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新疆焉耆县耕地土壤重金属的空间分布及来源解析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在新疆焉耆县采集53个耕地土壤样品,测定其中As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Mn、Ni、Pb和Zn的质量比,基于GIS技术研究其空间分布格局,运用多元统计分析法区分其主要来源。结果表明:焉耆县耕地土壤中Cd、Cr、Ni、Pb和Zn的质量比平均值分别超过新疆灌耕土背景值的0.50、0.40、0.33、1.63和3.92倍;在研究区内As、Cd、Pb质量比呈现由北向南逐渐升高趋势,Cr、Cu、Zn质量比呈现由北向南降低趋势,Mn和Ni质量比出现西部高值区;耕地土壤中As、Cd、Ni和Pb的来源主要受人类活动的影响,Cu和Mn的来源主要受土壤地球化学作用的控制,Cr和Zn的来源可能受人为污染与自然因素共同控制。  相似文献   

环境监测数据预审中部分指标的相关性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
数据审核在实验室分析中占有很重要的作用,需要检查是否有异常数据,并对监测数据进行分析、判断,以便了解被监测水体的状况,是否已被污染,污染趋势如何等.根据长期积累的经验,发现部分指标之间存在相关性,了解这些数据的相关性,将对数据审核有很大帮助,总氮和三氮(硝酸盐氮、亚硝酸盐氮、氨氮)之间存在着相关性,并且根据“三氮“在水中存在的含量,可以分析水体状况,分析出水体的污染趋势如何;分别对CODcr和CODMn、CODcr和BOD5、CODMn和BOD5、总磷、总氮和叶绿素a、石油类和CODcr、硫化物和重金属、氟与硬度之间的相关性进行了分析.  相似文献   

通过在某矿区采集农田土壤和菠菜样品,分析其中重金属含量,基于相关性分析和PMF模型对该矿区农田土壤重金属来源进行解析。结果表明,研究区土壤中Cd、As、Zn、Cr和Cu 元素明显富集,分别是当地土壤背景值的5.7倍、4.4倍、2.4倍、1.5倍和1.3倍;相关性分析结果显示,研究区内Cu、Zn、As、Cd元素存在一定的相关性,可能具有同一污染源;PMF模型结果说明,研究区土壤中重金属主要来源分别为工业污染源、自然母质源、交通污染源和农业污染源,其对当地土壤重金属污染贡献率分别为39.8%、22.8%、21.6%和15.8%。  相似文献   

利用地理信息系统技术,在空间数据库平台的支持下,对四川省20世纪90年代中期到2000年间的草地动态变化特征、草地动态变化的背景特征及其空间分布特征进行了分析。研究表明,净增草地部分主要来源于耕地,净减草地部分的主要去向是林地。总体上,净增草地面积3812公顷,净增草地部分主要是在轻度土壤侵蚀区、中度土壤侵蚀区、剧烈土壤侵蚀区和强度土壤侵蚀区,坡度等级5、6和1的区域,环境等级5、6、4和1的区域;净减草地部分主要是在微度土壤侵蚀区和极强土壤侵蚀区,坡度等级3、2和4的区域,环境质量等级7和8的区域。净增草地的区域为川西北高原、丘陵和川西南山区,净增草地面积的前四个地州市是遂宁市、泸州市、巴中地区和广安市,净减少草地的区域为盆周山地和平原,净减少草地面积的前四个地州市是广元市、绵阳市、达川市和宜宾市。  相似文献   

养猪粪污厌氧消化重金属变化特征及影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对太湖流域某典型养猪区域粪污收集后集中厌氧消化处理,分析猪饲料、猪粪和沼肥中重金属总量和形态变化特征,探讨厌氧消化过程重金属形态变化及其影响因素。结果表明,不同养殖阶段中猪饲料重金属含量差异较大,仔猪饲料和猪粪中Cu、Zn和Cd含量较高,而Cr和Ni在生长肥育猪后期饲料和猪粪中含量最高。猪粪中Cu主要以有机结合态、Zn主要以Fe-Mn氧化物结合态、Pb和Cr主要以残渣态、Ni主要以Fe-Mn氧化物态和碳酸盐结合态赋存,沼液中Cu和Zn平均值为猪粪液中含量的1. 59和1. 40倍,沼渣中Cu和Zn平均值为调节池猪粪的1. 58和1. 37倍,厌氧消化后重金属存在"相对浓缩效应",pH值、DOC和OM为厌氧消化过程影响重金属变化的主要因素。  相似文献   

地表水监测误差分析与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析和探讨了地表水环境监测过程中存在的误差。在13家监测站同步采样、同步分析的基础上,筛选出地表水监测实验室间比对结果偏差较大的石油类、挥发酚、氨氮、五日生化需氧量、化学需氧量、高锰酸盐指数和总磷等7个监测指标。从方法误差、仪器误差、试剂误差、操作误差、环境误差、过失误差和质控选择不当造成的误差等各方面探讨误差成因。根据实样测定结果,提出合理选择并统一分析方法、增加平行测定次数、加强质控措施和修改允许相对偏差等切实可行的对策和措施,为地表水监测和水环境管理提供技术依据。  相似文献   

北京市主要水污染物排放特征及水质改善对策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
污染排放信息是环境决策的重要依据。分析了北京市水环境质量的现状,基于最新源排放清单,解析北京市当前主控污染物COD、氨氮排放的结构特征和空间特征,以期为北京市开展基于流域综合治理的水污染控制和水环境管理提供依据。按照工业源、农业源、生活源和集中处理设施的环境统计口径,2013年,COD、氨氮的排放构成分别为2.7%、37.1%、35.0%、25.3%和1.5%、20.1%、54.8%、23.6%。其中,农业源中畜禽养殖排放是主要来源,COD、氨氮总排放分别占农业源总排放量的94.7%和87.0%。在北京市五大水系中,北运河流域排放量最大,COD、氨氮排放量分别占全市总排放量的53.3%和57.4%。为改善北京市水环境质量,建议从加快污水处理厂提标改造、推动面源污染治理、加强水利联通、合理规划城市规模布局等4个方面入手。  相似文献   

中国近岸海域环境监测技术路线研究   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
针对中国"十二五"期间近岸海域环境形势和管理需求,在分析国内外监测技术发展趋势的基础上,提出现阶段近岸海域环境监测技术路线应以优化布点、现场采样、实验室分析、浮标自动监测和卫星遥感为基本手段,重点针对河口、海湾区域富营养化和生态效应问题,依托国家、省/分站、地(市)和县(区)四级监测运行模式,完善近岸海域质量、海岸带环境、陆源输入通量、监控预警和事故应急监测方法,构建基于生态目标的近岸海域环境综合监测和评价体系,并对各类监测点位、监测指标和监测频次进行了优化筛选。  相似文献   

为明确地下水污染高风险区环境管控目标,快速识别优先控制污染物,于2022年以典型产业集聚区为研究对象,利用污染源产排污状况和地下水基础环境状况调查结果,将污染评价和环境风险相结合,优选污染源超标率、地下水环境污染等级、生物毒性参数和环境迁移转化参数作为筛选因子,利用层次分析法和综合分析法,计算各污染指标综合得分,建立筛选地下水优先控制污染物的方法体系。筛选结果显示,该产业集聚区的优先控制污染物相关指标包括:硝酸盐、耗氧量、石油类、总硬度、亚硝酸盐、镍、锌、硫酸盐、甲苯、氨氮等。筛选结果与园区主导行业产排污特征和地下水质量现状相符,具有一定的可靠性,可为科学、精准管控高风险区地下水质量提供依据。  相似文献   

通过对湖北省典型矿冶城市表层土壤采样,测定其中Cd、Co、Cr、Cu、Mn、Ni、Pb和Zn等8种重金属的质量比,探究土壤重金属空间分布与污染程度,并定量分析各污染源的贡献率。结果表明:Cd、Cu、Pb和Zn污染严重且具有类似的污染空间分布,均在工矿活动区域富集,Co和Cu高值区均出现在铜矿附近。Cd、Cr和Cu污染程度较高,对土壤生态环境有较大的不利影响。研究区内主要受综合采矿源、铜矿采矿-冶炼源影响,对土壤重金属的贡献率分别为41%和31%。  相似文献   

大气二氧化硫采样对比试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对大气二氧化硫连续自动采样过程中的导气管吸附,样品的放置时间,吸收液的放置时间,采样高度等方面进行了试验,结果表明,导气管的吸附是使二氧化硫的监测值较五日采样法明显偏低的主要因素,其余方面无显著影响。  相似文献   

孔昭音 《干旱环境监测》2005,19(1):56-57,F004
就现行大气污染物排放标准未包括导热炉的问题,分析了各种大气污染物排放标准的适用范围和控制的污染物种类;分析了导热炉的结构、燃料种类、燃烧方式、排放的污染物种类,提出了导热炉大气污染物排放标准适合于执行《锅炉大气污染物排放标准》的建议。  相似文献   

为了做好博鳌亚洲论坛2018年年会期间的空气质量保障工作,通过综合分析2015-2017年同期的监测数据及其气象条件,依托空气质量多模式数值预报系统,以专家组现场会商研判的方式开展了空气质量预报保障工作。结果显示,海口市、三亚市和博鳌镇在会议期间空气质量保持优良,每日AQI预报结果在±10的准确率为72. 2%,有效支撑了博论坛期间空气质量保障工作。会议期间文昌区域站和五指山背景站出现超标现象,超标污染物均为O3,外来污染传输是今后博鳌论坛保障中需重点关注的关键影响因素。  相似文献   

广州市PM_(10)与气象要素的关系分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
广州的PM10污染状况较为严重.PM10是大气颗粒物中对环境和人体健康危害最大的一类,PM10与医院就诊率、呼吸器官疾病发病率乃至死亡率等关系密切.PM10污染与气象条件关系密切,研究气象条件对PM10污染的影响,对改善城市空气质量条件有重要意义.文章利用2001~2004年广州市PM10和同期地面气象要素的监测资料,定量分析PM10与降雨量、相对湿度、平均温度和气压之间的关系:不同等级的降雨对PM10污染均有一定的清除作用;PM.0日平均质量浓度的改变量随着降雨量的增大而增大;1mm降雨量对PM10的清除能力按春、夏、秋、冬依次递增.春、夏、秋三个季节均为当日平均相对湿度低于季平均相对湿度时容易出现PM10污染天气,冬季则相反.春、秋两季均为当日平均气温在季平均值附近徘徊时,较易出现PM10污染,冬季则相反,夏季较少出现PM10污染.较高气压下PM10污染日的出现频率明显高于非污染日.  相似文献   

The Swedish Navy has operated submarines equipped with air independent propulsion for two decades. This type of submarine can stay submerged for periods far longer than other non-nuclear submarines are capable of. The air quality during longer periods of submersion has so far not been thoroughly investigated. This study presents results for a number of air quality parameters obtained during more than one week of continuous submerged operation. The measured parameters are pressure, temperature, relative humidity, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, formaldehyde and other volatile organic compounds, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter and microbiological contaminants. The measurements of airborne particles demonstrate that air pollutants typically occur at a low baseline level due to high air exchange rates and efficient air-cleaning devices. However, short-lived peaks with comparatively high concentrations occur, several of the sources for these have been identified. The concentrations of the pollutants measured in this study do not indicate a build-up of hazardous compounds during eight days of submersion. It is reasonable to assume that a substantial build-up of the investigated contaminants is not likely if the submersion period is prolonged several times, which is the case for modern submarines equipped with air independent propulsion.  相似文献   

Previous experimental work has demonstrated that elemental mercury evasion from natural water displays a diel cycle; evasion rates during the day can be two to three times evasion rates observed at night. A study with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) found that diurnal PCB air/water exchange rates exceeded nocturnal exchange rates by 32%. Given that the exchange rates of both PCBs and elemental mercury are dominated by the resistance in the aqueous thin film at the air/water interface and that water column elemental mercury concentrations in natural water bodies also display a diel cycle (and water column PCB concentrations do not) the findings here suggest that PCBs can serve as a tracer to assess the relative contribution of diel atmospheric temperature variations on elemental mercury air/water exchange rates. Using previously published data describing water column elemental mercury concentrations and the previously published diel mercury evasion model, four evasion scenarios are examined within the context of monitoring air/water toxicant exchange: constant atmospheric temperatures and constant water column elemental mercury concentrations; variable atmospheric temperatures and constant water column elemental mercury concentrations; constant atmospheric temperatures and variable water column elemental mercury concentrations; and variable atmospheric temperatures and variable water column elemental mercury concentrations. A scenario of monthly elemental mercury air/water exchange also is examined (at constant atmospheric and water column elemental mercury concentrations). Some of the findings include: (1) atmospheric temperature variations do have a significant effect on air/water toxicant exchange; (2) diel atmospheric temperature variations become more significant to overall diel toxicant exchange rates the closer the air/water system is to equilibrium conditions; (3) for refractory toxicants, average diel exchange rates are best estimated by averaging datasets obtained over a 24 h period or, at minimum, by measuring exchange rates at average atmospheric temperature values; (4) for elemental mercury, variable diel water column concentrations are likely to be the dominant contributor to variations in diel evasion rates; (5) diel atmospheric temperature variations amplify the magnitudes of both diel mercury evasion and absorption events and can shift maximum evasion rates to later in the day; (6) variations in monthly elemental mercury air/water exchange rates may exceed diel variations: and (7) 24 h and monthly monitoring efforts will likely be required to accurately describe diel and annual elemental mercury air/water exchange in a given system.  相似文献   

环境空气中VOC s 的监测技术新进展   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
大气中的挥发性有机物(VOCs)严重威胁着人类的健康,目前对它的监测技术的研究越来越多.文章综述了近年来国内外在VOCs的采样及测试技术上的进展,重点介绍了固相微萃取、罐取样、吸附法等采样技术以及以气相色谱法为主的分析方法,并对一些非色谱法的分析技术进行了简单介绍.  相似文献   

The Metropolitan Region of Santiago has been declared as nonattainment area for carbon monoxide (CO). The data was based on seven air monitoring stations that do not necessarily represent the real population exposure. Usually, a series of coefficients that relates the concentration of pollutants with health effects (betas of the concentration–response equations) are used. For the calculation of these betas, normally, a city average air pollution concentration is used; nevertheless, these betas do not necessarily represent the real risk of exposure that the inhabitants are experimented. For this reason, this study estimates two aspects that are unknown and that are necessary to policymakers in public health decisions. First, estimate the exposure at a lower spatial resolution level and, second, estimate a concentration–response curve that differs spatially and depends on the proportion of susceptible groups. We followed the Air Pollution and Health, European Approach/Spanish Multicenter Study on the Relationship Between Air Pollution and the Mortality methodology for the determination of the short-term health effect due to CO population exposure at the three spatial levels (city, zone, and county). We found that there are different risks in cardiorespiratory mortality in the group over 64 years old associated to an unequal exposure to CO in Santiago city. The higher risks are in counties located to the south–east of the city. These finding confirm the necessity to face, in a different way, the approach when evaluating control strategies and policy decision to control air pollution in Santiago.  相似文献   

When evaluating the atmospheric environment in regional strategic environment assessment (R-SEA), the variation and choice of the spatial scale have a substantial influence on the conclusions of the assessment. In this study, we used numerical simulation to investigate the spatial-scale effect. Two varying spatial extents and two varying spatial details of pollutant emission data (emission inventories in this case) were provided for numerical modeling, and output distributions of atmospheric pollutants at different air pollution levels were compared. The results show that the resolution and spatial range of data collection do indeed influence the atmospheric prediction and assessment results in R-SEA. The spatial-scale effect is more significant under the air pollution condition than under excellent and good air quality conditions. A comparison of varying spatial extents of emission inventory shows that narrowing the prediction area to a local scale is more conducive to identifying the impact of local pollution sources. A comparison of varying spatial details of emission inventory indicates that a higher resolution is favorable for identifying local high concentrations of pollutants and their locations.  相似文献   

Quality analysis is the science of in-depth monitoring supported by interactive visual interfaces, and it has many applications in environmental fields. According to nature, both manual and natural issues do not adequately understand the danger factor monitoring approach since they cannot correctly take all the information as an accessible one. Therefore, this paper suggests a web-text analysis based regional air quality index forecasting (WEBT-RAQIF) method for the air quality index monitoring development and evaluation of pollution research. In the context of acquiring a system familiar to a large number of research experiments, a web-text analysis method has developed to support monitoring and analysis issues. In this process, the added benefit of web-text has been illustrated by contrasting traditional monitoring approaches with immersive web-text analysis techniques through various user domains. The empirical evidence of the added value for general monitoring has been analyzed by web-text analysis  相似文献   

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