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张松  刘敏  陈滢 《环境工程学报》2017,11(5):2646-2653
为了研究酸化冲击对厌氧发酵有机废水能源回收系统的影响,利用自制的厌氧内循环反应器(anaerobic internal circulation reactor,AICR),以模拟糖蜜废水为底物,逐步提高进水容积负荷以模拟高容积负荷下出现的酸化冲击。研究了反应器酸化前后运行参数,并利用高通量测序检测了酸化后系统微生物群落结构。结果表明:酸化会导致颗粒污泥解体,产气速率和COD去除率下降,产甲烷活性严重抑制,同时发酵类型也发生转变。反应器酸化以后,发酵类型从丁酸型发酵类型转变为混合酸发酵类型,在进水负荷不变的情况下,总产气速率下降约50%,从2 100 mmol·(L·d)-1下降至1 056 mmol·(L·d)-1。酸化后的系统中,非产氢发酵细菌为优势细菌(54.7%),而产氢细菌所占比例较少(37.3%),未检测到产甲烷细菌。  相似文献   

Source-contribution assessment of ambient NO2 concentration was performed at Pantnagar, India through simulation of two urban mathematical dispersive models namely Gaussian Finite Line Source Model (GFLSM) and Industrial Source Complex Model (ISCST-3) and model performances were evaluated. Principal approaches were development of comprehensive emission inventory, monitoring of traffic density and regional air quality and conclusively simulation of urban dispersive models. Initially, 18 industries were found responsible for emission of 39.11 kg/h of NO2 through 43 elevated stacks. Further, vehicular emission potential in terms of NO2 was computed as 7.1 kg/h. Air quality monitoring delineates an annual average NO2 concentration of 32.6 μg/m3. Finally, GFLSM and ISCST-3 were simulated in conjunction with developed emission inventories and existing meteorological conditions. Models simulation indicated that contribution of NO2 from industrial and vehicular source was in a range of 45-70% and 9-39%, respectively. Further, statistical analysis revealed satisfactory model performance with an aggregate accuracy of 61.9%.  相似文献   

通过研究不同原水对直接接触式膜蒸馏过程的影响,考察了聚四氟乙烯膜对无机盐、胶体和有机物的抗污染性能。研究表明,在35 g/L氯化钠溶液的4倍浓缩过程中,PTFE膜的相对通量降低至0.72;与碳酸钙饱和溶液的浓缩过程相比,由于溶解度的差异,硫酸钙饱和溶液浓缩过程中晶体析出量更多,通量衰减也更为严重;浓缩硅溶胶时,二氧化硅单体聚合并吸附于膜面从而引起膜通量的衰减,随着浓缩的进行,料液pH值不断上升,使得胶体体系愈加稳定,浓缩到2.6倍后相对通量没有随着浓缩倍数的增加出现明显下降,维持在0.73左右;腐殖酸在水中表现出的亲水性和电负性使其难以在具有较强疏水性的聚四氟乙烯膜表面上形成滤饼层,浓缩过程中相对通量始终保持在0.9以上。  相似文献   

近年来我国城镇污水处理厂的修建得到很大发展,但其在运行管理方面存在一些问题,为了促进污水处理厂的稳定运行与升级改造,需要建立一套综合绩效评价体系对其进行科学的评价与管理。在对城镇污水处理厂的调查研究基础上,提出将DPSIR原理融入到城镇污水处理厂综合绩效评价指标体系的构造中,形成了一个3层19个指标的综合绩效评价指标体系,通过层次分析法(AHP)和模糊综合评价法相结合,创建了城镇污水处理厂综合绩效的AHP-模糊综合评价模型,并选取成都市两座(A和B)城镇污水处理厂展开实例应用研究。结果表明:A污水处理厂综合绩效评价结果有26.3%隶属于"较好"等级,B污水处理厂综合绩效评价结果有28.1%隶属于"一般"等级。根据最大隶属度原则,A和B污水处理厂综合绩效评价等级分别属于"较好"和"一般"。  相似文献   

中央环境保护专项资金项目的绩效评估是提高专项资金利用效率,贯彻国家环境保护宏观政策,解决相关区域突出环境问题的关键.在遵循客观公正、全面系统性、定性与定量相结合、数据的可得性等原则的基础上,从经济、效果、效率3个角度考虑构建了中央环境保护专项资金项目组织管理、社会经济、环境等绩效评估分级指标体系,以期能够通过该体系有效地分析项目结果与预定环境目标之间的差距,评估项目对环境改善的效果,发现项目管理与执行过程中存在的不足,为建立规范化和制度化的中央环境保护专项资金项目评估制度提供技术支持,并为中央环境保护专项资金项目分配监督办法的改革提供依据.  相似文献   

A harmonized comparative performance evaluation of A Unified Regional Air-quality Modelling System (AURAMS) v1.3.1b and Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) v4.6 air-quality modelling systems was conducted on the same North American grid for July 2002 using the same emission inventories, emissions processor, and input meteorology.Comparison of AURAMS- and CMAQ-predicted O3 concentrations against hourly surface measurement data showed a lower normalized mean bias (NMB) of 20.7% for AURAMS versus 46.4% for CMAQ. However, AURAMS and CMAQ had more similar normalized mean errors (NMEs) of 46.9% and 54.2%, respectively. Both models did similarly well in predicting daily 1-h O3 maximums; however, AURAMS performed better in calculating daily minimums. CMAQ's poorer performance for O3 is partly due to its inability to correctly predict nighttime lows.Total PM2.5 hourly surface concentration was under-predicted by both AURAMS and CMAQ with NMBs of ?10.4% and ?65.2%, respectively. However, as with O3, both models had similar NMEs of 68.0% and 70.6%, respectively. In general, AURAMS performance was better than CMAQ for all major PM2.5 species except nitrate and elemental carbon. Both models significantly under-predicted total organic aerosols (TOAs), although the mean AURAMS concentration was over four times larger than CMAQ's. The under-prediction of TOA was partly due to the exclusion of forest-fire emissions. Sea-salt aerosol made up approximately 50.2% of the AURAMS total PM2.5 surface concentration versus only 6.2% in CMAQ when averaged over all grid cells. When averaged over land cells only, sea-salt still contributed 13.9% to the total PM2.5 mass in AURAMS versus 2.0% in CMAQ.  相似文献   

昆明市污水处理厂运行综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用技术性能、经济成本、环境影响(温室效应和富营养化效应)指标,对采用氧化沟、ICEAS、3AMBR和A2O 4种不同工艺的昆明市7座污水处理厂运行进行综合评价。各污水处理厂对BOD、SS和NH4+-N都具有较高的去除率,在91%以上;COD去除率在86%以上;TP去除率在86%~96%之间;TN去除率在59%~76%之间。污水处理厂的运行经济成本同工艺类型和进出水水质密切相关,经济成本主要来源于电耗;采用3AMBR工艺的污水处理厂经济成本远高于其他污水处理厂。温室气体主要来源于电耗和出水一氧化二氮释放,其中3AMBR工艺具有最大的温室气体释放量。出水污染物中对富营养化效应贡献最大的为硝酸盐,不同类型工艺出水造成的富营养化效应差别不大。结合污染物去除性能和综合成本进行分析,ICEAS工艺具有最好的综合性能,而3AMBR工艺综合性能相对较差。  相似文献   

填料是废气生物净化系统的核心组件,对净化性能有直接影响。以聚乙烯醇、海藻酸钠、腐熟植物纤维等为辅料,采用微包埋法制备出一种包埋恶臭假单胞菌复合填料,并将其装填于生物过滤塔中评价其对甲苯的净化性能。结果表明,制备的复合填料性能稳定、启动速度快、适宜微生物生长,对甲苯有较好的净化效果。生物过滤塔在空床停留时间47 s、进气负荷不高于42.00 g·(m3·h)-1的条件下,去除率可达90%以上。系统停运3 d和7 d,重新启动1 h后,去除率即可恢复至80%以上。动力学研究显示,与Michaelis-Menten模型相比,Haldane模型对使用该复合填料的生物净化过程拟合度较高。制备的复合填料理化性能好,对甲苯具有较高的净化效果,具有一定的应用前景。  相似文献   

A pilot plant anaerobic/anoxic/oxic (A2/O) system fed with domestic wastewater was operated to examine the effect of varying different types of carbon source (acetic acid, propionic acid, and glucose), added as a complement to the wastewater, on the (1) process performance and (2) microbial population. The operational condition that lead to a significant removal of total nitrogen (82%) was achieved with acetic acid. When the complementary carbon source was propionic acid, an improved removal efficiency of orthophosphate (97%) was observed. Because this finding was concurrent with higher polyphosphate-accumulating organism (PAO) population fractions detected using fluorescent in situ hybridization analysis (41.9 +/- 3.0%), it suggests that members of PAO populations that were able to reduce nitrate gained importance over PAO members that could not, thus improving the denitrifying phosphorus removal.  相似文献   

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