political, economic and institutional changes from the standpoint of environmental impact appear to be necessary for future energy policies. To this end, energy efficiency improvements and renewable energy resources can play important roles in controlling and reducing environmental impact.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Improving the NOx conversion efficiency and particulate combustion efficiency under cold-start conditions (low-temperature conditions) is still the...  相似文献   

以驯化好的反硝化除磷污泥为研究对象,通过批式实验考察了NO2--N和NaCl浓度对反硝化除磷率及N2O释放的影响。当进水亚硝酸盐的浓度由15 mg·L-1升高至25和40 mg·L-1时,除磷率由68.81%±0.5%降至66.25%±1%和62.88%±0.8%,TN的去除率由90.6%±0.7%降至74.55%±1.5%和51.65%±2%,N2O释放量分别为4.82、13.83和17.06 mg。当NaCl质量分数为0%、0.5%、1%和2%时,TN的去除率由74.55%±1%降至68%±2%、64.2%±1%和54.3%±2.5%,除磷率由66.37%±1.5%降至61.29%±1%、50.47%±2%和36.7%±0.5%,N2O-N转化率为41.1%±2%、41.4%±2.5%、48.94%±0.6%和51.03%±2%。因此,NO2--N和NaCl质量分数的升高均会降低脱氮除磷效率,但增加了N2O释放量;兼顾脱氮除磷效率前提下,NO2--N为25 mg·L-1、NaCl质量分数为1%是N2O释放量增加的优化条件。  相似文献   

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