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银胶菊Parthenium hysterophorus L.是一种危害性很强的外来入侵杂草,在我国南方多省均有分布,在山东省莒南县也大面积分布,目前已对发生地生态环境造成巨大影响。文章于2011年采用人工气候箱培养皿法和温室土壤盆栽相结合的方法,研究银胶菊的种子在不同pH、盐浓度、湿度、营养条件、不同埋藏深度等条件下种子萌发特性及其无性繁殖能力,以期为明确其入侵机制和适生环境提供依据。结果表明,银胶菊种子适宜的萌发环境为酸性,pH=6.0时发芽率最好,到pH=8.0时,种子不能萌发;盐对银胶菊种子的萌发影响很大,随着盐浓度的提高,发芽率下降明显,当盐浓度达到0.12 mol·Lˉ1时,种子不再萌发;但不同的营养条件和不同P水平对种子的萌发无显著影响;干旱或水涝均能降低种子发芽率;种子埋藏土层越深,其发芽率越低,土层深度达3.0 cm以上,银胶菊种子几乎无发芽率。银胶菊有较强的无性繁殖能力,根部、基部茎和上部茎等不同部位埋入土壤后均能发芽,基部茎的发芽率最高(为66.7%-88.9%),根部和上部茎发芽率较低(为22.2%-44.4%)。另外,从发芽后的生长来看,茎部(包括基部茎和上部茎)发芽后均能正常生长,但根部发出新芽后逐渐黄化死亡。由此可以看出,银胶菊种子适应力、耐贫瘠能力强,一般的农田、荒地环境均能萌发生长,但盐碱地的环境下不能萌发生长;散落在土壤表层的银胶菊种子萌发率最高,因此,没有人类扰动的荒地、沟渠更适宜其萌发和生长;由于其很强的无性繁殖能力,人工砍伐的防除措施不能将其彻底防除。这些都是银胶菊入侵后,能够在短时间内暴发成灾,且不易彻底防除的原因。  相似文献   

部分菊科入侵种种子(瘦果)的萌发能力和幼苗建群特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对入侵种种子生物学各方面的了解有助于更好地预测入侵趋势和评估可持续管理的策略.研究通过对部分菊科入侵种种子(瘦果)进行的室内萌发实验和土壤埋藏实验,通过与相关研究的对比和分析,对这些入侵种的萌发能力和幼苗建群特性进行了研究.10个入侵种种子室内萌发实验的结果表明,在25℃、12h光照的情况下,除钻形紫菀和一年蓬以外,被研究的其它8个种的终萌发率超过了50%,而且都显示出早期快速萌发的特点.用SPSS的曲线拟合工具对10个种的累积萌发趋势进行了曲线回归分析,对应的最佳模型均为三次曲线方程.不同土壤埋藏深度下幼苗出苗实验的结果表明,菊科8个入侵种的种子在表土的出苗率均最高,随着覆土厚度的增加,种子的出苗率逐渐降低,当覆土厚度超过3 cm以上时,所有种子均不能出苗.种子在不同的埋藏深度的出苗情况与种子的大小有关,较大种子破土能力相对较强;种子在不同的埋藏深度的出苗情况与种子本身的萌发能力也相关.土壤埋藏期限的实验结果表明,随埋藏时期的增加,小蓬草、苏门白酒草和一年蓬3个人侵种种子的活力逐步降低,在土壤中埋藏12个月后,其活力分别为21.34%、18.15%和27.38%.这些入侵种较广的种子萌发温度适应范围和高萌发率为防除工作带来了困难.在生产上,可通过不同时期的翻耕、将种子深埋等措施减少这些入侵种的危害.  相似文献   

高寒草甸藏嵩草种群繁殖对策的研究   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
对高寒草甸藏嵩草(Kobresia tibetica)种群的繁殖对策进行了初步研究。结果表明,藏嵩草属寒冷中生密丛短根茎地下芽植物,在高寒生境中采用了以营养繁殖为主,有性繁殖为辅的繁殖策略,具体体现在以几个方面:藏嵩草种子产量nA=200.1m^-2,但种子萌发率较低,室内和野外萌发率分别仅有4%和2%,经氢氧化钠溶液和赤霉素溶液处理后的种子萌发率分别为1%和6.7%,而剥去种皮后种子萌发率达47.3%,所以种皮坚硬是造成种子萌发率低的主要原因;进入种子库、保留至返青期且具有活性的种子仅占种子总数的31.49%,单位面积上理论实生苗数仅为1.26m^-2,与此相反,藏嵩草营养繁殖所形成的新个体数为101.32m^2,,远远多于种子萌发所形成的实生苗数,此外,藏嵩草营养繁殖效力也远高于有性繁殖效4力。营养繁殖效力占总数繁殖效力的83.46%(167)。表1参7  相似文献   

紫茎泽兰(Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng),菊科多年生草本或半灌木植物,是世界性入侵杂草,也是目前危害我国最为严重的外来入侵杂草之一,对我国西南地区农业、畜牧业的良好发展以及生态环境造成了严重的危害。种子繁殖是紫茎泽兰初始建群,尤其是远距离传播的主要途径。环境对种子萌发具有决定性作用,对于物种的生存具有重要意义。因此,本试验通过室内生测法分析了紫茎泽兰种子保存时间、种内竞争及环境温度、盐分胁迫及水分胁迫等因素对紫茎泽兰种子萌发的影响。结果表明:紫茎泽兰种子寿命较长,存放2.5年的种子萌发率仍可达45.67%;紫茎泽兰种子萌发时种内竞争作用较强,能够显著降低其种子的萌发势和萌发率;紫茎泽兰种子萌发所需的温度范围较宽,在12~30℃温度范围内均可萌发,且随环境温度的升高,种子萌发越快,萌发率越高,高温(30℃/22℃)处理下种子萌发率可达到90.33%;同时发现,紫茎泽兰种子萌发对环境中的盐分浓度十分敏感,0.25%的盐质量分数即可达到种子的致死水平,1%的盐质量分数处理即可使种子完全丧失萌发能力。紫茎泽兰种子较耐水淹环境,浸水处理6 d的种子的萌发率仍高达65.68%。由此表明,紫茎泽兰种子不适应盐碱环境,而适宜于温暖潮湿的自然环境。这为探析紫茎泽兰种子萌发活动生理提供了一定的基础资料,同时,也为有效、安全的防除紫茎泽兰提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

选取野外采回的芒苞草种子为材料,研究无菌水和不同状态Ms培养基以及不同激素种类和浓度对芒苞草种子萌发的影响,并初步探讨了芒苞草幼苗的生长情况.结果表明:经4℃的低温春化处理2 mo后,播种在无菌水中的芒苞草种子萌发率可达95%,比同样条件下MS液体(25.1%)和固体(10.4%)培养基中的萌发率高;在有关激素影响的实验中,无菌水中6-BA和GA,对种子萌发没有促进作用,液体MS培养基中的1.0 mg/L GA,明显促进种子萌发,而固体MS培养基中0.5 mg/L 6-BA对种子萌发的促进作用较明显,1.0 mg/L 6.BA有利于从生芽的诱导.将无菌水和液体MS培养基中已发芽的芒苞草种子转移至固体MS培养基中培养可长成小植株.  相似文献   

入侵植物是近年来生态关注的热点。成功入侵植物的有性和无性繁殖能力通常呈现特殊性和优势性。探究其繁殖特征,对于应对与管理植物入侵问题具有重要的生态与经济意义。以波斯婆婆纳(Veronica persica)为对象,多方面研究其繁殖能力,以期探究波斯婆婆纳在短时间内迅速扩张成为全球广泛入侵杂草的原因。进行了波斯婆婆纳开花与传粉机制的观察实验;对波斯婆婆纳自然种群的生长密度和植株构建进行调查;并通过自然传粉和人工授粉实验比较花、茎长、果实的差异,通过同质园移栽和生长实验对波斯婆婆纳的有性和无性繁殖能力进行量化和评价。结果表明,波斯婆婆纳的有性繁殖依赖于昆虫传粉,自交亲和;在自然环境、人工自花授粉和补充授粉3种方式下均有较高的座果率和结实率;种子萌发迅速,萌发率达70%,表明其有较强的有性繁殖能力。同时,波斯婆婆纳的营养生长密度大,匍匐茎发达,平均每个植株能产生8条左右的直立茎。波斯婆婆纳移栽实验的存活率达到83%,且茎长在40天平均增长6.5 cm,说明其具有较强的生长和无性繁殖能力。波斯婆婆纳的营养生长和有性繁殖之间有着极强的相关性。波斯婆婆纳繁殖能力强,环境限制因子少,为其成功地大范围扩张而成为全球广泛入侵杂草提供了重要条件。  相似文献   

美洲商陆(Phytolacca americana)是一种我国广泛分布的商陆科入侵植物。通过实验观察和人工控制套袋等方法,对其开花动态、花部综合特征、繁育系统和种子萌发率等与繁殖相关的特性进行了研究,探讨了这些繁殖特性与入侵性的关系。结果表明,美洲商陆每年6—8月开花,单花序的花期为6~7 d,单花的花期为2~4 d。其花直径、雄蕊长、花柱长、柱头直径分别为(6.43±0.15)、(2.83±0.10)、(0.92±0.06)和(1.02±0.08) mm。套袋实验表明,美洲商陆自交亲和,自交结实率较高,为(93.33±1.92)%,而其同样存在异交结实现象,开花前去雄,不套袋,自然条件下其结实率为(42.22±2.22)%,其 P/O 值为372.37±31.24,杂交指数为3。综合套袋实验、P/O 值及杂交指数,表明其繁育系统为兼性自交,有时需要传粉者。主要访花昆虫为蜜蜂科(Apidae)、胡蜂科(Vespidae)、麻蝇科(Sarcophagidae)和食蚜蝇科(Syrphidae)昆虫。种子千粒质量为6.43 g,室内萌发率相对较低,但出苗整齐,寿命长。交配机制灵活、结实量大、种子寿命长、具有克隆繁殖等特性增强了美洲商陆的入侵性,是其入侵成功的重要因素。  相似文献   

为揭示桂西南喀斯特区域群落主要环境因子及稳定性对飞机草(Eupatorium odoratum)入侵的影响,本文通过对群落生存状况、土壤环境因子的调查分析,研究群落的稳定性特征,探讨不同植物群落对外来入侵种飞机草生长扩散的影响。结果发现:植物群落内本地种盖度、群落高度等与飞机草的盖度和多度呈极显著的负相关关系,说明本地种的生长能对飞机草的入侵产生显著影响,其中光因子可能是影响飞机草生长的主导因子和限制因子;本地物种多样性对飞机草的盖度和多度影响也较显著,说明本地种多样性能有效抵御飞机草入侵;人为干扰对飞机草的盖度和多度则呈极显著的正相关关系,说明干扰能促进飞机草的入侵;土壤速效氮含量、土壤含水量、有机质含量和与飞机草的盖度和多度的关系均呈显著负相关关系,可能是由于群落内肥水充裕程度与调节飞机草生长的主导因子光水平呈负相关关系造成的。群落的稳定性与飞机草的盖度和多度呈极显著的相关关系,说明稳定性较高的群落更能有效的抵御飞机草的入侵,稳定性较低的群落更容易受到飞机草的入侵。  相似文献   

紫茎泽兰和飞机草在广西的入侵生境植物多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贾桂康  薛跃规 《生态环境》2011,20(5):819-823
对紫茎泽兰(Eupatorium adenophorum)和飞机草(Eupatorium odoratum)在广西入侵生境的植物多样性进行了研究。结果表明:在紫茎泽兰、飞机草发生危害的生境,Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、Pielou均匀度指数均比没有紫茎泽兰、飞机草危害的生境低。在紫茎泽兰样方中,有紫茎泽兰入侵的生境其上述各指数分别比没有紫茎泽兰入侵的低43.65%、55.13%、55.68%。而在飞机草样方中,有飞机草入侵的生境其上述各指数分别比没有飞机草入侵的低33.55%、37.78%、17.98%。说明紫茎泽兰和飞机草对入侵生境的植物多样性影响较大。  相似文献   

为探讨油田再生水对不同植物种子萌发的影响及评估其毒性,本研究采用种子萌发试验,以黑麦草(Lolium perenne)、高羊茅(Festuca elata)、苏丹草(Sorghum sudanense)、旱麦草(Eremopyrum triticeum)、盐地碱蓬(Suaeda salsa)和沙蓬(Agriophyllum squarrosum)为研究对象,研究油田再生水占溶液总体积比例为0%、10%、20%、30%、50%、100%浓度时对不同植物种子萌发的影响。结果表明:黑麦草、高羊茅、苏丹草、旱麦草和盐地碱蓬种子发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、芽长和根长等指标随油田再生水浓度增加呈先上升后下降趋势,10%再生水浓度处理对黑麦草、高羊茅和苏丹草种子萌发和幼苗生长有显著促进作用(P<0.05),20%再生水浓度处理对旱麦草和盐地碱蓬种子萌发和幼苗生长有显著促进效果,50%以上油田再生水处理对6种植物种子萌发和生长均有显著抑制作用。通过植物种子根长建立剂量-效应曲得出,油田再生水对黑麦草、高羊茅、苏丹草、旱麦草和盐地碱蓬种子根生长的无观察效应浓度(NOEC)均为10%,半最大效应浓度(...  相似文献   

In fields, the timing of weed emergence flushes is mostly related to the timing and rate of seed germination, which depend on seed dormancy level, soil temperature and water potential conditions as well as soil tillage and crop sowing date. Seed germination parameters are essential in weed dynamics models to account for the effects of soil conditions on weed demography. Since these parameters are difficult to measure, our objective was to test the possibility of estimating them from easily accessible information. Seed germination parameters (germination lag-time, time to mid-germination and mid-germination rate) were measured or collected from the literature for 25 weed species with contrasted seed characteristics. Correlations were then searched for between these parameters and morphological, chemical and physiological seed traits as well as seed dormancy level. The dormancy level was positively correlated with speed of germination parameters. Earliness of germination was positively correlated with seed lipid content and the seed area to mass ratio. Germination was also earlier and faster in species with a high base temperature for germination. These relationships explained about half the observed variability in germination speed parameters but should be further tested before being used to predict the germination behaviour of weed species in the field in different seasons.  相似文献   

An investigation was made to see the salt tolerance of 10 weed species of rice. Properly dried and treated seeds of weed species were placed on 9 cm diameter petridishes lined with Whatman No. 1 filter paper under 6 salinity regimes, viz. 0 (control), 4, 8, 16, 24 and 32 dS m(-1). The petri dishes were then kept in germinator at 25 +/- 1.0 degrees C and 12 hr light. The number of germinated seeds were recorded daily. The final germination percentage, germination index (GI), seedling vigour index, mean germination time and time for 50% germination were estimated. Root and shoot lengths of the weed seedlings were measured at 20 days after salt application and relative growth values were calculated. Results revealed that salinity decreased final germination percentage, seed of germination as measured by GI, and shoot and root length in all the species. Germination of most of the weed seeds was completely arrested (0) at 32 dS m(-1) salinity except in E. colona (12%) and C. iria (13.9%). The species C. iria, E. colona, J. linifolia and E. crusgalli showed better germination (above 30%) upto 24 dS m(-1) salinity level and were regarded as salt-tolerant weed species. J. linifolia, F. miliacea, L. chinensis and O. sativa L. (weedy rice) were graded as moderately tolerant and S. zeylanica, S. grosus and C. difformis were regarded as least tolerant weed species.  相似文献   

Interference of three dominant weed extracts viz., Ageratum conyzoides L., Melilotus indica All. and Parthenium hysterophorus L. were examined on seed germination, seedling growth, and nutrient uptake (32P and 65Zn) in three different varieties (PD-10, PD-12 and PB) of paddy (Oryza sativa L.). Among the three different varieties irrespective of weed extracts, PD-10 and PD-12 were resistant and PB was susceptible in terms of seed germination, radicle length and plumule dry weight; and PD-12 and PB were resistant and susceptible, respectively, in terms of plumule length and total seedling dry weight. A. conyzoides caused maximum reduction in seed germination and M. indica in seedling growth in different varieties of paddy. The weed extracts interfered in uptake of both 32P and 65Zn and there was a gradual decrease in uptake of both nutrients with increasing concentration of extracts in both root and shoot. The uptake of 32P and 65Zn was more inhibitory with the extracts of A. conyzoides and M. indica, respectively in different varieties. The inhibition in seed germination, seedling growth and nutrient uptake may be due to the presence of phenolics and other secondary metabolities. The phenolics such as gallic, vanillic, protocatechuic and p-hydroxybenzoic acids were identified from these weed extracts.  相似文献   

Allelopathic effect of Ageratum conyzoides L., Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers., Parthenium hysterophorus L., and Solanum nigrum L. were examined on seed germination, seedling growth, total protein content and protein profile on Ankur, Bhatt, Bragg, PK -416, PS-1042 and Shilajeet varieties of soybean (Glycine max (L) Merill). Aqueous extracts of weeds (10% w/v) showed both inhibitory and stimulatory influence on percent seed germination and seedling growth in different varieties of soybean. On the basis of per cent reduction in different parameters, the variety Bragg and PS-1042, and Shilajeet were resistant and susceptible respectively to different weed extracts, and among weed extracts, S. nigrum was most effective followed by P. hysterophorus compared to others. The total protein content (mg/g f wt.) in different varieties was increased with all the weed extracts except Bragg with C. dactylon and P. hysterophorus, PS-1042 with A. conyzoides and Shilajeet with C. dactylon, in which it was decreased. The protein banding pattern in different varieties not only differ between control and treatments but also among treatments. The order of susceptibility of different varieties with different weed extracts followed the order: Ankur > PK-416 > Bhatt > Shilajeet > Bragg and > PS-1042.  相似文献   

This study investigated the allelopathic effects of various weeds extracts on seed germination of 11 crop species. Most of the weed extracts tested had inhibitory effects on seed germination of common bean, tomato, pepper, squash, onion, barley, wheat, and corn at different application rates as compared with the 10% acetone control. Chickpea seed germination was inhibited by extracts of Solanum nigrum L., Chenopodium album L., and Matricaria chamomilla L. (10%, 20% and 22.5%, respectively) at the end of 21 day incubation period. However, Glycyrrhiza glabra L., Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers., and Reseda lutea L. extracts stimulated chickpea seed germination at the rates of 95%, 94%, and 93%, respectively, compared to control. It was concluded that some of the weed extracts tested in this study could be used as inhibitor while others could be used as stimulator for the crops.  相似文献   

汤雷雷  万开元  陈防 《生态环境》2010,19(7):1744-1749
施肥被看作是一项潜在降低农田杂草对作物干扰的有效农作管理措施。不同施肥处理可形成具有不同养分状况的土壤条件,而土壤条件的差异是导致杂草生物多样性的重要因素。论证养分管理可显著改变农田杂草发生状况和杂草生物多样性,强调了深入开展不同养分管理模式对农田杂草生物多样性和遗传进化影响研究的重要性,提出了如何利用养分管理措施调节农田杂草,在控制杂草对农业危害的同时,保持一定农田可控杂草生物多样性的科学问题。长期N、P和K平衡配施,可维持杂草群落和杂草种子库的生物多样性与稳定性,兼顾杂草控制和杂草多样性保护,实现平衡施肥的经济效应与生态效应的统一。同时,农业生态系统中不同养分管理措施条件下的地表光辐射变化特征、不同光辐射变化对杂草种群种子萌发及植株建立的影响、优势杂草种群的确定及其生理生态和遗传进化规律是今后研究的重点和难点。  相似文献   

王卫  谢小立  谢永宏 《生态环境》2010,19(11):2758-2763
土壤种子库是指存在于土壤表面和土壤中全部存活种子的总和。稻田土壤种子库是地上杂草产生的根本来源。我国是一个水稻种植大国,目前关于稻田土壤种子库的研究还不够全面和深入。研究稻田土壤种子库对于防治稻田草害具有重要指导意义,同时也是种子库研究领域的一个重要补充。取样方法和取样时间是研究土壤种子库的关键所在。而萌发法是最常见的判定方法。关于稻田土壤种子库大小的结论相差很大,从103~105 m-2不等。稻田土壤种子库中的杂草主要有19科55种,一般的稻田可检出10科或20种左右。种子的垂直分布格局主要受耕作强度的影响。70%~80%甚至更多的杂草种子分布在0~10 cm。稻田土壤种子库由于萌发、捕食、衰老和种子散布等原因具有季节动态。轮作制度、耕作方式、不同施肥处理以及除草方式等对稻田土壤种子库有重要影响。连续多年的田间管理会使种子库的大小、分布和物种组成产生年际变化。目前,需要加强长期定位研究,扩大研究区域和研究内容,重点研究杂草种子的休眠萌发机制和种子命运研究,为杂草治理提供更准确的信息。  相似文献   

Bet hedging in a guild of desert annuals   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Venable DL 《Ecology》2007,88(5):1086-1090
Evolutionary bet hedging encapsulates the counterintuitive idea that organisms evolve traits that reduce short-term reproductive success in favor of longer-term risk reduction. It has been widely investigated theoretically, and many putative examples have been cited including practical ones such as the dormancy involved in microbe and weed persistence. However, long-term data on demographic variation from the actual evolutionarily relevant environments have been unavailable to test for its mechanistic relationship to alleged bet hedging traits. I report an association between delayed germination (a bet hedging trait) and risk using a 22-year data set on demographic variation for 10 species of desert annual plants. Species with greater variation in reproductive success (per capita survival from germination to reproduction x per capita fecundity of survivors) were found to have lower average germination fractions. This provides a definitive test using realistic data on demographic variance that confirms the life history prediction for bet hedging. I also showed that the species with greater long-term demographic variation tended to be the ones with greater sensitivity of reproductive success to variation among years in growing-season precipitation.  相似文献   

Pre-harvest sprouting refers to the precocious germination of the grain in the spike prior to harvest as a result of moist weather conditions at harvest time. From the agricultural viewpoint, it is necessary to impose an exogenous dormancy to wheat seeds in order to improve the resistance of seed to pre-harvest sprouting. In this regard, we found that clove bud essential oil is a strong inhibitor for wheat seed germination. The extract obtained from clove bud by supercritical fluid extraction using CO2 as solvent minimized the number of extracts to two compounds, eugenol and eugenyl acetate. Eugenol, as the main constituent of the oil, was responsible for its strong inhibitory activity in wheat seeds. The aqueous solution of clove bud oil was submitted to germination assay at various concentrations from 50 to 400 mg/L. Complete inhibition of seed germination was recorded when the concentration was 400 mg/L. Roots and sprouts have similar sensitivity to inhibitory effect. In an empirical study, the synergistic cooperation of eugenol and eugenyl acetate from clove bud oil in the inhibition of seed germination was found to be a 1:1 ratio. The clove bud essential oil is widely available and will broaden the horizon of applications for natural and safe inhibitors in the fields.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to explore the phytotoxicity of volatile essential oil from Eucalyptus citriodora Hook. against some weeds viz. Bidens pilosa, Amaranthus viridis, Rumex nepalensis, and Leucaena leucocephala in order to assess its herbicidal activity. Dose-response studies conducted under laboratory conditions revealed that eucalypt oils (in concentration ranging from 0.0012 to 0.06%) greatly suppress the germination and seedling height of test weeds. At 0.06% eucalypt oil concentration, none of the seed of test weeds germinated. Among the weed species tested, A. viridis was found to be the most sensitive and its germination was completed inhibited even at 0.03%. Not only the germination and seedling growth, even the chlorophyll content and respiratory activity in leaves of emerged seedlings were severely affected. In A. viridis chlorophyll content and respiratory activity were reduced by over 51% and 71%, respectively, even at a very low concentration of 0.06%. These results indicated an adverse effect of eucalypt oils on the photosynthetic and energy metabolism of the test weeds. A strong negative correlation was observed between the observed effect and the concentration of eucalypt oil. Based on the study, it can be concluded that oil from E. citriodora possess strong inhibitory potential against weeds that could be exploited for weed management.  相似文献   

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