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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Toxic trace elements from both, natural and anthropogenic origin, pose a threat to aquatic environments and marine wildlife due to their long-range...  相似文献   

Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and Nile perch (Lates niloticus) samples were collected from fish landing stations in nine riparian districts on the Tanzanian side of Lake Victoria and screened for residues of 64 organochlorine, organophosphorus, carbamate, and pyrethroid pesticides. The residue levels in the fish fillet were up to 0.003, 0.03 and 0.2 mg/kg fresh weight (0.7, 3.8 and 42 mg/kg lipid weight) of fenitrothion, DDT and endosulfan, respectively. Mean levels within sites were up to 0.002, 0.02 and 0.1 mg/kg fresh weight (0.5, 0.5 and 16 mg/kg lipid weight), respectively. The detection of higher levels of p,p'-DDT than the degradation products (p,p'-DDD and p,p'-DDE), and higher levels of endosulfan isomers (alpha and beta) than the sulphate, in fish samples, implied recent exposure of fish to DDT and endosulfan, respectively. Generally, most of the fish samples had residue levels above the average method detection limits (MDLs), but were within the calculated ADI.  相似文献   

Pesticide residues in biological waste   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Taube J  Vorkamp K  Förster M  Herrmann R 《Chemosphere》2002,49(10):1357-1365
The aim of this study was to detect crop protection products (CPP) in single fractions of biological waste and to estimate pesticide concentrations in biological waste, depending on its composition. The composition of biological waste was determined from the literature, which provided information on its local and seasonal variability. The residue analysis included 17 pesticides for the analysis of tropical fruit peels and 48 pesticides for other fractions, e.g. vegetables, other fruits and ornamental flowers. The freeze-dried samples were extracted ultrasonically and purified by means of gel permeation chromatography. The analysis was carried out using gas chromatography with a mass selective detector in the selected ion monitoring mode. All tropical fruit peels contained CPP-residues. Thiabendazole was the most important contaminant with respect to the concentration and frequency of occurrence. The vegetables, other fruits and flowers also contained CPP-residues, such as the fungicides captan and dodemorph and the insecticide endosulfan. Based on import data and the composition of biological waste, the CPP-content of biological waste was estimated for rural and urban areas in summer and winter. Due to the higher percentage of tropical fruit peels, thiabendazole was the main contaminant in winter. The total concentration of CPP, summed up over all substances, ranged between 828 and 1829 μg (kg ww)−1.  相似文献   

Sediment samples from 25 sites in 17 rivers of the Pantanal (Brazil) were analyzed with the objective of evaluating pesticide contamination in sediments. Samples were extracted with an acetone, ethylacetate, and water mixture 2:2:1 (v/v/v). The extract was purified by flash chromatography with aluminum oxide and florisil. A multiresidue gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method was applied to monitor 23 pesticides of different chemical classes (organochlorine, organophosphorus, triazines, anilides and pyrethroids) with some of their degradation products. Compounds identified in sediment samples included lambda -cyhalothrin (1.0 to 5.0 micro g kg(- 1)), p,p'-DDT (3.6 micro g kg(- 1)), deltamethrin (20.0 micro g kg(- 1)) and permethrin (1.0 to 7.0 micro g kg(- 1)).  相似文献   

Pesticide residues in air from coastal environment, south India.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Chlorinated pollutants are transported through atmosphere. India is one of the point source countries for these pollutants [1]. In this study the concentration of DDT and HCH were evaluated in air from a tropical coastal environmental (at Parangipettai--southeast coast of India). DDT and HCH ranged in concentrations from 0.16 to 5.93 ng m-3 and 1.45 to 35.6 ng m-3 respectively. The ban on DDT in agriculture is reflected from the low residue levels recorded, predominantly by metabolites other than the parent compounds.  相似文献   

The paper discusses key aspects of the European Union (EU) regulatory policy related to the persistence and bound residues of agricultural pesticide active substances in soil. This is examined in the context of the EU Authorisations Directive (91/414/EEC) which will gradually replace existing national systems of agricultural pesticide regulation within EU Member States. Discussion is concentrated on this directive, looking in particular at the Uniform Principles therein and the possible ways that these decision-making guidelines could be developed into a regulatory framework. The aim in this process of negotiated development is to identify any questions or data requirements that will be needed for persistent pesticides or soil bound residues, over and above those generally required for all compounds. The present EU regulatory position on soil non-extractable or bound residues is examined and possible future improvements to the system are described and discussed.  相似文献   

Pesticide and PCB analyses were completed on fat and muscle samples of 750 fish collected from 11 major lakes and rivers in Alberta. Although phenoxy and organophosphate residues were always below detectable limits, traces of chlorinated pesticides and their derivatives, particularly DDE, DDD and chlordane, were detected in most fat samples. Methoxychlor was frequently found in goldeye from the North Saskatchewan River but not recorded in fish from any other lake or river. Its presence in goldeye, a highly migratory species, was probably a result of biting-fly control programs in the Saskatchewan part of the river. PCB levels exceeded 25 mg/kg in the fat of several species from the North Saskatchewan River but were generally lower in the other systems. Analysis of 160 sediment samples from the North Saskatchewan River revealed no point source of PCB contamination, with residues always <0.01 mg/kg dry weight.  相似文献   

The investigations carried out during 2005 by state-run Italian laboratories within the framework of controls seeking pesticide residues monitoring in foodstuffs involve quantifying the levels of such residues in fruit and vegetable produce and their processed products: oil, wine and fruit juices. The Italian Ready-Meal Residue Project, promoted by the pesticides working group of Italian Environmental Agencies, seeks to asses the quantity of pesticides in pre-prepared (ready-to-eat) lunches (comprising a first course, side dish, fruit, bread and wine), and to quantify the amounts consumed and compare with the acceptable daily intake ADIs.The data provided by 16 laboratories which analyzed 50 complete meals in 2005 (samples taken on 8 February, 26 May, 24 October, 21 December 2005) showed residues in 39 lunches, with an average number of 2.4 pesticides in each meal and a maximum of 10 pesticides. The most frequently found substances were: pirimiphos-methyl (20 times), procymidone (17), pyrimethanil (7), iprodione (7), cyprodinil (7), fenitrothion (6), diphenylamine (6), chlorpyrifos (6), metalaxyl (5) and chlorpyrifos-methyl (5).The distribution of residues among each dish of the meal was also examined, and the results showed that: 77.3% of the residues were present in the fruit, 14.9% in the wine, 3.0% in the main course, 2.8% in the bread and 2.1% in the side dish. Assuming that two meals are consumed per day, the daily intake of pesticide residues was calculated on a daily basis, in relation to normal body weight (60 kg for an adult, 40 kg for a teenager, 20 kg for a child) and compared with the ADI values established by the European Union. In the case of adults, the average daily intake of pesticides in relation to ADI was 2.6% with a maximum of 73.3%; for teenagers it was 4.9% with a maximum of 109% and for children it was 9.8% with a peak of 219%.  相似文献   

The investigations carried out during 2005 by state-run Italian laboratories within the framework of controls seeking pesticide residues monitoring in foodstuffs involve quantifying the levels of such residues in fruit and vegetable produce and their processed products: oil, wine and fruit juices. The Italian Ready-Meal Residue Project, promoted by the pesticides working group of Italian Environmental Agencies, seeks to asses the quantity of pesticides in pre-prepared (ready-to-eat) lunches (comprising a first course, side dish, fruit, bread and wine), and to quantify the amounts consumed and compare with the acceptable daily intake ADIs.The data provided by 16 laboratories which analyzed 50 complete meals in 2005 (samples taken on 8 February, 26 May, 24 October, 21 December 2005) showed residues in 39 lunches, with an average number of 2.4 pesticides in each meal and a maximum of 10 pesticides. The most frequently found substances were: pirimiphos-methyl (20 times), procymidone (17), pyrimethanil (7), iprodione (7), cyprodinil (7), fenitrothion (6), diphenylamine (6), chlorpyrifos (6), metalaxyl (5) and chlorpyrifos-methyl (5).The distribution of residues among each dish of the meal was also examined, and the results showed that: 77.3% of the residues were present in the fruit, 14.9% in the wine, 3.0% in the main course, 2.8% in the bread and 2.1% in the side dish. Assuming that two meals are consumed per day, the daily intake of pesticide residues was calculated on a daily basis, in relation to normal body weight (60 kg for an adult, 40 kg for a teenager, 20 kg for a child) and compared with the ADI values established by the European Union. In the case of adults, the average daily intake of pesticides in relation to ADI was 2.6% with a maximum of 73.3%; for teenagers it was 4.9% with a maximum of 109% and for children it was 9.8% with a peak of 219%.  相似文献   

Eight different hot springs (SPA) in Greece were monitored over a one-year survey for priority pesticide residues. A specific and effective procedure including solid phase extraction in combination with HPLC and GC analytical methods were applied. Samples that were sensitive to nitrogen-phosphorus (NPD) and/or electron capture (ECD) detectors were analysed by capillary gas chromatography. From the twenty-six water samples, pesticide residues were detected in fourteen of them (54%) but no one exceeding the European Union Maximum Acceptable Concentration (MAC). Lindane (gamma-BHC) was the most frequently detected pesticide. It was found in nine samples (35%) in concentrations from < 0.005 to 0.01 microg/L. Other pesticides detected were phorate (in five samples), propachlor (in two samples) and chlorpyriphos ethyl (in three samples) but in concentrations far below the permissible levels.  相似文献   

A review of the scientific literature on pesticide residues in freshwater and marine zooplankton indicates that despite the great number of pesticides in current use, only residues of the persistent organochlorine insecticides, many of which have been restricted or removed from general use in North America, have been determined. Much of this information is outdated. In addition, with the exception of the Great Lakes on which limited information is available, reports on residues in freshwater zooplankton are rare. Information on residues of the newer, less persistent but heavily used pesticides is lacking. As an alternative to field sampling and chemical analysis of endemic populations of zooplankton, scientists have modeled the bioaccumulation of pesticides in zooplankton using either laboratory microcosms or mathematical equations. However, the extent and importance of trophic transfer to higher food levels through this intermediary group of organisms is still controversial. In addition, the relationship between accumulation of pesticides and toxicity to zooplankton remains unresolved.  相似文献   

Pesticides are known to improve agriculture yield considerably leading to an increase in its application over the years. The use of pesticides has shown varying detrimental effects in humans as well as the environment. Presently, enough evidence is available to suggest their misuse and overuse in the last few decades in most developing nations primarily due to lack of education, endangering the lives of farmers as well as the entire population and environment. However, there is paucity of data especially over long durations in Ghana resulting in the absence of effective monitoring programs regarding pesticide application and subsequent contamination in fruits and vegetables. Therefore, this review discusses comprehensively pesticide type and use, importation, presence in fruits and vegetables, human exposure, and poisoning in Ghana. This is to alert the scientific community in Ghana of the need to further research into the potential implications of pesticide residues in food commodities in order to generate a comprehensive and reliable database which is key in drafting policies simultaneous with food regulation, suitable monitoring initiatives, assessment, and education to minimize their effects thereon.  相似文献   

Organic agriculture, with its restrictions on the use of synthetic chemical inputs, seems to offer a low-residue alternative to conventional methods. In Europe, the Council Regulation n. 2092/91/EEC regulates the production and trade of organic products and foodstuffs; national and regional legislation in Italy gives specific guidance on the surveillance of organic agriculture. However, monitoring of specific chemical residues in organic foodstuffs is part of the regular controls on food, aiming to safeguard consumer's health. Monitoring programs are coordinated at the national level by the Ministry of Health and at local level by Regional authorities. In Lombardy, in accordance with the provisions of the General Directorate of Health of the Region and under the supervision of the 15 Local Health Units, a monitoring program of pesticide residues in food of plant origin is undertaken every year. The International Centre for Pesticides and Health Risk Prevention (ICPS), on behalf of the General Directorate of Health of the Region of Lombardy, has been collecting and elaborating the data resulting from the analysis of food samples, carried out by the local laboratories. During the period 2002–2005, a total of 3508 samples food of plant origin were analyzed for pesticide residues, among which were 266 samples of organic farming products. Commodities were classified into groups (citrus fruits, legumes, vegetables, potatoes, processed products, cereals, and fruit other than citrus) and the outcomes of the analyses were reported by year, origin of the sample and presence/absence of pesticide residues. Results showed that the vast majority of organic farming products were in conformity with the relevant legislation and did not contain detectable pesticide residues. A limited amount of samples had residues at concentration below the Maximum Residue Limit (MRL). Only in one sample the residue level was above the MRL, however it did not pose a concern for public health, as demonstrated by the outcomes of dietary risk assessment. Organic fruits and vegetables can be expected to contain fewer agrochemical residues than conventionally grown alternatives. There is a widespread belief that organic agriculture products are safer and healthier than conventional foods. It is difficult to come to conclusions, but what should be made clear to the consumer is that “organic” does not automatically equal “safe”. In the absence of adequate comparative data, additional studies in this area of research are required.  相似文献   

Organic agriculture, with its restrictions on the use of synthetic chemical inputs, seems to offer a low-residue alternative to conventional methods. In Europe, the Council Regulation n. 2092/91/EEC regulates the production and trade of organic products and foodstuffs; national and regional legislation in Italy gives specific guidance on the surveillance of organic agriculture. However, monitoring of specific chemical residues in organic foodstuffs is part of the regular controls on food, aiming to safeguard consumer's health. Monitoring programs are coordinated at the national level by the Ministry of Health and at local level by Regional authorities. In Lombardy, in accordance with the provisions of the General Directorate of Health of the Region and under the supervision of the 15 Local Health Units, a monitoring program of pesticide residues in food of plant origin is undertaken every year. The International Centre for Pesticides and Health Risk Prevention (ICPS), on behalf of the General Directorate of Health of the Region of Lombardy, has been collecting and elaborating the data resulting from the analysis of food samples, carried out by the local laboratories. During the period 2002-2005, a total of 3508 samples food of plant origin were analyzed for pesticide residues, among which were 266 samples of organic farming products. Commodities were classified into groups (citrus fruits, legumes, vegetables, potatoes, processed products, cereals, and fruit other than citrus) and the outcomes of the analyses were reported by year, origin of the sample and presence/absence of pesticide residues. Results showed that the vast majority of organic farming products were in conformity with the relevant legislation and did not contain detectable pesticide residues. A limited amount of samples had residues at concentration below the Maximum Residue Limit (MRL). Only in one sample the residue level was above the MRL, however it did not pose a concern for public health, as demonstrated by the outcomes of dietary risk assessment. Organic fruits and vegetables can be expected to contain fewer agrochemical residues than conventionally grown alternatives. There is a widespread belief that organic agriculture products are safer and healthier than conventional foods. It is difficult to come to conclusions, but what should be made clear to the consumer is that "organic" does not automatically equal "safe". In the absence of adequate comparative data, additional studies in this area of research are required.  相似文献   


Residues of three pesticides (dimethoate, parathion, and pyrazophos) in two artichoke cultivars, Masedu and Spinoso sardo, were investigated. The amount of pesticides in artichokes was greatly affected by the head shape. In the case of the calix‐shaped Masedu artichoke, the residues in whole heads at commercial ripening were on average about twice higher than those of the pagoda‐shaped Spinoso sardo artichoke. In the heart this ratio was 4 to 42 times greater. Residue decay rates were very fast, mainly owing to the dilution effect due to head growth.  相似文献   

All the eggs, collected in Italy in 1982 and 1983, of two species of passerine birds, three gulls, four terns and the night heron, contained DDE and, with lower frequencies, other organochlorine contaminants. Organochlorines were more concentrated in the species of higher trophic level. DDE contamination showed a decreasing trend from 1978 to 1985 in one passerine, two terns and in the heron. After 1980-1982, the level of contamination was below the critical threshold beyond which reproduction is affected, eggshell thickness was only slightly or not reduced; therefore, the current impact of organochlorines on these birds is probably negligible. Detrimental effects may have occurred during the 1970s, when some of the eggs were contaminated beyond the critical threshold.  相似文献   

The results of a co-ordinated monitoring programme for pesticide residues in the European Union and Norway carried out in 1996 and 1997 are presented. The aim of this programme is to work towards a system, which makes it possible to estimate actual dietary pesticide intake for the population of the European Union. Based on a statistically dérived sampling plan and within the limited number of pesticides/commodities analysed, the most critical pesticides (benomyl group and dithiocarbamates) and commodities (mandarine and lettuce) were identified. In case of detected non-compliances, repeated sampling and, if necessary, enforcement actions are to be taken by national authorities. The programme will be continued in the next years.  相似文献   


The toxicity of four essential oils extracted from Baccharis articulata, Baccharis ochracea, Baccharis psiadioides and Baccharis trimera was tested against the phytopathogen Alternaria alternata, which causes Alternaria stem canker on tomatoes. Diseases caused by Alternaria fungi are responsible for great economic losses in terms of production and are controlled by synthetic fungicides; however, essential oils offer an alternative, since they have been proven to be effective for controlling against various plant pathogens. In this way, the antifungal activity of Baccharis essential oils was tested using potato dextrose agar medium with concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 20.0?µL mL?1. Baccharis trimera and Baccharis ochracea essential oils presented 100% mycelial growth inhibition of A. alternata and were also able to control Alternaria stem canker disease under greenhouse conditions. Tomato plants treated with these essential oils exhibited area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) values of 230.10 and 241.42, differing from the control condition, which showed an AUDPC value of 268.92. The essential oils of B. trimera and B. ochracea can be an alternative for controlling Alternaria stem canker disease of tomatoes and should be formulated as a potential fungicide against the A. alternata pathogen.  相似文献   

Organochlorine pesticide residues and PCBs were measured in bulked samples of whole eels collected in 1991 from 11 reedbed sites of wildlife conservation importance in Britain. Eels from some sites had only trace amounts of dieldrin, p,p-DDE and PCBs. Maximum concentrations were 0.21 mg kg−1 for dieldrin, 0.27 mg kg−1 for p,p-DDE and 0.91mg kg−1 for PCBs (fresh weight). Concentrations of contaminants in eels from reedbeds were considered in general to be lower than in eels from rivers, but nevertheless concentrations were considered to be sufficiently high at some sites to adversely affect top carnivores such as the otter.  相似文献   

In the present study, the antimicrobial and antiradical activities of 15 essential oils were investigated. The antimicrobial activities were determined by using agar disc diffusion and broth microdilution methods against Clostridium genus and antioxidant properties of essential oils by testing their scavenging effect on DPPH radicals activities. We determined the antibacterial activity of Clostridium butyricum, Clostridium hystoliticum, Clostridium intestinale, Clostridium perfringens and Clostridium ramosum. We obtained the original commercial essential oils samples of Lavandula angustifolia, Carum carvi, Pinus montana, Mentha piperita, Foeniculum vulgare Mill., Pinus sylvestris, Satureia montana, Origanum vulgare L. (2 samples), Pimpinella anisum, Rosmarinus officinalis L., Salvia officinalis L., Abies alba Mill., Chamomilla recutita L. Rausch and Thymus vulgaris L. produced in Slovakia (Calendula a.s., Nova Lubovna, Slovakia). The results of the disk diffusion method showed very high essential oils activity against all tested strains of microorganisms. The best antimicrobial activity against C. butyricum was found at Pimpinella anisum, against C. hystoliticum was found at Pinus sylvestris, against C. intestinale was found at Satureia hortensis L., against C. perfringens was found at Origanum vulgare L. and against C. ramosum was found at Pinus sylvestris. The results of broth microdilution assay showed that none of the essential oils was active against C. hystoliticum. The best antimicrobial activity against C. butyricum was found at Abies alba Mill., against C. intestinale was found at Abies alba Mill., against C. perfringens was found at Satureia montana and against C. ramosum was found at Abius alba and Carum carvi. Antioxidant DPPH radical scavenging activity was determined at several solutions of oil samples (50 μL.mL?1–0.39 μL.mL?1) and the best scavenging effect for the highest concentration (50 μL.mL?1) was observed. The antioxidant properties were different in particular plant species. The highest% of inhibition after 30 min. of reaction was observed at Origanum vulgare (93%), Satureia montana (90.66%) and Lavandula augustifolia (90.22%).  相似文献   

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