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探讨红阳猕猴桃和葛根配方组合物的急性毒性。采用最大可给药量法,观察红阳猕猴桃和葛根配方组合物对小鼠、大鼠急性毒性的影响。结果表明,红阳猕猴桃和葛根配方组合物每日3次分别按最大体积40mL/kg·BW给小鼠灌胃,30mL/kg.BW给大鼠灌胃后,给药动物的摄食、排便、自由活动均正常,体重增加,未见死亡,表明在实验剂量下红阳猕猴桃和葛根配方组合物对机体无毒。  相似文献   

葛根保健食品的开发及利用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
作者论述了葛根的生长习性、资源分布、保健药效、化学组成及其加工特性,并在此基础上,提出了利用我国野葛自然资源优势开发生产系列保健食品的途径。  相似文献   

红阳猕猴桃和葛根配方的解酒保肝与抗氧化作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究红阳猕猴桃、葛根及其配方组合物的解酒保肝与抗氧化作用。采用乙醇所致小鼠自主活动减少和小鼠共济失调实验评价解酒作用;采用小鼠酒精性肝损伤模型评价保肝作用,采用ELISA测定大鼠尿液中8-羟基脱氧鸟苷酸(8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine,8-OHdG)和乙酰—赖氨酸加合物(hexanoyl-lysine adduct,HEL),以了解配方组合物对DNA过氧化和脂质过氧化的影响。结果表明,红阳猕猴桃—葛根配方可减轻酒精所致小鼠行为抑制和共济失调,提示具有解酒作用;对酒精所致小鼠肝脏MDA、TG水平升高和GSH水平降低有明显改善,提示具有保护化学性肝损伤作用;降低正常和酒精损伤大鼠尿液中过氧化生物标志物水平,提示具有较好的抗氧化作用。红阳猕猴桃—葛根配方具有快速解酒作用,且可持续2—4h;对酒精性肝损伤有一定的保护作用,其机制与抗氧化有关。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高 ,传统的饮食习惯不断发生变化 ,山珍海味已不再是人们最喜爱的高档饮食 ,相反“素、野、粗、杂”等绿色食品逐步成为时尚。据有关部门进行的市场调查 ,野生植物淀粉具有无污染 ,天然风味 ,口感纯正 ,营养丰富等特点 ,越来越受到人们欢迎。我国地域辽阔 ,物种繁多 ,野生淀粉资源丰富 ,开发前景十分诱人 ,本文仅就其中几种野生淀粉介绍如下 :葛根淀粉 :野葛根中除富含大量碳水化合物、蛋白质外 ,还含有异黄酮戊葛根素、葛根素木糖甘、大豆黄酮、大豆黄酮甘、花生酸等多种成分。在日本 ,用葛根淀粉加工制成的食品被定为…  相似文献   

文章阐述了脉冲激励型静电除尘电源的发展历程,分析了两种典型脉冲激励静电除尘电源拓扑的优缺点,并针对采用高压开关方式的脉冲型静电除尘电源进行了研究,提出了设计思路,进行了仿真分析,建立了10kV直流叠加10kV脉冲电源系统并验证了设计的可行性;采用晶闸管研制了20kV/300A高压开关模块,并进行了实验验证。  相似文献   

正春天来了,温柔的风吹过来了,春风以包容万物的生机唤醒了一切,大树已经发芽了,小花也长出了花苞,到处都是一派生机勃勃的景象。前天清晨,我站在阳台看到一群麻雀停在了大树上,它们叽叽喳喳地叫着,和着温柔的风,好像在为我们送来祝福。还有一只麻雀飞到了我家窗台上,  相似文献   

东小区是一个美丽的小区。春天,小区四周的柳树发芽了,桃花、迎春花和玉兰花开了,松柏比冬天苍翠了,花坛里盛开着红的、黄的、白的、蓝的、紫的等颜色的小花。小草绿了,大雁也从南方飞回来了,整个小区像是一幅美丽的画卷。夏天,大树的枝叶长得郁郁葱葱,茂盛的枝叶挡住了人们的视线。花坛里茉莉花、丁香花、月季花开了,给小区增添了不少光彩。秋天,小草渐渐地黄了,树叶也慢  相似文献   

系统分析了范庄油田污水处理中水质状况,找出了不达标的原因,提出了如下改进方案:合理加药,强化除油,加强沉降,严格过滤,自动排污,改善收油系统,改进处理工艺流程。实施改进措施后,有效地减少了地层污染,提高了污水回注率,避免了污水外排,同时还减轻了一线工人的劳动强度。  相似文献   

高等学校人才培养工作水平评估,是促进高等学校改革的重大举措.评估深化了教育体制改革,强化和完善了规章制度,提高了教学质量,优化了师资队伍.档案工作是评估的基础之一,有重要的作用,同时评估对档案工作也提出了新的要求,促进了学校档案工作的发展,使其更加规范化、科学化,也提高了档案工作者的素质.  相似文献   

同志们: 省第三次环境保护会议开了三天,今天就要结束了,这次会议开得很好,国家环保局的张副局长参加和指导了我们的会议,马麟同志作了报告。会议传达了第三次全国环境保护会议精神,认真学习了李鹏总理、宋健国务委员在会议上的重要讲话。马麟同志代表省环境保护委员会总结了过去五年的工作,并提出了今后的任务和完成任务的主要  相似文献   

通过对葛藤茎叶栽培平菇试验的观察和研究表明,葛藤茎叶中丰富的果胶质经高温处理产生的降解产物——单糖及衍生物能刺激菌丝的生长;经石灰水浸渍和未浸渍的试验组,菌丝满袋分别为26d和33d;生物学效率分别为188%-176%,比稻草对照组生物学效率提高44%-56%。葛藤茎叶是一种非常适合栽培平菇的好原料。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Combinations of vegetation and structure were applied to control streambank erosion along incised stream channels in northwest Mississippi. Eleven sites along seven channels with contributing drainage areas ranging from 12–300 km2 were used for testing. Tested configurations included eroding banks protected by vegetation alone, vegetation with structural toe protection, vegetation planted on re-graded banks, and vegetation planted on regraded banks with toe protection. Monitoring continued for up to 10 years, and casual observation for up to 18 years. Sixteen woody and 13 nonwoody species were tested. Native woody species, particularly willow, appear to be best adapted to stream-bank environments. Sericea lespedeza and Alamo switchgrass were the best nonwoody species tested. Vegetation succeeded in reaches where the bed was not degrading, competition from kudzu was absent, and bank slopes were stabilized by grading or toe protection. Natural vegetation invaded planted and unplanted stable banks composed of fertile soils. Designs involving riprap toe protection in the form of a longitudinal dike and woody vegetation appeared to be most cost-effective. The exotic vine kudzu presents perhaps the greatest long-term obstacle to restoring stable, functional riparian zones along incised channels in our region. (KEY TERMS: vegetation; streambank protection; bioengineering; stream restoration; channel incision; riparian zone.)  相似文献   

通过多年的试验、示范证明,杂交稻具有旱能保产、湿能增产的特点,特别是在通气式大田水层栽插、湿润管理的条件下,具有节水、增产、改良土壤的作用。对在灌溉条件较差的丘陵山区和圩区发展水稻生产有积极的作用。  相似文献   

对山海关滨海盐生植物及盐生植被景观和群落配置情况进行实地调查并参考历史文献,发现山海关滨海湿地共有盐生种子植物26科44属51种。结合山海关海岸带的气候、土壤理化性质及土地覆盖和利用的现状,选择乔、灌木类盐生植物3种,藤本类盐生植物1种,中生草本盐生植物5种,旱生草本盐生植物2种,湿生植物4种,共计15种作为滨海地区盐碱地改良和植被恢复的野生植物种类。  相似文献   

采用全根挖掘法,运用分形理论对塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地阿克苏牛皮消、河西菊(Hexinia polydichotoma(Ostenf.)H.L.Yang)、白麻(Apocynum venetum L.)、沙拐枣(Cynanchum amplexicaule Hemsl)四种多年生野生植物根系的分支状况、分形特征与拓扑特征之间的关系进行了研究。研究发现:⑴四种植物根系分形特征较明显,分形维数大小与拓扑参数连接总数、外部连接数之间具有显著的相关关系;⑵根丰度与根系长度、平均连接长度之间具有显著的指数关系,分别可用以下方程表示:y1=2.7694e1.5496x,y2=0.036 9e2.026 7x(其中y1、y2分别为总根长、平均连接长度,R2分别为0.935 3、0.983 2)。因此,通过分形和拓扑理论对比分析了沙漠腹地4种野生植物根系的空间分形特征、资源占有能力与吸收率,有利于为沙漠腹的植物根系研究提供相关参数和一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

旅游景区开发与产权酒店经营模式--以四川省理县为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了国内外分时度假和产权酒店的发展现状,论证了这种经营模式的双赢性,认为旅游景区开发需要引入这种新的经营模式,并论证了其可行性和建设原则.  相似文献   

论环境污染的危害及其防治措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了环境污染造成的危害性 ,分析了我国环境污染的特点 ,并在此基础上提出了保护环境和治理污染的相应措施。  相似文献   

Willow (Salix spp.) stands are often proposed as vegetation covers for the restoration and stabilization of contaminated and derelict land. Planting willows on dredged sediment disposal sites for biomass production can be an alternative to traditional capping techniques. However, with the introduction of willow stands on dredged sediment disposal sites, the possibility of increased contaminant availability in the root zone must be acknowledged as it can increase the risk of leaching. Two trials investigated the availability of Cd, Zn, Cu, and Pb in the root zones of willows grown on contaminated sediment. To assess the effects of willow root growth on metal extractability and mobility, bulk and rhizosphere sediment samples were extracted with deionized water, ammonium acetate at pH 7, and ammonium acetate-EDTA at pH 4.65. A rhizobox experiment was used to investigate the short-term effect of willow roots on metal availability in oxic and anoxic sediment. Longer-term effects were assessed in a field trial. The rhizobox trial showed that Cd, Zn, and Cu extractability in the rhizosphere increased while the opposite was observed for Pb. This was attributed to the increased willow-induced oxidation rate in the root zone as a result of aeration and evapotranspiration, which masked the direct chemical and biological influences of the willow roots. The field trial showed that Cu and Pb, but not Cd, were more available in the root zone after water and ammonium acetate (pH 7) extraction compared with the bulk sediment. Sediment in the root zone was better structured and aggregated and thus more permeable for downward water flows, causing leaching of a fraction of the metals and significantly lower total contents of Cd, Cu, and Pb. These findings indicate that a vegetation cover strategy to stabilize sediments can increase metal availability in the root zone and that potential metal losses to the environment should be considered.  相似文献   

蚕豆根尖微核技术监测环境致突变物的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文应用蚕豆根尖微核技术对环境致突变物NaN3,HgCl2,K2Cr2O7进行诱变性研究,结果表明:NaN3,HgCl2,K2Cr2O7能明显诱发蚕豆根尖细胞微核率的增高,在一定范围内具有明显的线性剂量效应关系。说明该技术是监测环境致突变物的一种有效手段。  相似文献   

A 12-mo greenhouse study was conducted to evaluate the contribution of root death and decay on the dissipation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in rhizosphere soil. The contaminated soil was previously treated by land-farming, but residual PAHs remained after treatment. Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) and yellow sweet clover (Melilotus officinalis Lam.) were the target plants. To specifically evaluate the effect of root decay on contaminant dissipation, plants were treated with glyphosate, a broad spectrum herbicide, to induce root decay. Although tall fescue treatments had the highest root and shoot biomass and root surface area, this plant did not result in the highest contaminant degradation rates. Significant differences were noted between treatments for seven PAHs, with the active yellow sweet clover resulting in 60 to 75% degradation of these compounds. Induced root death and decay did not produce a significant enhancement of PAH degradation. The PAH microbial degrader populations in the vegetated treatments were more than 100 times greater than those in the unvegetated control. The phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) structural group profile shifted over the growing period, indicating a change in the community structure. In conclusion, phytoremediation was shown to be an effective polishing tool for PAH-affected soil previously subjected to biological treatment.  相似文献   

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