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Kin selection has played an important role in the evolution and maintenance of cooperative breeding behaviour in many bird species. However, although relatedness has been shown to affect the investment decisions of helpers in such systems, less is known about the role that kin discrimination plays in other contexts, such as communal roosting. Individuals that roost communally benefit from reduced overnight heat loss, but the exact benefit derived depends on an individual's position in the roost which in turn is likely to be influenced by its position in its flock's dominance hierarchy. We studied the effects of kinship and other factors (sex, age, body size and flock sex ratio) on an individual's roosting position and dominance status in captive flocks of cooperatively breeding long-tailed tits Aegithalos caudatus. We found that overall, kinship had little influence on either variable tested; kinship had no effect on a bird's position in its flock's dominance hierarchy and the effect of kinship on roosting position was dependent on the bird's size. Males were generally dominant over females and birds were more likely to occupy preferred roosting positions if they were male, old and of high status. In this context, the effect of kinship on social interactions appears to be less important than the effects of other factors, possibly due to the complex kin structure of winter flocks compared to breeding groups.  相似文献   

Does climate determine species' ranges? Rapid rates of anthropogenic warming make this classic ecological question especially relevant. We ask whether climate controls range limits by quantifying relationships between climatic variables (precipitation, temperature) and tree growth across the altitudinal ranges of six Pacific Northwestern conifers on Mt. Rainier, Washington, USA. Results for three species (Abies amabilis, Callitropsis nootkatensis, Tsuga mertensiana) whose upper limits occur at treeline (> 1600 m) imply climatic controls on upper range limits, with low growth in cold and high snowpack years. Annual growth was synchronized among individuals at upper limits for these high-elevation species, further suggesting that stand-level effects such as climate constrain growth more strongly than local processes. By contrast, at lower limits climatic effects on growth were weak for these high-elevation species. Growth-climate relationships for three low-elevation species (Pseudotsuga menziesii, Thuja plicata, Tsuga heterophylla) were not consistent with expectations of climatic controls on upper limits, which are located within closed-canopy forest (< 1200 m). Annual growth of these species was poorly synchronized among individuals. Our results suggest that climate controls altitudinal range limits at treeline, while local drivers (perhaps biotic interactions) influence growth in closed-canopy forests. Climate-change-induced range shifts in closed-canopy forests will therefore be difficult to predict accurately.  相似文献   

The food quality of detrital particles derived from three species of kelps was evaluated in a laboratory feeding experiment utilizing two species of suspension feeders, the serpulid polychaete Pseudochitonopomaoccidentalis and the mussel Mytilustrossulus. Fresh and aged kelp particles were also evaluated, and growth in all treatments was compared to growth on ad libidum phytoplankton rations. Fresh particles from Laminariagroenlandica, aged particles from Agarumfimbriatum and Alariamarginata, and mixed phytoplankton promoted the highest growth rates in both consumers. Growth was inversely related to total polyphenolic concentration in the fresh kelp particles. The increase in quality of both Agarumfimbriatum and Alariamarginata particles with age corresponded with a rapid loss of polyphenolic secondary metabolites and an increase in total nitrogen. Received: 26 November 1996 / Accepted: 9 January 1997  相似文献   

Evans DM  Turley NE  Levey DJ  Tewksbury JJ 《Ecology》2012,93(5):1016-1025
Habitat corridors confer many conservation benefits by increasing movement of organisms between habitat patches, but the benefits for some species may exact costs for others. For example, corridors may increase the abundance of consumers in a habitat to the detriment of the species they consume. In this study we assessed the impact of corridors on insect herbivory of a native plant, Solanum americanum, in large-scale, experimentally fragmented landscapes. We quantified leaf herbivory and assessed fruit production as a proxy for plant fitness. We also conducted field surveys of grasshoppers (Orthoptera), a group of abundant, generalist herbivores that feed on S. americanum, and we used exclosure cages to explicitly link grasshopper herbivory to fruit production of individual S. americanum. The presence of corridors did not increase herbivory or decrease plant fruit production. Likewise, corridors did not increase grasshopper abundance. Instead, patches in our landscapes with the least amount of edge habitat and the greatest amount of warmer "core" area had the highest levels of herbivory, the largest cost to plant fruit production as a result of herbivory, and the most grasshoppers. Thus habitat quality, governed by patch shape, can be more important than connectivity for determining levels of herbivory and the impact of herbivory on plant fitness in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

Davenport AC  Anderson TW 《Ecology》2007,88(6):1548-1561
It has been suggested that microcarnivorous reef fishes may play an important role in giant kelp forest communities by preventing infestations of mesograzers that could severely impact or potentially destroy recovering kelp forests after extreme disturbance events. However, these trophic linkages, specifically the direct and indirect effects of fishes on the biomass of mesograzers, grazing intensity, and the performance of giant kelp, have not been sufficiently quantified and evaluated as to their importance and in the absence of such disturbance events. We examined experimentally the effects of mesograzers on the growth and performance of giant kelp in the presence and absence of their fish predators near Santa Catalina Island, California (U.S.A.). Mesograzer biomass and grazing intensity were significantly higher when fishes were excluded from giant kelp, which in turn, lowered kelp performance. This pattern was consistent both on experimental plots of kelp as habitat isolates, and on a continuous reef. Moreover, the abundance of mesograzers was inversely related to the abundance of kelp perch among several kelp-forested reefs, suggesting that these effects can occur at larger spatial scales. Because of differences in the diet and behavior of two microcarnivorous fishes, the kelp perch and se?orita, we conducted an experiment manipulating each species and its density independently to determine their separate effects on mesograzers and kelp performance. Concurrently we examined the growth and mortality of juvenile kelp. Grazing intensity decreased, estimates of kelp performance increased, and the growth of juvenile kelp increased with increasing densities of fish but with no detectable effects between fishes. Our results demonstrate that these microcarnivorous fishes have positive indirect effects on kelp performance by reducing mesograzer biomass and grazing intensity, and the early life stages of other fishes also may be important. More specifically, these fishes have a positive effect on the density of fronds of giant kelp that can result in greater recruitment success and the abundance of kelp-associated invertebrates and fishes. Indeed, this study suggests that mesograzers have the potential to be one of the most important herbivores in kelp forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Sperm competition has been shown to be an important evolutionary agent affecting the behaviour, physiology, and morphology of both males and females. One morphological trait that is particularly likely to be affected by sperm competition is sperm size because it is thought to influence the competitiveness of sperm by determining sperm longevity, motility, and/or their ability to displace competing sperm. Most comparative studies across taxa have found a positive relationship between the level of sperm competition and sperm length, but very few studies have tested for a phenotypically plastic adjustment of sperm morphology in response to sperm competition. In this study, we experimentally tested for an effect of sperm competition on phenotypic plasticity in sperm morphology in an obligately outcrossing simultaneous hermaphrodite, the free-living flatworm Macrostomum lignano, by either raising worms in monogamous pairs (no sperm competition) or in promiscuous groups (intense sperm competition). Worms in groups produced larger testes and smaller ovaries as predicted by sex allocation theory and as previously documented in this species. However, we found no evidence for an effect of group size on sperm morphology, measured as total sperm length, sperm body length, and the length of two different sperm appendages. We conclude that M. lignano may either be incapable of adjusting the sperm morphology in a phenotypically plastic way and/or that there might be no benefit of phenotypic plasticity in sperm traits in this species.  相似文献   

The water age in a tidal river in Florida, Little Manatee River, has been investigated in this study by the application of a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model. In response to a pulse dye release in the upper end of the river boundary, the hydrodynamic model determines the water age for a given location by recording the time for the dye to reach the given river location. The hydrodynamic model uses horizontal curvilinear orthogonal grids to represent the complex river system that includes several bayous and tributaries. The model has was calibrated and verified in previous study by using two continuous data sets for a 6 month period. Satisfactory model verifications indicate that the hydrodynamic model is capable of quantifying the mixing and transport process for calculating the water age in the tidal river. For 17 freshwater inflow scenarios in the Little Manatee River, the hydrodynamic model was applied to simulate water ages along the main channel of the river at 2-km interval. Flow rates in the 17 scenarios varying from 0.26 to 76.56 m3/s cover the range of the observed flows in the Little Manatee River. Water ages from model predictions range from the minimum 1.2 days under the maximum 76.56 m3/s inflow condition to the 50 days under the minimum 0.26 m3/s inflow condition. Empirical regression equations at three selected stations, with the correlation coefficient R2 above 0.96, were derived from numerical model simulations to correlate water ages to freshwater inflows. The empirical water-age equation derived from hydrodynamic model simulations can be used to provide quick and low-cost estimations of water ages in response to various inflow scenarios for studying physical–chemical and biological processes in the river.  相似文献   

The relative growth rates of juvenile Macrocystis pyrifera in southern California kelp forests were substantially reduced during the El Niño of 1982–1984. The lower growth rates were correlated with increased temperature and decreased nitrogen availability. Fertilization of juvenile plants with slow-release nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer increased their growth rates to levels previously observed when temperatures were low and nutrient levels were high. The limitation in growth of M. pyrifera by levels of available nutrients during El Niño was in contrast to the usual limitation of growth by irradiance during non-El Niño years. Thus, there was a shift in the relative importance of factors controlling growth of juvenile M. pyrifera during El Niño.  相似文献   

The peak load reduction hypothesis suggests that hatching asynchrony in altricial birds is adaptive because it reduces parental workload during the most energetically costly time in brood rearing. By staggering the ages of their offspring, parents may ensure that all nestlings do not reach maximum energy demand simultaneously. To test the hypothesis, we used the doubly labeled water technique to measure the energy expenditure of green-rumped parrotlets (Forpus passerinus) that reared experimentally manipulated synchronous and asynchronous broods. Peak metabolic rates of the two experimental groups did not differ, but parents of asynchronous broods metabolized significantly less energy than did parents of synchronous broods throughout the first half of the brood-rearing period. Our results suggest that hatching asynchrony in parrotlets substantially shortens the temporal duration of high brood energy demand, but does not reduce the magnitude of peak energy demand. Received: 16 July 1998 / Accepted after revision: 13 December 1998  相似文献   

Large populations of sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (Müller), destroyed kelp beds along the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia in the 1960's and 1970's. The origin of these large sea urchin populations is not understood. We have investigated the potential influence of variable growth and development of the planktonic larvae of sea urchins (in response to temperature and food abundance) on recruitment of benthic juveniles. The adult sea urchins were collected at Sandy Cove, Digby County, Nova Scotia, Canada, in December 1986. Temperature strongly affected larval size and the growth of the echinus rudiment within the range 3° to 9°C, and larvae grew most rapidly at 14°C. Food abundance had a smaller effect on larval growth, and these effects were apparent only at high temperature. Larvae fed the same concentration of two different algal food species grew and developed similarly. Correspondence between spring temperature variation and qualitative variation in sea urchin recruitment, as well as strong temperature effects on larval growth in culture, and the occurrence of a large, positive temperature anomaly in June 1960, all suggest that temperature effects on larval growth and development may have led to intense sea urchin recruitment in 1960 and the appearance of large adult populations 4 to 6 yr later. This result invites further research.  相似文献   

Gu  Jiyi  Shan  Yuqi  Liu  Chao  Liu  Xingnian 《Environmental Fluid Mechanics》2019,19(2):475-493
Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Laboratory experiments were performed to investigate how flow patterns and bed morphology are affected around a submerged vegetation patch in the condition without...  相似文献   

M. C. Kenner 《Marine Biology》1992,112(1):107-118
The population dynamics of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus inhabiting dense mats of geniculate coralline algae in a shallow central California Macrocystis pyrifera forest was examined. Sea otters had occupied the area for over two decades. Sea urchin density and size distribution were sampled during 1984–1986 to determine recruitment and mortality patterns. Growth rates were obtained from tetracycline-labeled individuals and changes in sizefrequency modes. Periodic collections were made to examine gut contents and the relationship of diet to food availability. The interaction of recruitment and mortality resulted in a dynamic population structure. Mean densities ranged from 6.5 to 12.7 urchins 0.25 m-2. The population consisted primarily of urchins up to 40 mm in test diameter in a size distribution which changed from unimodal to bimodal and back over the 2 yr study. Mortality was temporally variable and related to test diameter. Growth rates were somewhat lower than most previous reports for the species and suggested that most of the population was made up of 1 and 2 yr-old individuals. Diet consisted largely of geniculate coralline algae, with fleshy brown algae becoming important when available as drift. This study showed high densities of small urchins can exist in a California kelp forest inhabited by sea otters, but regular recruitment may be necessary to maintain such populations.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling of the Chicago River, Illinois   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
We present and describe results from a three-dimensional model applied to the Chicago River under a wet weather condition. Chicago River is an integral part of Chicago, the third largest city in United States, for recreational, commercial and industrial purposes. Although the flow in the Chicago River is supposed to be from north to south, the flow acquires a three-dimensional nature at various points in the river. The reasons for the three dimensionality of the flow can be attributed to the dynamic boundary conditions generated by combined sewer overflow (CSO) events during wet weather conditions, as well as the presence of confluences of various branches of the river with creeks and slips. This work presents the hydrodynamic application and validation of a three dimensional numerical model, which was used to simulate the flow in the Chicago River for a period of 8?days in September of 2008, during which the torrential rains in the city of Chicago led to intense CSO events. The numerical model used for the aforementioned exercise is the Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC) which solves the three dimensional vertically hydrostatic, free surface, turbulence averaged equations of motions for a variable density fluid. The results obtained by the numerical model were validated with the help of stage values obtained from the USGS gauging station [Station No. 05536123] present inside the domain of interest. It was estimated that during the storm September 2008, several billion gallons of water were discharged into Lake Michigan from the Chicago River Controlling Works to prevent city flooding. The 3D model also provides a tool for the management of the waterways, in particular for future analysis of different alternatives being considered to reverse the Chicago River once again with the goal of preventing the passage of invasive species (e.g. Asian carp) towards the Great Lakes.  相似文献   

Body Size Variation of Mammals in a Fragmented, Temperate Rainforest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract:  Body size is perhaps the most important trait of an organism, affecting all of its physiological and ecological processes and, therefore, fundamentally influencing its ability to survive and reproduce in different environments, including those that have been modified by human activities. We tested the hypothesis that anthropogenic transformation of old-growth forest landscapes can result in significant intraspecific changes in body size of resident biotas. We collected data on five species of nonvolant mammals (common deer mouse [Peromyscus maniculatus ], northwestern deer mouse [P. keeni] , southern red-backed vole [Clethrionomys gapperi ], montane shrew [Sorex monticolus] , and Trowbridge's shrew [S. trowbridgii] ) to test whether body size (mass and length) of these species varied across types of land cover (macrohabitats) and along elevational gradients of the fragmented, temperate rainforest of Olympic National Forest (Washington, U.S.A.). We measured 2168 and 1134 individuals for body mass and body length, respectively. Three species ( P. keeni , S. monticolus , and S. trowbridgii ) exhibited significantly different body size among macrohabitats: individuals from fragments were smaller than those in old-growth corridors and those in more extensive stands of old-growth forest. Body size of P. keeni was significantly correlated with elevation along corridors, peaking near the medial reaches of the corridors. The effects of anthropogenic transformations of this landscape of old-growth, temperate rainforest, although not universal among the five species, were significant and rapid—developing in just a few decades following tree harvests. Thus, anthropogenic fragmentation may influence not only the diversity, species composition, and densities of local biotas, but also one of the most fundamental and defining characteristics of native species—their body size.  相似文献   

Day-night differences in abundance and biomass of demersal zooplankton in the water column were determined by trapping these animals as they emerged from the sand substrate in a kelp forest (Macrocystis pyrifera) ecosystem off Santa Catalina Island, California, USA. The day and night sampling periods of the 24 June 1979 new moon each lasted 12 h. Abundance and biomass of total demersal zooplankton were significantly higher in night samples. A mean of 2,425±1,168 demersal zooplankton m-2 24 h-1 migrated over a diel cycle; 97% of these animals were crustaceans. The mean biomass of demersal zooplankton was 94.2±27.6 mg ash-free dry wt m-2 24 h-1. No significant differences were found in either the abundance or biomass of demersal zooplanktion collected in low and high traps, suggesting that most animals collected 25 cm off the bottom can sustain swimming to at least 75 cm and that both traps give comparable estimates of the amount of demersal zooplankton available to planktivorous predators.  相似文献   

Regular observations made over a period of 5 yr in four permanent transects provided data on plant, sea urchin, and fish densities which indicate that two unusually severe winter storms in 1980 (Storm I) and 1983 (Storm II) had different effects on a southern California kelp-forest community. Storm I removed all canopies of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera, but spared most understory kelps, mainly Pterygophora californica. Hence, the previously large accumulation of detached drift kelp, mostly M. pyrifera, disappeared. Denied their preferred diet of drift kelp, the sea urchins Strongylocentrotus franciscanus and S. purpuratus then emerged from shelters to find alternative food. Without effective predators, they consumed most living plants, including the surviving understory kelps. This weakened the important detritus-based food chain, as indicated indirectly by declining abundances of algal turf and fish (Embiotocidae) that eat small animals living in turf. In 1983, Storm II reversed the process by eliminating exposed urchins, while clearing rock surfaces for widespread kelp settlement and growth. By summer 1984, the kelp grew to maturity to form extensive canopies despite elevated water temperatures during summer and fall of 1983. Thus, severe storms may have vastly different effects on community structure, depending on the state of the community before the disturbance.  相似文献   

The mass mortality by disease of a localized population of sea urchins, Strongylocencrotus franciscanus, on the seaward side of a kelp forest was followed by the rapid seaward expansion of 4 species of brown algae, Macrocystis pyrifera, Laminaria dentigera, Pterygophora california, and to a lesser extent, Nereocystis leutkeana. One other brown alga, Cystoseira osmundacea, failed to become established in the newly available area. Competition among M. pyrifera, L. dentigera, P. californica, and N. Leutkeana apparently was severe, and within 1 year after the demise of the sea urchins, M. pyrifera formed a dense, nearly monospecific stand. Experimental removal of M. pyrifera demonstrated that the canopy of these plants limited light penetration to levels below that necessary for the growth and survival of other brown and red algae.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional hydrodynamic and water quality model was applied to Lake Paldang, a lake in South Korea that is stratified by incoming flows. The spatial and temporal patterns of phytoplankton growth in this lake were determined from the model. The model was calibrated and verified using data measured under different hydrological conditions. The model results were in reasonable agreement with the field measurements, in both the calibration and verification phases. The distributions of water quality and residence time in the lake and phytoplankton response to changes in nutrient loads were examined with the model, and the influence of the hydrodynamics on phytoplankton response was analyzed. The simulation results indicated that Lake Paldang is an essentially phosphorus-limited system, but that phytoplankton growth is limited by low water temperature and short residence time during the winter and the summer monsoon period, respectively. The results of sensitivity analyses also suggested that the hydrodynamics within the lake may have an indirect influence on phytoplankton responses to changes in the limiting nutrient loads, and that reducing phosphorus loading from Kyoungan Stream should be a high priority policy for controlling algal blooms during the pre- and post-monsoon periods. From this study, it was concluded that the three-dimensional water quality model incorporating hydrodynamic processes could successfully simulate phytoplankton response to changes in nutrient loads and that it could become a useful tool for identifying the essential factors determining phytoplankton growth and for developing the best management policy for algal blooms in Lake Paldang.  相似文献   

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