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Yi AX  Leung KM  Lam MH  Lee JS  Giesy JP 《Chemosphere》2012,89(9):1015-1025
The state of scientific knowledge regarding analytical methods, environmental fate, ecotoxicity and ecological risk of triphenyltin (TPT) compounds in marine ecosystems as well as their exposure and health hazard to humans was reviewed. Since the 1960s, TPT compounds have been commonly applied as biocides for diverse industrial and agricultural purposes. For instance, they are used as active ingredients in antifouling systems on marine vessels and mariculture facilities, and as fungicides in agriculture. Due to their intensive use, contamination of coastal waters by TPT and its products of transformation has become a worldwide problem. The proportion of quantified TPT to total phenyltin compounds in the marine environment provides evidence that TPT is photodegradable in water and sediment but resistant to biotransformation. Concentrations of TPT in marine biota are consistently greater than concentrations in water and sediment, which implies potential of TPT to bioaccumulate. TPT is toxic to both marine plants and animals. The predicted no effect concentration (PNEC) for TPT, as determined by use of the species sensitivity distribution approach, is 0.64 ng L−1. In some parts of the world, concentrations of TPT in seawater exceed the PNEC, indicating that TPT can pose risks to marine life. Although there is negligible risk of TPT to average human consumers, TPT has been detected in blood of Finnish people and the concentration was greater in fishermen who ate more seafood. It is, therefore, advocated to initiate regular monitoring of TPT in blood and breast milk of populations that consume greater amounts of seafood.  相似文献   

In recent years, a river-dredging project has been executed in Nantou, Taiwan. A large number of diesel vehicles carrying gravel and sand shuttle back and forth on the main traffic roads (Tai-16 and Tai-21). The purpose of this study is to figure out the levels of metals contributed by those vehicles to the surrounding environment. Eight stations along the roadside of diesel transport routes were selected as exposure sites, while a small village located about 9 km away from the diesel transport routes was selected as the control site. The mass concentrations of coarse and fine particulate matter indicated that contributions from traffic fleets resulted in a higher percentage of coarse particulate matter in the ambient air at exposure sites in comparison with that at control site. Significantly higher values of EC (elemental carbon) concentrations and ratios of EC/OC (organic carbon) at exposure sites indicate that diesel vehicles at exposure sites contributed a greater amount of pollutants than gasoline vehicles. Exposure site concentrations for all metals measured (Fe, Al, Mn, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Mo and As) for fine and coarse particulate matter were all higher than those at the control site. Recorded levels of metal contents in road dust and riverside soil near Tai-16 and Tai-21 showed that while the traffic fleet did not increase the metal contents of crustal elements in the road dust, it did significantly increase the metal contents of traffic-related elements. Enrichment factors (EFs) were calculated with respect to road dust (EFroad) and with respect to the samples of riverside soil (EFriver). Among these metals, Mo was the most highly-enriched metal. The extremely high EFriver value (4300) of Mo indicates that these stations were highly polluted by diesel emission. Whereas the significantly high EFroad value (810) of Mo implies that a considerable of Mo was emitted from tailpipe of diesel vehicles.  相似文献   

In the early 1970s the International Maritime Organization turned to GESAMP — a United Nations expert group — for advice in determining the hazards posed by chemicals, when released into the sea. The subsequent methods developed have been used ever since. The hazard evaluation procedure has been revised 1995 – 1998, now including inter alia aspects of chronic aquatic toxicity and biodegradation. Within this review, the old (existing) and the new (revised) hazard evaluation processes are explained. Reasons for the revisions and some still unresolved aspects are discussed. Severe evaluation problems exist for non-water soluble chemicals, e.g. oils. Hazard evaluations including testing procedures which are enforced for the categorization of bulk liquids are explained.  相似文献   

This report gives an inside view on discussions held at the headquarters of the International Maritime Organization, the United Nations agency concerned with maritime safety and the prevention of pollution from ships. Marine environmental protection regulations and their historical development are presented and discussed. The regulative measures that have been taken under the responsibility of this organization during the last decades to reduce accidental and operational discharge from tankships have achieved success although the marine environment is still suffering. Those standards which will come into force will further reduce the risks of accidental pollution. The report summarizes aspects beyond issues of environmental science which have to be analysed in order to reduce the impact of tankships on the marine environment. The report ends with the thesis that safer ships and improved occupational conditions on board are prerequisites for cleaner seas.  相似文献   

Brausch JM  Rand GM 《Chemosphere》2011,82(11):1518-1532
Considerable research has been conducted examining occurrence and effects of human use pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment; however, relatively little research has been conducted examining personal care products although they are found more often and in higher concentrations than pharmaceuticals. Personal care products are continually released into the aquatic environment and are biologically active and persistent. This article examines the acute and chronic toxicity data available for personal care products and highlights areas of concern. Toxicity and environmental data were synergized to develop a preliminary hazard assessment in which only triclosan and triclocarban presented any hazard. However, numerous PCPs including triclosan, paraben preservatives, and UV filters have evidence suggesting endocrine effects in aquatic organisms and thus need to be investigated and incorporated in definitive risk assessments. Additional data pertaining to environmental concentrations of UV filters and parabens, in vivo toxicity data for parabens, and potential for bioaccumulation of PCPs needs to obtained to develop definitive aquatic risk assessments.  相似文献   

氰化物在民用工业中用途十分广泛,但它是高毒物质,一旦发生泄漏,就会给人类的生存环境造成严重的后果,因此对环境中的氰化物进行监测具有非常重要的意义。对环境中氰化物测定的容量法、光度法(分光光度法、荧光法和原子吸收光度法)、电化学法(离子选择电极法、极谱法和安培法)、色谱法、放射化学法、流动注射分析法的原理、特点及监测效果作了详细的讨论,希望能够为相关研究者和企业提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

Fromberg A  Cleemann M  Carlsen L 《Chemosphere》1999,38(13):3075-3093
The literature concerning persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the environment of Greenland and the Faroe Islands covering the period up to 1995 has been revisited. It is difficult to compare data from earlier studies with those from more recent investigations. Thus as the former quantified the content of CBs by comparison to a technical mixture of CBs (e.g. Aroclor 1254), the latter analyses typically are quantified on a single congener level. Single CB congeners have in some cases been determined, but the results were subsequently expressed as total PCB related to an Aroclor standard. For studies based on single CB congener determinations, the highest levels are reported for porpoise blubber from Greenland (700-4500 micrograms/kg wet weight), the conclusion, however being based on two determinations only. In Greenlandic seal blubber and peregrine falcon plasma equal levels of CBs (130-750 micrograms/kg ww) and of DDTs (150-860 micrograms/kg ww) were found. Levels of CBs and DDTs in fish liver were found to be around 40-75 micrograms/kg ww. In sediment samples the CBs were almost all below the detection limit (< 0.02-0.1 microgram/kg dry weight), and thereby being the matrix with the lowest CBs concentration levels. Earlier data based on Aroclor standards showed DDT levels in Greenlandic whale blubber in the range of 2700-4100 micrograms/kg ww and PCB levels of 3700 micrograms/kg-5400 micrograms/kg ww. DDT levels for seal blubber were at the same level (2700-4500 micrograms/kg ww) whereas the PCB level was lower (900-3900 micrograms/kg ww). The PCB level corresponds to the level found in human adipose tissue determined with a similar quantification technique. The lowest levels reported for mammals correspond to walrus blubber, the sum of PCBs and DDTs being in the ranges of 180-360 micrograms/kg ww and 50-90 micrograms/kg ww, respectively. The content of PCBs in scallops was found to be 3 micrograms/kg ww near the Thule Air base.  相似文献   

Agricultural landscapes, although often highly altered in nature, provide habitat for many species of amphibian. However, the persistence and health of amphibian populations are likely to be compromised by the escalating use of pesticides and other agricultural chemicals. This review examines some of the issues relating to exposure of amphibian populations to these chemicals and places emphasis on mechanisms of toxicity. Several mechanisms are highlighted, including those that may disrupt thyroid activity, retinoid pathways, and sexual differentiation. Special emphasis is also placed on the various interactions that may occur between different agro-chemicals and between chemicals and other environmental factors. We also examine the indirect effects on amphibian populations that occur when their surrounding pond communities are altered by chemicals.  相似文献   

Metal concentrations (Ag, As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn) were determined in the feathers and excreta of nestling great tits (Parus major), in their main invertebrate prey (Lepidoptera larvae) and in vegetation samples, all collected from four sites along a pollution gradient. Metal contamination in vegetation samples increased significantly towards the pollution source. The Ag, As, Hg, Ni and Pb concentrations in food samples were significantly higher at the site closest to the pollution source compared to the other three sites. Great tit nestlings from the site closest to the pollution source had significantly higher concentrations of Ag, As, Hg and Pb in their excreta than did nestlings at the other three sites. For five metals (Ag, As, Cu, Ni and Pb), we found concentrations in caterpillars to be significantly positively correlated with vegetation samples. We also found clear significant positive correlations between excreta and caterpillars for Ag, As, Hg and Pb and between feathers and caterpillars for As and Pb. Our data suggest that excreta are a good monitor for the presence and concentrations of non-essential metals in the food and the environment of passerine birds.  相似文献   

A method is described to sample and quantify acetic and formic acid vapours within 35 min. The detection limits are 5.3 and 28.9 μg/m3, respectively, and the technique used is manual SPME collection of the sample followed by analysis on a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry system. In both cases linearity between the standards prepared and the results measured are found. The technique can be used to analyse air in small confined areas, as the total volume of air sampled is <4 l.  相似文献   

水环境中微囊藻毒素检测技术研究进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
随着世界各国对微囊藻毒素的重视,中国也在相关水质标准里新增了微囊藻毒素这项指标.因此,水环境中微囊藻毒素的检测和控制变得非常重要,而检测更是控制的基础.比较详细地综述了目前国内外在微囊藻毒素检测方面的各种不同的研究方法和成果;并在总结这些研究的基础上,展望了微囊藻毒素检测的发展方向.  相似文献   

This article provides a critical review of the environmental chemistry of inorganic antimony (Sb) in soils, comparing and contrasting findings with those of arsenic (As). Characteristics of the Sb soil system are reviewed, with an emphasis on speciation, sorption and phase associations, identifying differences between Sb and As behaviour. Knowledge gaps in environmentally relevant Sb data for soils are identified and discussed in terms of the limitations this imposes on understanding the fate, behaviour and risks associated with Sb in environmental soil systems, with particular reference to mobility and bioavailability.  相似文献   

Dinitrogen pentoxide (N2O5), which is present in equilibrium with NO3 radicals and NO2, has been recognized for some time as an intermediate in the NOx chemistry of night-time atmospheres. However, until the advent of long pathlength spectroscopic techniques for the measurement of atmospheric NO3 radical concentrations, no reliable method for estimating N2O5 concentrations has been available. We have calculated maximum night-time N2O5 concentrations from the available experimentally determined concentrations of the NO3 radical and NO2 in the U.S. and Germany, and find that N2O5 concentrations as high as ~ 15 ppb can occur. We have also estimated removal rates for N2O5 and for NO3 radicals during these nights. From data obtained under conditions devoid of point sources of NOx, upper limit estimates of the homogeneous rate constant for the reaction of N2O5 with water vapor are obtained, leading to the conclusion that the homogeneous gas phase rate constant for this reaction is ⩽ 1 × 10−21 cm3 molecule−1 s−1 at 298 K, consistent with recent environmental chamber data.  相似文献   

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