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ABSTRACT: A study has been conducted for the past two years on a 4.6 mile stretch of the Saddle River near Lodi, New Jersey. The primary objectives of this study were two fold; initially, the amounts of various heavy metals being contributed to the Saddle River by stormwater runoff, rainfall, and individual tributaries, etc., were investigated to better delineate the distribution of various sources of heavy metals to the aquatic environment. Secondly, a series of benthal deposits from the Saddle River were analyzed to determine the fate of these metals once introduced into the receiving stream. A mass balance analysis of heavy metals in the Saddle River was performed to determine the amount of these materials contributed from unrecorded sources. The results of this study seemed to demonstrate the importance of considering the potential scouring of river sediments as a secondary source of metals in determinations of this type. The distribution of metals in precipitation samples collected in this study was found to be similar to that in runoff, with lead and zinc predominating. Relative concentrations of metals in precipitation as compared to those of stormwater were relatively insignificant. Metal concentrations of bottom sediments were found to vary considerably from sample to sample.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Field investigations were conducted at three sites in the Washington, D.C., area to detect the accumulation patterns of the trace metals, cadmium, copper, lead and zinc in the soils of roadside grassed swale drains that had been receiving urban stormwater runoff. Two sites were residential areas and one site was an intensively used highway. The research results seem to indicate that the use of swale drains to control urban stormwater runoff had few harmful effects to fine textured soils with respect to the study metals. With the exception of zinc, typical roadside patterns of decreasing metal concentrations with increasing distance from roads were observed for the upper 5 cm of study soils. Zinc accumulated in residential grassed swales due to leachate from galvanized curverts. Sampling to a depth of 60 cm revealed no evidence of subsurface trace metal enrichment in the study swales. Although the percentage of soil zinc in leachable form was as high as 20 percent of total zinc concentrations, the other study metals had small leachable components. Leachable lead was always less than 1 percent of the total lead.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Data were developed to determine the quality of water and bottom sediments in the Trinity River, and the mobility of various contaminants when bottom sediments were mixed with the river water under simulated dredging conditions. Thirteen sampling sites were selected. A number of chemical tests including heavy metals and pesticides were conducted on river water, elutriates, and bottom sediments. Statis bioassays using Daphnia magna were conducted on river water and elutriates. Results indicated that the river in the upper reach is grossly polluted due to discharge of waste water effluents from several large treatment plants. High concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, organic carbon, COD, heavy metals, and pesticides were found in water and bottom sediments. The concentrations of most of these pollutants exceeded the EPA recommended limits. Elutriation gave no consistent results, perhaps because of release or uptake of contaminants from the sediments. High mortality of D. magna were also recorded in the upper reach of the river. The quality of water and bottom sediments gradually improved in lower reaches.  相似文献   

Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) collected from four sites in the Red River of the North in 1994 were analyzed for arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), selenium (So), and zinc (Zn). Concentrations differed among liver, muscle, and whole body. Generally, trace element concentrations were the greatest in livers while concentrations in whole bodies were greater than those in muscle for Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn, and concentrations in muscle were similar to whole body for As and Se. Concentrations of Cr were lower in liver than either muscle or whole body. Correlations between liver and whole body concentrations were stronger than those between liver and muscle concentrations, but the strongest correlations were between muscle and whole body concentrations. Examination of tissue concentrations by collection sites suggested that, for a general survey, the whole body may be the most effective matrix to analyze.  相似文献   

Placer gold mining, which extracts gold from buried or exposed alluvia, is often conducted on or near streams. Such mining has the potential to adversely affect water quality. Other heavy metals associated with the gold (such as arsenic, cadmium, lead, zinc, and copper) may be freed to enter streams. Mercury may also enter streams if miners are using it to recover fine particles of gold. These heavy metals are toxic and thus may be harmful to the aquatic life of the streams receiving effluent or runoff from placer mines. In 1982 we sampled two streams intensively - one heavily mined and one unmined - for total recoverable arsenic, mercury, lead, zinc, and copper. Only mercury was not significantly higher in concentration in the mined streams. In 1983 we sampled two stream pairs three times, and 10 other sites at least once, for total and dissolved arsenic, cadmium, mercury, lead, zinc, and copper. Mercury and cadmium were not significantly elevated in mined streams, but the concentrations of total arsenic, lead, zinc, and copper, and dissolved arsenic and zinc were significantly higher in streams below active placer mining sites than in these that were not being mined or those that had never been mined. Additionally, total arsenic, lead, zinc, and copper and dissolved arsenic and copper became elevated after mining began in 1983 on a previously unmined stream.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A study of concentrations and distribution of major and trace elements in surficial bottom sediments of Little Rock Lake in northern Wisconsin included examination of spatial variation and grain-size effects. No significant differences with respect to metal distribution in sediments were observed between the two basins of the lake, despite the experimental acidification of one of the basins from pH 6.1 to 4.6. The concentrations of most elements in the lake sediments were generally similar to soil concentrations in the area and were well below sediment quality criteria. Two exceptions were lead and zinc, whose concentrations in July 1990 exceeded the criteria of 50 μg/g and 100 μg/g, respectively, in both littoral and pelagic sediments. Concentrations of some elements, particularly Cu, Pb, and Zn, increased along transects from nearshore to midlake, following a similar gradient of sedimentary organic carbon. In contrast, Mn, Fe, and alkali/alkaline-earth elements were at maximum concentrations in nearshore sediments. These elements are less likely to partition to organic particles, and their distribution is more dependent on mineralogical composition, grain size, and other factors. Element concentrations varied among different sediment grain-size fractions, although a simple inverse relation to grain size was not observed. Fe, Mn, Pb, and Zn were more concentrated in a grain-size range 20–60 tm than in either the very fine or the coarse fractions, possibly because of the aggregation of smaller particles cemented together by organic and Fe/Mn hydrous-oxide coatings.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The uptake of ten chemical elements was measured in water, sediment, fly ash, and the major biotic components of an ash basin drainage system. The biota tested represent several trophic levels observed in the settling basin and receiving swamp of the system. Concentrations were measured by neutron activation (NAA) in the major biotic groups including aquatic bacteria, algae, macrophytes, midges, dragonflies, crayfish, tadpoles, and fish. Only three elements (Cu, Zn, Cd) were more highly concentrated in water from a nearby unpolluted stream than in the fly ash effluent. Sediment concentrations of all elements were highest in the ash drainage system with Al and Fe being consistently highest. Among the biota, Hydrodictyon sp. and Lemna perpusilla had the highest concentrations of Al and Fe while other macrophytes were the major accumulators of Mn and Ba. Invertebrates generally concentrated high amounts of Cu and Zn although Cd and Hg were accumulated most by crayfish. Selenium was selectively concentrated by bacteria, crayfish (Procambarus sp.) and mosquitofish (Gambusia afflnis). Consequences of elemental concentrations in sediment and in specific trophic level groups are discussed.  相似文献   

The New Lead. Belt of southeastern Missouri has recently become the largest lead producing region of the world. The impact of this rapid development on the previously rural and undeveloped region of the Missouri Ozarks is the subject of a continuing interdisciplinary study. Since the industrial development began, there have been a number of nuisance biological blooms in several of the small streams receiving effluent from the mines and mills. The major constituents of the problem algal growths were identified and found to include: Cladophora, Oscillatoria, Mougeotia, Zygnema, Spirogyra, Cymbella, and a variety of other stalked and non-stalked diatoms. Secondary blooms of Sphaerotilus were observed to reach problem proportions in some streams, particularly in the autumn. Finely ground rock flour and mineral particles escaping from tailings dams were found to be trapped by the stream vegetation. Concentrations of lead, zinc, copper, and manganese in the algal and bacterial mats were found to be inversely related to distance downstream from the tailings dams. Consumer organisms, including crayfish, snails, aquatic insects, tadpoles, minnows and larger sunfish were analyzed to determine the extent of dissemination and concentration of the heavy metals through food chains. Preliminary results indicated insignificant concentrations of heavy metals in those consumer organisms studied, though in at least one problem stream the normal consumer organisms mentioned were markedly reduced in numbers.  相似文献   

Increasing concern about the problems caused by urban sprawl has encouraged development and implementation of smart growth approaches to land use management. One of the goals of smart growth is water resources protection, in particular minimizing the runoff impact of urbanization. To investigate the magnitude of the potential benefits of land use planning for water resources protection, possible runoff impacts of historical and projected urbanization were estimated for two watersheds in Indiana and Michigan using a long term hydrological impact analysis model. An optimization component allowed selection of land use change placements that minimize runoff increase. Optimizing land use change placement would have reduced runoff increase by as much as 4.9 percent from 1973 to 1997 in the Indiana study watershed. For nonsprawl and sprawl scenarios in the Michigan watershed for 1978 to 2040, optimizing land use change placement would have reduced runoff increase by 12.3 percent and 20.5 percent, respectively. The work presented here illustrates both an approach to assessing the magnitude of the impact of smart growth and the significant potential scale of smart growth in moderating runoff changes that result from urbanization. The results of this study have significant implications for urban planning.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In order to determine appropriate application rates and to ensure low pollutant levels in sewage sludge, knowing the chemical composition of sewage sludge is of great importance in a land application program. The objective of this study is to evaluate the variability of selected chemical characteristics of sewage sludge from New Jersey publicly owned treatment works (POTWs). Measurements of total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), NH4+‐N, P, K+, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn reported by 98 facilities in the 1996 and 1997 New Jersey Sludge Quality Assurance Regulations (SQAR) reports were statistically analyzed. Sewage sludge from Category 5 POTWs (greater than 10 percent industrial input) showed higher Cd, Cu, and Pb concentrations than Category 3 and Category 4 facilities (less than 10 percent industrial input). Even though only two years of data were analyzed, there was an indication that Cd and Pb concentrations in sewage sludge are decreasing with time. The yearly mean of only a few facilities exceeded the federal pollution concentration limits (40 CFR Part 503, Table 3). Phosphorus and Cd values showed the highest variability within facilities based on the coefficient of variation. Due to the variability of sewage sludge constituents, the use of the yearly rolling mean of nutrient concentrations to determine application rates was considered inadequate. An actual analysis of the sewage sludge to be applied is more appropriate to determine application rates than historical data.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A network of 225 recording raingages was operated over an area of 5200 km2 in the St. Louis region during 1971-1975, in conjunction with an extensive investigation of urban effects on precipitation. Study of urban-induced effects on the frequency of heavy rainstorms has revealed a pronounced increase in the occurrence of storms producing 25 mm (1 inch) or more of rain. The increase is greatest in an area that is frequently in the path of storms passing across two urban-industrial regions. Analyses of raincells (rain intensity centers) within heavy convective storms shows a pronounced increase in water yield from cells exposed to potential urban effects, compared with those exposed only to the surrounding rural environment. Naturally-occurring heavy cells tend to undergo the greatest enhancement from urban exposure. Other analyses indicate an above-average frequency of excessive rain rates for periods of five minutes to two hours downwind of the urban-industrial complex. It is concluded that urban-induced intensification of short-duration rainstorms is sufficient to merit inclusion in the design and operation of urban-area hydrologic systems that control the flow of surplus storm water.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This work evaluates the economic losses due to diversion from the Snake River during the relatively low-flow year May 1928-April 1929. The results determine the losses due to pollution abatement and power generation for several different patterns and volumes of diversion, and the tool of analysis is dynamic programming.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The analysis of stream flow and several water quality parameters in six Illinois rivers showed both deterioration and improvement in quality indicators during 1976–1977 drought. The adverse impacts were an increase of ammonia and manganese concentrations and, to a lesser degree, increased concentrations of phenol and specific conductance. At the worst point during the drought, the 12-month moving average of monthly ammonia concentration in the Sangamon River was about 620 percent higher than the antecedent value. On the other hand, average concentrations of nitrites and nitrates, total iron, and the number of coliform bacteria significantly decreased. This positive response suggests that streams which are considered unsuitable for municipal supply due to high levels of these quality indicators may be used as emergency sources during droughts.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Most studies of nutrient loss from small study watersheds ignore a potentially important loss transported by the suspended sediment load. We proposed that the geology and vegetation of a watershed are predictors of the nutrient and heavy metal transporting capacity of its suspended sediment. Analyses of acid-digestable and extractable nutrients showed differences for sediments derived from ponderosa pine forests in the Southwest on different geologies. These differences were similar for soil, stream bank, and stream channel material for a given site. Suspended sediment collections had nutrient concentrations similar to those of stream channel collections. Different vegetation on a given geology affected primarily the organic matter content, cation exchange capacity, total P, and levels of extractable nutrients in sediment.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An important question posed by potential future shifts in climate relates to possible shifts in heavy rainfall events (intensity and/or frequency) used to design hydraulic structures. Heavy rain events were defined as those producing amounts having average recurrence intervals of two years or longer for a specific storm period at a given location. Estimates of such heavy rainfall shifts in the humid continental climate of the midwest were derived by using spatial and temporal analogs. Comparisons in areas of relatively warm, wet conditions were made with those having measurably cooler, drier average conditions. The spatial-temporal analogs provided comparative differences in precipitation and temperature similar to the magnitude of changes obtained from GCM estimates. Spatial analogs/analyses indicated 10 to 15 percent increases in the frequency distribution of rain events having recurrence intervals of 5 to 50 years. Two periods of notably drier and warmer conditions during the past 90 years revealed 5 to 15 percent decreases in the number of 2- to 10-year heavy rain events. The suppression percentages showed a strong tendency to increase with increasing recurrence interval from 2 to 10 years.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Bed sediments of the San Joaquin River and its tributaries were sampled during October 7–11, 1985, and analyzed for organochiorine pesticide residues in order to determine their areal distribution and to evaluate and prioritize needs for further study. Residues of DDD, DDE, DDT, and dieldrin are widespread in the fine-grained bed sediments of the San Joaquin River and its tributaries despite little or no use of these pesticides for more than 15 years. The San Joaquin River has among the highest bed-sediment concentrations of DDD, DDE, DDT, and dieldrin residues of major rivers in the United States. Concentrations of all four pesticides were correlated with each other and with the amount of organic carbon and fine-grained particles in the bed sediments. The highest concentrations occurred in bed sediments of westside tributary streams. Potential tributary loads of DDD, DDE, DDT, and dieldrin to the San Joaquin River were computed from bed-sediment concentrations and data on streamfiow and suspended-sediment concentration in order to identify the general magnitude of differences between streams and to determine study priorities. The estimated loads indicate that the most important sources of residues during the study period were Salt Slough because of a high load of fine sediment, and Newman Wasteway, Orestimba Creek, and Hospital Creek because of high bed-sediment concentrations. Generally, the highest estimated loads of DDD, DDE, DDT, and dieldrin were in Orestimba and Hospital Creeks.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A study of benthic macroinvertebrate community composition was conducted at eight sites along Shabakunk Creek, a small stream in Mercer County, New Jersey, which receives urban runoff. The relationship between changes in substrate composition and the nature of the benthic macroinvertebrate community has been examined. Organisms were collected seasonally from natural substrates in riffles. Attempts to employ artificial substrates for invertebrate collection proved unsuccessful, as the population on the samplers was not representative of that in the stream bed. Number of total benthic macroinvertebrate taxa collected declined from 13 in relatively undeveloped upstream areas to four below heavily developed areas, while population density decreased simultaneously in the same areas. Periphyton samples collected from natural substrates were analyzed for selected heavy metals. Significantly higher heavy metal concentrations are reported from substrates sampled below heavily developed areas, and changes in these values are discussed with regard to changes in benthic macroinvertebrate distribution.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Economics is concerned with the allocation of resources between alternative uses. Traditionally, in the western United States, water resources have been committed to agriculture and irrigation. Other competitive uses such as power, industry, and recreation are challenging this allocation. What are the impacts of shifting water out of agriculture into other uses, is a question that needs to be given consideration. Ilia paper attempts to evaluate the tradeoff between using farm land for either irrigated or dryland production and the resulting impacts on gross farm income and the average price of land. Baaed on historical data, reducing irrigated acreage and increasing dryland acreage could greatly reduce both farm income and the equity in farming. The model presented in this paper should be useful for evaluating the tradeoffs between dryland and irrigated land use, especially when there are gat differences in productivity such as those that exist in the inter-mountain region of the Western United States.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) was planted in six lysimeters containing Pahokee muck (Lithic Mediaprist) where water tables were maintained at 30, 60, and 90 cm depths. The main objective was to study the impact of a 40 percent water cutback (108 mm) on sugarcane production during the period near the end of the dry season (i.e., May). The water cutback treatment was simulated through manipulation of water table depth. Due to the high available water capacity of the muck soil and selection of a sugarcane cultivar ‘CP63-588’ (which has a high tolerance of water table fluctuations), the sugarcane growth, and the yields of sugarcane biomass and sugar were not significantly different as a result of the treatments with and without 40 percent water cutback during a period of two months. This result is in good agreement with the 1981 cane yield in the Everglades Agricultural Area where a 35 percent water cutback was imposed during the 1981 drought.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The impact of floodplain regulations on mean appreciation rates of residential land values was tested at six study areas in five counties in western Oregon. The study hypothesis that such regulations significantly depress appreciation rates of regulated lands relative to those of similar unregulated lands was in most cases rejected. When the hypothesis was accepted circumstances would render conclusions tenuous. The problems and issues facing this type of research are presented in case studies of two of the research study areas. The following factors challenge investigators seeking to resolve questions about the relationship between land use regulations and land values: varying degrees of stringency with which regulations are enforced; unequal assessment procedures between counties; influences external to floodplain regulations that may affect appreciation rates, including denial of permits for septic tanks, flood damages, and amenity values associated with waterfront locations; and the uncertain effect that the availability of flood insurance, which accompanies floodplain regulations, has on land values.  相似文献   

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