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Occupational exposure to inhalational anesthetics occurs routinely in operating rooms. It could induce serious health hazards and diseases. This exposure assessment is a crucial step in determining risks. In this study, a pen-shaped holder for solid-phase microextraction (SPME) sampler was successfully applied as a time-weighted average sampling tool for workshift exposure assessment of operation room staff to halothane. It proved to be very convenient for use in occupational environments such as operation rooms. Samples were analyzed by a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The validity of the SPME method was checked in real-world conditions with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 103 standard method for the determination of inhalational anesthetics. A good agreement between OSHA 103 and SPME methods was obtained and results demonstrated no statistically significant differences in anesthetic concentrations determined by the two analytical methods (p?≥?0.05). It is concluded that SPME in retracted mode could successfully be applied in occupational exposure assessment purposes.  相似文献   

A technical evaluation of an automated, programmable, grab-sampler manufactured by Pylon Electronic Development under the commercial name WL-1000C has been conducted. Six different methods are implemented in the instrument for analyzing radiation data. Any one method can be used on command and easily selected by means of a keyboard. Available radiation data that can be retrieved on command include radon (thoron) daughter concentrations and radon (thoron) Working Levels. Measurements were carried out under laboratory-controlled conditions in a large (26 m3) radon/thoron test facility, designed for calibration purposes, and at an underground uranium mine. Data obtained with the WL-1000C have been compared with conventional grab-sampling (e.g., Kusnetz, Thomas-Tsivoglou and Markov methods) and with other automated radiation instrumentation previously tested at our laboratories. Tests were done under constant radiation conditions and also under rapidly fluctuating conditions in order to determine the response of the instruments and methods in these two cases of practial interest. The Working Level used in these experiments was in the approximate range of 0.01 to 10 WL. Tests were conducted under a variety of environmental conditions. Good agreement with grab-sampling data was found for radon daughters. Some discrepancies with grab-sampling data were found for radon daughter/thoron daughter mixtures. Disagreement in the latter case is to be expected because of -energy overlap between RaA and ThC.  相似文献   

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) System, which embodies the ??prevention principle?? of the environmental law, is an important tool for environmental protection. This tool has a private importance for Turkey since it is a developing country, and it entered the Turkish law in 1983 with the Environmental Law. Besides, the EIA Regulation, which shows the application principles, became effective in 1993. Because Turkey is a candidate for European Union (EU), the EIA Regulation has been changed due to the EU compliance procedure, and its latest version became valid in 2008. This study aims to emphasize The EIA system in Turkey to supervise the efficiency of this procedure and point the success level. In the introduction part, general EIA concept, its importance, and some notations are mentioned. Following that, the legislation, which builds the EIA system, has been analyzed starting from the 1982 Turkish Constitution. Then, the legislation rules are explained due to the basic steps of the EIA procedure. In order to shed light upon the application, the EIA final decisions given until today, the results, and their distributions to the industries are assessed. In the final part of the study, a SWOT analysis is made to mention the weaknesses, strengths, opportunities, and threats of the EIA system in Turkey.  相似文献   

A simple device consisting of a Petri dish containing cellulose paper soaked with paraffin oil (hereinafter defined "artificial leaf", AL) was deployed in a typical urban site and partitioning of a set of PAHs between the atmosphere and AL was investigated. Gas-phase PAHs rapidly equilibrate with AL, thus rendering it a promising cost-effective tool for spatial and temporal trends studies of air quality.  相似文献   

This study measures the effect of emissions from an airport on the air quality of surrounding neighborhoods. The ambient concentrations of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and o-, m-, and p-xylene (BTEX) were measured using passive samplers at 15 households located close to the airport (indoor, outdoor, and personal), at the end of airport runways and an out-of-neighborhood location. Measurements occurred over a 48-h period during summer 2006 and winter 2006?C2007. The average concentrations were 0.84, 3.21, 0.30, 0.99, and 0.34 ??g/m3 at the airport runways and 0.84, 3.76, 0.39, 1.22, and 0.39 ??g/m3 in the neighborhood for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, m-, p-, and o-xylene. The average neighborhood concentrations were not significantly different to those measured at the airport runways and were higher than the out-of-neighborhood location (0.48, 1.09, 0.15, 0.78, and 0.43 ??g/m3, each BTEX). B/T ratios were used as a tracer for emission sources and the average B/T ratio at the airport and outdoors were 0.20 and 0.23 for the summer and 0.40 and 0.42 for the winter, suggesting that both areas are affected by the same emission source. Personal exposure was closely related to levels in the indoor environment where subjects spent most of their time. Indoor/outdoor (I/O) ratios for BTEX ranged from 1.13 to 2.60 and 1.41 to 3.02 for summer and winter. The seasonal differences in I/O ratios reflected residential ventilation patterns, resulting in increased indoor concentrations of volatile organic compounds during winter.  相似文献   

The Ria de Aveiro (Portugal) is a coast al lagoon adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean and it has an inner bay (Laranjo bay) that received a highly contaminated effluent discharged by a mercury cell chlor-alkali plant from the 1950s until 1994. The aim of this study is to review in a holistic way several research studies that have been carried out in the Ria de Aveiro, in order to evaluate the remobilization of the mercury accumulated within the system and the recovery of the lagoon. The spatial distribution of the total mercury in the surrounding terrestrial environment has also been considered. Results indicate that the main mercury contamination problems in the Ria de Aveiro are confined to the Laranjo bay. Mercury export to the coastal waters and its impact on the nearshore compartments (water column, sediment and biota) are low. No direct effects of the mercury from nearby industrial activities were detected in Aveiro's urban soils, although historical mercury contamination is still affecting soil quality in the immediate vicinity of the chlor-alkali plant, located in Estarreja. Moreover, macrophyte harvesting for human direct or indirect use and the consumption of mussels, crabs and the sea bass from the Laranjo bay may constitute a health risk. Further studies focusing on developing skills for the restoration of the ecosystem are presently underway.  相似文献   

Assessing the health risk from lead (Pb) in potable water requires accurate quantification of the Pb concentration. Under worst-case scenarios of highly contaminated water samples, representative of public health concerns, up to 71–98 % of the total Pb was not quantified if water samples were not mixed thoroughly after standard preservation (i.e., addition of 0.15 % (v/v) HNO3). Thorough mixing after standard preservation improved recovery in all samples, but 35–81 % of the total Pb was still un-quantified in some samples. Transfer of samples from one bottle to another also created high errors (40–100 % of the total Pb was un-quantified in transferred samples). Although the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s standard protocol avoids most of these errors, certain methods considered EPA-equivalent allow these errors for regulatory compliance sampling. Moreover, routine monitoring for assessment of human Pb exposure in the USA has no standardized protocols for water sample handling and pre-treatment. Overall, while there is no reason to believe that sample handling and pre-treatment dramatically skew regulatory compliance with the US Pb action level, slight variations from one approved protocol to another may cause Pb-in-water health risks to be significantly underestimated, especially for unusual situations of “worst case” individual exposure to highly contaminated water.  相似文献   

Studies of the Slovakian Danube have indicated profound changes in the structures of several invertebrate assemblages in the section of the river bypassed by the Gab?íkovo hydroelectric project in 1992 and in adjacent floodplain water bodies. The present study investigates the relationship between hydrological connectivity and species diversity in the old main channel and adjacent left-bank water bodies, using resident cladocerans as indicators of the ecological integrity of the river-floodplain system. The work aimed to quantify cladoceran habitat preferences using habitat values (HV) and indication weights (IW) calculated from data accumulated during long-term monitoring of planktonic communities of the Danube floodplain (1,840.5–1,804 rkm) and supplemented with data from the literature. Although not listed as an indicator group in the European Union Water Framework Directive, cladocerans are shown to be highly apposite in the ecological assessment of river-floodplain systems. Of 71 recorded cladoceran species, 19 taxa showed a preference for eupotamal habitats, 24 species preferred eupotamal B/parapotamal waters, and 28 cladocerans were found to prefer the plesiopotamal/paleopotamal habitat type. Identified habitat types follow a gradient of hydrological connectivity with the main river channel, ranging from the eupotamal to more or less isolated floodplain water bodies. A secondary aim was to use the calculated values to assess the ecological integrity of the river-floodplain system. The key element of this procedure is the calculation of the Floodplain Index (FI) (Chovanec et al. Large Rivers, 15(1–4), 169–185 2005) from the summation of the habitat values and indication weights of all species present at the sampling sites. Calculated index values indicate the extent of disruption to lateral connectivity in the floodplain area.  相似文献   

Methomyl, S-methyl (EZ)-N-(methylcarbamoyloxy)thioacetimidate, is a systemic insecticide chosen for the management of shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbonalis G. Codex Alimentarious Commission has proposed a maximum residue limit (MRL) of 0.2 mg kg???1 of methomyl, and there is a need to validate this value on eggplant. First + first-order model can explain the nonlinear dissipation pattern of methomyl conveniently in comparison to first-order kinetics. The preharvest intervals (PHI) of 27.3 and 35.3 days as obtained from first + first-order model for single and double doses would bring down the methomyl residue below MRL in actual practice. The respective half-lives were 6.6 and 7.8 days. On the other hand, first-order model suggests methomyl dissipated with a half-life value around 5 days and proposed PHIs of 6.57 and 8.57 days for single and double doses, which was far from reality. Hence, five different decontamination agents were chosen for the decontamination of methomyl from eggplant. Safety factors such as theoretical maximum daily intake and maximum permissible intake were used to evaluate risk assessment to human health. A 3-day waiting period for the both doses, following conventional agricultural practice and processing factor could not ensure sufficient margin of safety. Subjecting the data to a processing factor of 60% could not bring the residues below the proposed MRL by Codex. Methomyl is not found appropriate and effective for application in eggplant. Either the proposed MRL needs to be revised or good agricultural practice involving methomyl for plant protection in eggplant cultivation is questioned.  相似文献   

This study explored the potential use of hyperspectral data in the non-destructive assessment of chlorophyll, carbon, and nitrogen content of giant reed at the canopy level. We found that pseudoabsorption and derivatives of original hyperspectral data were able to describe the relationship between spectral data and measured biochemical characteristics. Based on correlogram analyses of ground-based hyperspectral data, we found that derivatives of pseudoabsorption were the best predictors of chlorophyll, carbon, and nitrogen content of giant reed canopies. Within the visible region, spectral data significantly correlated with chlorophyll content at both 461 nm and 693 nm wavelengths. Within the near-infrared region, carbon levels correlated with hyperspectral data at five causal wavelengths: 1038 nm, 1945 nm, 1132 nm, 1525 nm, and 1704 nm. The best spectral wavelength for estimating nitrogen content was 1542 nm. Such relationships between nutrient content and spectral data were best represented by exponential functions in most situations.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate the heavy metal contamination status of groundwater in Brahmaputra flood plain Barpeta District, Assam, India. The Brahmaputra River flows from the southern part of the district and its many tributaries flow from north to south. Cd, Fe, Mn, Pb, and Zn are estimated by using atomic absorption spectrometer, Perkin Elmer AA 200. The quantity of heavy metals in drinking water should be checked time to time; as heavy metal accumulation will cause numerous problems to living being. Forty groundwater samples were collected mainly from tube wells from the flood plain area. As there is very little information available about the heavy metal contamination status in the heavily populated study area, the present work will help to be acquainted with the suitability of groundwater for drinking applications as well as it will enhance the database. The concentration of iron exceeds the WHO recommended levels of 0.3 mg/L in about 80% of the samples, manganese values exceed 0.4 mg/L in about 22.5% of the samples, and lead values also exceed limit in 22.5% of the samples. Cd is reported in only four sampling locations and three of them exceed the WHO permissible limit (0.003 mg/L). Zinc concentrations were found to be within the prescribed WHO limits. Therefore, pressing awareness is needed for the betterment of water quality; for the sake of safe drinking water. Statistical analysis of the data was carried out using Special Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 16).  相似文献   

A comprehensive clean-up method for quantitative analysis of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzo-furans (PCDD/Fs) in one single extract of environmental samples was developed. Since the chemical nature and toxicity of planar PCBs are similar to those of PCDD/Fs, dioxin-like PCBs and PCDD/Fs are often surveyed together in their exposure assessments. The development of a method for the simultaneous analysis of PCBs and PCDD/Fs in environmental samples is invaluable. The automated clean-up system evaluated in this work consists of three additional steps after traditional extraction: the chromatography on gel permeation (GPC), the concentration of the solvent through the use of an in-line evaporation module and the further purification and separation of PCDDs/Fs and dl-PCBs on an alumina cartridge in the 'SPE module'. In this work, three fly ash samples from an interlaboratory study with different PCDD/F and PCB levels were Soxhlet-extracted and then cleaned up using an automated system. PCDD/Fs and PCBs were determined using isotope dilution and high resolution gas chromatography/high resolution mass spectrometry. The determined values of 17 PCDD/Fs were consistent with the certified values and the relative standard deviations (RSDs) of the determined values were less than 20%. The recoveries of (13)C labeled PCDD/Fs and planar PCBs, and their RSDs were within the ranges specified in EPA1613 and 1668a methods, respectively. An accurate and reliable method was successfully developed and can be used in the simultaneous analysis of PCDD/Fs and planar PCBs in environmental samples.  相似文献   

Airborne particulates (PM10) from four different areas within Agra city (a semi-arid region) were collected using respirable dust samplers during the winter season (Nov. 2005–Feb 2006) and were then extracted with methylene chloride using an automated Soxhlet Extraction System (Soxtherm®). The extracts were analyzed for 17 target polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and the heterocycle carbazole. The average concentration of total PAH (TPAH) ranged from 8.04 to 97.93 ng m???3. The industrial site had the highest TPAH concentration followed by the residential, roadside, and agricultural sites. Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, benzo(g,h,i)perylene, and benzo(b)fluoranthene were the predominant compounds found in the samples collected from all of the sites. The average B(a)P-equivalent exposure, calculated by using toxic equivalent factors derived from literature and the USEPA, was approximately 7.6 ng m???3. Source identification using factor analysis identified prominent three, four, four, and four probable factors at industrial, residential, roadside, and agricultural sites, respectively.  相似文献   

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment - An accidental or intentional contamination event can raise health and sociopolitical concerns, erode public trust, and affect the operation of water...  相似文献   

The Fusaro Lagoon is a shallow lagoon, located in SW Italy, largely influenced in the last decades by several anthropic impacts. The study examined the pollution status of the lagoon, during year 2011–2012 at nine sampling stations with the aim to find out proper measurements of water lagoon restoration. Concentrations of heavy metals (HMs) (aluminium [Al], barium [Ba], cadmium [Cd], copper [Cu], iron [Fe], manganese [Mn], vanadium [V] and zinc [Zn]) were examined in water, sediments and specimens of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis sp. A. Low levels of dissolved oxygen concentration were detected at many stations, with mean values of 5.2–6.4 mg L?1. The redox potential of surface waters was also low, ?2.7 to 50.7 mV. Sediments possessed high organic matter content, 17.7–29.4 %. In sediments, the mean Zn level, 251.4 mg kg?1, was about sixfold higher than that recorded in year 2000 (38.5 mg kg?1) and considerably higher than that recorded in 2007 (191 mg kg?1). The mean levels of Cd were outstandingly high, with a mean value of 70.5 mg kg?1, about 30- and 50-fold higher than those determined in 2000 and 2007, respectively. Cadmium (Cd), Cu and nickel (Ni) appeared in excess with respect to most current guidelines, reaching significant pollution levels. C. intestinalis sp. A was detected only at few stations, with metals accumulated preferentially in the body in respect to the tunic, from 1.2 times for Zn (178 mg kg?1) to 4.0 times for V (304 mg kg?1). Data suggests the necessity of an immediate action of eco-compatible interventions for environmental restoration.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies typically use monitored air pollution data from a single station or as averaged data from several stations to estimate population exposure. In industrialized urban areas, this approach may present critical issues due to the spatial complexities of air pollutants which are emitted by different sources. This study focused on the city of Taranto, which is one of the most highly industrialized cities in southern Italy. Epidemiological studies have revealed several critical situations in this area, in terms of mortality excess and short-term health effects of air pollution. The aims of this paper are to study the variability of air pollutants in the city of Taranto and to interpret the results in relation to the applicability of the data in assessing population exposure. Meteorological and pollution data (SO2, NO2, PM10), measured simultaneously and continuously during the period 2006–2010 in five air quality stations, were analyzed. Relative and absolute spatial concentration variations were investigated by means of statistical indexes. Results show significant differences among stations. The highest correlation between stations was observed for PM10 concentrations, while critical values were found for NO2. The worst values were observed for the SO2 series. The high values of 90th percentile of differences between pairs of monitoring sites for the three pollutants index suggest that mean concentrations differ by large amounts from site to site. The overall analysis supports the hypothesis that various parts of the city are differently affected by the different emission sources, depending on meteorological conditions. In particular, analysis revealed that the influence of the industrial site may be primarily identified with the series of SO2 data which exhibit higher mean concentration values and positive correlations with wind intensity when the monitoring station is downwind from the industrial site. Results suggest evaluating the population exposure to air pollutants in industrialized cities by taking into account the possible zones of influence of different emission sources. More research is needed to identify an indicator, which ought to be a synthesis of several pollutants, and take into account the meteorological variables.  相似文献   

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