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ABSTRACT: Application of synographic techniques to four separate nonrelated research tasks demonstrated the usefulness of such an approach in interpreting and communicating hydrologic survey data especially when large geographic areas are involved. Nutrient exchange and biotic indicators in coastal estuaries were analyzed to determine residence times in different seasons of the year. Man induced changes in urban runoff patterns were shown to increase the probability of flooding with different recurrences of storm events. Nitrate and indicator bacteria in private wells were analyzed on a county-wide basis to determine the sources and extent of natural occurrence versus contamination origins. Water wells and the surface supply of metropolitan Houston were analyzed for sodium content to assist citizens and physicians with data which are needed for derivation of sodium restricted therapeutic diets.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Drought is evaluated in terms of the magnitude and duration of the 1988 spring and summer precipitation shortfall, and according to various components of the hydrologic budget, both surface and sub-surface. The response time of some of these components is investigated, relative to the time of precipitation. Individual water users perceived a beginning and ending of the drought at different times relative to their activities. Some statistics better describe some components of a drought to some users, and better answer some questions, than do others.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This paper describes the meteorological patterns that produced the combination of heavy rains in August 1971 that resulted in record floods in New Jersey. Daily and hourly precipitation data and selected recurrence frequencies of rainfall amounts are tabulated. History of previous heavy rainfalls in New Jersey indicates that occurrences of very heavy rains are frequently associated with tropical disturbances. Flood damages, fatalities, warnings issued and areas of record river stages are summarized.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Fecal contamination and organic pollution of an agricultural drainage in northeast Indiana was high. Bacterial counts (total coliform, TC; fecal coliform, FC; and fecal streptococcus, FS) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) were used to assess waste concentrations. Coliform counts indicated that sections of the drainage receiving septic effluent had waste concentrations far in excess of public health standards (mean FC = 550,000/100 ml). Areas of drainage remote from septic tank pollution were found to occasionally meet federal public health standards for whole body contact recreation but generally these areas had twice the allowable limit of 200 FC/100 ml. Bacterial contamination was highest during runoff events when the median values for TC, FC, and FS were 5, 3, and 17 times greater, respectively, than the median values during low stream discharge. Surface flows carried contaminants from unconfined livestock operations and fecally contaminated sediment was transported by high waters. During one runoff event a BOD loading of 36.7 kg/km2 was recorded and the peak BOD concentration observed was 16 mg/l. A discharge of liquid manure from a confined livestock operation caused a major fish kill. Pollution from septic tanks and unconfined livestock is greatest at high stream discharge when dilution reduces the impact on aquatic life.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) covers 2,850 km2 in area and is characterized by high water table and organic soil. The area is actively irrigated and drained as a function of weather conditions and crop status. Anthropogenic activities in the basin have resulted in nutrient-enriched drainage water that is discharged to Lake Okeechobee and the Everglades ecosystem. Water quantity and quality issues of the basin have become of increasing interest at local, state, and federal levels, so legislative and regulatory measures have been taken to improve water quality in discharges from the basin. In this study, simulation of hydrologic conditions and soil moisture were conducted using 100 years of daily synthetic rainfall data. From the simulations, the statistical distribution of half-month drainage discharge and supplemental water use in the basin was developed. The mean annual drainage/runoff was 49 cm, the mean supplemental water was 30 cm, and the mean annual a real rainfall was 122 cm. On the average, drainage exceeded supplemental water use in the months of June to September while from December to March drainage and supplemental water use were equivalent. Supplemental water use exceeded drainage in the months of October, November, April, and May. High drainage occurred in June and September; smallest drainage was in February. On the average, the highest supplemental water use occurred in May and November. The 10-year return period of annual drainage during wet and dry cycles were 60 cm and 38 cm per year, respectively. The semi-monthly drainage coefficient of variation (cv) is above 100 percent for the period from the second half of October to end of April. The cv is lower than 100 percent for the remaining season (wet season). The purpose of this paper is to present the magnitude, temporal, and frequency distribution of drainage runoff generation and supplemental water use in the EAA basin. Information on statistics of drainage will contribute to the optimization of the design and operation of drainage water treatment systems.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Pica Shan, a mountainous region located on the northern periphery of central Asia, has a wide range of climatic and hydrological conditions. On the basis of long term data from 348 meteorological and glaciological stations, the annual distribution of precipitation in different regions and elevational zones of the Tien Shan was calculated. Major climatic features are the entrance of moisture during spring-summer, small winter precipitation, decrease of precipitation towards the east and the center of the mountains or with distance up valleys, and increase of precipitation with altitude up to crest-lines of ranges. Annual total evaporation from snow can be 50–60 mm per year, reaching 30 percent of snow accumulation. Four main groups of rivers were identified: rivers with mainly snow nourishment, rivers with mainly glacial nourishment, rivers with mainly rain nourishment, and rivers with mainly ground water nourishment. Coefficient of runoff variation in Tien Shan's rivers is about 0.20, and coefficient of glacial runoff variation is about 0.15. Glacial runoff is 15–20 percent of the total volume of river runoff.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The role of initial baseflow, or the baseflow at the beginning of storm precipitation, in modifying mathematical rainfall-runoff relations is analyzed by using data from 95 storms over a drainage basin in Illinois. A regression model is set up with total runoff, surface runoff, baseflow runoff, and peak flow as dependent variables, and storm precipitation, initial baseflow, effective and total storm durations, and highest and lowest temperatures during the storm as independent variables. Stepwise regression analyses show that storm precipitation and initial baseflow are the most important variables for making dependent variable estimates. The standard error estimates using only storm precipitation and initial baseflow as predictors show a seasonal trend with a peak in July, August, or September. An understanding of the role of baseflow as an indicator of average soil moisture condition over the basin can be of great help in short-term reservoir regulation and flood warning.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Whether the goal is minimizing water quality degradation in receiving streams or maximizing agricultural production on existing croplands; the solutions are identical - improved water management practices. Technology has succeeded in developing feasible solutions to improving irrigation water management, but the law has been slow to encourage or direct implementation. The villain of the western United States water problem is the property right concept of the appropriation doctrine. Improving water management also implies organizational improvements. Also, the so-called “human factor” involves questions of inefficiency and ineffectiveness, that when examined under the criteria of efficacy, may dictate a policy of continuing present practices in certain localities or regions with little technological intervention. The present effort for improving water quality management implies, therefore, a manyfold attack aimed at increasing project irrigation efficiency and effectiveness, under the larger rubric of efficacy and the achievement of larger social goals.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. .Eighteen rural lakes in Lubbock County were sampled on a routine basis following runoff-producing rainfall for a period of approximately eighteen months to determine whether or not runoff from intensively farmed agricultural areas contained significant concentrations of nitrates, phosphates, herbicides, or insecticides. An additional fifteen lakes lying within a triangle bounded by the cities of Plainview, Canyon, and Hereford, Texas, were sampled one time during the summer of 1969 to provide additional data regarding the nature and extent of the potential problem in an area with a different soil type and a slightly different cropping pattern. Based on results of detailed analyses of approximately two hundred samples of water collected from the lakes and an equal number of sediment samples collected from the same lakes at the same time, it appears that the concentrations of all chemical pollutants in runoff from agricultural lands in the High Plains are well below the allowable concentrations for drinking water.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Much has been written about the linear relationship in log space between the runoff volume of a hydrograph and the peak discharge. Three versions of this relation (an original and two standardizations) have been presented and recommended by various authors. In this paper, the standardized equations are compared to the original relationship and the behavior of the coefficient of determination (r2) in each case is discussed. It is shown that the r2 of the standardized equations is increased or decreased relative to that of the original relation based upon the magnitude of the original slope. Further implications of these relationships are discussed and demonstrated using a data base of 90 watersheds and over 1,200 separate flood hydrographs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Rainfall, stream flow and groundwater have been sampled systematically throughout Nebraska since 1970 and analyzed for mineral N and P and the character of any sediments contained. Fallout N and P in rainfall ranges from 5–14 pounds N and 1 pounds P/A/yr, increasing from west to east across the state with increasing rainfall. The amount of NH4-N is essentially double that of NO3-N. The mean concentration of 2ppm N in rainfall is four times the mean N concentration of streams, demonstrating a substantial depolluting action of soils and growing crops. Where nutrient levels of streams are elevated, cause can usually be traced especially to industrial, sewage or livestock waste intrusion and not to crop production practices. The only significant quantity of nutrient N and P induced by cultivation is that accompanying sediments from eroded fields. The P content of Nebraska groundwater has remained essentially constant during the past 10 years while average NO3-N has increased slightly, a period during which farmer fertilizer use quadrupled. During the same time, irrigation acreage has increased by 50%, livestock numbers by 30%, with corresponding growth in human population and attendant industries. Indications are that irrigation practice has contributed more than any other factor to the small increase in groundwater NO3-N recorded. Individual cases do exist where groundwater NO3-N has increased substantially, especially in areas of intensive irrigation agriculture on very sandy soils and elsewhere with irrigation development in the proximity of ancient NO3-N deposits in mantlerock above the water table.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The water from 32 strip mine water impoundments and nine livestock watering ponds in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming were analyzed for trace elements. Because of the high concentrations of trace elements in coal and bentonite clay, the possibility exists for these elements to dissolve or be suspended in the water. Strip mine ponds were not significantly higher in trace element concentrations compared to livestock ponds. All but one of the 41 ponds sampled contained elemental concentrations that would be detrimental for livestock use or aquatic life use. Cadmium and lead were the elements most frequently in excess of water quality crieria. Lead was found in the study ponds about 35 times the median concentration of North American rivers. Manganese concentrations were found to exceed iron in many ponds, which is unusual in natural waters. The potential for detrimental concentrations of trace elements in pond water must be evaluated when designing land use management plans for ponds intended to be used by livestock or aquatic life.  相似文献   

Rainfall and runoff in the Tucson, Arizona, urban area can be used to augment residential and municipal water supplies. Residential rainfall-harvesting systems include a catchment surface, collection and concentration components, separation and treatment units, storage capacity and distribution capability. A system to control runoff can divert water from urban washes for use in parks or other landscaped areas or can be used to enhance recharge to groundwater reservoirs. A reduction in flood hazards or peaks is a concurrent benefit of controlling and diverting runoff.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The runoff from a series of watersheds in the United States is examined to determine if there are distinct trends present. The data are examined for the period 1931-1960 and the results compared with those obtained for the period from the beginning of record to 1960. A larger sample of streams with records of various lengths is also utilized. The data used are annual, seasonal, and monthly values. The streams are grouped geographically to determine if regional patterns exist. The runoff increased on the majority of streams for the period 1931-1960, but for the period from the beginning of record to 1960 most streams exhibited a negative trend. When geographical distribution is considered, the streams located in the interior of the continent show greater similarity of trend than do those on the continental margins.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A national and interregional programming model was used in projecting the impacts of alternative energy policies and prices on agricultural production, land use, and irrigation. The alternatives analyzed include (a) natural gas deregulation, (b) natural gas curtailment, (c) doubled energy prices, and (d) tripled energy prices. These alternatives are compared with a base alternative where prices and conditions are at normal levels. Restraints in the model control availability of water, land, nitrogen fertilizers, and energy. Water production functions were used to adjust water use to conform with projected energy prices and policies. Natural gas curtailment would have the largest effect on nitrogen use on irrigated land. Values or shadow prices for lands that remains in irrigation would increase under all of the alternatives because of reduced supply. Increased energy prices generally would increase use of surface water for irrigation and reduce use of ground water due to higher pumping costs. Reductions of 50 percent or more in ground water use would occur in the South Central and Western regions of the United States. Water supply prices increase under all of the alternatives; with the amount varying by regions and the policy or price situation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Detailed studies of rainfall frequency and pattern relations were made over the Chicago urban region and the surrounding six Illinois counties (Cook, DuPage, Kane, Will, Lake, and McHenry). These studies utilized raingage records from an urban network of National Weather Service raingages in the region, primarily for the period 1949 to 1974. Frequency distributions of point rainfall were obtained for periods from 5 minutes to 72 hours and recurrence intervals of 6 months to 50 years. These results indicated a spatial pattern of short-duration heavy rainfall frequencies related to urban-lake effects, particularly in the huge industrial region over the southern portion of Chicago. The time distribution within heavy rainstorms over the urban region was determined, and it was found that the point rainfall relations over the urban region were similar to a 12-year sample of a dense raingage network over a rural area in central Illinois. The characteristics of heavy rainfall over northeast Illinois were also studied through the use of heavy, 1-day storms. A total of 87 storms, capable of producing local flooding, were analyzed to determine 1) the frequency distribution of storm centers, 2) seasonal and diurnal distribution of storms, and 3) orientation and movement of storms.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Accurately estimating the price elasticity of demand for irrigation electricity is important to major electricity suppliers such as the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) of the Pacific Northwest. The BPA has a revenue maximization objective, and the elasticity of demand is central to its rate setting process. Several studies have attempted to estimate demand for irrigation electricity, but none has explicitly included federal agricultural policy and program variables. Tins paper discusses how agricultural programs may influence farmers irrigation decisions and thus their demand for irrigation electricity. It suggests that existing programs serve to make farmers more responsive to electricity rate increases than would otherwise be the case. Thus, studies that fail to include them may underestimate the responsiveness of farmers to electricity rate increases.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Recently, Congress designated irrigated agriculture under the “nonpoint source” category, covered by Section 208 of P.L. 92-500 and involves the use of “best management practices.” Generally, the most appropriate solutions for pollution abatement from irrigated agriculture involve the delivery and use of water rather than the treatment of irrigation return flows. 1. Technological alternatives should be utilized that are sensitive to local conditions and acceptable to the farmers. 2. Informational and educational programs to assist farm operators individually and collectively must be instituted prior to the start of the project; imaginatively conceived, and continuously modified and upgraded if motivation for change is to be encouraged. 3. Technical assistance personnel should be given short courses in skills needed for working effectively with irrigators. 4. Communication techniques used for working with farmers as individuals and groups should be designed into the implementation program and evaluated. 5. Credibility and trustworthiness of Federal and state agencies in the eyes of the irrigators provide the important final ingredient in effectively implementing change and reducing nonpoint source pollution from irrigated agriculture.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Irrigated agriculture is one of the most important water-use sectors in terms of total water diversion and consumptive use. For at least the last 25 years, improving irrigation efficiency has been a widely advocated and accepted goal. This paper uses a sample of 16 Bureau of Reclamation irrigation projects to examine the pattern of average irrigation efficiency and change in efficiency over time. In general, the highest average efficiencies are found in the arid Southwest while the lowest are found in the semi-arid to sub-humid Great Plains region. Over the 22-year period of analysis, there has been no observable trend toward improvement in efficiency at any of the projects.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Few studies have addressed the natural pollution potential of pristine subalpine forested watersheds on a site-specific basis. Consequently, specific source and amounts of nutrient discharge to tributaries of the Tahoe Basin are difficult to identify. The sediment content and nitrate and ammonium levels in surface runoff from two soil types (Meeks and Umpa), four plot conditions (wooded natural and disturbed, open natural and disturbed), and three slopes (gentle, moderate, and steep) were studied using rainfall simulation that applied a 9 cm h1, 1-h event. A significant (P ≤ 0.005) two-way interaction between soil type and plot condition affected runoff nitrate concentration. Runoff from natural or disturbed open plots contained significantly (P = 0.05) greater nitrate than wooded plots. Peak concentrations of nitrate commonly occurred during early runoff, suggesting that peak nitrate discharge to Lake Tahoe tributaries can be expected during early runoff from snowmelt and summer precipitation events. The highest nitrate runoff concentration and 1-h cumulative loading from the 0.46 m2 plots were 6.7 mg L-1 (Umpa, open natural, 15–30 percent slope), and 0.7 mg (Umpa, open natural, ≥ 30 percent slope), respectively. Ammonium in surface runoff was generally below detection limits (≤ 0.05 μg L?1). No statistical relationship between runoff nitrate and sediment discharge was detected.  相似文献   

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