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The degree of individual or gender variation when exploiting food resources is an important aspect in the study of foraging ecology within a population. Previous information on non-breeding skimmers obtained through conventional methodologies suggested sex-related differences in prey species. In this study, stable isotope techniques were used to investigate the intraspecific segregation in diet and foraging habits of the Black Skimmer (Rynchops niger intercedens) at Mar Chiquita Coastal Lagoon (37°40′S, 57°22′W), Argentina. These results were compared with contemporary data on the trophic composition obtained by conventional methodologies. Blood samples were taken from birds captured with mist-nets during their non-breeding season. The isotopic signatures of skimmers showed a diet mainly composed of marine prey with some degree of estuarine fish intake. When comparing diet between sexes, males showed enrichment in 15N compared to females, while no differences were observed in 13C. The use of mixing models revealed differences in the relative composition of prey in the diet of male and female skimmers. This study highlights stable isotope analysis as a valuable tool to test inter-individual differences and sexual segregation in trophic ecology of Black Skimmers as compared to conventional methodologies. The results show a trophic segregation in the Black Skimmer during the non-breeding season that can be explained by differences in prey species and larger prey sizes of male skimmers. Our findings have significant implications for conservation since any environmental change occurring at wintering areas might have profound effects on several avian life-history traits, and could be different for males and females due to trophic segregation.  相似文献   

Most studies on the foraging ecology of loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) have focused on adult females and juveniles. Little is known about the foraging patterns of adult male loggerheads. We analyzed tissues for carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) from 29 adult male loggerheads tracked with satellite transmitters from one breeding area in Florida, USA, to evaluate their foraging habitats in the Northwest Atlantic (NWA). Our study revealed large variations in δ13C and δ15N and a correlation between both δ13C and δ15N and the latitude to which the loggerheads traveled after the mating season, thus reflecting a geographic pattern in the isotopic signatures. Variation in δ13C and δ15N can be explained by differences in food web baseline isotopic signatures rather than differences in loggerhead trophic levels. Stable isotope analysis may help elucidate residency and migration patterns and identify foraging sea turtle subpopulations in the NWA due to the isotopically distinct habitats used by these highly migratory organisms.  相似文献   

C. M. Young 《Marine Biology》1986,91(4):513-522
Only five of the 14 species of solitary ascidians in the San Juan Islands, Washington, USA commonly co-occur with an abundant predator of the rocky subtidal, the gastropod Fusitriton oregonensis. None of the common subtidal species is defended by vanadium or sulfuric acid; concentrations of these substances are highest in species that are eaten readily by F. oregonensis and are uncommon in the rocky subtidal. Experimental manipulations indicate that Halocynthia igaboja are protected by stiff spines of the tunic. The defense mechanism of Pyura haustor consists of a tough, leathery tunic with inorganic inclusions, and microscopic spines around the siphons. Boltenia villosa and Styela gibbsii are eaten by snails in the laboratory, but live in areas where the predator is abundant. Both find refuge as epizooites on P. haustor and H. igaboja. The mechanisms by which Cnemidocarpa finmarkiensis persists in the presence of F. oregonensis is unknown.  相似文献   

This study used morphological, gut content analysis and carbon- and nitrogen-stable isotope analysis to investigate the trophic structure of upper sublittoral (15–30 m deep) and upper bathyal (200–300 m deep) hydrothermal vents and the adjacent non-vent upper bathyal environment off Kueishan Island. The sublittoral vents host no chemosynthetic fauna, but green and red algae, epibiotic biofilm on crustacean surfaces, and zooplankton form the base of the trophic system. Suspension-feeding sea anemones and the generalist omnivorous vent crab Xenograpsus testudinatus occupy higher trophic levels. The upper bathyal hydrothermal vent is a chemoautotrophic-based system. The vent mussel Bathymodiolus taiwanensis forms a chemosynthetic component of this trophic system. Bacterial biofilm, surface plankton, and algae form the other dietary fractions of the upper bathyal fauna. The vent hermit crab Paragiopagurus ventilatus and the vent crab X. testudinatus are generalist omnivores. The vent-endemic tonguefish Symphurus multimaculatus occupies the top level of the trophic system. The adjacent non-vent upper bathyal region contains decapod crustaceans, which function as either predators or scavengers. The assemblages of X. testudinatus from sublittoral and upper bathyal vents exhibited distinct stable isotope values, suggesting that they feed on different food sources. The upper bathyal Xenograpsus assemblages displayed large variations in their stable isotope values and exhibited an ontogenetic shift in their δ13C and δ15N stable isotope signatures. Some individuals of Xenograpsus exhibited δ15N values close to those of non-vent species, suggesting that the highly mobile Xenograpsus may transfer energy between the upper bathyal hydrothermal vents and the adjacent non-vent upper bathyal environment.  相似文献   

The common shrew (Sorex araneus) is a solitary small mammal with a promiscuous mating system. Previous studies of this species suggest that females typically mate multiply, and that males may adopt alternative mate-searching tactics. We studied two generations of common shrews in a population near Oxford, England. Males were found to adopt two different mate-searching tactics. Those classed as type A occupied relatively small exclusive ranges during March, and made repeated long-distance movements to visit female ranges around the time of first oestrus in April. Males classed as type B established large overlapping ranges in areas of relatively high female density during March, and maintained these ranges throughout April. Type B males were larger than type A males at an early stage of sexual maturation, but there was no difference in the adult body size of the two types of male. Type A males had significantly higher epididymal sperm counts than type B males. Paternity analyses of litters born during the first year of the study reveal that the mean number of offspring fathered by type B males was greater than the mean number fathered by type A males. It is concluded that different mate-searching tactics may be conditional upon the timing of sexual maturation. Differences in sperm production are discussed in relation to sperm competition theory.  相似文献   

The objective in this paper is to investigate the use of a non-parametric approach to model the relationship between oceanic carbon dioxide \((pCO_2)\) and a range of ocean physics and biogeochemical in situ variables in the Southern Ocean, which influence its in situ variability. The need for this stems from the need to obtain reliable estimates of carbon dioxide concentrations in the Southern Ocean which plays an important role in the global carbon flux cycle. The main challenge involved in this objective is the spatial limitation and seasonal bias of the in situ data. Moreover, studies have also reported that the relationship between \(pCO_2\) and its drivers is complex. As such, in this paper, we use the non-parametric kernel regression approach since it is able to accurately capture the complex relationships between the response and predictor variables. In this analysis we use the in situ data obtained from the SANAE49 return leg journey between Antarctic to Cape Town. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time this data set has been subjected to such analysis. The model variants were developed on a training data subset, and the ‘goodness’ of the models were assessed on an “unseen” test data subset. Results indicate that the nonparametric approach consistently captures the relationship more accurately in terms of mean square error, root mean square error and mean absolute error, over a standard parametric approach (multiple linear regression). These results provide a platform for using the developed nonparametric regression model based on in situ measurements to predict \(pCO_2\) for a larger spatial region in the Southern Ocean based on satellite biogeochemical measurements of predictor variables, given that satellites do not measure \(pCO_2\) .  相似文献   

Environmental Chemistry Letters - The demand for a cleaner environment has led chemists to develop greener protocols, notably by using catalysts. Encapsulation of an active substance on a solid...  相似文献   

Aluminium concentrations in NIST (formally NBS) Standard Reference Material Tomato Leaves and Citrus Leaves were determined by ICP-AES after acid digestion. The normal total acid attack (nitric and perchloric acids) gave very low recovery (40%) of Al in NIST tomato leaves, but not for citrus leaves. The contribution of Al from Al-rich soil particles in both tomato leaves and citrus leaves was estimated semi-quantitatively by computer-controlled EPMA. The Al held in these particles corresponded in approximate concentration to the shortfall between the acid soluble component determined in this study and the certified value. Analysis by EPMA can provide, therefore, a method of estimating Al contributed by soil contamination to plant materials. The limitations of the NIST tomato and citrus leaf reference material for the validation of methods for the determination of Al in vegetation are demonstrated.  相似文献   

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