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《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》实施5年多以来,交通规划战略环境评价的开展有效推进了中国交通建设的可持续发展。目前,该领域在理论研究和实践应用方面都取得了一定的成绩,但也存在一些不足。在回顾国内外交通规划战略环境评价发展历程和特点的基础上,就中国交通规划战略环境评价在层次性、定性与定量评价的把握以及如何有效融入决策过程等方面的问题进行了初步探讨,并建议尽早开展利益相关方分析、推广"综合情景+定量模型"的技术方法、引入制度分析方法并开展广泛的公众参与等,为完善中国的交通规划战略环境评价提供参考。  相似文献   

关于完善中国战略环境影响评价制度的探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
虽然中国已经将规划环境影响评价纳入法律要求,并开始尝试更高层次的战略环境影响评价,但由于没有实施细则,战略环境影响评价制度并不完善.主要存在规则筛选程序不清晰、评价深度缺乏规范要求、审查主体的权威性不足、公众参与质量不高及评价对象的层次较低等问题.在分析上述问题的基础上,提出完善战略环境影响评价制度,提高其有效性的对策建议.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - To provide growing population with sufficient food, greenhouse vegetable production has expanded rapidly in recent years in China and sustainability...  相似文献   



The environmental issues caused by the municipal solid waste disposal are becoming a worldwide concern.


We studied the situations both domestically and abroad by the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) approach and also conducted comprehensive evaluations of garbage disposal in Changchun City.


On the basis of this study, we found that SEA is of great importance in the municipal solid waste disposal. Moreover, with the rapid socioeconomic development of Changchun City, municipal solid waste production increases on an annual basis, and thus, good waste management planning is of great significance.


Considering the situation of the economic development of Changchun City, garbage disposal was handled mainly in the major sanitary landfills with appropriate use of incineration technology. This plan is environmentally friendly at a relatively high degree and has met the requirements of minimum investment. It also takes into account the requirements of the development of incineration technology. Regarding environmental pollution in terms of groundwater pollution and atmospheric pollution, this plan is a feasible one by meeting various requirements with low environmental impact among the three plans discussed in this study.  相似文献   

战略环境影响评价与可持续发展探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
概述了战略环境影响评价的概念、发展由来,及可持续发展的内涵和指标体系,分析了两者之间的相互关系,强调了战略环境影响评价是达到可持续发展的中心环节,以及可持续发展对战略环境影响评价的指导作用。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - While intensive peach production has expanded rapidly in recent years, few studies have explored the environmental impacts associated with specific...  相似文献   

AERMOD在国内环境影响评价中的实例验证与应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
AERMOD是美国环保局推出的新一代空气质量模式系统,它由AERMET(气象数据预处理器)、AERMAP(地形数据预处理器)和AERMOD(大气扩散模型)3部分组成.结合宁波市北仑区域大气环境影响评价,对该模式系统进行模式验证,并应用于实际预测评价.验证结果表明,在采用适当的模型参数时,该系统预测值与实际监测值具有很好的一致性,SO2、NO2日均最高浓度预测准确率分别达到64.3%和85.7%.最后结合实际预测评价工作,提出AERMOD模式系统在国内环境影响评价工作中的优势及不足.  相似文献   

Contribution of fisheries and aquaculture to global food security is linked to increased fish consumption. Projections indicate that an additional 30–40 million tonnes of fish will be required by 2030. China leads global aquaculture production accounting for 60% in volume and 45% in value. Many changes in the Chinese aquaculture sector are occurring to strive towards attaining environmental integrity and prudent use of resources. We focus on changes introduced in freshwater aquaculture developments in China, the main source of food fish supplies. We bring forth evidence in support of the contention that Chinese freshwater aquaculture sector has introduced major paradigm changes such as prohibition of fertilisation in large water bodies, introduction of stringent standards on nutrients in effluent and encouragement of practices that strip nutrients among others, which will facilitate long-term sustainability of the sector.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In November 2016, the total metal concentrations in nine representative locations in lead (Pb)-zinc (Zn) mining areas, located in Guangdong Province,...  相似文献   

对当前规划环境影响评价存在问题的探讨   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
根据战略环境评价的基本内涵.针对当前中国规划环境影响评价实践中存在的诸多问题,重点选择替代方案不完善和评价结果不能有效执行这2个突出问题.并进行了产生原因的深层分析.随后结合规划环境影响评价基础理论及现实需要,提出替代方案优化论证和评价结果有效执行的基本思路,以期对规划环境影响评价制度的进一步完善提供建议.  相似文献   

论中国环境影响评价中公众参与的一般模式   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
公众参与在环境影响评价中的作用是不可替代的,并成为各国环评的基本内容.环评中公众参与的一般模式包括公众享有环境知情权和参与决策权、合适的公众参与的主体范围、明确的公众参与环评的程序和方法以及公众参与环评的保障机制.为更好地发挥环评的作用,应当从实体和程序两方面对法规加以完善.还应在信息公开、立法的完善和配套制度的建立等方面完善环评中的公众参与制度.  相似文献   

通过对环境影响评价从业人员的问卷调查分析,从战略环境评价(SEA)开展情况、开展过程、实施效果以及有效性4个方面,构建了包含开展领域、理论研究、介入时间、技术方法、替代方案、公众参与、审查小组、SEA对规划作用、SEA采纳情况和影响SEA有效性因素10个指标的评估体系,评估了中国SEA工作实际开展情况以及影响SEA有效性的关键因素.调查结果表明,中国SEA在理论研究和实践中积累了大量的经验,未来SEA的发展越来越依赖于SEA背景因素,如法制背景、决策过程和部门间的信息共享等因素.  相似文献   

Scientific interest in pollution from antibiotics in animal husbandry has increased during recent years. However, there have been few studies on the vertical exposure characteristics of typical veterinary antibiotics in different exposure matrices from different livestock farms. This study explores the distribution and migration of antibiotics from feed to manure, from manure to soil, and from soil to vegetables, by investigating the exposure level of typical antibiotics in feed, manure, soil, vegetables, water, fish, and pork in livestock farms. A screening environmental risk assessment was conducted to identify the hazardous potential of veterinary antibiotics from livestock farms in southeast China. The results show that adding antibiotics to drinking water as well as the excessive use of antibiotic feed additives may become the major source of antibiotics pollution in livestock farms. Physical and chemical properties significantly affect the distribution and migration of various antibiotics from manure to soil and from soil to plant. Simple migration models can predict the accumulation of antibiotics in soil and plants. The environmental risk assessment results show that more attention should be paid to the terrestrial eco-risk of sulfadiazine, sulfamethazine, sulfamethoxazole, tetracycline, oxytetracycline, chlorotetracycline, ciprofloxacin, and enrofloxacin, and to the aquatic eco-risk of chlorotetracycline, ciprofloxacin, and enrofloxacin. This is the first systematic analysis of the vertical pollution characteristics of typical veterinary antibiotics in livestock farms in southeast China. It also identifies the ecological and human health risk of veterinary antibiotics.  相似文献   



The presence of four phenolic endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs: nonylphenol [NP], NP monoethoxylate[NP1EO], bisphenol A [BPA], triclosan, [TCS]) and four nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs: ibuprofen[IBF], ketoprofen [KFN], naproxen [NPX], diclofenac [DCF]) in a Greek river receiving treated municipal wastewater was investigated in this study.


Samples were taken from four different points of the river and from the outlet of a sewage treatment plant (STP) during six sampling campaigns, and they were analyzed using gas chromatography?Cmass spectrometry.


According to the results, EDCs were detected in almost all samples, whereas NSAIDs were detected mainly in wastewater and in the part of the river that receives wastewater from the STP. Among the target compounds, the highest mean concentrations in the river were detected for NP (1,345?ng?L?1) and DCF (432?ng?L?1). Calculation of daily loads of the target compounds showed that STP seems to be the major source of NSAIDs to the river, whereas other sources contribute significantly to the occurrence of EDCs. The environmental risk due to the presence of target compounds in river water was estimated, calculating risk quotients for different aquatic organisms (algae, daphnids, and fish). Results denoted the possible threat for the aquatic environment due to the presence of NP and TCS in the river.  相似文献   

In 1995, Taiwan's Environmental Protection Administration (EPA/TW) instituted a policy of levying emission taxes on polluters in order to combat the rampant national issue of pollution. Since that time, pollution control strategies, tightening exhaust emission standards for industry, improvements in fuel quality, and new stricter vehicle emission standards, etc., have been implemented. This study evaluates the effectiveness of these measures and examines the improvement of Taiwan's air quality. In this paper, we conduct a detailed analysis of change in the concentrations of pollutants (SO2, NOx and particulate matter [PM]) between two three-year periods (from 1996 to1998 and from 2000 to 2002). The pollution levels were generally lower in the latter period. Concentrations at 14 EPA/TW stations in central Taiwan were simulated and source apportionment analyses in three of Central Taiwan's largest cities were conducted using a trajectory transfer-coefficient air quality model. Correlation coefficients (r) between simulations and observations for the monthly means of the concentrations of SO2, NOx, PM2.5 and PM10 during the study periods at the 14 stations are 0.56, 0.63, 0.70 and 0.31, respectively. The sulfur control policy greatly reduced SO2 concentration island-wide, a stringent emission standard put into place for gasoline vehicles reduced NOx concentration along highways, and an emissions tax placed on construction sites, as well as a regular program for road-dust sweeping, reduced primary particulate matter. Among all of the pollution abatement policies implemented, the most effective method for reducing PM2.5 concentrations in the three largest cities involved the reduction of fine ammonium sulfate aerosols from point sources (56–63% of net PM2.5 reduction). The next largest reduction was attributed to a diminishment in primary PM2.5 emanating from point sources (27–56% of net PM2.5 reduction). Secondary particulate matter, especially sulfate, was reduced from distances up to 150 km leeward of major pollution point sources such as Taichung Power Plant.  相似文献   

E. Merian 《Chemosphere》1978,7(4):307-313
This article is a summary from eleven important symposia. In these meetings, critical facts were discussed which are the necessary basis for the important legislation about toxic substances in Europe, in the U.S.A. and in Japan. This review article should also be of some help to the readers of “Chemosphere” for direct contacts with the experts mentioned. It is therefore an informative and coordinative survey, in which chemical and ecotoxicological details are largely omited.  相似文献   

Environmental conservation is a focus of German development policy and thus also a focus of cooperation with the People's Republic of China. Development that is environmentally sound and makes careful use of natural resources is not only important for the people of China, in terms of preserving the source of their livelihood and helping to improve their living conditions. It is also, given the scale involved, of global relevance. This paper provides comprehensive information on the background to the environment issue, possible solutions to the problems, and suggestions on the financing of environmental technology.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The use of sewage water as an irrigation source can be beneficial in agricultural practices, however, it may result in human health risks due to the...  相似文献   

Liberia is endowed with an impressive stock of mineral reserves and has traditionally relied on mining, namely iron ore, gold, and diamonds, as a major source of income. The recent growth in the mining sector has the potential to contribute significantly to employment, income generation, and infrastructure development. However, the development of these mineral resources has significant environmental impacts that often go unnoticed. This paper presents an overview of the Liberian mining sector from historical, current development, and economic perspectives. The efforts made by government to address issues of environmental management and sustainable development expressed in national and international frameworks, as well as some of the environmental challenges in the mining sector are analyzed. A case study was conducted on one of the iron ore mines (China Union Bong Mines Investment) to analyze the effects of the water quality on the local water environment. The results show that the analyzed water sample concentrations were all above the WHO and Liberia water standard Class I guidelines for drinking water. Finally the paper examines the application of water footprint from a life cycle perspective in the Liberian mining sector and suggests some policy options for water resources management.  相似文献   

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