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The present study describes an operational method, based on the Katerji et al. (Eur J Agron 33:218-230, 2010) model, for determining the daily evapotranspiration (ET) for soybean inside open top chambers (OTCs). It includes two functions, calculated day par day, making it possible to separately take into account the effects of concentrations of air ozone and plant water stress. This last function was calibrated in function of the daily values of actual water reserve in the soil. The input variables of the method are (a) the diurnal values of global radiation and temperature, usually measured routinely in a standard weather station; (b) the daily values of the AOT40 index accumulated (accumulated ozone over a threshold of 40 ppb during daylight hours, when global radiation exceeds 50 Wm(-2)) determined inside the OTC; and (c) the actual water reserve in the soil, at the beginning of the trial. The ensemble of these input variables can be automatable; thus, the proposed method could be applied in routine. The ability of the method to take into account contrasting conditions of ozone air concentration and water stress was evaluated over three successive years, for 513 days, in ten crop growth cycles, excluding the days employed to calibrate the method. Tests were carried out in several chambers for each year and take into account the intra- and inter-year variability of ET measured inside the OTCs. On the daily scale, the slope of the linear regression between the ET measured by the soil water balance and that calculated by the proposed method, under different water conditions, are 0.98 and 1.05 for the filtered and unfiltered (or enriched) OTCs with root mean square error (RMSE) equal to 0.77 and 1.07 mm, respectively. On the seasonal scale, the mean difference between measured and calculated ET is equal to +5% and +11% for the filtered and unfiltered OTCs, respectively. The ability of the proposed method to estimate the daily and seasonal ET inside the OTCs is therefore satisfactory following inter- and intra-annual tests. Finally, suggestions about the applications of the proposed method for other species, different from soybean, were also discussed.  相似文献   

The contributions of long range transported aerosol in East Asia to carbonaceous aerosol and particulate matter (PM) concentrations in Seoul, Korea were estimated with potential source contribution function (PSCF) calculations. Carbonaceous aerosol (organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC)), PM(2.5), and PM(10) concentrations were measured from April 2007 to March 2008 in Seoul, Korea. The PSCF and concentration weighted trajectory (CWT) receptor models were used to identify the spatial source distributions of OC, EC, PM(2.5), and coarse particles. Heavily industrialized areas in Northeast China such as Harbin and Changchun and East China including the Pearl River Delta region, the Yangtze River Delta region, and the Beijing-Tianjin region were identified as high OC, EC and PM(2.5) source areas. The conditional PSCF analysis was introduced so as to distinguish the influence of aerosol transported from heavily polluted source areas on a receptor site from that transported from relatively clean areas. The source contributions estimated using the conditional PSCF analysis account for not only the aerosol concentrations of long range transported aerosols but also the number of transport days effective on the measurement site. Based on the proposed algorithm, the condition of airmass pathways was classified into two types: one condition where airmass passed over the source region (PS) and another condition where airmass did not pass over the source region (NPS). For most of the seasons during the measurement period, 249.5-366.2% higher OC, EC, PM(2.5), and coarse particle concentrations were observed at the measurement site under PS conditions than under NPS conditions. Seasonal variations in the concentrations of OC, EC, PM(2.5), and coarse particles under PS, NPS, and background aerosol conditions were quantified. The contributions of long range transported aerosols on the OC, EC, PM(2.5), and coarse particle concentrations during several Asian dust events were also estimated. We also investigated the performance of the PSCF results obtained from combining highly time resolved measurement data and backward trajectory calculations via comparison with those from data in low resolutions. Reduced tailing effects and the larger coverage over the area of interest were observed in the PSCF results obtained from using the highly time resolved data and trajectories.  相似文献   

A procedure using pre-column trimethylsilyl derivatization and gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry (GC/MS) was developed and applied in determining trace estrogens in complex matrix. Main conditions were optimized, including pH value, salinity of water sample, elution reagents, clean procedure, derivative solvent and temperature. The optimized method was used to determine steroid estrogens in surface water and effluents of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Low detection limits of 0.01, 0.03, 0.03, 0.07, 0.09 and 0.13 ng/l for DES, E1, E2, EE2, E3 and E(V), respectively were obtained under optimism condition. No apparent interferences appeared in chromatography in comparison with ultrapure water blank. Mean recovery ranged from 72.6% to 111.0% with relative standard deviation of 1.1-4.6% for spiked surface water, and from 66.6% to 121.1% with relative standard deviation of 1.5-4.7% for spiked effluent of WWTP. The results suggested that the optimized method provides a robust solution for the determination of trace steroid estrogens in complex matrix.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine if high concentrations of any heavy metals exist in the sediment of Seyhan Dam reservoir to be considered toxic to the aquatic environment. Surface sediment samples from five stations in the Seyhan dam were collected quarterly from 2004 to 2005 and examined for metal content (Cr, Zn Cu, Mn, Cd, Fe, Ca, K, and Na), organic matter, and grain size. Correlation analyses showed that metal content of Seyhan dam sediment was affected by organic matter and grain size. The results have been compared with values given in the literature. The evaluation of the metal pollution status of the dam was carried out by using the enrichment factor and the geoaccumulation index. A comparison with sediment quality guideline values has also been made. Based on the enrichment factor, dam sediments were treated as a moderately severe enrichment with Cd and minor enrichment with Cr and Mn. The results of geoaccumulation index reveal that sediments of Seyhan Dam were strongly polluted in stations 1, 2, 4, and 5, and were moderately polluted in station 3 with Cd. Moreover, Cd and Cr concentrations in the sediments were above TECs except ERL for Cd.  相似文献   

Six Indian cultivars of Vigna radiata L. (HUM-1, HUM-2, HUM-6, HUM-23, HUM-24 and HUM-26) were exposed with ambient and elevated (ambient + 10 ppb ozone (O3) for 6 h?day?1) level of O3 in open top chambers. Ozone sensitivity was assessed by recording the magnitude of foliar visible injury and changes in various physiological parameters. All the six cultivars showed visible foliar symptoms due to O3, ranging 7.4 to 55.7 % injured leaf area. O3 significantly depressed total chlorophyll, photosynthetic rate (Ps), quantum yield (F v/F m) and total biomass although the extent of variation was cultivar specific. Cultivar HUM-1 showed maximum reduction in Ps and stomatal conductance. The fluorescence parameters also indicated maximum damage to PSII reaction centres of HUM-1. Injury percentage, chlorophyll loss, Ps, F v/F m and total biomass reduced least in HUM-23 depicting highest O3 resistance (R%).  相似文献   

We propose and evaluate a mode-of-action based test battery of low-complexity and in-vitro bioassays that can be used as a routine monitoring tool for sewage treatment efficiency and water quality assessment. The test battery comprises five bioassays covering five different modes of toxic action. The bioluminescence inhibition test with Vibrio fischeri and a growth rate inhibition test with the green algae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata are measures of non-specific integrative effects. A second endpoint in the algae test, the specific inhibition of the efficiency of photosynthesis, gives an account of the presence of herbicides. An enzymatic assay covers an important aspect of insecticidal activity, the inhibition of the acetylcholine esterase activity. Estrogenic effects are assessed with the yeast estrogen screen (YES) and genotoxicity with the umuC test. Three field studies, each lasting six to seven consecutive days, were undertaken at a sewage treatment plant (STP) in Switzerland. Samples were collected in summer and late autumn, under dry and rainy conditions. None of the bioassays gave positive results with raw water in whole effluent toxicity testing. Therefore, water samples from various sites during wastewater treatment and from surface water were enriched with solid-phase extraction. The focus was on non-volatile compounds of average to moderate hydrophobicity, a range that includes most pesticides, biocides and pharmaceuticals. Various polar solid phases were evaluated for their extraction efficiency, disturbance by matrix components and overall performance. We finally selected a mixture of a polymeric sorbent and a C18-sorbent, Lichrolut EN and RP-18 or, alternatively, Empore SDB-RPS disks. All bioassays gave clear and robust responses with the SPE extracts. With the bioassay data the treatment efficiency of the STP can be assessed with respect to different modes of toxic action and accordingly different groups of micropollutants. Furthermore, the data allowed for a comparison between the effluent and the receiving river. In all bioassays the primary effluent had a strong effect and this effect was reduced after passing the STP. Treatment efficiency was high (typically over 90%) but varied from bioassay to bioassay, which is expected because each bioassay detects different types of micropollutants and therefore we cannot expect a common answer.  相似文献   

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