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In this paper, we describe the present state of empirical information about oil spills and oil monitoring activities in Russian harbours. We explain how we gathered, organised, and estimated the data needed to run the monitoring efforts optimisation model of Deissenberg et al. (2001). We present, analyse, and discuss the results of the optimisations carried out with this model on the basis of the empirical data. These results show, in particular, that the economic efficiency of the monitoring activities decreases rapidly as the corresponding budget increases. This suggests that, rather urgently, measures other than monitoring should be initiated to control sea harbour pollution.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Land oil spills in Nigeria have a long history of contaminating the soil, groundwater, vegetation, and streams with spill extension being the primary...  相似文献   

This paper proposes a system of dynamic models to describe the interactive behaviour of different agents (polluters, inspectors, and a principal pollution control agency) involved in the processes of marine oil pollution and of its prevention and purification, under some realistic assumptions. In particular, short- and long-term economic responses of polluters to monitoring efforts, as well as possible collusions between polluters and inspectors, are taken into account. A numerical example is considered using the results of Deissenberg et al., (2001a), which show the existence of optimal fines and inspector wage rates that minimise (along with other variables) a simple and visual 'social damage' criterion.  相似文献   

糎T] "7.16"大连新港石油管道爆炸事故中的热红外溢油监测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用有效的监测手段、降低溢油事故的风险是海洋环境保护和社会经济节约的关键问题。"7.16"事故中使用3.0~5.0μm红外热像仪作为机载监测的一种手段,对事故海域进行常规监测,识别海面油膜,利用热红外油膜厚度模式分析油膜的相对厚度,并且结合其他遥感数据,在GIS系统中绘制每日的事故海域溢油分布图,为清污指挥部门提供决策依据。  相似文献   

随着海洋运输业的高速发展,通航环境日趋复杂,船舶溢油事故风险不断加大,溢油事故对环境的破坏已经引起社会各界的高度关注。以青岛市附近海域为研究对象,采用层次分析法确定水文气象情况、清污情况、油污染情况和溢油地点情况评价指标各因子权重,并通过ArcGIS的Model Builder环境建立自动化数据处理流程对研究区域做出了模糊综合评估,得到了溢油区域的事故危害评估结果,为划定事故区域隔离带、规划清污船只航行路径以及降低海上溢油事故影响提供了指导性的依据。  相似文献   

A numerical model system was developed to quantify the probability of endangered bowhead and gray whales encountering spilled oil in Alaskan waters. Migration and diving-surfacing models for bowhead and gray whales, and an oil spill trajectory model comprise the system. The migration models were developed from conceptual considerations, then calibrated with and tested against observations. The distribution of whales is represented in space and time by discrete points, each of which may represent one or more whales. The movement of a whale point is governed by a random walk algorithm which stochastically follows a migratory pathway. Stochastic diving-surfacing models are used to stimulate surfacing behavior sequences for each species. The oil spill model accounts for oil transport and spreading in open water and in the presence of sea ice. Historical wind records and ice cover data sets provide the environmental conditions to generate stochastic oil spill scenarios. The oil spill, whale migration and diving-surfacing models are linked to provide quantitative estimates of whale-oil interactions. The model system was applied to the Alaskan Beaufort Sea to investigate the probability that bowhead whales would encounter oil spilled in this region.  相似文献   


The release of toxic organic compounds into the environment in an event of oil spillage is a global menace due to the potential impacts on the ecosystem. Several approaches have been employed for oil spills clean-up, with adsorption technique proven to be more promising for the total reclamation of a polluted site. Of the several adsorbents so far reported, adsorbent-based porous materials have gained attention for the reduction/total removal of different compounds in environmental remediation applications. The superior potential of mesoporous materials based on metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) against conventional adsorbents is due to their intriguing and enhanced properties. Therefore, this review presents recent development in MOF composites; methods of preparation; and their practical applications towards remediating oil spill, organic pollutants, and toxic gases in different environmental media, as well as potential materials in the possible deployment in reclaiming the polluted Niger Delta due to unabated oil spillage and gas flaring.


This study was performed to determine sublethal responses of two invertebrate species by using field deployments in areas affected by oil spills, which are acute in the Galician Coast (NNW, Spain) and chronic in the Bay of Algeciras (SSW, Spain). The organisms employed were the crab Carcinus maenas and the clam Ruditapes philippinarum, and during 28 days the animals were exposed to contaminated sediments in cages under field conditions. Different biomarkers of exposure were determined after a 28-day period exposure: ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD), phase I detoxification enzyme, glutathione-S-transferase (GST) phase II detoxification enzyme but also implicated in oxidative stress events, glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and glutathione reductase (GR), both antioxidant enzymes. In addition, histopathological effects in target tissues of the deployed organisms were evaluated. Biomarker measurements were linked with the concentration of chemicals in the sediments in order to elucidate the type, source and bioavailability of contaminants that produce adverse effects in the bioindicator species. Results obtained in this study have shown how the application of the selected battery of biomarkers under field bioassays allows for the identification of alternative sources of stress that are not observable in laboratory experiments.  相似文献   

Mexico has a very important oil industry, comprehending the exploration, production, transformation, storage and distribution of crude oil and its fractions. Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) is a state-owned monopoly in charge of these activities. Oil and oil-products transport is an extremely crucial operation for the cycle production-transformation-distribution. Pipeline system transport crude oil and sub-products along the country (including liquids, gases and mixtures). It has been reported that more than 30% of the oil ducts in Mexico have been operating for over 30 years, although their lifetime has been calculated in 25-30 years. This work is aimed at characterizing a zone around six oil-pipeline pumping stations located at northern Mexico. The specific places to evaluate soil contamination were (1) the distribution head of the Gomez Palacio (GOPA) pumping station; (2) the north side of the old ditch, the API oil separator and the wastewater zones of the Jimenez (JIM) pumping station; (3) the pumping stations of Ceballos (CE), Peronal (PER), Simon Bolivar (SIBO), and Mayran (MAY). The study comprehended sampling of the areas, delimitation of contamination in the vertical and horizontal extension, analysis of the sampled soils, regarding TPH and, in some cases, the 16 PAHs considered as a priority by USEPA, calculation of areas and volumes contaminated (according to the Mexican legislation, specifically NOM-EM-138-ECOL-2002) and, finally, a proposal for the best remediation techniques suitable for the encountered contamination levels and the localization of contaminants. In general, TPHs were found in all the pumping stations analyzed in this study. Regarding maximal TPHs concentrations at the stations, their order of contamination was as follows: SIBO>CE>PER>MAY>JIM>GOPA. PAHs were found only in a few points at concentrations above the detection limit. At the Jimenez, Gomez Palacio, Peronal, and Ceballos stations, only one point, with PAHs values over the detection limit was found, whereas two points were found at Mayran, and finally at the Simon Bolivar station there were four points with measurable amounts of PAHs. Given the areas and volumes that need to be treated (32835 m3), as well as the physical position of contaminants, it is considered that excavation of the contaminated soil is feasible and the cleaning process could be soil washing assisted with surfactants, though bioremediation should not been discharged as a possible remediation technique.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of a warmer climate, and seasonal trends, on the fate of oil spilled in the Arctic. Three well blowout scenarios, two shipping accidents and a pipeline rupture were considered. We used ensembles of numerical simulations, using the OSCAR oil spill model, with environmental data for the periods 2009–2012 and 2050–2053 (representing a warmer future) as inputs to the model. Future atmospheric forcing was based on the IPCC’s A1B scenario, with the ocean data generated by the hydrodynamic model SINMOD. We found differences in “typical” outcome of a spill in a warmer future compared to the present, mainly due to a longer season of open water. We have demonstrated that ice cover is extremely important for predicting the fate of an Arctic oil spill, and find that oil spills in a warming climate will in some cases result in greater areal coverage and shoreline exposure.  相似文献   

热解柚子皮吸油材料的制备及性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
热解处理柚子皮,制备吸油材料,当热解温度为400℃、热解时间为3 h时吸油倍率最高,达16.9 g/g,3 min内达到吸附饱和。对热解前后柚子皮的FTIR 和热重分析,热解损失的主要是纤维素和半纤维素。对热解前后柚子皮的比表面和电镜分析,热解之后的柚子皮呈三维网状结构,孔径增大明显,吸油倍率的提高主要是因为孔径的增大。  相似文献   

The basic measure of natural resource damages in USA environmental liability statutes is the cost of restoring the injured resources, plus compensation for the interim loss of resources from the time of injury until their full recovery. In contrast, until 1996, the international Convention Protocols addressing liability for accidental oil spills did not hold the responsible party liable for damages to natural resources, except to compensate for lost profits and earnings of commercial users of the resources. Recent developments, however, suggest that international and USA laws are converging. In the 1996 regulations implementing the natural resource liability provisions of the USA Oil Pollution Act (OPA), natural resource damages are quantified as the costs of a Restoration Plan designed to return resources to baseline and to compensate for interim losses. The 1992 international Convention Protocols, which entered into force in May 1996, include the costs of resource 'reinstatement' measures, though a clear definition of the scope of 'reinstatement', consistent with the restoration concepts in the OPA regulations, could provide an inclusive measure of damages for environmental harm. Furthermore, such a measure would not contravene the policy, previously articulated by the international organisation administering the compensation regime, that only losses quantifiable in financial terms may be claimed.  相似文献   

This study examined the efficiency of cotton grass fibers in removing diesel oil from the surface of water in conditions prevailing in the Baltic Sea. The effect of low temperature, salinity, and bacterial amendments were tested in laboratory-scale set-ups, whereas 600-L mesocosms filled with Baltic Sea water were used for testing the effects of diesel oil and rapid removal of the oil on microorganisms, phytoplankton, and mussels. Cotton grass proved to be an excellent sorbent for diesel oil from the water surface at a low temperature. Inoculation with diesel-enriched microorganisms enhanced degradation of oil significantly in laboratory-scale experiments. In mesocosm experiments, the addition of diesel oil (0.66 mg L(-1), 0.533 L m(-2)) to the basins resulted in higher microbial density than in all other basins, including inoculated ones, suggesting that the Baltic Sea contains indigenous hydrocarbon degraders. The removal of oil with cotton grass significantly improved the survival of mussels in the mesocosm tests: 100% mortality in diesel basins versus 0% mortality in basins with cotton grass, respectively. However, the surviving mussels suffered from histopathological changes such as inflammatory responses, degenerations, and cell death. The observed rescuing effect was observable even when the cotton grass-bound oil was left in the water. The results underline the importance of rapid action in limiting damage caused by oil spills.  相似文献   

Based on the basic characteristics of municipal solid waste (MSW) from regional small cities in China, some optimal management principles have been put forward: regional optimization, long-term optimization, and integrated treatment/disposal optimization. According to these principles, an optimal MSW management model for regional small cities is developed and provides a useful method to manage MSW from regional small cities. A case study application of the optimal model is described and shows that the optimal management scenarios in the controlling region can be gained, adequately validating and accounting for the advantages of the optimal model.  相似文献   

The quality of sediments collected from two areas of the Spanish coast affected by different sources of contaminants has been compared in this study. The areas studied are the coast of Galicia affected by the oil spill from the tanker Prestige (November 2002) and the Gulf of Cádiz which suffers continuous inputs of contaminants from industries located in the area and from oil spills. Contamination by several chemicals (metals, PCBs and PAHs) that bind to sediments was analyzed, and two toxicity tests (Microtox) and amphipod 10-day bioassay) were conducted. PAHs were identified as the compounds responsible for the toxic effects. Results show differences between an acute impact related to the sinking of the tanker Prestige and the chronic impact associated with continuous oil spills associated with the maritime and industrial activities in the Bay of Algeciras, this being the most polluted part of the two coastal areas studied in this work.  相似文献   

This paper provides a broad overview of pollution prevention and management in China and details the specific measures that have been adopted at a national level. The paper begins by exploring some of the key environmental issues faced by China, and the history of environmental management in China. Then the current environmental legislation and standards in China are detailed, and the strategic pollution prevention measures that have been adopted are described. Next, the paper examines the environmental economic instruments and ethos that China appears to have adopted, and concludes by drawing a comparison with the development of pollution prevention in the western world and proposes a broad research agenda.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This paper aims, on the one hand, to investigate the impact of innovation on economic diversification in 11 oil-abundant MENA countries (Algeria,...  相似文献   

We study the use of ensemble-based Kalman filtering of chemical observations for constraining forecast uncertainties and for selecting targeted observations. Using a coupled model of two-dimensional sea breeze dynamics and chemical tracer transport, we perform three numerical experiments. First, we investigate the chemical tracer forecast uncertainties associated with meteorological initial condition and forcing error. We find that the ensemble variance and error builds during the transition between land and sea breeze phases of the circulation. Second, we investigate the effects on the forecast variance and error of assimilating tracer concentration observations extracted from a truth simulation for a network of surface locations. We find that assimilation reduces the variance and error in both the observed variable (chemical tracer concentrations) and unobserved meteorological variables (vorticity and buoyancy). Finally, we investigate the potential value to the forecast of targeted observations. We calculate an observation impact factor that maximizes the total decrease in model uncertainty summed over all state variables. We find that locations of optimal targeted observations remain similar before and after assimilation of regular network observations.  相似文献   

基于最优组合预测模型的中国工业固体废物产生量预测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
随着经济的发展,工业固体废物的产生量迅速膨胀,已成为制约社会和经济持续健康发展的瓶颈。为了客观地反映中国工业固体废物的发展趋势,在神经网络和逐步回归2种单项预测方法的基础上,建立了最优组合预测模型。并以1991—2007年中国工业固体废物产生量为基础数据,通过实例对模型精度进行分析,预测值与实测值具有良好的一致性。由于非线性最优组合预测模型综合考虑了神经网络对历史数据拟合效果良好和逐步回归对预测对象影响因素考虑全面的优点,得到的结果误差较小,最符合实际情况。采用非线性最优组合预测模型预测未来几年中国工业固体废物的产生量,结果显示,2010年中国工业固体废物产生量将达到183133万t,2020年将达到228511万t,预测结果可以为中国工业固体废物管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

An ex vivo gill EROD assay was applied in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) as a biomarker for waterborne CYP1A-inducing compounds derived from oil production at sea. Exposure to nominal concentrations of 1 ppm or 10 ppm North Sea crude oil in a static water system for 24 h caused a concentration-dependent gill EROD induction. Further, exposure of cod for 14 days to environmentally relevant concentrations of produced water (PW, diluted 1:200 or 1:1000) from a platform in the North Sea using a flow-through system resulted in a concentration-dependent induction of gill EROD. Crude oil (0.2 ppm) from the same oil field also proved to induce EROD. Finally, gill EROD activity in cod caged for 6 weeks at 500-10 000 m from two platforms outside Norway was measured. The activities in these fish were very low and did not differ from those in fish caged at reference sites.  相似文献   

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