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A significant problem associated with cytogenetic prenatal diagnosis is distinguishing between true and pseudomosaicism. This becomes a diagnostic dilemma when fetal mosaicism corresponds with a known clinical entity. True mosaicism reportedly occurs with a frequency of 0·2 per cent and pseudomosaicism in 0·7 per cent to 2·7 per cent of cases. In the past 12 months, our laboratory has completed 522 fetal karyotypes. Nine cases were found to demonstrate mosaicism, 4 true mosaics (0·8 per cent) and 6 pseudomosaics (1·1 per cent). One case demonstrated both true and pseudomosaicism. In all cases of true mosaicism, the pregnancy was continued and karyotypes completed at birth. Our results demonstrate a danger of rigid adherence to the criteria for true and pseudomosaicism in the examination of amniotic fluids. It is suggested that the criteria established for true and pseudomosaicism may not be valid when an aberrant cell line is found in a single flask and when that aberrant cell line is compatible with a known clinical entity due to a chromosome anomaly.  相似文献   

The survey of the incidence of chromosome mosaicism and pseudomosaicism detected in prenatal diagnosis included data from approximately 60 000 genetic amniocenteses in the United States. There were 59 participating cytogenetic laboratories nationwide. The overall incidence of chromosome mosaicism was 0.25 per cent (range of 0–0.89 per cent). The average frequency of pseudomosaicism involving multiple cells or clones was 0.7 per cent (range of 0–11.21 per cent). The frequency of single cell or clone pseudomosaicism was 2.47 per cent (range of 0–11.49 per cent). In cases of pseudomosaicism with trisomy, the most frequently involved chromosome was number 2; occurrence rates of trisomies 7,X,9,17 and 20 were also relatively high. In cases of pseudomosaicism with structural abnormalities, this survey showed an association between relative chromosome size and the frequency of involvement in structural rearrangement. Data on a total of 185 cases of chromosome mosaicism collected in this survey as well as from other documented sources showed 89 cases involved an autosome, 13 cases a sex chromosome, and 23 a marker chromosome. The frequency of noticeable phenotypic abnormalities was highest (37.8 per cent) in the autosomal mosaics and lowest (10.5 per cent) in the sex chromosome mosaics. The average rate for cytogenetic confirmation was 70 per cent.  相似文献   

Data on chromosomal mosaicism was collected retrospectively on 12 386 amniotic fluid samples cultured over a 10 year period in 14 Canadian centres. Level I mosaicism (a single abnormal cell—excluding single cell monosomy) was encountered in 863 cases (7.1 per cent). Level II mosaicism (multiple cells with the same abnormality in a single flask or colony) was encountered in 138 cases (1.1 per cent). Level III mosaicism (multiple cells distributed over multiple flasks or colonies) was encountered in 34 cases (0.3 per cent). Analysis of the details of these cases allowed five major conclusions to be drawn: (1) Single cell abnormalities should not be taken as an indication of true fetal mosaicism. Only rarely will this interpretation prove to be incorrect. (2) Mosaicism involving multiple cells confined to a single flask should not be regarded as an indication of true fetal mosaicism. Only occasionally will this interpretation prove to be incorrect. (3) Mosaicism involving multiple cells distributed over more than one flask should be regarded as a strong indication of true fetal mosaicism. Sixty per cent will be confirmed by karyotype analysis of the fetus or infant. (4) Mosaicism of the XX/XY type is usually due to maternal cell contamination. Occasionally it can be a female fetus with XY cells from an unknown source. (5) The in situ or colony method of chromosome analysis has no clear advantage over the flask method for either the detection of true fetal mosaicism or for the ability to distinguish true mosaics from false positives.  相似文献   

Prenatal detection of chromosome mosaicism is a relatively rare phenomenon and always constitutes a diagnostic problem. The difficulties are much more when the mosaics involve the sex chromosomes, because of the large phenotypic variability in individuals with these abnormalities. We studied 5 cases of true mosaics, 4 of these were prenatally detected, while 1 case was revealed only in the fetal lymphocytes after induced abortion. The limits of amniotic fluid culture with regard to the diagnosis of true mosaics and the difficulties arising in genetic counselling are discussed.  相似文献   

We report on a fetus with multiple congenital anomalies detected at the prenatal ultrasound examination and a trisomy 6 mosaicism in the amniocytes. The pregnancy was interrupted in the 18th gestational week and the autopsy revealed malformations including cleft right hand, arthrogryposis and hypoplasia of the 4th digit of the left hand, syndactylies and overlapping toes, facial dysmorphism with hypertelorism and low-set ears, ventricular septum defect (VSD), intestinal malrotation and scoliosis. Trisomy 6 mosaicism was detected in cultured amniocytes (13.3%), confirmed in umbilical cord fibroblasts (40%) and by fluorescence in situ hybridization on other fetal tissues. Trisomy 6 mosaicism is a very rare finding with only eight cases previously reported to our best knowledge. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mosaic trisomy 9 was detected in an amniotic fluid cell culture from a 40-year-old woman evaluated because of advanced maternal age. After counselling, parents elected to terminate the pregnancy. On autopsy the fetus was found to have hydrocephalus and a single kidney. The diagnosis of trisomy 9 mosaicism was confirmed in cultured skin fibroblasts. This is the third reported case of trisomy 9 mosaicism diagnosed prenatally.  相似文献   

Amniocentesis was performed because of a fetal abdominal wall defect, and a 45,X karyotype was obtained. A near-normal male infant with no features of Turner syndrome was delivered. The karyotype of the infant was 45,X/46,X, dic(Y)(q11), with each of the cell lines present in approximately 50 per cent of the lymphocytes and fibroblasts examined.  相似文献   

Double aneuploidy involving Down syndrome and Turner syndrome is a rare chromosomal abnormality presumed to occur with a frequency of about 1 in 2 million births. Twenty-one cases of this combined anomaly have been reported and two infants were born with this anomaly after a mistake in prenatal diagnosis. We report the first prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome combined with Turner mosaicism and suggest that this polysyndrome may be more common than previously estimated. We, therefore, wish to alert cytogenetic laboratories performing prenatal diagnoses of the potential risks of misdiagnosis of this polysyndrome if banding is not performed and if a sufficient number of mitotic cells are not analysed.  相似文献   

A report is given of the results of a European collaborative study on mosaicism, pseudomosaicism and single abnormal cells in amniotic fluid cell cultures. The mean frequency of cases with mosaicism was 0.10 per cent, with pseudomosaicism 0.64 per cent and with single abnormal cells 2.83 per cent in a series of 44 170 amniotic fluid samples. There was no significant difference between the colony (in situ) and the flask method with regard to the frequency of mosaicism. Pseudomosaicism and single abnormal cells were more frequent in cases studied with the flask method probably due to other factors than the method of cultivation of the cells. The frequency of maternal cell contamination was 0.17 per cent and the frequency of wrong sex assignment was 0.11 per cent. A more correct estimation is obtained if these frequencies are doubled. There was a considerable variation between laboratories with regard to the frequencies given above. One reason for this variation is that there are no sharp limits between mosaicism, pseudomosaicism and single abnormal cells. Thus the material contained cases diagnosed as having pseudomosaicism which turned out to be mosaics at birth and to have an abnormal phenotype. These cases were very rare but pose a definite problem in prenatal cytogenetic diagnosis.  相似文献   

A total of 54 cases with prenatal diagnosis of 45,X/46,XY mosaicism was reviewed. Of 47 cases with information on phenotypic outcome, 42 cases (89·4 percent) were reported to be associated with a grossly normal male phenotype. Three cases (6·4 percent) were diagnosed as having mixed gonadal dysgenesis with internal asymmetrical gonads. Two other cases were questionably abnormal. In 40 cases with successful cytogenetic confirmatory studies, the overall rate of cytogenetic confirmation of 45,X/46,XY from tissues derived from fetus/liveborn/placenta was 70·O per cent. This review shows a major difference in the phenotypic outcome between postnatal diagnosis and prenatal diagnosis. Due to the ascertainment bias, almost all known patients with postnatal diagnosis of 45,X/46,XY mosaicism are phenotypically abnormal. Therefore, caution must be used in translating information derived from postnatal diagnosis to prenatal diagnosis. This review calls for collection of more data on 45,X/46,XY mosaicism diagnosed prenatally, more long-term follow-up of liveborn infants, and pathological studies of all abortuses. Emphasis is placed also on the importance of genetic counselling, ultrasound examination, and cytogenetic confirmation.  相似文献   

A total of 66 cases with prenatal diagnosis of trisomy 20 mosaicism was reviewed. Since the majority of cases (85 per cent) was associated with grossly normal phenotype and the abnormalities noted in 15 per cent of cases were inconsistent and rather non-specific, no causal relationship between trisomy 20 mosaicism and a specific malformation syndrome can be established. The possiblity of an association between an abnormal phenotype and a high percentage of trisomy 20 cells (> 60 per cent) must be considered preliminary and be viewed with caution. The fact that cells with trisomy 20 have not been recovered from blood cultures and were detected more frequently from specific fetal tissues, (such as kidney, rectum, oesophagus), and from placental tissues, suggests that trisomy 20 is more likely to be confined to certain fetal organs and to extra-embryonic tissues. This review calls for the collection of more data on all cases of trisomy 20 mosaicism diagnosed prenatally, in order to provide more accurate information to the prospective parents.  相似文献   

In repeat amniotic fluid cultures mosaicism due to trisomy 9 was noted. Autopsy of the aborted female fetus showed a sinus urogenitalis and gonadal dysgenesis with absence of germ cells only. Fetal lymphocytes and skin fibroblasts had a normal karyotype but trisomy 9 was found in cells grown from placenta. It is likely that trisomic cells were limited to fetal membranes.  相似文献   

Metaphase chromosomes and interphase nuclei from nine amniotic fluid cultures were studied with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The samples were initially analyzed with routine G-banding and were diagnosed as having true mosaicism (five patients) or pseudomosaicism (four patients). In our study, FISH analysis could provide additional information to distinguish pseudo– from true mosaicism by allowing interphase studies and analysis of an increased number of metaphase spreads. These results suggest a multilinear origin of ‘in situ’ colonies of cells.  相似文献   

We present two prenatal cases of trisomy 9 mosaicism, both of which presented intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) and other abnormal ultrasound findings. In case A, mosaicism was found in amniotic fluid cell cultures, of which 65 per cent were trisomic cells, on average. In case B, trisomic cells were present in amniotic fluid cell cultures (12 per cent) but none were found in fetal cord blood. After autopsy, cytogenetic findings were confirmed in different tissue cultures. It is concluded that echographic indicators are a very useful tool for a correct prenatal diagnostic interpretation of trisomy 9. Suspected trisomy 9 mosaicism always requires further investigation and fetal cord blood cytogenetic analysis may not be considered as providing an accurate diagnosis of fetal trisomy 9.  相似文献   

One hundred and three cases with prenatal diagnosis of trisomy 20 mosaicism through amniocentesis were reviewed. Approximately 90 per cent (90/101) of the cases were associated with grossly normal phenotype. It is likely that, in the majority of cases, cells with trisomy 20 were extraembryonic in origin or largely confined to the placenta. However, in some cases, the cells with trisomy 20 were confined to certain specific fetal organs or tissues such as kidney, skin, etc. Cytogenetic follow-up studies in liveborns should include a culture from urine sediment.  相似文献   

Ring chromosome 21 is a rare chromosome anomaly often associated with mental retardation and dysmorphic features. Less commonly, the ring chromosome can be familial and associated with a normal phenotype. Phenotypically normal female carriers, however, are at increased risk of having children with Down syndrome, mosaic monosomy 21, and variable duplication or deletion of chromosome 21. Because of the relative mitotic and meiotic instability of ring chromosomes, abnormal cytogenetic findings encountered during prenatal diagnosis may not reflect the true genetic status of the fetus. This is a report of a phenotypically normal female carrier of a familial ring 21 chromosome. Prenatal diagnosis on her twin pregnancy revealed a mosaic 46,XX,r(21)(p13;q22) (77 per cent)/45,XX, – 21 in one fetus and a normal male karyotype in the second. The pregnancy was carried to term. Both infants are completely normal, with a non-mosaic ring 21 karyotype from the lymphocytes of one twin. The diagnostic uncertainty and problematic genetic counselling related to fetal cytogenetic abnormalities are the subjects of this report.  相似文献   

Mosaicism for a structural chromosome abnormality in amniotic cell cultures indicative of true fetal mosaicism is a rare event. In addition to the laboratory findings the clinical interpretation for counselling in such cases is based on observation of the same abnormality in liveborns as well as previous experience with prenatal diagnosis of the same or similar abnormalities. We report here the prenatal diagnos is of 46,XX/46,XX,−21,+t(21q21q) which was confirmed in fetal skin cell and amnion cell cultures.  相似文献   

Currently, accepted protocol which has been developed at the Prenatal Diagnosis Laboratory of New York City (PDL) requires that when a chromosome abnormality is found in one or more cells in one flask, another 20–40 cells must be examined from one or two additional flasks. Chromosome mosaicism is diagnosed only when an identical abnormality is detected in cells from two or more flasks. In a recent PDL series of 12 000 cases studied according to this protocol, we diagnosed 801 cases (6.68 per cent) of single-cell pseudomosaicism (SCPM), 126 cases (1.05 per cent) of multiple-cell pseudomosaicism (MCPM), and 24 cases (0.2 per cent) of true mosaicism. Pseudomosaicism (PM) involving a structural abnormality was a frequent finding (2/3 of SCPM and 3/5 of MCPM), with an unbalanced structural abnormality in 55 per cent of SCPM and 24 per cent of MCPM. We also reviewed all true mosaic cases (a total of 50) diagnosed in the first 22000 PDL cases. Of these 50 cases, 23 were sex chromosome mosaics and 27 had autosomal mosaicism; 48 cases had numerical abnormalities and two had structural abnormalities. Twenty-five cases of mosaicism were diagnosed in the first 20 cells from two flasks, i.e., without additional work-up, whereas the other 25 cases required extensive work-up to establish a diagnosis (12 needed additional cell counts from the initial two culture flasks; 13 required harvesting a third flask for cell analysis). Our data plus review of other available data led us to conclude that rigorous efforts to diagnose true mosaicism have little impact in many instances, and therefore are not cost-effective. On the basis of all available data, a work-up for potential mosaicism involving a sex chromosome aneuploidy or structural abnormality should have less priority than a work-up for a common viable autosomal trisomy. We recommend revised guidelines for dealing with (1) a numerical versus a structural abnormality and (2) an autosomal versus a sex chromosome numerical aneuploidy. Emphasis should be placed on autosomes known to be associated with phenotypic abnormalities. These new guidelines, which cover both flask and in situ methods, should result in more effective prenatal cytogenetic diagnosis and reduced patient anxiety.  相似文献   

Follow-up evaluations were performed on a child at the ages of 2 years 8 months and also at 5 years who had been found on prenatal amniocentesis to be mosaic for trisomy 12. Eight of 36 colonies (22 per cent) were trisomy 12 at amniocentesis, with the remaining colonies showing a normal female karyotype. Cord blood, amnion, chorion, placental, and skin fibroblast chromosome studies failed to show any further evidence of a trisomy 12 cell line. At her evaluations, the child had normal physical and neurological findings. Psychomotor development was appropriate for age on screening.  相似文献   

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