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This study presents the usefulness of multivariate statistical techniques, such as correlation matrix, cluster analysis, and factor analysis, for the evaluation and interpretation of complex water quality data sets of Brahmani–Koel river along the Rourkela Industrial Complex, India, and the apportionment of pollution sources/factors. The correlation study suggests that dissolved heavy metals, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), and chemical oxygen demand (COD) are contributed by anthropogenic sources. The results of R-mode factor analyses revealed that anthropogenic contributions are responsible for increase in metals of the river water, which is mainly responsible for contamination of the river. It also reflected that the level of pollution in the river was very high. The factor score plot and loading plot have been drawn, which indicate that the polluted stations are identified by the heavy metals. The relationships among the stations are highlighted by cluster analysis, represented in dendograms to categorize different levels of contamination. An attempt has been made to study the degree of contamination of the river waters by using a tool like enrichment ratio (ER). The ER for heavy metal concentrations concluded that metals like Ni, Co, Cr, and Fe are showing high enrichment with respect to global background and metal ions like Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn show high enrichment with respect to local background.  相似文献   

Aiming at the remote sensing application has been increasingly relying on ground object spectral characteristics. In order to further research the spectral reflectance characteristics in arid area, this study was performed in the typical delta oasis of Weigan and Kuqa rivers located north of Tarim Basin. Data were collected from geo-targets at multiple sites in various field conditions. The spectra data were collected for different soil types including saline-alkaline soil, silt sandy soil, cotton field, and others; vegetations of Alhagi sparsifolia, Phragmites australis, Tamarix, Halostachys caspica, etc., and water bodies. Next, the data were processed to remove high-frequency noise, and the spectral curves were smoothed with the moving average method. The derivative spectrum was generated after eliminating environmental background noise so that to distinguish the original overlap spectra. After continuum removal of the undesirable absorbance, the spectrum curves were able to highlight features for both optical absorbance and reflectance. The spectrum information of each ground object is essential for fully utilizing the multispectrum data generated by remote sensing, which will need a representative spectral library. In this study using ENVI 4.5 software, a preliminary spectral library of surface features was constructed using the data surveyed in the study area. This library can support remote sensing activities such as feature investigation, vegetation classification, and environmental monitoring in the delta oasis region. Future plan will focus on sharing and standardizing the criteria of professional spectral library and to expand and promote the utilization of the spectral databases.  相似文献   

On-site sanitation has emerged as a preferred mode of sanitation in cities experiencing rapid urbanization due to the high cost involved in off-site sanitation which requires conventional sewerages. However, this practice has put severe stress on groundwater especially its quality. Under the above backdrop, a study has been undertaken to investigate the impact of on-site sanitation on quality of groundwater sources in two mega cities namely Indore and Kolkata which are situated in two different geological settings. The parameters for the studies are distance of groundwater source from place of sanitation, effect of summer and monsoon seasons, local hydro-geological conditions, and physico-chemical parameters. NO3 and fecal coliform concentrations are considered as main indexes of pollution in water. Out of many conclusions which can be made from this studies, one major conclusion is about the influence of on-site sanitation on groundwater quality is minimal in Kolkata, whereas it is significant in Indore. This difference is due to the difference in hydrogeological parameters of these two cities, Kolkata being on alluvium quaternary and Indore being on Deccan trap of Cretaceous to Paleogene age.  相似文献   

Nitrate concentration in groundwater is influenced by complex and interrelated variables, leading to great difficulty during the modeling process. The objectives of this study are (1) to evaluate the performance of two artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, namely artificial neural networks and support vector machine, in modeling groundwater nitrate concentration using scant input data, as well as (2) to assess the effect of data clustering as a pre-modeling technique on the developed models' performance. The AI models were developed using data from 22 municipal wells of the Gaza coastal aquifer in Palestine from 2000 to 2010. Results indicated high simulation performance, with the correlation coefficient and the mean average percentage error of the best model reaching 0.996 and 7 %, respectively. The variables that strongly influenced groundwater nitrate concentration were previous nitrate concentration, groundwater recharge, and on-ground nitrogen load of each land use land cover category in the well's vicinity. The results also demonstrated the merit of performing clustering of input data prior to the application of AI models. With their high performance and simplicity, the developed AI models can be effectively utilized to assess the effects of future management scenarios on groundwater nitrate concentration, leading to more reasonable groundwater resources management and decision-making  相似文献   

The study presents the assessment of variation of water qualities, classification of monitoring networks and detection of pollution sources along the Bagmati River and its tributaries in the Kathmandu valley of Nepal. Seventeen stations, monitored for 23 physical and chemical parameters in pre-monsoon, monsoon, post-monsoon and winter seasons, during the period 1999-2003, were selected for the purpose of this study. The study revealed that the upstream river water qualities in the rural areas were increasingly affected from human sewage and chemical fertilizers. In downstream urban areas, the river was heavily polluted with untreated municipal sewage. The contribution of industries to pollute the river was minimal. The higher ratio of COD to BOD (3.74 in the rural and 2.06 in the urban) confirmed the increased industrial activities in the rural areas. An increasing trend of nitrate was found in the rural areas. In the urban areas, increasing trend of phosphorus was detected. The water quality measurement in the study period showed that DO was below 4 mg/l and BOD, COD, TIN, TP and TSS above 39.1, 59.2, 10.1, 0.84 and 199 mg/l, respectively, in the urban areas. In the rural areas, DO was above 6.2 mg/l and BOD, COD, TIN, TP and TSS below 15.9, 31, 5.24, 0.41 and 134.5 mg/l, respectively. The analysis for data from 1988 to 2003 at a key station in the river revealed that BOD was increasing at a rate of 1.8 mg/l in the Bagmati River. A comparative study for the water quality variables in the urban areas showed that the main river and its tributaries were equally polluted. The other comparison showed the urban water qualities were significantly poor as compared with rural. The cluster analysis detected three distinct monitoring groups: (1) low water pollution region, (2) medium water pollution region, (3) heavy water pollution region. For rapid assessment of water qualities using the representative sites could serve to optimize cost and time without loosing any significance of the outcome. The factor analysis revealed distinct groups of sources and pollutions (organics, nutrients, solutes and physicochemical).  相似文献   

On-site sanitation is increasingly adopted in urban cities in India. The adoption of On-site sanitation system puts the groundwater resources in the vicinity of the system at a greater risk. Microbial contaminants as well as chemical contaminants like Chloride and Nitrate are generated from human waste. These contaminants travel through the medium and ultimately get in contact with the groundwater. Hence, the groundwater sources are vulnerable to nitrate contamination near the On-site sanitation systems. The present study indicates significant Nitrate and Chloride contamination in samples collected close to On-site sanitation systems. The recommended limit set by the Bureau of Indian standards (BIS) limit of 45 mg/l for Nitrate concentration is also exceeded in few samples. The study indicates that Bacterial as well as Nitrate contamination is more in Monsoon as compared to Summer.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the environmental flow assessment (EFA) methods that maintain the river ecosystem and its integrity for hydropower plants (HPP) with their implementations on a run-off river type HPP. EFA is a crucial phenomenon in terms of electricity production and sustaining river integrity simultaneously. The novelty of this study is that it consists both a comparison of widely used preferred EFA methods and a detailed investigation of the river with pre and post-dam flow regimes. The research shows that by expanding the content and scope of the methods, their relative reliabilities increase. However, this situation requires much more expert, money, and time. Apart from most of the relevant literature, pre and post-dam situations are investigated with a flow duration curve (FDC). It is concluded that the dramatic difference between the flow characteristics of pre and post-dam situations affects long-term aquatic life. Furthermore, a case study is conducted using the selected hydrological flow assessment methods, Tennant and Tessman methods, and comparisons are made. The calculated flows are compared with monthly average flow values before dam construction, projected environmental flow data, and the current situation. Accordingly, Tennant’s “good classification” is proposed to determine the environmental flow (EF) for the considered case study.  相似文献   

The present study aims at identifying the groundwater contamination problems in Bangalore city in India. Groundwater samples from 30 different locations of the industrial area were collected. Analytical techniques as described in the Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater were adopted for physico-chemical analysis of these samples and the results compared with the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) guideline values for potable water in the light of possible health hazards. The investigations reveal that most of the study area is highly contaminated due to the excessive concentrations of one or more water quality parameters such as Nitrates, Total Hardness, Calcium, Magnesium, Total dissolved solids, Sulphates and Fluorides, which have rendered nearly 77% of the water samples tested, non- potable. Discussions held by the authors with the local public as well as the Primary health centre authorities of the area revealed that a lot of people in the area are suffering from severe health problems on using this water. The findings show that there is a clear correlation between the ill health faced by the public and contamination of the said groundwaters.  相似文献   

The Hawkesbury–Nepean River (HNR) system in South-Eastern Australia is the main source of water supply for the Sydney Metropolitan area and is one of the more complex river systems due to the influence of urbanisation and other activities in the peri-urban landscape through which it flows. The long-term monitoring of river water quality is likely to suffer from data gaps due to funding cuts, changes in priority and related reasons. Nevertheless, we need to assess river health based on the available information. In this study, we demonstrated how the Factor Analysis (FA), Hierarchical Agglomerative Cluster Analysis (HACA) and Trend Analysis (TA) can be applied to evaluate long-term historic data sets. Six water quality parameters, viz., temperature, chlorophyll-a, dissolved oxygen, oxides of nitrogen, suspended solids and reactive silicates, measured at weekly intervals between 1985 and 2008 at 12 monitoring stations located along the 300 km length of the HNR system were evaluated to understand the human and natural influences on the river system in a peri-urban landscape. The application of FA extracted three latent factors which explained more than 70 % of the total variance of the data and related to the ‘bio-geographical’, ‘natural’ and ‘nutrient pollutant’ dimensions of the HNR system. The bio-geographical and nutrient pollution factors more likely related to the direct influence of changes and activities of peri-urban natures and accounted for approximately 50 % of variability in water quality. The application of HACA indicated two major clusters representing clean and polluted zones of the river. On the spatial scale, one cluster was represented by the upper and lower sections of the river (clean zone) and accounted for approximately 158 km of the river. The other cluster was represented by the middle section (polluted zone) with a length of approximately 98 km. Trend Analysis indicated how the point sources influence river water quality on spatio-temporal scales, taking into account the various effects of nutrient and other pollutant loads from sewerage effluents, agriculture and other point and non-point sources along the river and major tributaries of the HNR. Over the past 26 years, water temperature has significantly increased while suspended solids have significantly decreased (p?<?0.05). The analysis of water quality data through FA, HACA and TA helped to characterise the key sections and cluster the key water quality variables of the HNR system. The insights gained from this study have the potential to improve the effectiveness of river health-monitoring programs in terms of cost, time and effort, particularly in a peri-urban context.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the presence of genotoxic substances is especially important in rivers that serve as a source of drinking water. Nine water samples collected along the river Rasina in Serbia were analyzed for potential toxic and genotoxic effects using the Allium anaphase-telophase test. Inhibition of root growth relative to the negative control (synthetic water) was observed in all samples. Analysis of the genotoxic potential, through scoring anaphase and telophase aberrations, showed that in seven of the nine samples the level of aberrations was significantly increased relative to the negative control but was lower than that obtained for the positive control (methyl methanesulfonate). Changes in the relation between spindle and chromosome types of aberrations were found in some samples, indicating differences in the potential genotoxic substances present at the analyzed sites. The data, which were obtained from samples collected at the highest level of river water, warn that during periods of low flow the values could reach genotoxic activity. The Allium anaphase-telophase test can be recommended as an monitoring system, that can serve as the first alert for the presence of genotoxic environmental pollutants.  相似文献   

In this research, we aimed to find out how the differences in hydrological connectivity between the main river channel and adjacent floodplain influence the changes in phytoplankton community structure along a river–floodplain system. The research was performed in the River Danube floodplain (Croatian river section) in the period 2008–2009 characterised by different flooding pattern on an annual time scale. By utilising the morpho-functional approach and multivariate analyses, the flood-derived structural changes of phytoplankton were analysed. The lake stability during the isolation phase triggered the specific pattern of morpho-functional groups (MFG) which were characterised by cyanobacterial species achieving very high biomass. Adversely, the high water turbulence in the lake during the frequent and extreme flooding led to evident similarity between lake and river assemblages. Besides different diatom species (groups of small and large centrics and pennates), which are the most abundant representatives in the river phytoplankton, many other groups such as cryptophytes and colonial phytomonads appeared to indicate altered conditions in the floodplain driven by flooding. Having different functional properties, small centric diatom taxa sorted to only one MFG cannot clearly reflect environmental changes that are shown by the species-level pattern. Disadvantages in using the MFG approach highlight that it is still necessary to combine it with taxonomical approach in monitoring of phytoplankton in the river–floodplain ecosystems.  相似文献   

Soil carbon redistribution is an important process in the terrestrial carbon cycle. This study describes a new index, soil carbon redistribution (SCR) index, that can be used to assess long-term soil carbon redistribution at a large watershed scale. The new index is based on the theoretical preconditions that soil carbon redistribution is mainly controlled by vegetation type, precipitation, topography/slope, and soil carbon concentration. The Haihe River Basin served as an example for this analysis. The SCR index was calculated, and a GIS-based map shows its spatial patterns. The results suggested that soil carbon was usually prone to being carried away from mountainous regions with natural vegetation, while it was prone to deposition in the plain and plateau regions with cultivated vegetation. The methods in the paper offer a tool that can be used to quantify the potential risk where soil carbon is prone to being carried away and deposited in a large watershed.  相似文献   

Hydrochemistry of surface water (pH, specific conductance, total dissolved solids, sulfate, chloride, nitrate, bicarbonate, hardness, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium) in the Mahanadi river estuarine system, India was used to assess the quality of water for agricultural purposes. The samples were studied for 31 different stations during six different seasons in the years 2001-2003. Chemical data were used for mathematical calculations (SAR, Na%, RSC, potential salinity, permeability index, Kelly's index, magnesium hazard, osmotic pressure and salt index) for better understanding the suitability river water quality for agricultural purposes. The river water is free from nitrate-nitrogen hazard and has much less osmotic pressure and RSC values. Further there is no complete precipitation of calcium and magnesium in the study area. The results revealed that waters of some polluted stations like Sambalpur down (D/s of Sambalpur town) and Kathjodi (Cuttack) down (D/s of Cuttack town) are unsuitable up to some extent, where as it is quite unsuitable in case of estuarine samples during the pre-monsoon and post-monsoon seasons. The results were verified by USSL and Wilcox diagrams, which show all the fresh water zone samples (low-medium salinity with low sodium) of the study area are in the 'Excellent to good' category and are suitable to irrigate all soils for semi-tolerant and tolerant as well as sensitive crops.  相似文献   

Ken-Betwa river link is one of the pilot projects of the Inter Linking of Rivers program of Government of India in Bundelkhand Region. It will connect the Ken and Betwa rivers through a system of dams, reservoirs, and canals to provide storage for excess rainfall during the monsoon season and avoid floods. The main objective of this study is to identify erosional and inundation prone zones of Ken-Betwa river linking site in India using remote sensing and geographic information system tools. In this study, Landsat Thematic Mapper data of year 2005, digital elevation model from the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission, and other ancillary data were analyzed to create various thematic maps viz. geomorphology, land use/land cover, NDVI, geology, soil, drainage density, elevation, slope, and rainfall. The integrated thematic maps were used for hazard zonation. This is based on categorizing the different hydrological and geomorphological processes influencing the inundation and erosion intensity. Result shows that the southern part of the study area which lies in Panna district of Madhya Pradesh, India, is more vulnerable than the other areas.  相似文献   

Increased use of nitrogenous fertilizers in the intensively cultivated rice (Oryza sativa)?Cwheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system (covers a 13.5-ha m area in South Asia) has led to the concentration of nitrates (NO3-N) in the groundwater (GW) in Haryana State of India. Six districts from the freshwater zone were selected to identify factors affecting NO3-N enrichment in GW. Water and soil samples were collected from 1,580 locations and analyzed for their chemical properties. About 3% (26,796, and 10,588 ha) of the area was estimated to be under moderately high (7.5?C10 mg l???1) and high (>10 mg l???1) risk categories, respectively. The results revealed that NO3-N was 10?C50% higher during the pre-monsoon season than in the monsoon season. Nitrate-N decreased with the increase in aquifer depth (r 2?=?0.99). Spatial and proximity analyses using ArcGIS (9.2) revealed that (1) clay material in surface and sub-surface texture restricts N leaching, (2) piedmont and rolling plains act as an N sink, and (3) perennial rivers bring a dilution effect whereas seasonal rivers provide favorable conditions for NO3 ? enrichment. The study concludes that chemical N fertilizers applied in agro-ecosystems are not the sole factor determining the NO3 in groundwater; rather, it is an integrated process governed by several other factors including physical and chemical properties of soils, proximity and type of river, and geomorphologic and geographical aspects. Therefore, future studies should adopt larger area (at least watershed scale) to understand the mechanistic pathways of NO3 enrichment in groundwater and interactive role of the natural drainage system and surrounding physical features. In addition, the study also presents a conceptual framework to describe the process of nitrate formation and leaching in piedmont plains and its transportation to the mid-plain zone.  相似文献   

Geospatial tools supported by ancillary geo-database and extensive fieldwork regarding the distribution of tiger and its prey in Anchankmar Wildlife Sanctuary (AMWLS) were used to build a tiger habitat suitability model. This consists of a quantitative geographical information system (GIS) based approach using field parameters and spatial thematic information. The estimates of tiger sightings, its prey sighting and predicted distribution with the assistance of contextual environmental data including terrain, road network, settlement and drainage surfaces were used to develop the model. Eight variables in the dataset viz., forest cover type, forest cover density, slope, aspect, altitude, and distance from road, settlement and drainage were seen as suitable proxies and were used as independent variables in the analysis. Principal component analysis and binomial multiple logistic regression were used for statistical treatments of collected habitat parameters from field and independent variables respectively. The assessment showed a strong expert agreement between the predicted and observed suitable areas. A combination of the generated information and published literature was also used while building a habitat suitability map for the tiger. The modeling approach has taken the habitat preference parameters of the tiger and potential distribution of prey species into account. For assessing the potential distribution of prey species, independent suitability models were developed and validated with the ground truth. It is envisaged that inclusion of the prey distribution probability strengthens the model when a key species is under question. The results of the analysis indicate that tiger occur throughout the sanctuary. The results have been found to be an important input as baseline information for population modeling and natural resource management in the wildlife sanctuary. The development and application of similar models can help in better management of the protected areas of national interest.  相似文献   

Coal combustion in the power sector gives rise to the emission of primary and secondary particulate pollutants. Since the emission of pollutants depends on coal quality and combustion technology, and given that transport, transformation and deposition of contaminants depend on regional climatic conditions, specific studies for the power stations is needed to evaluate their environmental impacts. Monitoring of ambient respirable suspended particulate matter (RSPM) and suspended particulate matter (SPM) levels around a large coal-fired power station in India was carried out. The specific objectives were the determination of spatial and seasonal variability in RSPM and SPM levels, and their relationship with meteorological parameters such as wind velocity and relative humidity. The results have shown a marked seasonal trend and spatial variability in RSPM and SPM levels in the study area. Higher concentrations of ambient RSPM and SPM were found in downwind monitoring stations compared to upwind direction. Ratios of RSPM to SPM and correlation coefficient values between RSPM and SPM along with meteorological parameters were also worked out. Relative humidity and wind velocity have shown an inverse relation with particulate deposition pattern.  相似文献   

To meet the growing energy demand worldwide, oil and gas exploration and production activities have increased rapidly both in onshore and offshore areas. The produced oil from the ocean bed is transported onshore either by ship or pipeline. This has increased the risk of oil spill in the coastal area. In order to prepare an emergency preparedness plan and to assess the magnitude of risk involved in transporting and offloading oil, oil spill simulation studies play an important role. This paper describes a simulation of oil spill in coastal bay of Arabian Gulf where new developments are taking place using MIKE 21 model. The developments include a diesel based thermal power plant near Sir Baniyas Island, which is an ecological fragile area. Based on the project activity, two probable scenarios, one for diesel leak (250 m3/h) for 1 h and the other for instantaneous spill (500 m3) are considered. The MIKE 21 model was calibrated for hydrodynamics using measured field data followed by diesel-spill simulation to track its movement in the Arabian Gulf. The results for both leak and instantaneous spill indicate that spilled diesel will not move towards the Sir Banyas Island and more than 45% of the diesel will be evaporated within 48 h of oil spill. Based on the results, a clean up and contingency plan is proposed to mitigate the adverse impacts arising due to diesel spill in the study area.  相似文献   

Ensenada health officials lack pertinent information on the sustainable management of solid waste, as do health officials from other developing countries. The aims of this research are: (a) to quantify and analyze the household solid wastes generated in the city of Ensenada, Mexico, and (b) to project biogas production and estimate generation of electrical energy. The characterization study was conducted by socioeconomic stratification in two seasonal periods, and the biogas and electrical energy projections were performed using the version 2.0 Mexico Biogas Model. Per capita solid waste generation was 0.779?±?0.019 kg per person per day within a 98 % confidence interval. Waste composition is composed mainly of food scraps at 36.25 %, followed by paper and cardboard at 21.85 %, plastic at 12.30 %, disposable diapers at 6.26 %, and textiles at 6.28 %. The maximum capacity for power generation is projected to be 1.90 MW in 2019. Waste generated could be used as an intermediate in different processes such as recycling (41.04 %) and energy recovery (46.63 %). The electrical energy that could be obtained using the biogas generated at the Ensenada sanitary landfill would provide roughly 60 % of the energy needed for street lighting.  相似文献   

Noise mapping has been used as an instrument for assessment of environmental noise, helping to support decision making on urban planning. In Brazil, urban noise is not yet recognized as a major environmental problem by the government. Besides, cities that have databases to drive acoustic simulations, making use of advanced noise mapping systems, are rare. This study sought an alternative method of noise mapping through the use of geoprocessing, which is feasible for the Brazilian reality and for other developing countries. The area chosen for the study was the central zone of the city of Sorocaba, located in São Paulo State, Brazil. The proposed method was effective in the spatial evaluation of equivalent sound pressure level. The results showed an urban area with high noise levels that exceed the legal standard, posing a threat to the welfare of the population.  相似文献   

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