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无锡市作为江苏重点发展的城市,随着社会和经济的快速发展,危险废物产生量和种类不断增多。文中针对无锡市2011年—2018年危险废物产生量、综合利用与处置情况,分析危险废物处置利用存在的问题,同时,就目前危险废物存在的问题,提出科学合理的建议。  相似文献   

The development of a special (hazardous) waste management system is well under way in Alberta, Canada, and completion of an integrated treatment and disposal facility near Swan Hills is expected in 1988. The facility will handle both inorganic and organic waste streams in a physical/chemical treatment plant and high temperature incinerator. Treated liquid residues will be disposed of in a deep well, and treated solid residues in a secure landfill. The chosen treatment technology and the established hydrogeological conditions of the site ensure the maintenance of environmental quality. An intensive site selection and public participation program provided that only locations which were environmentally and socially suitable for this development were considered. Through awareness of the problems of waste and the solutions for its management, and full citizen involvement in the site selection process, the siting and public participation programs accomplished the difficult task of selecting a location for North America’s first fully integrated special waste treatment and disposal facility.  相似文献   

通过对砒霜生产化工厂原场址废渣及污染场地调查的基础上,进行了处置方案比选及技术经济比较,确定了就地安全填埋的处置方案。根据区域性危险废物集中安全填埋场的设计经验,本工程采用先进的HDPE双层防渗的安全填埋方式,并设置了雨水分流系统、渗滤液收集系统、封场处理和填埋气体导排系统,整个场区布置合理,对周围环境的影响小,投资少,取得了良好的社会效益和环境效益,并对危险废物处理处置工程设计中应注意的问题提出了建议。  相似文献   

A number of policies adopted by the federal government and the states have been designed to promote waste reduction or influence the choice of waste disposal technologies employed by generators of hazardous waste. Graphic analysis of smoothed time series data for hazardous wastes manifested in New York State for the period between June 1982 and February 1987 suggests that some of these policies have had the intended effects.

Significant shifts in manifested waste volumes are evident that coincide with the following policy interventions: (1) increased state waste-end tax rates; (2) state and federal landfill bans; (3) federal restrictions on burning hazardous wastes and waste oils for energy recovery; and (4) changes in the federal regulatory definition of hazardous waste. Other changes in waste generation and management appear to be attributable to such factors as state and regional economic conditions and changes in instate treatment and disposal facility capacity. Analysis of the management of specific waste types supports evidence from the graphic analysis that waste generators changed from land disposal to “higher” waste handling technologies in response to several policy interventions.  相似文献   

In the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of1984, Congress declared the objective of the national waste policy to be "to promote the protection of health and the environment and to conserve valuable material and energy resources." Further, Congress stated that this would be done by minimizing the generation and land disposal of hazardous waste by encouraging process substitutions, materials recovery, proper recycling and reuse, and treatment.

This paper presents the approach used by 3M to find innovative ways to minimize the amount of hazardous waste which ultimately must be disposed by landfilling. The life cycle of waste is examined, looking at how it can be reduced or eliminated starting with the point of generation in the manufacturing operation, to its processing, treatment or ultimate disposal as a residual hazardous waste. Case histories are used as examples of how waste can be minimized in each stage of the life cycle, with emphasis on innovative alternatives that have arisen out of the 3Mprogram.  相似文献   

A number of policies adopted by the federal government and the state have been designed to promote waste reduction or influence the choice of waste disposal technologies employed by generators of hazardous waste. Graphic analysis of smoothed time series data for hazardous wastes manifested in New York State for the period between June 1982 and February 1987 suggests that some of these policies have had the intended effects. Significant shifts in manifested waste volumes are evident that coincide with the following policy interventions: (1) increased state waste-end tax rates; (2) state and federal landfill bans; (3) federal restrictions on burning hazardous wastes and waste oils for energy recovery; and (4) changes in the federal regulatory definition of hazardous waste. Other changes in waste generation and management appear to be attributable to such factors as state and regional economic conditions and changes in instate treatment and disposal facility capacity. Analysis of the management of specific waste types supports evidence from the graphic analysis that waste generators changed from land disposal to "higher" waste handling technologies in response to several policy interventions.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the Chemical Manufacturers Association's 1984 survey of the chemical industry's hazardous waste management practices. The survey data include a breakdown of how the industry's hazardous wastes are managed, detailing generation, treatment and disposal, and cover 725 plants in 81 companies. The 1984 survey is the third CM A hazardous waste survey, and the paper discusses resultant waste treatment trends from 1981- 1984, the period covered by previous surveys. A total of 278.5 million tons of hazardous waste was treated and disposed by survey respondents. Of this, 276.8 million tons was hazardous wastewater and 1.7 million tons was solid hazardous waste. The survey solid hazardous waste total was projected to the entire industry (Standard Industrial Code 2800) and is estimated at 6.9 million tons. The survey showed continued decreasing trends in hazardous waste generation in the chemical industry. It demonstrated changes in hazardous waste management practices, with decreased use of landfills and increased incineration of the solid wastes that are generated.  相似文献   

In response to a growing societal mandate, land disposal of hazardous wastes is gradually being replaced by treatment technologies. This shift to "alternative technologies" is the result of the impacts of past land disposal practices on other environmental media (groundwater, surface water, and air). A prime motivation for adopting alternatives to land disposal is to eliminate these cross-media impacts. Alternative technologies, however, can themselves have cross-media environmental impacts which must be recognized and addressed before such technologies are extensively applied. This paper discusses hazardous waste constituents, common disposal practices, alternative technologies currently being applied, possible cross-media environmental impacts of the alternative technologies, and proposed methods of mitigating these environmental impacts. Case studies from uncontrolled hazardous waste sites and industrial operations are used to illustrate the application of alternative technologies. Case studies include the application of waste treatment technologies as well as the adoption of waste minimization techniques.  相似文献   

Hazardous wastes and economic risk reduction: case study, Poland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A concise summary balance of industrial and hazardous waste is given, reflecting the situation in Poland. Nearly 130 million tonnes of waste were generated annually in the past in more than 1300 larger industrial plants. Approximately 1800 million tonnes of industrial waste is already stockpiled. The amount of hazardous waste generated per year was 0.3 and 1.0 million tonnes of the first and second class of toxicity, respectively. Seventeen existing on-site incinerators cannot treat the whole amount of solid and hazardous waste generated. Therefore, landfilling is still the most widely used method of waste disposal. Decontamination of the abandoned areas left by the Soviet Army, and reclamation of some hundreds of storage sites filled with outdated pesticides are now added to the national plan of waste management. Its implementation, including introduction of the best available and best managed technologies of hazardous waste treatment and disposal, will take at least 20 to 30 years.  相似文献   

A study has been carried out of a waste disposal site, located in the valley of a small creek, 3 km south of Canakkale city centre. The surface area of the site was around 101000 square metres, and the total amount of waste deposited at the site since 1990 was approximately 1001000 tons. The major risks of the dump are its closeness to the university campus area to the south, the airport to the north, and residential areas encroaching towards the dump site. The nuisance caused by odour is high. The waste pile emplaced at the head of the tributary stream has caused channelling of the leachate to the creek, which is eventually washed towards the agricultural fields. The field investigation included surface geological, hydrogeochemical and geochemical studies. Water samples were collected at 11 points. Three observation wells were dug in front of the open waste disposal site. Soil samples from these observation wells were collected at 30, 70 and 150 cm depths, and some heavy metals were analysed. The concentrations of lead, copper and zinc in soil at the depth of 150 cm decreased with distance from the waste disposal site. Hydrogeochemical data analysis gave similar results.  相似文献   

通过对连云港市经济技术开发区内医药企业危废产生及库存等情况进行调查,针对目前危废处理处置过程中存在问题,提出解决对策及建议。  相似文献   

沈阳市固体废物处置中心对工业危险废物采用了安全土地填埋技术 ,它的主要特点是安全、工艺简单、可操作性强。能够杜绝危险废物渗析液下渗污染地下水 ,同时又避免了危险废物污染环境卫生。本文主要以沈阳工业危险废物处置填埋场为例 ,介绍安全土地填埋的技术要求、设计要点等  相似文献   

Small mammals were trapped, tagged and recaptured in 0.45 ha plots at six hazardous industrial waste disposal sites to determine if populations, body mass and age structures were different from paired control site plots. Low numbers of six species of small mammals were captured on industrial waste sites or control sites. Only populations of hispid cotton rats at industrial waste sites and control sites were large enough for comparisons. Overall population numbers, age structure, and body mass of adult male and female cotton rats were similar at industrial waste sites and control sites. Populations of small mammals (particularly hispid cotton rats) may not suffice as indicators of environments with hazardous industrial waste contamination.  相似文献   

The U.S. Congress and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency believe that treatment and recovery techniques should be given maximum priority when considering methods for managing the nation's generated hazardous waste. A prohibition for the disposal of certain categories of hazardous wastes either directly onto or into the land without being treated to an accepted degree prior to such disposal practice has been promulgated.1 Wastes containing toxic metals and cyanide complexes have been selected as a group to be restricted. Due to the high generation rate associated with this category, a large capacity of waste treatment processing will be required. Existing and emerging treatment alternatives which are or have the potential to be employed for waste treatment of metal bearing wastes are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

Systematic management for industrial waste in Japan has been carried out based on the Waste Disposal and Public Cleansing Law which was enacted in 1970. The law and its ordinances designate 19 kinds of waste materials discharged from business activities as industrial waste and prescribe the generator's responsibility, requirements for treatment contractors, standards for consignment, specific personnel, etc. from the view of proper management. And they also, prescribe disposal standards, structure, and maintenance standards for treatment facilities, including final disposal sites, from the view of proper treatment and disposal. The Standard for Verification provides criteria to categorize as hazardous or nonhazardous industrial waste which is subjected to treatment and disposal in conformity with each standard. The fundamental policies to cope with industrial waste focus on reduction of generation, promotion of recycling, establishment of a comprehensive information management system and participation of the public which can contribute well to prevent environmental pollution caused by inappropriate management of industrial waste.  相似文献   

Persistent hazardous wastes are produced in the recovery, processing and upgrading of crude petroleum in Nigeria. However, recent developments in environmental pollution control are drawing increasing attention to the problems of hazardous wastes. The ever-increasing need to control these wastes from the petroleum industry often compels the chemical engineer to specify methods of treatment and disposal. Present methods for disposal are becoming increasingly undesirable for a number of reasons, and incineration is being considered as an alternative. This paper reviews the extent of hazardous waste generation from the Nigerian petroleum industry and its environmental implications. It also examines the current disposal methods and the incineration technology option. The major chemical engineering concepts of the incineration process and the principles guiding their operations are discussed. The potential for the use of incineration is examined, as well as information that would aid the choice of incineration system for new applications.  相似文献   

Custom and practice have exerted a powerful influence on waste management in the UK. A notable feature is the role of local government, which remains dominant despite expanding legislation and the increasing technical complexity of waste management. The private sector has long had a major role in the transporting and disposal of hazardous waste. The Environmental Protection Act of 1990 represented a major revision of UK environmental legislation. A significant advance in the handling of hazardous wastes was the imposition of a new principle of 'Duty of Care' on all concerned parties.  相似文献   

基于因特网的危险废物转移联单系统研究与开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
危险废物转移联单是跟踪危险废物转移和处理处置的基本方法 ,也是实施危险废物全过程管理的有效工具。然而 ,目前使用的纸质联单系统 ,运行过程繁杂、周期长、耗费人力和物力 ,与现代化管理不相适应。本文提出了符合中国国情的电子化转移联单解决方案 ,论述了系统的设计开发过程和运行情况。这一系统采用了因特网技术 ,能实现联单运行的电子化和自动化 ,简化运行过程 ,提高效率 ,为我国危险废物转移的电子化管理奠定了基础  相似文献   

The University of Houston is located just south of downtown Houston, TX. Many different chemical substances are used in scientific research and teaching activities throughout the campus. These activities generate a significant amount of waste materials that must be discarded as regulated hazardous waste per U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rules. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is the state regulatory agency that has enforcement authority for EPA hazardous waste rules in Texas. Currently, the University is classified as a large quantity generator and generates >1000 kg per month of hazardous waste. In addition, the University has experienced a major surge in research activities during the past several years, and overall the quantity of the hazardous waste generated has increased. The TCEQ requires large quantity generators to prepare a 5-yr Pollution Prevention (P2) Plan, which describes efforts to eliminate or minimize the amount of hazardous waste generated. This paper addresses the design and development of a low-cost P2 plan with minimal implementation obstacles and strong payoff potentials for the University. The projects identified can be implemented with existing University staff resources. This benefits the University by enhancing its environmental compliance efforts, and the disposal cost savings can be used for other purposes. Other educational institutions may benefit by undertaking a similar process.  相似文献   

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