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近年来一进入夏季,尤其是七八月份,各地建筑施工作业人员的中暑事故时有发生。中暑的直接原因与施工现场周围环境气温密切相关,是作业人员机体散热机制发生障碍的结果。中暑的发生又与劳动强度过大,劳动时间过长、睡眠不足、过度疲劳有关,也与个体健康状况有关。  相似文献   

蒋小燕 《安全》2002,23(4):26-26
近年来以高温为主要特征的世界异常气候已成为令世人担忧的一大焦点问题。预计到2030年,大气中二氧化碳的浓度还将升高,地表的温度上升1.5℃~3.5℃,夏季将一年比一年热。往年,夏季中暑的人群集中在户外活动较多的体力劳动者。1992年,南京高温40℃左右的天气持续了一个多月,很多高龄老人、体弱有病者,因为中暑死亡不在少数。防治中暑是夏季卫生防病工作的一项重要  相似文献   

正夏季高温、暴雨、雷电天气增多,安全生产不利因素增多,风险加大,容易引发生产安全事故。小伙伴们,你们准备好了吗?下面是10条结合夏季的特征和容易发生事故的关键点整理的夏季安全生产注意事项,希望对大家有帮助。防暑降温夏季天气高温干燥,连续超负荷地工作容易造成中暑事故的发生。建议老板们合理安排和调节作息时间,尽可能避开高温时段生产,尽量减少超时加班生产,做到劳逸结合,保障员工的身体健康。  相似文献   

“绿十字”快餐浅谈夏季中暑的预防与现场急救涂力强(江西新余钢铁有限责任公司安环处)人在烈日下曝晒或在高温环境下作业,尤其在不通风场所里较长时间从事繁重体力劳动,当辐射热和体内产生的热不能及时散发,而蓄积在体内,就易发生中暑。预防中暑主要靠及时散热。人...  相似文献   

夏季,从事高温作业的工作者身体一量受到干热高温、高湿、热辐射及热射线等有害因素危害,就有可能发生职业性中暑。职业性中暑包括热射病、热痉挛、热衰竭和日射病四种。体温调节功能失常,大量热量积聚体内为“热射病型”,表现是皮肤干燥、烧灼、体温上升、脉搏和呼吸加快、头疼、头晕、恶心等。水盐代谢发生严重障碍的“热痉挛型”,表现为四肢和腹部肌肉抽筋、大量出汗、口干、头昏、头痛,一般说来体温并不升高。中暑严重者伴有面色苍白,皮肤湿冷,脉搏细弱,血压下降,称“循环衰竭型”。还有一种比较严重的中暑类型叫“日射病”,…  相似文献   

正近年来,夏季高温天气导致的劳动者中暑甚至死亡事件时有发生。目前全国各地已进入高温酷暑季节,为切实做好防暑降温工作,有效预防和控制高温中暑事件,保障劳动者安全健康,国家安全生产监督管理总局发布了《关于做好夏季防暑降温工作的通知》予以部署。《通知》指出,防暑降温工作季节性强,各级安全监管部门要提前谋划,在高温天气来临前对本地区防暑降温工作作出周密安排,明确工作任务,落实工作责任,抓好组织实施。要加大对防暑  相似文献   

刘旸 《劳动保护》2012,(8):104-105
积热成疾——中暑 什么是中暑 中暑是指在高温和热辐射的长时间作用下,人的机体发生体温调节障碍,水、电解质代谢紊乱及神经系统功能损害的症状的总称.从病情的差异来区分的话,中暑可以分为先兆中暑、轻症中暑和重症中暑3类,其中重症中暑又可分为热射病、热痉挛和热衰竭3型.  相似文献   

爆破器材因运输不当,贮存不理,超过使用期限等原因,经检查已不能再继续使用,就必须做报废销毁处理。销毁的报废爆破器材,必须严格按照销毁程序和科学方法进行,否则造成爆破事故,甚至是恶性事故。2000年9月9日,新疆乌鲁木齐某部队销毁报废军用爆炸物品时,就发生了特大爆炸事故。如何销毁报废爆破器材?  相似文献   

轧钢车间是典型的高温车间,为了提高防暑降温工作的针对性,以取得更佳的效果,每年在夏季到来之前,我们都要对车间的生产环境的气象特点、工人的健康状况、易发生中暑的工种及原因等,──进行调查研究,进而采取相应措施。几年来的调查统计结果表明,我们轧钢车间防暑降温工作的重点,应针对以下情况: 1.轧钢工人中暑者以20~25岁的年青人为多。因他们接触高温作业时间短,热适应差,加之青年人好玩,不注意休息。 2.诸工种中暑者中,以轧钢工为多。因其接触热源时间长、岗位辐射热强、体力劳动强度较大。 3.有中暑史者易再次中暑。可能是这些人的体…  相似文献   

造纸业的烘缸和蒸球等设备是以水蒸汽为热质的,其热损失不但造成车间环境温度升高,而且由于大量用水,使车间内湿度增大,夏季,车间内闷熟不堪,工人中暑和工伤事故发生较频繁。因此,造纸行业有烘缸和蒸球设备的车间,夏季搞好防暑降温很重要。北京造纸五厂在2号纸机中修时,对18个烘缸的堵头及一个蒸球的表面采用硅酸铝纤维毡隔热保温,不但取得了减少热损失、提高热效率和降低能耗的效果,而且使烘缸  相似文献   

关于沥青烟尘治理的工业安全与卫生评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
炭阳极生产过程存在着严重的环境污染问题 ,在诸多污染物中沥青烟尘对人类生存的危害最大 ,是企业和政府强化治理的重点。笔者结合某铝厂的技术改造工程 ,对沥青烟尘的治理加以讨论 ,将先进的生产工艺和成熟可靠的净化技术作为治理污染源的有效措施 ,以保证污染物的排放量达到国家标准要求。在技改过程中 ,严格按照所涉及的安全生产规程和标准 ,把它们作为技术改造设计原则、安全防范措施、工业卫生评价的依据。  相似文献   

Mine rescuers’ heat load under the same physical effort load (25% of the maximal oxygen uptake), using three types of breathing apparatus, in newly developed heat-removing underwear and outerwear was assessed for typical work conditions of mine rescuers, under milder and harsher ambient conditions of 32 and 38?°C, respectively, both at relative humidity of 85% and air velocity of 1.0?m/s. Expending physical effort at the same load while using different kinds of breathing apparatus resulted in a similar heat load. Under both milder and harsher ambient conditions, heat storage and sweating intensity were greater than the average limit value recommended by hygienic standards, which indicates that the use of breathing apparatus significantly hinders heat exchange with the environment. The developed clothing for mine rescuers was highly rated, and was considered by most people to be better than that used currently.  相似文献   

以一台U型管式a型换热器在进行壳程水压试验时管板与壳体法兰凹面间缠绕垫片被压出泄漏为事例,针对选择低公称压力等级的缠绕垫片用在高设计压力的凹凸面法兰接头密封的影响因素,从垫片最小宽度、法兰凹凸密封面尺寸偏差、垫片与法兰装配以及缠绕垫片特性等方面进行了分析,提出了在设计计算法兰时应考虑垫片最小宽度的合理确定并修订完善相关标准的建议。  相似文献   

碰撞风险是空域安全评估的重要内容。为保证军民航的安全飞行,通过对民航Event模型碰撞风险的研究,构建了军航训练空域与民航航路的碰撞风险模型;根据军航飞机的飞行特点,建立了军航飞机侧向位置偏差概率模型;结合民航飞机的横向位置偏差概率模型重新计算Event模型中的碰撞盒穿越间隔片频率(GERh);选取某一战术动作对军民侧向碰撞风险进行仿真,确定其安全间隔;通过对飞行过程中各个关键点碰撞风险的研究,对空域的使用提出建议,并验证了理论的实用性。结果表明,当前10 km的安全间隔标准并不能符合规定的安全目标等级,至少需要再增加7 km的安全间隔才能使整个飞行过程均满足要求。  相似文献   

为了揭示严寒地区冬季温度梯度对混凝土箱梁的影响,笔者对绥芬河斜拉桥箱梁的初期运营阶段进行了全天候的温度测试。从理论和试验两个方面,验证并揭示温度是如何传递并影响箱形梁的,进而明确热传导、热对流、热辐射分别对箱梁的影响程度。为严寒地区混凝土斜拉桥设计时温度荷载的确定提供参考,也为以后箱梁温度梯度监测时间的确定建立科学依据。试验发现负温度梯度明显存在、实测温度梯度较小,满足中美两国规范的要求、冬季的温度梯度值远远小于夏季。建议今后对严寒地区斜拉桥的设计,主要应考虑辐射热大的夏天温度应力对箱梁混凝土的影响。  相似文献   

针对军工危险性建筑物外部安全距离确定时药量覆盖不全面、新产品无依据、厂房用地与城市发展用地矛盾等问题,对美国标准和我国标准中安全距离的分类、确定原则、确定方法进行了对比分析,提出了对我国标准修订的建议,为我国军工危险性建筑物外部安全距离标准的制修订提供借鉴。  相似文献   

IntroductionFire and emergency service workers, including Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting members, may be called on to perform confined space entry and rescue operations. The purpose of the present study was to develop a comprehensive and valid understanding of the present state of confined space entry and rescue training effectiveness and resultant compliance or use of best practices among trained Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting personnel.MethodThe study used a convergent, parallel mixed-methods approach. Qualitative data (n = 20) were collected via semi-structured interviews at four locations. Data were coded, analyzed and super-ordinate and sub-ordinate themes were derived. Quantitative data (n = 158) from Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting members were analyzed.ResultsInterviewees believed there is a lack of standardization in training, but believed training should not be completed in the same format every time. Several participants (50%) desired more realistic training. Other concerns were associated with staffing, personal readiness, and resource adequacy. With regard to survey outcomes, most respondents reported that their organizations completed confined space training (69.8%), but only 55.3% indicated this training was conducted as a full-scale exercise and nearly 40% indicated that rescue practice was not performed despite standards mandating annual rescue practice. Following training, 55.4% indicated training evaluation information was not presented.ConclusionsParticipants mostly agreed their training effectively addressed OSHA requirements, such as how to test the atmosphere, the need for and use of personal protective equipment, how to identify pertinent permit information and methods to retrieve victims in limited space. Some gaps exist between current training practices and established training requirements and standards.Practical applicationsAircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting organizations need to bolster aspects of their training, particularly with regard to standardizing training efforts, practicing rescues, providing evaluation feedback and written materials and providing adequate resources.  相似文献   

太原市蔬菜中铅、铬和镉含量分析及安全性评价   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
笔者采用原子吸收光谱法 ,测定了太原市蔬菜批发市场的 8种蔬菜 72个样品的铅、铬、镉含量。结果表明 :在检测的 8种蔬菜中 ,有 5种蔬菜出现铅含量超标 ,铅是蔬菜中的主要污染元素 ,且污染带有普遍性 ;铬的污染仅出现在芹菜和青菜上 ,其他 6种蔬菜均无超标 ;8种蔬菜均未受到镉的污染 ,合格率为 10 0 %。参照国家食品卫生标准和蔬菜质量分级标准 ,对蔬菜的重金属污染程度进行了安全性评价。在所检测的蔬菜样品中 ,只有青菜受到重金属污染 ,其综合污染指数为 1.12 ,污染程度为轻度污染。其他蔬菜的综合污染指数均低于 0 .7,污染程度均为安全 ,污染水平均为清洁。  相似文献   



Heat illness is a leading cause of death and disability among U.S. high school athletes.


To examine the incidence and characteristics of heat illness among high school athletes, CDC analyzed data from the National High School Sports-Related Injury Surveillance Study for the period 2005–2009.


During 2005–2009, the 100 schools sampled reported a total of 118 heat illnesses among high school athletes resulting in ≥ 1 day of time lost from athletic activity, a rate of 1.6 per 100,000 athlete-exposures, and an average of 29.5 time-loss heat illnesses per school year. The average corresponds to a weighted average annual estimate of 9,237 illnesses nationwide. The highest rate of time-loss heat illness was among football players, 4.5 per 100,000 athlete-exposures, a rate 10 times higher than the average rate (0.4) for the eight other sports. Time-loss heat illnesses occurred most frequently during August (66.3%) and while practicing or playing football (70.7%). No deaths were reported.


Consistent with guidelines from the National Athletic Trainers’ Association, to reduce the risk for heat illness, high school athletic programs should implement heat-acclimatization guidelines (e.g., set limits on summer practice duration and intensity). All athletes, coaches, athletic trainers, and parents/guardians should be aware of the risk factors for heat illness, follow recommended strategies, and be prepared to respond quickly to symptoms of illness. Coaches also should continue to stress to their athletes the importance of maintaining proper hydration before, during, and after sports activities.

Impact of industry

By implementing preventive recommendations and quickly recognizing and responding to heat illness, coaches, athletic trainers, and the sporting community can prevent future deaths.  相似文献   

我国的粉尘职业危害现状及预防对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
呼吸性粉尘及其中的游离SiO2是导致尘肺病的主要原因。应最大限度地利用国外的研究结果,根据我国国情,加强对呼吸性粉尘控制技术的研究。同时,国内有关部门应尽早建立和完善呼吸性粉尘检测技术,加强监测制度和劳动卫生标准的制定和实施,建立起使经济投入和治理效果最佳的科学评价体系,将尘肺病的发生控制在尽可能低的水平下  相似文献   

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