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The application of the Mussel Watch concept to the assessment of chemical contamination in the coastal environment is still premature, since the relationship between the physiological and ecological aspects of blue mussels and the accumulation of contaminants in their soft tissues remains unclear. We cannot yet directly estimate with known confidence the degree of chemical contamination from the levels of contaminants in the soft tissues of mussels. An understanding of the source and range of variability in the tissue concentrations of contaminants is essential, and the establishment of a biomonitoring sampling strategy to minimize the effect of identified sources of variability is required. The present study was conducted to clarify the characteristics of organotin accumulation in blue mussels under various conditions in Tokyo Bay, and to establish an optimized sampling strategy of mussels as exposure indicators of organotin contamination in Japan. It was clear that the sample number, individual size, spawning activity and vertical habitat were factors causing a variation of tissue concentration. Based on a quantitative estimation of the variability of organotin concentration in mussel tissues under various physiological and natural conditions, we suggest that a composite sample of 30 mussels (3-5 cm in shell length), collected from the infralittoral zone prior to their spawning season, is essential to reduce the variability between individuals and to obtain reproducible analytical values at a sampling site. For monitoring sites where natural blue mussels cannot be collected, an alternative method of transplanting blue mussels from a relatively clean area would be required.  相似文献   

Principles of probability survey design were applied to guide large-scale sampling of populations of stony corals and associated benthic taxa in the Florida Keys coral reef ecosystem. The survey employed a two-stage stratified random sampling design that partitioned the 251-km(2) domain by reef habitat types, geographic regions, and management zones. Estimates of the coefficient of variation (ratio of standard error to the mean) for stony coral population density and abundance ranged from 7% to 12% for four of six principal species. These levels of survey precision are among the highest reported for comparable surveys of marine species. Relatively precise estimates were also obtained for octocoral density, sponge frequency of occurrence, and benthic cover of algae and invertebrates. Probabilistic survey design techniques provided a robust framework for estimating population-level metrics and optimizing sampling efficiency.  相似文献   

The Pearl River Delta (PRD), located in South China and adjacent to the South China Sea, is comprised of a complicated hydrological system; therefore, it was a great challenge to sample adequately to measure fluxes of organic and inorganic materials to the coastal ocean. In this study, several sampling designs, including five-point (the number of sampling points along the river cross-section and three samples collected at the upper, middle, and bottom parts at each vertical line), three-point (at the middle and two other profiles), one-point (at the middle profile), and single-point (upper, middle, or bottom sub-sampling point at the middle profile) methods, were assessed using total organic carbon (TOC) and suspended particulate matter (SPM) as the measurables. Statistical analysis showed that the three- and five-point designs were consistent with one another for TOC measurements (p > 0.05). The three- and one-point sampling methods also yielded similar TOC results (95% of the differences within 10%). Single-point sampling yielded considerably larger errors than the three- and one-point designs, relative to the results from the five-point design, but sampling at the middle sub-point from the middle profile of a river achieved a relatively smaller error than sampling at the upper or bottom sub-point. Comparison of the sampling frequencies of 12 times a year, four times a year, and twice a year indicated that the frequency of twice a year was sufficient to acquire representative TOC data, but larger sample size and higher sampling frequency were deemed necessary to characterize SPM.  相似文献   

We used variance components to assess allocation of sampling effort in a hierarchically nested sampling design for ongoing monitoring of early life history stages of the federally endangered Devils Hole pupfish (DHP) (Cyprinodon diabolis). Sampling design for larval DHP included surveys (5 days each spring 2007–2009), events, and plots. Each survey was comprised of three counting events, where DHP larvae on nine plots were counted plot by plot. Statistical analysis of larval abundance included three components: (1) evaluation of power from various sample size combinations, (2) comparison of power in fixed and random plot designs, and (3) assessment of yearly differences in the power of the survey. Results indicated that increasing the sample size at the lowest level of sampling represented the most realistic option to increase the survey’s power, fixed plot designs had greater power than random plot designs, and the power of the larval survey varied by year. This study provides an example of how monitoring efforts may benefit from coupling variance components estimation with power analysis to assess sampling design.  相似文献   

In this paper we demonstrate the use of SPE cartridges for sampling of organophosphate triesters in indoor air by adsorptive enrichment. The method has been optimised for the sampling and analysis of organophosphate triesters using a 25 mg aminopropyl silica SPE cartridge. The same cartridge is used for the active air sampling as well as for the subsequent extraction and clean-up of the sample. This makes the method fast and eliminates some tedious and time-consuming manual sample handling steps. Sampling and extraction efficiency was high for the investigated organophosphates, and limit of detection was in the range 0.1-0.3 ng m(-3). The method was applied to measurements of organophosphate triesters in two lecture halls and an electronics dismantling facility, and was compared with results from common filter/adsorbent sampling at each site. Analysis was made by GC with selective detection by NPD set in phosphorus mode, and by GC-MS. Thirteen organophosphate triesters (not counting isomers) were detected in the electronic dismantling facility. Chlorinated organophosphate triesters were detected in all locations with concentrations over 1 microg m(-3) in the lecture halls. This kind of adsorptive enrichment using an SPE cartridge could be adjusted to other types of analytes as well.  相似文献   

Framework for designing sampling programs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A general framework for designing sampling programs is described. As part of the sampling program the problem of concern, or reason for sampling, needs to be clearly stated and objectives specified. The development of a conceptual model will assist the clarification of objectives and the choice of indicators to be sampled.Objectives can then be stated as testable hypotheses and decisions made about the samallest difference/changes that are to be detected/observed by the sampling.To allow the collection of representative samples, and the statistical analysis of data to be collected, the potential sources of variability in the data must be considered. Site, selection, frequency and replication must account for the expected variability.Before field collection of samples occurs, the sample collection device needs to be tested as to its efficiency to collect a representative sample. It also will usually be necessary to consider how samples are to be preserved to inhibit biological and chemical change. All sample programs require a quality assurance program to identify, measure and control errors.As well as the above the cost-effectiveness of the program should be evaluated in terms of maximizing the information obtained/cost.  相似文献   

Many countries have a national forest inventory (NFI) designed to produce statistically sound estimates of forest parameters. However, this type of inventory may not provide reliable results for forest damage which usually affects only small parts of the forest in a country. For this reason, specially designed forest damage inventories are performed in many countries, sometimes in coordination with the NFIs. In this study, we evaluated a new approach for damage inventory where existing NFI data form the basis for two-phase sampling for stratification and remotely sensed auxiliary data are applied for further improvement of precision through post-stratification. We applied Monte Carlo sampling simulation to evaluate different sampling strategies linked to different damage scenarios. The use of existing NFI data in a two-phase sampling for stratification design resulted in a relative efficiency of 50 % or lower, i.e., the variance was at least halved compared to a simple random sample of the same size. With post-stratification based on simulated remotely sensed auxiliary data, there was additional improvement, which depended on the accuracy of the auxiliary data and the properties of the forest damage. In many cases, the relative efficiency was further reduced by as much as one-half. In conclusion, the results show that substantial gains in precision can be obtained by utilizing auxiliary information in forest damage surveys, through two-phase sampling, through post-stratification, and through the combination of these two approaches, i.e., post-stratified two-phase sampling for stratification.  相似文献   

Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) is considered an important habitat for juvenile and small forage fish species, but many long-term recruitment surveys do not effectively monitor fish communities in SAV. To better understand the impact of recent large increases of SAV on the fish community in tidal freshwater reaches of the Potomac River, we compared traditional seine sampling from shore with drop ring sampling of SAV beds (primarily Hydrilla) in a shallow water (depths, <1.5 m) embayment, Gunston Cove. To accomplish this, we developed species-specific catch efficiency values for the seine gear and calculated area-based density in both shoreline and SAV habitats in late summer of three different years (2007, 2008, and 2009). For the dominant species (Fundulus diaphanus, Lepomis macrochirus, Etheostoma olmstedi, Morone americana, Lepomis gibbosus, and Fundulus heteroclitus), density was nearly always higher in SAV, but overall, species richness was highest in shoreline habitats sampled with seines. Although historical monitoring of fish in Gunston Cove (and throughout Chesapeake Bay) is based upon seine sampling (and trawl sampling in deeper areas), the high densities of fish and larger areal extent of SAV indicated that complementary sampling of SAV habitats would produce more accurate trends in abundances of common species. Because drop ring samples cover much less area than seines and may miss rare species, a combination of methods that includes seine sampling is needed for biodiversity assessment. The resurgence of SAV in tidal freshwater signifies improving water quality, and methods we evaluated here support improved inferences about population trends and fish community structure as indicators of ecosystem condition.  相似文献   

Passive sampling of glycol ethers and their acetates in indoor air   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examined the performances of a thermal desorbable radial diffusive sampler for the weekly measurement of eight glycol ethers in indoor air and described the results of an application of this method carried out as part of HABIT'AIR Nord - Pas de Calais program for the air monitoring of these compounds in sixty homes located in northern France. The target compounds were the four glycol ethers banned from sale to the public in France since the 1990s (i.e. 2-methoxy ethanol, 2-ethoxy ethanol and their acetates) and four other glycol ethers derivatives of which the use have increased considerably (i.e. 1-methoxy-2-propanol, 2-butoxy ethanol and their acetates).A test program was carried out with the aim of validating the passive sampling method. It allowed the estimation of all the parameters of a method for each compound (calibration, analytical precision, desorption efficiency, sampling rate in standard conditions, detection limit and stability of sample before and after exposure), the examination of the influence of environmental factors on the sampling rate by some exposure chamber experiments and the assessment of the uncertainty of the measurements.The results of this evaluation demonstrated that the method has turned out to be suitable for six out of eight glycol ethers tested. The effect of the environmental factors on the sampling rates was the main source of measurement uncertainty. The measurements done in sixty homes revealed a relative abundance of 1-methoxy-2-propanol that was found in more than two thirds of homes at concentration levels of 4.5 microg m(-3) on average (a maximum value of 28 microg m(-3)). 1-methoxy-2-propanol acetate and 2-butoxy ethanol were also detected, but less frequently (in 19% of homes) and with the concentrations below 12 microg m(-3). The highest levels of these glycol ethers appear to be in relation to the emissions occurring at the time of cleaning tasks.  相似文献   

In contrast to the large body of data on naturally-occurring arsenic compounds in marine organisms, relatively little is known about arsenic speciation in freshwater biota. We report an investigation using HPLC-ICPMS into the arsenic compounds in five species of freshwater mussels collected from five sites from the Danube in Hungary. Total arsenic concentrations in the mussels ranged from 3.8-12.8 mg As kg(-1). The arsenic speciation patterns were broadly similar for mussels representing each of the five species and five sites, but quite different from those reported for marine mussels. The major extractable arsenicals were two oxo arsenosugars (glycerol sugar and phosphate sugar), and their thio analogues (thio glycerol sugar and thio phosphate sugar). Arsenobetaine, usually the major arsenical in marine organisms, was not a significant compound in the freshwater mussels and was detected in only three of the 11 samples. This is the first report of thio arsenosugars in freshwater biota and suggests that these compounds may be common and widespread naturally-occurring arsenicals.  相似文献   

Monitoring of the workplace concentration of 3-methoxybutyl acetate (MBA), which is used in printer's ink and thinner for screen-printing and as an organic solvent to dissolve various resins, is important for health reasons. An active and a diffusive sampling method, using a gas chromatograph equipped with a flame ionization detector, were developed for the determination of MBA in workplace air. For the active sampling method using an activated charcoal tube, the overall desorption efficiency was 101%, the overall recovery was 104%, and the recovery after 8 days of storage in a refrigerator was more than 90%. For the diffusive sampling method using the 3M 3500 organic vapor monitor, the MBA sampling rate was 19.89 cm(3) min(-1). The linear range was from 0.01 to 96.00 microg ml(-1), with a correlation coefficient of 0.999, and the detection limits of the active and diffusive samplers were 0.04 and 0.07 microg sample(-1), respectively. The geometric mean of stationary sampling and personal sampling in a screen-printing factory were 12.61 and 16.52 ppm, respectively, indicating that both methods can be used to measure MBA in workplace air.  相似文献   

Evenly distributed sampling design is generally considered as an efficient sampling design. It is widely used in sampling for the environmental survey. In this paper, we present a novel method for generating N evenly distributed samples within a given irregular polygon via simulating the movements of some ideal homogeneous point charges. Initially, charges are randomly put into the sampling region; then, they are freed and held orderly; and after enough runs, the charges will finally reach a stable state with all of them having a zero resultant force and velocity; and so they distribute evenly within the region. Their layout can thus be considered as an evenly distributed sampling design. The main advantages of this method are: (1) it is easy to understand and implement; (2) it is efficient in both running and generating better designs. Analysis and experimental results indicate that this method is an efficient and robust method for generating even sampling designs for 2D polygonal sampling region.  相似文献   

The Sydenham River in southwestern Ontario is located in the Mixedwood Plains Ecozone, which supports the greatest diversity of flora and fauna in Canada. The river historically supported a rich aquatic community that included 80 fishes and 34 species of freshwater mussels. Fourteen aquatic species native to the river (8 fishes, 5 mussels and 1 turtle) have been designated as endangered, threatened, or of special concern by the Committee on the Status of Species at Risk in Canada (COSEWIC). A multi-agency Recovery Team was formed in 1999 to ensure the continued survival of these and other rare species in the river. The Sydenham River Recovery Team is the first in Canada to adopt an ecosystem approach to recovery planning for aquatic species. Information on land use patterns, water quality trends, the physical condition of the river, and the distributions of aquatic species at risk was synthesized to gain an understanding of the overall health of the river and its major anthropogenic stresses. Seven of the species at risk have declined in distribution or abundance, and three may be extirpated. The main threat to fishes and mussels is heavy loadings of sediment, nutrients, and possibly pesticides to the river via tile drainage and overland runoff from agricultural lands. A strategy that incorporates four overall approaches (management, stewardship, research and monitoring, and awareness and outreach) was developed to recover and protect this globally significant freshwater ecosystem.  相似文献   

A new method utilizing the diffusive sampling of formaldehyde in air has been developed. Formaldehyde is sampled with the use of a glass fiber filter impregnated with N-methyl-4-hydrazino-7-nitrobenzofurazan (MNBDH) and phosphoric acid. The formaldehyde hydrazone formed is desorbed from the filter with acetonitrile and determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with UV/visible detection at 474 nm. The sampling rate was determined to be 24.7 mL min-1 with a relative standard deviation of 7% for 48 experiments. The measured sampling rates were not dependent on the formaldehyde concentration (0.1-1.0 mg m-3), sampling time (15-482 min) or relative humidity (20-85%). The detection limit was 70 micrograms m-3 for a 15 min sampling period and 2 micrograms m-3 for an 8 h sampling period.  相似文献   

A diffusive sampling method for the determination of methyl isocyanate (MIC) in air is introduced. MIC is collected using a glass fiber filter impregnated with 4-nitro-7-piperazinobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBDPZ). The urea derivative formed is desorbed from the filter with acetonitrile and analyzed by means of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using fluorescence detection (FLD) with lambdaex = 471 nm and lambdaex = 540 nm. Additionally, a method was developed using tandem mass spectrometric (MS-MS) detection, which was performed as selected reaction monitoring (SRM) on the transition [MIC-NBDPZ + H]+ (m/z 307) to [NBDPZ + H]+ (m/z 250). The diffusive sampler was tested with MIC concentrations between 1 and 35 microg m(-3). The sampling periods varied from 15 min to 8 h, and the relative humidity (RH) was set from 20% up to 80%. The sampling rate for all 15 min experiments was determined to be 15.0 mL min(-1) (using HPLC-FLD) with a relative standard deviation of 9.9% for 56 experiments. At 80% RH, only 15 min sampling gave acceptable results. Further experiments revealed that humidity did not affect the MIC derivative but the reagent on the filter prior to and during sampling. The sampling rate for all experiments (including long term sampling) performed at 20% RH was found to be 15.0 mL min(-1) with a relative standard deviation of 6.3% (N = 42). The limit of quantification was 3 microg m(-3) (LC-MS-MS: 1.3 microg m(-3)) for 15 min sampling periods and 0.2 microg m(-3) (LC-MS-MS: 0.15 microg m(-3)) for 8 h sampling runs applying fluorescence detection.  相似文献   

Sulfonamide antibiotics coming from both human and veterinary medicine are among the most common emerging pollutants in freshwater. The present paper shows the successful application of passive sampling using POCIS in combination with an immunochemical ELISA technique and HPLC/MS/MS analysis to study the distribution of sulfonamides in streams around small towns in the Czech Republic, as well as around a major agglomeration of the city of Brno, including its waste water treatment plant (WWTP). Results indicated the presence of sulfonamides at most studied sites with concentrations ranging from <20 up to 736 ng of sulfamethoxazole equivalents per POCIS. Very high levels were detected in both the influent and effluent of the Brno WWTP with maxima > 8000 ng SMX per POCIS. All samplers collected down-stream of the studied towns and WWTPs clearly showed an increase in sulfonamide drug residues. Higher concentrations were determined in rivers at the city of Brno agglomeration. In agreement with other available studies, these findings indicate low efficiency of conventional WWTPs to eliminate polar pharmaceuticals such as sulfonamides. Good performance and correlation with the LC/MS results, as well as ease of use, indicate good potential for the immunochemical ELISA technique to become the screening tool for sulfonamide determination in surface waters including passive samplers.  相似文献   

The effect of the two most critical parameters, the sample flow rate and sampling duration, on the absorption efficiency of NO2 in the sodium arsenite method of nitrogen dioxide determination in ambient air was studied. Laboratory experiments showed a high sensitivity to these parameters, which were subjected to variation during actual field monitoring. The reported NO2 absorption efficiency of the method of 82% at a flow rate of 0.2 l min-1 was found to be as low as 33% at a flow rate of 1.0 l min-1 for a sampling duration of 24 h. Similarly, a considerable decrease in absorption efficiency with increasing sampling duration from 2 to 24 h was observed at a particular flow rate. Correction factors for the absorption efficiency were evolved that can be used to update the existing database, as well as future NO2 data generated using this manual monitoring method.  相似文献   

The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) was signed in May 2001 by 127 countries. Currently, 12 substances are regulated by the convention, and the work on finding new candidate chemicals to the convention has started. Among these 12 substances, dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are the objects of this study. There are no European standard methods for the simultaneous determination of these microorganic compounds, together with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in ambient air--they must be referred to three different methods developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The quali-quantitative analysis of these microorganic pollutants is an important challenge due to the low concentrations at which they may be present. In this study, the development of a simplified, alternative, fast and affordable sampling method for the determination of PAHs, PCDDs, PCDFs and PCBs in ambient air was performed. The sampling time was extended from 24 h to 7 d in order to enrich the sample, to fall within the instrumental limits of detection and to reduce the number of samples to be processed and, therefore, errors that may arise. First of all, experiments with labelled standards were conducted in the research area of Montelibretti (rural station, which is sited about 20 km northeast of Rome), with the purpose of optimizing sampling efficiency. Finally, the method was applied to the analysis of these compounds in the air of a suburban area with small industrial plants in order to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed sampling method system, by comparing concentrations of native compounds acquired during simultaneous daily and weekly sampling.  相似文献   

Diffusive sampling of a mixture of 42 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in humidified, purified air onto the solid adsorbent Carbopack X was evaluated under controlled laboratory conditions. The evaluation included variations in sample air temperature, relative humidity and ozone concentration. Linearity of samples with loading was examined both for a constant concentration with time varied up to 24 h and for different concentrations over 24 h. Reverse diffusion and its increase with accumulation of sample were determined for all compounds. Tubes were examined for blank levels, change of blanks with storage time, and variability of blanks. Method detection limits were determined based on seven replicate samples. Based on this evaluation, 27 VOCs were selected for quantitative monitoring in the concentration range from approximately 0.1 to 4 ppbv. Comparison results of active and diffusive samples taken over 24 h and under the same simulated ambient conditions at a constant 2 ppbv were interpreted to estimate the effective diffusive sampling rates (ml min(-1)) and their uncertainties and to calculate the corresponding diffusive uptake rates (ng ppmv(-1) min(-1)).  相似文献   

Watershed-Based Survey Designs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Watershed-based sampling design and assessment tools help serve the multiple goals for water quality monitoring required under the Clean Water Act, including assessment of regional conditions to meet Section 305(b), identification of impaired water bodies or watersheds to meet Section 303(d), and development of empirical relationships between causes or sources of impairment and biological responses. Creation of GIS databases for hydrography, hydrologically corrected digital elevation models, and hydrologic derivatives such as watershed boundaries and upstream–downstream topology of subcatchments would provide a consistent seamless nationwide framework for these designs. The elements of a watershed-based sample framework can be represented either as a continuous infinite set defined by points along a linear stream network, or as a discrete set of watershed polygons. Watershed-based designs can be developed with existing probabilistic survey methods, including the use of unequal probability weighting, stratification, and two-stage frames for sampling. Case studies for monitoring of Atlantic Coastal Plain streams, West Virginia wadeable streams, and coastal Oregon streams illustrate three different approaches for selecting sites for watershed-based survey designs.  相似文献   

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