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The ultrasound findings in a series of 15 prenatally diagnosed cases of severe osteogenesis imperfecta types IIA, IIB, IIC, and III are described, eleven being detected on routine scans of women with no relevant history. As most cases of osteogenesis imperfecta type IIA are dominant sporadic mutations, the importance of prenatal diagnosis during routine scanning at a local level is emphasized. In addition to characteristic broad, shortened and fractured long bones, striking features of the chest and head are highlighted which may be encountered during a routine scan, prompting further assessment.  相似文献   

Ultrasonography was performed during the second trimester (17 weeks) in a pregnancy at risk for osteogenesis imperfecta congenita (OI). The scan showed that the femur was short, bent and dense. Radiologic examination of the fetus after interruption of pregnancy showed typical X-ray changes of OI.  相似文献   

Ultrasonographic and radiographic evaluation of a fetus at risk for osteogenesis imperfecta (O.I) type III was performed. Real-time ultrasound measurements at 15 weeks gestation were interpreted as normal, but at 20 and 22 weeks of gestation revealed marked shortening of the long bones and deformity of the femurs. The findings were confirmed by fetal radiography at 22 weeks gestation. Radiographic and histologic changes characteristic of O.I. were observed in the aborted fetus. Thus the antenatal manifestations of O.I. type III maybe severe enough to make prenatal diagnosis possible in the second trimester for families at risk for recurrence of this disorder.  相似文献   

Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) Type II was diagnosed accurately in an at-risk fetus at 16 weeks gestation by real-time sonography. The most important findings were shortening, deformity and possibly fracture in the long bones particularly the femurs. Ultrasonic visualization of these signs in a fetus at risk will provide direct evidence in the diagnosis of OI Type II and any additional investigations are not indicated.  相似文献   

A 21 -year-old woman with progressively deforming or type III osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) presented for prenatal counselling and diagnosis at 10 weeks' gestation. Family history was non-contributory. At 14.8 weeks' gestation, ultrasonographic examination revealed fetal skeletal hypomineralization, easily compressible fetal cranium, and thickened long bones, indicating that the fetus was also affected. Confirmation of the prenatal diagnosis of OI type III was made following a Caesarean section birth of a male infant with multiple skeletal deformities and blue sclerae implying, in this case, autosomal dominant inheritance.  相似文献   

The appearance of excessive lipids in amniotic fluid during Caesarean section raised the suspicion of a hyperlipidaemic fetus. The amniotic fluid had elevated cholesterol (53 mg/dl) and triglycerides (81 mg/dl). At the age of 2 months, the infant was hyperlipidaemic (cholesterol of 161 mg/dl and triglycerides of 84 mg/dl). The case suggests the possibility of prenatal diagnosis of hyperlipidaemia, a major risk factor for atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Osteogenesis imperfecta type II was diagnosed prenatally by analysis of DNA obtained from chorionic villus sampling (CVS) performed at 12 weeks of gestation in a woman who previously had had an affected child. The father had been shown to be mosaic for a mutation in the gene (COL1A2) which encodes the α2(I) chain of type I collagen. An affected fetus was predicted by detection of the mutation in amplified chorionic villus genomic DNA. Ultrasound examination at 13 weeks 4 days demonstrated femoral deformity and virtual absence of calvarial mineralization. In pregnancies at risk for osteogenesis imperfecta type II, sonographic evidence of skeletal abnormalities may be evident by 13 weeks' gestation.  相似文献   

We describe a prenatal diagnosis of a fetus at risk for non-ketotic hyperglycinaemia based on the glycine/serine ratio in amniotic fluid at 16 weeks of gestation. Although the glycine level and the glycine/serine ratio in amniotic fluid were within the normal range, the fetus was affected and therefore a false-negative prediction was made. The reliability of this method is questioned.  相似文献   

Calcium concentrations were measured in supernatant amniotic fluid in order to establish whether they may be used as a marker for cystic fibrosis. No difference in values were found, whether the sample was derived from a normal pregnancy or from a pregnancy which resulted in a baby affected with cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   

An alternative method to the culture of amniotic fluid cells for prenatal diagnosis of chromosome disorders is proposed. Microculture of fetal blood can be used when fetal blood is drawn at amniocentesis through accidental puncture of the placenta. An easy discrimination of fetal red cells, a good response of fetal lymphocytes to PHA and the possibility of identification of the fetal karyotype from the maternal one are the technical bases of this method. This technique offers some undoubted advantages: a reduced need for repeating amniocentesis because of a lack of growth of AF cells due to massive contamination with red cells; a result may be obtained sooner. Thirty-seven cases out of 1092 amniocenteses were processed in this way (3·4 per cent). In two cases no mitoses were obtained but in the others the diagnosis was confirmed by the results of AF cell culture and/or by the outcome of pregnancy.  相似文献   

Early prenatal diagnosis of osteogenesis imperfecta at 14 weeks' gestation by transvaginal sonography is reported. An anencephalic fetus was found at autopsy, although on sonographic examination complete brain tissue had been observed. A possible explanation for these findings and theories on the pathogenesis of anencephaly are discussed.  相似文献   

The creatine kinase activity of amniotic fluid was measured in samples collected at fetoscopy. In our first study, the control sample range was 0-25 IU/1, although four samples had activities of 35–85 IU/1. Elevated values did not correlate with the activities in the fetal or maternal circulations. Electrophoresis revealed the presence of the BB isozyme of creatine kinase rather than just the MM form as expected. This suggested that the source of the elevated enzyme activity was from the myometrium, damaged by insertion of the trocar and cannula. In a further series the first 2 ml of amniotic fluid withdrawn yielded a much higher creatine kinase activity than a second aliquot. A control series of such second samples (first 2 ml discarded) gave an activity range of 0–7 IU/1 with no spuriously high values. This compares favourably with a series from single samplings taken by amniocentesis. Normal creatine kinase activities were found in the amniotic fluids from 20 pregnancies at risk for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. We conclude that for accurate measurement of amniotic fluid enzyme activity the first portion withdrawn should be discarded. Amniotic fluid creatine kinase activity is of no value for the prenatal diagnosis of Duchenne muscular dystrophy.  相似文献   

We report relatively high citrulline concentration in amniotic fluid of a citrullinemic fetus suggesting that prenatal detection of this condition could be done on this basis in conjunction with a direct or an indirect determination of argininosuccinate synthetase activity in amniotic fluid cells.  相似文献   

We have analysed the sensitivity, specificity, and reliability of biochemical diagnosis based on microvillar membrane enzyme assay and using discriminant analysis in amniotic fluid samples obtained from 54 pregnancies at high risk for cystic fibrosis and 125 normal pregnancies. Our results show that amniotic fluid trehalase, alkaline phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes and gamma-glutamyltransferase enzyme activities measured during 16–20 gestational weeks, in spite of their non-specificity for cystic fibrosis, have a very good predictive value for fetal cystic fibrosis or exclude the possibility of the disease. Overall enzyme activity analysis provided over 90 per cent reliability of the method.  相似文献   

We describe our experience of prenatal diagnosis of non-ketotic hyperglycinaemia in four at-risk pregnancies using the glycine/serine ratio in amniotic fluid obtained between 18 and 20 weeks of gestation. All glycine levels were in the normal range. Serine levels were normal in two patients and borderline in the others. Glycine/serine ratios were normal in two patients, moderately increased in one patient ( + 3 SD), and highly increased in one patient ( + 8 SD). All the children were perfectly normal at birth. Because of this false-positive prediction and the false-negative prediction recently reported, we suggest that this unreliable method should not be used.  相似文献   

Accurate diagnosis of mosaicism in amniotic fluid cell cultures represents a major problem. If insufficient cells are analysed, true fetal mosaicism may go undetected. False-positive diagnosis is also possible since a second cell line may arise in vitro and not reflect the true fetal genetic constitution. These difficulties apply to both flask and in situ culture techniques, to varying degrees. The relative accuracy of flask versus in situ culture techniques in excluding mosaicism was determined by statistical analysis of experimental data from ten pairs of mixed male-female amniotic fluid specimens. The data support the idea that the majority of in situ colonies are independent of one another. The following conclusions are drawn: (1) analysis of a single metaphase from a number of different colonies enhances the confidence for excluding mosaicism; (2) analysis of more than one cell per colony offers little advantage; (3) exclusion of a given level of mosaicism requires analysis of fewer metaphases using the in situ method; (4) the confidence for excluding mosaicism is high with both in situ and flask techniques, using the provided guidelines; and (5) it is shown that the two-stage approach used by many laboratories is currently the most efficient way to exclude mosaicism.  相似文献   

A simple method for preparing prometaphase chromosomes from amniotic fluid cell cultures is described. The technique is based upon several key steps including: (1) reduced colcemid concentration, (2) reduced exposure to trypsin-EDTA, and (3) maintaining cells in single suspension by adjusting cell concentration appropriately. Chromosomes with banding resolution up ot 800 bands per haploid set can be routinely produced. The described methodology is particularly useful in defining and establishing the clinical significance of subtle structural aberrations.  相似文献   

The concentration of 17OH-progesterone was measured in second trimester amniotic fluid samples from 12 mothers who previously had had an infant with congenital adrenal hyper-plasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency. In 4 affected pregnancies, the concentrations were more than 2 S.D. higher than those determined in 44 samples from normal pregnancies (mean ± S.D., 8·1 ± 2·4 nmol/1). The remaining 8 pregnancies were predicted to be unaffected based on the results of amniotic fluid concentrations within the normal range. In each instance, the infant was normal. The results indicate that measurement of amniotic fluid 17OH-progester-one concentrations during the second trimester is an accurate prenatal test for 21-hydroxylase deficiency. The results should be supplemented with determination of fetal sex by karyotype analysis on the amniotic fluid cells.  相似文献   

A simple high resolution technique for human chromosomes is described for fibroblasts obtained from amniotic fluid cell cultures. The application and clinical significance of this technique in prenatal diagnosis is discussed.  相似文献   

A case of true fetal mosaicism 46,XY/47,XY, + 17 was diagnosed in amniotic fluid cells. After genetic counselling and unsuccessful periumbilical blood sampling the pregnancy continued to term, and a healthy male infant was born. Lymphocytes of the newborn had a normal karyotype. Follow-up of the child at age 18 months showed normal physical and mental development indicating that the trisomic cell line was restricted most probably to the extra fetal tissue.  相似文献   

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