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能值理论研究中存在的几个问题探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
能值理论与研究方法是当前生态经济学研究中的一个热点问题.被认为是连接生态学与经济学的桥梁,具有重大的理论和实践意义.尽管能值分析有效的将自然环境的价值纳入了产品的生产,更能真实地揭示产品的真实价值,从而克服了传统能量分析和经济分析的诸多缺陷.但其在理论和研究方法仍存在一些不足之处.综合国内外有关能值理论与研究方法的相关文献,对当前能值理论研究中能值转化率的计算问题、多产品或复合产品系统的能值流计算问题、能值价值论与市场价值论结合问题、能值与可持续发展研究问题等几个方面进行了探讨.  相似文献   

产业生态系统多尺度能值整合评价方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
能值分析方法为自然环境资源与人类社会、经济的统一评价提供了新的思路,但面对当今产业生态学发展的实践需求,在多尺度整合分析、动态模型构建等方面仍显薄弱,需要与经济学等其他学科相对成熟的分析方法与模型加以整合。文章以能值综合方法为核心介质,从成本分析与效果分析的整合、能值分析与区域经济分析的整合,以及能值分析表与投入-产出矩阵模型的整合三个方面进行了产业生态学的能值整合研究方法的具体构建,以促进能值理论方法与产业生态学研究需求的进一步耦合。  相似文献   

西藏生态经济系统的能值分析与可持续发展的政策建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用生态经济学的能值理论与方法,以能值作为价值的度量单位,对西藏主要自然资源的状况、可开发利用潜力及其与外界的交流进行了系统的分析,对能值用量、环境负菏率、能值/货币比率、能值自给率、能值功率密度等种指标,与其他国家或地区进行了比较研究,最后就西藏资源的合理开发和可持续发展问题,提出了一些政策建议。  相似文献   

国际能值研究热点和前沿的可视化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李春发  曹莹莹 《生态环境》2014,(6):1084-1092
能值用以表征一种流动或储存的能量所包含另一类别能量的数量,即产品或者劳务形成过程中消耗的总能量,常以太阳能为度量标准。能值作为生态经济学中的新概念,它的提出实现了物质流、能量流、经济流、人口流和信息流等的统一量化,架设了“环境与经济间的桥梁”,能值理论和应用目前已成为生态经济学研究的热点领域,能值分析方法正日益发展成为生态经济系统评价的基本工具。文章首先以Web of Science数据库中1998─2013年间收录主题为“emergy”的文献为基础数据,对能值研究的学科、时间、区域和机构等分布情况进行了统计分析,发现能值研究文献数量呈逐年上升趋势,主要分布在生态、环境及能源相关学科,中、美、意大利3国及锡耶纳大学、北京师范大学、北京大学、中国科学院和佛罗里达大学等研究机构表现出较强的研究实力。其次,利用CiteSpace软件绘制了能值研究文献的共被引知识图谱,对其知识基础及核心作者的影响力进行了探讨。图谱研究显示,Odum H T、Brown M T、Hau J L、Ulgiati S等学者及其代表作品对能值理论知识基础的构建及相关研究的推进奠定了坚实的基础。最后,通过对能值研究领域出现关键词及膨胀词的共词分析与词频分析,绘制出能值领域的研究热点演进脉络,并探测环境可持续性、可持续发展、生态系统服务、电力生产、能值核算、生命周期研究法等前沿命题,可见系统可持续发展及能值与其它理论方法的结合应用将成为能值研究的新热点。目前能值研究文献数量持续增长,但其理论研究速度落后于应用范围及领域的延伸速度,能值转换率及评价指标体系已无法满足小区域、微观小系统的研究需求,核心作者及代表作品较少,且欠缺与动态模型及仿真技术的结合应用。因此,未来能值研究  相似文献   

三水市农业生态系统经济能值投入产出分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
进行生态学与经济学系统分析方法的交叉探索,将能值这一全新的生态经济度量尺度引入经济学投入产出分析表,对广东省珠江三角洲三水市农业生态系统经济能值的直接消耗系统和完全消耗系统分析,弥补经济学分析中自然环境投入价值缺失的同时,为复合系统能值分析中各系统间互作分析的量化评价探索了新的途径。分析结果表明:三水市农业生态系统中种植业、渔业、畜牧业和林业之间存在经济能值的依存关系,有着直接的相互作用。种植业、渔业和畜牧业子系统间的经济能值交流网络较为发达。在种植业、渔业、畜牧业和林业中,渔业对种植业的完全消耗系数最大,达到3.461×10-2,畜牧业对种植业的完全消耗系数也最大,达到了8.423×10-2;种植业对渔业的完全消耗系数最大,达到了7.685×10-2。林业与种植业、渔业、畜牧业互相的完全消耗系数都比较小,林业和其它三个子系统的经济能值交流较弱。种植业子系统是整个三水市农业生态系统的基础,渔业和畜牧业在种植业的基础上发展,对物质和能量的再利用起了重要作用。林业子系统是三水市农业生态系统内部物质能量交流网络的薄弱环节。三水市农业生态系统的内部结构有待进一步调整,以加强各子系统间的互作,提高物质与能量的使用效率。  相似文献   

城市生态系统代谢的能值研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市环境问题的深层原因是城市代谢过程出现了问题.城市代谢研究,是分析城市在人类各种活动影响下,如何将取自生态系统的物质和能量进行转换、利用与处理的过程,成为评价城市可持续发展的重要依据.早在19世纪末,就有有关能量流分析社会代谢的概念;近期最具代表性的是HowardT.Odum.首先从城市代谢研究的兴起和发展出发,然后分环境评价、空间层面、动态模拟三方面,对Odum的能值方法在城市代谢分析中的应用进行了回顾.环境评价方面以生态经济学为理论基础,提出发展具有生物物理基础的能值方法,对城市代谢的生态评估更为恰当;空问层面结合景观生态学,为区域空间规划提供了参考,并指出土地利用变迁与社会代谢间的相关性研究为当前的核心问题;动态层面仍以系统生态学建立整合性系统模型为基础,但空间系统模拟方法的发展仍处于起步阶段.各个学科与方法的整合促进了城市代谢研究的进一步深化.最后,建议未来应用能值研究城市代谢的4个研究方向有:(1)城市代谢与可持续发展之间相互关系的研究;(2)城市代谢与土地利用变迁相互驱动的模型发展;(3)基于代谢过程的城市管理对策研究;(4)全球环境变迁对土地利用和城市代谢的影响.  相似文献   

生草栽培对三种岭南水果种植系统的生态经济影响评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
综合运用能值、经济与土壤生态学分析方法,以传统清耕模式为对照,定量研究了生草栽培对荔枝(Litchi chinensis Sonn)、龙眼(Dimocarpus longan Lour)和番荔枝(Annona squamosa Linn)三种岭南水果种植系统的生态经济影响。整合系统物质流、能量流和货币流,综合分析其自然资源基础、经济发展状况及可持续发展程度,并将土壤有机质的消耗纳入不可更新自然资源能值投入分析,为岭南水果业生草栽培与否提供科学依据。结果表明,生草栽培可以将荔枝和龙眼种植系统的能值可持续性从传统清耕模式的0.16和0.46分别提升到0.17和0.47;而使番荔枝种植系统的能值可持续性从传统清耕模式的0.59降至0.45。同时,生草栽培可提高荔枝和番荔枝种植系统的经济效益,而降低龙眼种植系统的经济效益。所有案例结果均表明,生草栽培可降低果园土壤有机质的消耗。  相似文献   

综合运用能值、经济与土壤生态学分析方法,以传统清耕模式为对照,定量研究了生草栽培对荔枝(LitchichinensisSonn)、龙眼(DimocarpuslonganLour)和番荔枝(AnnonasquamosaLinn)三种岭南水果种植系统的生态经济影响。整合系统物质流、能量流和货币流,综合分析其自然资源基础、经济发展状况及可持续发展程度,并将土壤有机质的消耗纳入不可更新自然资源能值投入分析,为岭南水果业生草栽培与否提供科学依据。结果表明,生草栽培可以将荔枝和龙眼种植系统的能值可持续性从传统清耕模式的0.16和0.46分别提升到0.17和0.47;而使番荔枝种植系统的能值可持续性从传统清耕模式的0.59降至0.45。同时,生草栽培可提高荔枝和番荔枝种植系统的经济效益,而降低龙眼种植系统的经济效益。所有案例结果均表明,生草栽培可降低果园土壤有机质的消耗。  相似文献   

北京城市生态系统的能值动态分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用能值理论与分析方法,对北京市1990~2001年间的能值结构动态进行了分析,并采用人均能值、能值密度、生态功能潜力、人口基本承载力、能值自给率、能值货币比率、环境负载率、输入能值比等重要能值指标对该时期北京市城市生态系统的能值状况作了详细分析。研究表明,北京城市生态系统正处于较高发展水平,已基本跨入发达国家水平的行列;但高强度、快速发展给本市带来了巨大的生态环境压力,未来北京的可持续能力建设已势在必行。文章也提出了北京城市生态系统可持续发展能力建设的基本方向。  相似文献   

四种岭南水果种植系统的能值、经济与土壤整合分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综合运用能值、经济与土壤生态学分析方法,定量研究了番石榴(Psidium guajava Linn)、黄皮(Clausena lansium Skeels)、枇杷(Eriobotrya japonica Lindl)、葡萄柚(Citrus paradisi Maef)4种岭南水果种植系统的物质流、能最流和货币流,综合分析其自然资源基础、经济发展状况及可持续发展程度,并将土壤有机质的消耗纳入不可更新自然资源能值投人分析,为岭南水果业的可持续发展提供科学依据.能值分析表明,4个水果种植系统的可持续发展能力依次为:葡萄柚(0.94)>枇杷(0.15)>番石榴(0.14)>黄皮(0.10).土壤有机质分布与变化分析表明,4种水果种植系统的土壤有机质消耗量依次为:葡萄柚>黄皮>枇杷>番石榴.经济分析表明,4个水果种植系统的经济效益依次为:葡萄柚>番石榴>枇杷>黄皮.综合分析表明,番石榴、黄皮、枇杷三个系统的水果生产效率有待进一步提高;葡萄柚种植系统的水果生产效率、可持续发展能力和经济效益较高,但其对土壤有机质的消耗强度在四个系统中是最高的,这一点在水土流失严重的丘陵地区显然是不容忽视的.同时,如何降低系统在市场交换中的交换性资产流失是四个系统共同面对的问题.  相似文献   

Emergy and emergy algebra explained by means of ingenuous set theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Emergy is an important concept that has originated several effects in ecology, systems ecology and sustainability science. Its communication, however, has always presented several problems, since it does not follow the same rules of conservation as other energy-based approaches. Attempts have been made to clarify emergy by means of more formal/mathematical approaches, but the problem persists. In this paper, we have introduced a view of emergy and of its algebra based on ingenuous set theory. By means of this simple tool, emergy can be defined as the set of solar exergy that is directly and indirectly necessary to make a product. The operation that correctly sums the emergy “carried” by the inputs to a process is the union. This definition and the operation of union are able to account for all the rules of emergy algebra.  相似文献   

基于能值方法的广东省农业系统分析   总被引:30,自引:1,他引:30  
白瑜  陆宏芳  何江华  任海 《生态环境》2006,15(1):103-108
采用能值理论和方法对广东省农业系统的能值投入结构和产出特征进行分析,以期弥补单纯经济分析中出现的自然环境投入价值缺失的不足,并尝试加入农业基本建设投资和农业保险的计量,完善系统投入结构的能值计算。同时,引入Y*/Y指标使广东省农业系统的生产水平与全球平均水平相比较,以利于评价广东省农业系统的生产力及其发展水平,并为其优化发展提供理论依据和现实指导。研究结果:广东省农业系统2003年的能值投资率(3.12)、环境负载率(1.70)、能值/货币比率(4.26E 12sej.$-1)、净能值产出率(1.25)和Y*/Y(0.96)。上述结果与中国平均水平、中国其他省份以及一些发达国家(如意大利和日本)的相应指标比较,表明广东农业系统发展水平高于全国平均水平,低于发达国家。系统能值投入产出结构分析发现,不可更新的工业辅助能值占系统投入总能值的61.92%。为此,应进一步提高农业的可更新能值投入和优化投入结构。  相似文献   

Crucial to the method of emergy synthesis are the main driving emergy flows of the geobiosphere to which all other flows are referenced. They form the baseline for the construction of tables of Unit Emergy Values (UEVs) to be used in emergy evaluations. We provide here an updated calculation of the geobiosphere emergy baseline and UEVs for tidal and geothermal flows. First, we recalculate the flows using more recent values that have resulted from satellite measurements and generally better measurement techniques. Second, we have recalculated these global flows according to their available energy content (exergy) in order to be consistent with Odum's (1996) definition of emergy. Finally, we have reinterpreted the interaction of geothermal energy with biosphere processes thus changing the relationship between geothermal energy and the emergy baseline. In this analysis we also acknowledge the significant uncertainties related to most estimates of global data. In all, these modifications to the methodology have resulted in changes in the transformities for tidal momentum and geothermal energy and a minor change in the emergy baseline from 15.8E24 seJ/J to 15.2E24 seJ/J. As in all fields of science basic constants and standards are not really constant but change according to new knowledge. This is especially true of earth and ecological sciences where a large uncertainty is also to be found. As a consequence, while these are the most updated values today, they may change as better understanding is gained and uncertainties are reduced.  相似文献   

Humanity's future depends on the preservation of natural ecosystems that supply resources and absorb pollutants. Rural and urban productions are currently based on chemical products made from petroleum, which are responsible for high negative impacts on the Biosphere. In order to prevent those impacts, efficient public policies seeking for sustainable development are necessary. Aiming to assess the load on the environment (considering the gratuitous contributions of natural systems—a donor's perspective) due to human-dominated process, a scientific tool called Emergy Evaluation has been applied in different production systems, including crops and farms. However, there is still a lack of emergy studies in the context of watersheds, probably due to the difficulty of collecting raw data. The present work aims to carry out an assessment of Mogi-Guaçu and Pardo watershed, through the combined use of Emergy Evaluation and Geographical Information System. The agricultural and natural land uses were considered, while urban areas were excluded. Emergy flows (expressed in seJ ha−1 yr−1) obtained for all agricultural and natural land uses were expanded for the whole watershed and the emergy indices were calculated. The results show that the watershed has: low renewability (%R = 32%); low capture of natural resources through high external economic investment (EYR = 1.86); low dependence on natural resources (EIR = 1.16); and moderate load on the environment (ELR = 2.08). Considering a scenario where sugar-cane crops, orchards and pasture areas are converted from conventional to organic management, watershed's emergy performance improved, reaching a new renewability of 38%, but it is still not enough to be considered sustainable.  相似文献   

The “constraint space” dictated by energetic, economic and environmental realities on scenarios for future organization of humanity and nature is explored from the perspective of the energy and resources driving economies. Net energy of energy sources is presented as an index (Emergy Yield Ratio; EYR) that must be evaluated for energy sources to better understand their potential contributions to society, but more important, as an indicator of the changes needed in the future if lower net yielding sources are to be relied upon. An aggregate EYR was calculated for the USA economy and shown to have decreased by 38% since 1950, from 11/1 to 6.8/1. Several measures of efficiency at the scale of national economies are explored and the data suggest that the most efficient economies are also the most energetically intense (as measured by empower intensity). An index of environmental loading is suggested as a measure to evaluate environmental efficacy. An obvious outcome is that the smallest most energetically intense countries have the highest environmental loads, and those with large land area and/or continental shelves have the lowest ratios. An Emergy Sustainability Index (EmSI) is defined, computed for countries, and proposed as a multi-dimensional measure of long-term sustainability. The most sustainable economies are those with the highest EYR and lowest environmental loads.  相似文献   

Petroleum fuels are the primary energy basis for transportation and industry. They are almost always an important input to the economic and social activities of humanity. Emergy analyses require accurate estimates with specified uncertainty for the transformities of major energy and material inputs to economic and environmental systems. In this study, the oil refining processes in Italy and the United States were examined to estimate the transformity and specific emergy of petroleum derivatives. Based on our assumptions that petroleum derivatives are splits of a complex hydrocarbon mixture and that the emergy is split based on the fraction of energy in a product, we estimated that the transformity of petroleum derivatives is 65,826 sej/J ± 1.4% relative to the 9.26E+24 sej/year planetary baseline. Estimates of the specific emergies of the various liquid fuels from Italian and U.S. refineries are within 2% of one another and the relationship of particular values varies with the refinery design. Our average transformity is only 1.7% larger than the current estimate for petroleum fuels determined by back calculation, confirming the accuracy of this transformity in existing emergy analyses. The model uncertainty between using energy or mass to determine how emergy is split was less that 2% in the estimate of both the transformity and specific emergy of liquid fuels, but larger for solid and gaseous products. This study is a contribution to strengthen the emergy methodology, providing data that can be useful in the analysis of many human activities.  相似文献   

Emergy is a thermodynamics-based entity that enables the implementation of a holistic environmental accounting system. It contributes to identify and measure all the inputs (energy and matter) supporting a given system, expressed in a common unit, namely solar emergy joule (sej). The emergy per unit product (called unit emergy value, UEV), is a measure of the environmental cost of a given resource. It is specific of the system/process and gives information on the dynamics, components and functioning of it. This paper presents the emergy evaluation of water resources within the watershed of the river Sieve, located in the Province of Florence (Italy). Along the river, an artificial basin has been created by means of a dam to preserve water quantity and quality, and to protect the Florentine area from dangerous floods and inundations. Different UEVs of water can be identified along the course of the river, especially upstream and downstream of the dam. These values quantify both the environmental and human efforts made to ensure and regulate the presence of water at different points of the river. The UEV of water flowing in the river increases from 1.35 × 105 sej/g upstream, to 5.80 × 105 sej/g downstream of the dam, depending mainly on man-made infrastructure. Along the watershed, three different systems of extraction, purification and distribution of water have been chosen on the basis of their dimension, type and location. UEVs of water distributed and the emergy investment necessary to implement different water management strategies are presented. The value of water purified and distributed decreases from 2.00 × 106 sej/g for the smallest plant in the mountainous area, to 1.72 × 106 sej/g for the largest plant, in the city of Florence, depending on production efficiency.  相似文献   

广州与上海城市生态系统能值的分析比较   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用能值分析理论和方法,从自然—社会—经济复合生态观角度对广州和上海的各种生态流进行比较研究。结果表明上海的经济发达程度、居民的能值福利和环境压力都比广州的高,广州在自然可更新资源和人口承载量方面明显优于上海,具有更大的可持续发展潜力。从能值理论和可持续发展角度分析,广州应加强科技力量和提高自然资源的利用效率,上海应在控制人口的基础上探讨更合理的发展模式。  相似文献   

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