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For over 100 years, laboratory-scale von Kármán vortex streets (VKVSs) have been one of the most studied phenomena within the field of fluid dynamics. During this period, countless publications have highlighted a number of interesting underpinnings of VKVSs; nevertheless, a universal equation for the vortex shedding frequency ( \(N\) ) has yet to be identified. In this study, we have investigated \(N\) for mesoscale atmospheric VKVSs and some of its dependencies through the use of realistic numerical simulations. We find that vortex shedding frequency associated with mountainous islands, generally demonstrates an inverse relationship to cross-stream obstacle length ( \(L\) ) at the thermal inversion height of the atmospheric boundary layer. As a secondary motive, we attempt to quantify the relationship between \(N\) and \(L\) for atmospheric VKVSs in the context of the popular Strouhal number ( \(Sr\) )–Reynolds number ( \(Re\) ) similarity theory developed through laboratory experimentation. By employing numerical simulation to document the \(Sr{-}Re\) relationship of mesoscale atmospheric VKVSs (i.e., in the extremely high \(Re\) regime) we present insight into an extended regime of the similarity theory which has been neglected in the past. In essence, we observe mesoscale VKVSs demonstrating a consistent \(Sr\) range of 0.15–0.22 while varying \(L\) (i.e, effectively varying \(Re\) ).  相似文献   

The Salí River Basin in north-west Argentina (7,000 km2) is composed of a sequence of Tertiary and Quaternary loess deposits, which have been substantially reworked by fluvial and aeolian processes. As with other areas of the Chaco-Pampean Plain, groundwater in the basin suffers a range of chemical quality problems, including arsenic (concentrations in the range of 12.2–1,660 μg L−1), fluoride (50–8,740 μg L−1), boron (34.0–9,550 μg L−1), vanadium (30.7–300 μg L−1) and uranium (0.03–125 μg L−1). Shallow groundwater (depths up to 15 m) has particularly high concentrations of these elements. Exceedances above WHO (2011) guideline values are 100% for As, 35% for B, 21% for U and 17% for F. Concentrations in deep (>200 m) and artesian groundwater in the basin are also often high, though less extreme than at shallow depths. The waters are oxidizing, with often high bicarbonate concentrations (50.0–1,260 mg L−1) and pH (6.28–9.24). The ultimate sources of these trace elements are the volcanic components of the loess deposits, although sorption reactions involving secondary Al and Fe oxides also regulate the distribution and mobility of trace elements in the aquifers. In addition, concentrations of chromium lie in range of 79.4–232 μg L−1 in shallow groundwater, 129–250 μg L−1 in deep groundwater and 110–218 μg L−1 in artesian groundwater. All exceed the WHO guideline value of 50 μg L−1. Their origin is likely to be predominantly geogenic, present as chromate in the ambient oxic and alkaline aquifer conditions.  相似文献   

We examine the seasonal variation in otolith increment formation in southern North Sea cod as a means of monitoring how changes in sea temperature over the past 20 years have affected cod in the wild. Seasonal opaque zone formation was related to winter and early spring. Timing of opaque zone formation was not influenced by either temperature or fish length, but increasing age led to slightly earlier but slower opaque zone formation. In contrast, there was a clear shift in the timing of translucent zone formation with temperature. In warm years, translucent growth occurs up to 22 days earlier than in colder periods. Increasing age and smaller size-at-age resulted in an earlier transition from opaque to translucent edge formation. Translucent zone formation appears indicative of increasing metabolic stress, and the earlier onset provides direct evidence of the impact of increasing sea temperatures on wild North Sea cod stocks.  相似文献   

In 1991 a co‐operation between Public Health Office (U.S.S.L.) n° 18 of Brescia and the Chemical Section Laboratories of U.S.S.L. n° 38 of Milan concerning the possible environmental impact of foundry industrial activities performing metallic scraps recovering, has been undertaken.

Soil and surfaces have been classified in conformity with the National Toxicological Consultative Commission (C.C.T.N.) recommendation dated 12/02/1988'; owing to the characteristics of the processed material, besides heavy metals, polychlorodibenzo‐p‐dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorodibenzofurans (PCDFs) and polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) have been looked for.

The particulate matter collected from the filters positioned over the arc furnaces in 14 foundry plants has been characterized and classified, according both to C.C.T.N.1 and to the Interministerial Board regulation dated 27/07/1985 for the first application of the Republic President Decree Law (D.P.R.) n° 915/1982, concerning wastes classification, based, in this case, on these toxic chlorinated compounds concentrations. From the very beginning, high levels of PCDDs and PCDFs have been detected, corroborating the very few literature data from foundry plants2. The results obtained on 14 different foundries allow us to draw already some information, acceptable from the point of view of the statistical validity, about the pollution produced by this industry.  相似文献   

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