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Devolution of responsibilities is transforming how flood risk is managed in many countries. Research assessing the emergence and role of a new element in the governance of flood risk management in England explored the numerous ‘flood action groups’ that have developed over the last decade. We identified two broad categories of relationship between the public and authorities. The first displays ‘contractual’ characteristics: a level of protection provided by the authority in exchange for taxes or similar support. The second embodies a ‘collaborative’ relationship: public knowledge, social and financial resources are equal and complementary to those of authority, and seeking ‘collective security’. In general, the former were more successful than the latter, but common lessons were that success in FRM should not be defined purely as the ability to prevent flooding, but as the ability to access a variety of resources across different levels of society at different stages of flood risk management.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The Paris agreement (COP21) emphasized the need to progress toward using low-carbon energy technologies, including nuclear power, that is favorably...  相似文献   

The total (wet and dry) deposition of trace and major elements from the atmosphere was measured throughout 1 year at twelve sampling stations in the ‘Campo de Gibraltar’, an industrial zone where there are important residential areas. The data included in this paper have contributed to a better knowledge of the regional deposition of Al, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, V, Zn, Ca, Mg, K, Na, Cl, NH4+, NO3and SO42− in both soluble and insoluble form.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Preparation of the new European REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of CHemicals) regulation on chemicals has reached a critical stage. Depending on how key elements of the legislative proposal are finalised, especially that on authorisation of uses of 'substances of very high concern', REACH could either provide an effective measure to drive innovation towards cleaner and safer alternatives, or instead lead to further avoidable chemical exposures on the basis of demonstrated 'adequate control' of risks. Given that some key indicators of human and wildlife reproductive health continue to decline in parts of Europe, while evidence for chemical exposure as a contributory factor grows, it will clearly be vital to get the legislation right. GOAL AND SCOPE: Whereas there is now a consensus between the European Parliament and Council of the European Union that uses of persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) and very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvB) substances should only be permitted when no safer alternatives are available, major differences remain regarding the manner in which other 'substances of very high concern' (including substances which are carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction (CMRs) and endocrine disruptors) are addressed. This paper examines those differences in more detail and proposes some ways forward. METHODS: Using case studies of specific chemicals as examples, the paper critically evaluates the concepts of 'effect thresholds' and 'adequate control' of risks, which underpin the Council's proposal for many CMRs and endocrine disruptors. RESULTS: The subjectivity and uncertainties inherent in the threshold approach proposed by the Council, as illustrated by these case examples, bring its ability to ensure a high level of protection for the environment and human health into question: i. the nature and extent of toxic effects recorded depend on many different factors, including the type of test and conditions selected, the organisms exposed, the timing of exposure and precisely which effects are measured and over what timeframe. ii. doses considerably below 'no effect levels' for survival could nevertheless be causing significant impairment to health and/or reproductive success. iii. chemicals present in mixtures at levels below established thresholds for effects may, in combination, induce significant toxicological responses. DISCUSSION: Under the Council's current proposal, companies will be granted authorisations for some uses of CMRs and endocrine disruptors, even if safer alternatives without these properties are already on the market. The high level of evidence required for identification of substances as being of equivalent concern represents an additional weakness in the Council approach. CONCLUSIONS: Instead, a requirement (along the lines of the Parliament's proposals) to address the availability of alternatives in all cases, to use them when available and to initiate their development when not, represents a more robust, defensible and protective approach to the management of 'substances of very high concern'. The possibility for authorisation of essential uses would remain, while all avoidable uses and exposures would progressively be prevented and sustainable innovation supported. PERSPECTIVES: In the long run, this can only lead to a more sustainable future for the chemical industry in Europe, as well as delivering benefits of increased protection for our environment and health for generations to come.  相似文献   

GOAL, SCOPE AND BACKGROUND: The Gironde estuary is considered as a reference ecosystem with a large fish assemblage (75 species) and the presence of eleven diadromous species. However, geochemical studies and biomonitoring using oysters have shown high metal pollution levels. During the December 1999 hurricane, more than 5,000 young Siberian sturgeons (Acipenser baerii) accidentally escaped from a fish farm into the estuary, where this species had not been present until then. METHODS: In 2002/2003, thirteen sturgeons were collected from the estuary and twelve were obtained from the fish farm, from the same initial batch. Analysis of five metals (cadmium, zinc, copper, lead, mercury) measured in the gills, muscle, liver and kidneys, revealed significantly higher levels of cadmium, lead and mercury in the sturgeon collected from the estuary compared with those from the fish farm. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Metal analysis of the stomach contents of fish collected from the estuary and artificial food used in the fish farm indicated that dietary exposure might account for the differences observed. Nevertheless, metal concentrations in sturgeons that had spent about three years in the Gironde estuary may be considered low when compared with other species (mullets, eels) or with data in the literature regarding concentrations able to induce structural and functional perturbations in fish. As the introduced Siberian sturgeons live in the same place and feed on the same prey as the juveniles of the endangered A. sturio, our results indicate in the short-term that this strictly protected species does not appear to be much affected by the polymetallic pollution in the Gironde estuary. Marked differences in the concentrations of three metals (Cd, Pb, Hg) were established in four organs (gills, liver, skeletal muscle, kidneys) of Siberian sturgeons between specimens that had accidentally escaped into the Gironde estuary (France) during the December 1999 hurricane and were collected in March/June 2003 and specimens from the same initial batch at the fish farm. RECOMMENDATIONS AND PERSPECTIVES: Based on these results, a programme will be set up, with sampling campaigns carried out in the estuary every two years, with systematic monitoring of age in order to check the origin of individuals, in conjunction with sampling of sturgeon from the fish farm. This programme will complement other studies on several biological species representative of the main trophic levels in the estuary, especially the plankton component, benthic macroinvertebrates and oysters.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In the last three decades, the gigantic demand for sustainable and environmentally friendly concrete with reduced environmental footprints has...  相似文献   

Carlsson L  Lazdinis M 《Ambio》2004,33(6):366-370
After the break-up of the Soviet system, the divergence in forest management among Soviet republics became obvious. While the forest sectors of the Baltic States have been fundamentally changed, Russia has not been able to develop an institutional framework that would fit the prerequisites for social-ecological resilience. It is argued that sustainable development requires institutional frameworks that have the capacity to adapt and learn, and thus to treat policies as experiments that are constantly assessed and readjusted. This, however, requires a participatory approach and in this respect the Baltic States are believed to be on a more promising track. Finally, it is concluded that only to the extent that suitable institutional frameworks will be developed will social-ecological resilience be a significant feature of the natural resources management in the former communist countries.  相似文献   

First mooted in 2011, the concept of Trapped Populations referring to people unable to move from environmentally high-risk areas broadened the study of human responses to environmental change. While a seemingly straightforward concept, the underlying discourses around the reasons for being ‘trapped’, and the language describing the concept have profound influences on the way in which policy and practice approaches the needs of populations at risk from environmental stresses and shocks. In this article, we apply a Critical Discourse Analysis to the academic literature on the subject to reveal some of the assumptions implicit within discussing ‘trapped’ populations. The analysis reveals a dominant school of thought that assisted migration, relocation, and resettlement in the face of climate change are potentially effective adaptation strategies along a gradient of migrant agency and governance.  相似文献   

The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) is supporting a research program to define the relation between emitted primary pollutants (e.g. SO2) and regional, ambient concentrations of secondary products (e.g. sulfates). Emphasis will be on identifying the contribution of the electric power industry to ambient sulfate levels in the northeastern United States. This project, the Sulfate Regional Experiment (SURE) will be conducted over three years at a cost of about $6 m. Part of the stimulus for SURE is the concern that utilities may be required to reduce SO2 emissions in order to meet an ambient sulfate standard. The relationship, however, between SO2 emissions and ambient sulfate concentrations is obscure, at best. Present studies seem to indicate that the formation of sulfates is a regional problem, tied not just to SO2, hence no simple relation exists between SO2 emissions and regional sulfate levels. If so, a control on SO2 emissions may not be a realistic means of effecting sulfate reduction. The SURE program comprises four main elements: (1) a ground monitoring network of 54 randomly distributed stations throughout northeastern United States; (2) a program of measurements of air quality using airplanes; (3) a detailed emissions inventory; and (4) a modeling program. Nine ground stations will operate continuously over a 19-month period. The remaining 45 will operate continuously for one month out of each of the four seasons of the year. At all ground stations, a wide range of chemical and meteorological parameters will be measured. Emphasis is on sulfur compounds; however, measurements will also include nitrogen species, ozone, hydrocarbons and some trace metals. The airborne work will serve as a limited supplement to the ground network in an attempt to give a 3-dimensional validity to any conclusions drawn from the measurements made on the ground. The emissions inventory will include SOx, NOx, suspended particles and hydrocarbons from power plants, other industry, homes and surface transportation. Emissions will be reported as daily averages for each season. The modeling effort will develop a simulation system which predicts regional concentrations of primary and secondary pollutants in terms of: (1) multiple sources; (2) pollutant transport and chemical reaction; and (3) meteorological parameters, viz., temperature and humidity. Data for the model will be drawn from other studies as well as from SURE. The program is closely coordinated with activities of U.S. government agencies. Field measurements began in July 1977.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This study quantitatively investigated the scientific progress of walkability research landscape and its future prospects using bibliometric...  相似文献   

Snow chamber and snow-pile experiments performed during the ‘Alert 2000’ campaign show significant release of NO, NO2, and HONO in steady ratios under the influence of irradiation. Both light and a minimal degree of heating are required to produce this effect. We suggest diffusion and re-distribution of NO3 in the form of HNO3 as an important step in the mechanism of active nitrogen release from the snowpack.  相似文献   

Su  Wanying  Song  Qiuxia  Li  Ning  Wang  Hao  Guo  Xianwei  Liang  Qiwei  Liang  Mingming  Ding  Xiuxiu  Qin  Qirong  Chen  Mingchun  Sun  Liang  Zhou  Xiaoqin  Sun  Yehuan 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2022,29(50):75587-75596
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Childhood overweight and obesity (OWO) has risen dramatically in both developed and developing countries over the past few decades, creating a huge...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives and organizational green culture (OGC) play a significant role in developing organizations and...  相似文献   


In sustainable development, energy is critical in human activities and shapes a sustainable future. Thus, it is an unignorable element in human development. This paper analyzes the contributions of renewable energy sources (RES)’s to the economic, environmental, and social dimensions of sustainable development. Moreover, we add energy security as a possible fourth dimension into the analysis. For the sample size, we limit the countries members of the OECD and run generalized methods of moments for the period from 1995 to 2015. This method can produce efficient estimators under the problems of endogeneity, omitted-variable bias, measurement errors, and heteroscedastic residuals. According to the results, RES has a small reducing effect (?.007%) on output in the Cobb-Douglas production function for the economic dimension. We found that RES has a positive contribution to the environmental dimension and abates the level of carbon emission (?.093%). RES also confirms the inverted-U shape of environmental Kuznets curve. In the social dimension, RES improves human development and a 1% increase in RES consumption causes to .0045% increase in human development. In the last contribution, RES has a positive effect on sustainable energy supply security in the context of electricity generation (.032%). Although the effects of RES on the environment, social, and energy security are significant, they are limited. These limitations point to barriers that can be overcome over time. Our conclusions recommend that these effects might flourish with technical developments and political support in the long run. Furthermore, public awareness, rising income level, and economies of scale are also beneficial in this process. As a result, RES might be an excellent source for a sustainable future and development. Especially, RES might have remarkable contributions to the 7th, 11th, 12th, and 13th goals of sustainable development.


Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The pollution emissions trading system (PETS) pilot policy is China’s first large-scale implementation of market-based environmental...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Location-routing problem is a combination of facility location problem and vehicle routing problem. Numerous logistics problems have been extended to...  相似文献   

Michael R. Dove 《Ambio》2015,44(3):239-248
Carl Linnaeus’ work on the ‘economy of nature’ was a major early development in what became the modern field of ecology. This analysis suggests that a key subject of this work that has been ignored or misunderstood for 250 years is the rural livelihoods, especially swidden (or slash-and-burn) agriculture, which Linnaeus studied during his expeditions through rural Sweden. Rereading his reports in the light of modern work on swiddens, political ecology, and the history of science affords a new appreciation of Linnaeus’ insights into traditional systems of resource exploitation. The logic of nutrient cycling in swidden agriculture and its utilization of natural dynamics to serve human ends exemplify the principles of the ‘economy of nature’, and gave Linnaeus a philosophical basis for understanding and defending this system of agriculture as well as other rural resource use systems in Sweden. This analysis sheds new light on Linnaeus’ ethnographic work, his view of folk environmental knowledge, and his often derided identification with Sweden’s ethnic peoples.  相似文献   


Atmospheric particulate matter (PM) samples from 12 sites in southern California, collected as part of the Southern California Children’s Health Study (SCCHS), were analyzed using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) techniques. Ninety-four organic compounds were quantified in these samples, including n-alkanes, fatty acids, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), ho-panes, steranes, aromatic diacids, aliphatic diacids, resin acids, methoxyphenols, and levoglucosan. Annual average concentrations of all detected compounds, as well as average concentrations for three seasonal periods, were determined at all 12 sites for the calendar year of 1995. These measurements provide important information about the seasonal and spatial distribution of particle-phase organic compounds in southern California. Also, co-located samples from one site were analyzed to assess precision of measurement. Excellent agreement was observed between annual average concentrations for the broad range of organic compounds measured in this study. Measured concentrations from the 12 sampling sites were used in a previously developed molecular-marker source apportionment model to quantify the primary source contributions to the PM10 organic carbon and mass concentrations at these 12 sites. Source contributions to atmospheric PM from six important air pollution sources were quantified: gasoline-powered motor vehicle exhaust, diesel vehicle exhaust, wood smoke, vegetative detritus, tire wear, and natural gas combustion. Important trends in the seasonal and spatial patterns of the impact of these six sources were observed. In addition, contributions from meat smoke were detected in selected samples.  相似文献   

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