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To delineate the natural history of fetal multicystic dysplastic kidneys (MDKs), all cases that were prenatally detected in the Prenatal Diagnosis Center of the University of Virginia from September 1985 to 31 August 1988 were reviewed. All patients were followed through the Center with serial ultrasound evaluations at approximately 4-week intervals, and each liveborn infant was evaluated and followed by one of the authors (S.S.H.) Of the 14 cases detected, ten were detected in the second trimester, the earliest at 16·5 weeks' gestation. Of the nine fetuses with non-lethal disease, there were two cases in which the lesion remained unchanged during observation. Both had an initial diagnosis in the third trimester. In those cases diagnosed in the second trimester (7), all showed an initial increase in the size and number of cysts, followed by involutional changes either in utero (2) or in the neonatal period (3). Two infants had immediate surgical removal of the MDK, one because of respiratory compromise, and the other because of an uncertain diagnosis on renal scan. Abnormalities of the contralateral kidney were found in 7 of 14 fetuses. Five were lethal conditions. Associated non-renal abnormalities were common in bilateral MDK (80 per cent), but rare in unilateral MDK (11 per cent).  相似文献   

Congenital ovarian cysts are a pathological condition which can be diagnosed in utero by ultrasound. We report 14 consecutive diagnoses of fetal ovarian cysts, obtained in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Congenital ovarian cysts have almost invariably a good prognosis, and no change in the standard obstetrical management is required. However, the evolution of the disease in utero is extremely variable. The cyst may increase in size, decrease or even disappear, or undergo complications such as torsion and rupture, which may carry some risks to the fetus. When a fetal ovarian cyst is detected, serial ultrasound examinations should be performed. If one of the above complications is suspected, the option of prompt caesarean section should be considered.  相似文献   

A 30-year-old woman had serial ultrasound scans from 28 weeks' gestation which revealed the presence of a cystic area in the fetal pelvis. The ‘cyst’ remained unchanged until delivery at 41 weeks. Fetal growth and amniotic fluid volume were normal throughout. A pelvic kidney was confirmed at birth. The differential diagnosis and antenatal management of this ‘cyst’ are discussed.  相似文献   

A pregnant woman affected with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) had a history of an affected fetus, diagnosed by sonography at 29 weeks of pregnancy. The proband's father was also affected. DNA analysis performed on chorionic villi at 11 weeks during a second pregnancy predicted an affected fetus, and sonographic examination at 14 weeks confirmed the diagnosis.  相似文献   

In a fetus with ventricular extrasystoles a congenital aneurysm of the left ventricle was diagnosed prenatally. At 32 weeks of gestation, echocardiography showed a large apical left ventricular aneurysm with a thin, hypokinetic wall. Congestive heart failure did not occur. Prenatal and postnatal examinations did not detect the aetiology of the aneurysm, but excluded the majority of possible causes. The 2-year-old child is now asymptomatic and normally developed. Neither medication nor surgical treatment have been necessary, except for antithrombotic prophylaxis with low-dose aspirin.  相似文献   

Prenatal ultrasonic diagnosis of a rare case of radial ray aplasia and crossed renal ectopy is described in an affected sibling of a family where the father and his son suffer from this rare syndrome. The prenatal diagnosis enabled early pregnancy termination.  相似文献   

The prenatal diagnosis of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is now being reported with increasing frequency. We report three cases and review 12 cases of ADPKD diagnosed in the fetus by ultrasonographic findings. Increased echogenicity and renal enlargement are the main ultrasonographic signs of ADPKD. Renal cysts are uncommon. Diagnosis is easy in a family with a positive ADPKD history. Conversely, there may be no apparent family history, as in our three cases and three cases from the literature. We consider the problems of unexpected diagnosis, family investigation, and the prognosis of ADPKD in children with prenatally diagnosable forms.  相似文献   

Four often fetuses carrying a risk of 1:4 for cystic fibrosis were found to have low levels of microvillar enzymes in the amniotic fluid obtained between 17 and 18 weeks' gestational age. On sonography performed prior to the amniocentesis, three fetuses showed enlarged bowel loops. At autopsy, meconium ileus was detected. Enlarged bowel loops are a sign which has not been described previously so early in pregnancies.  相似文献   

A prenatal diagnosis of adult polycystic kidney disease by DNA testing is reported. Evidence showing a linkage between the disease and the 3′HVR and 24.1 restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) on chromosome 16 was obtained in the proband's family by linkage analysis of data and homogeneity testing with Italian families of the linked type. Fetal genotype prediction based on both flanking markers was confirmed by histological and ultrastructural findings in fetal kidneys.  相似文献   

Prenatal diagnosis of a fetus at risk for hypochondroplasia, a short limb dwarfism condition similar to achondroplasia, was performed by ultrasound at 22 weeks' gestation. The limb bones were measured and shown to be decreased in length. The pregnancy was terminated. Post abortion X-ray did not show caudal narrowing in the lumbar spine but the pelvis had the features of hypochondroplasia.  相似文献   

Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) is characterized by different proportions of cystic dilated collecting ducts invariably associated with congenital hepatic fibrosis. Because of the nearly regular arrangement of nephrons and collecting ducts, disturbances have been postulated to act rather late on embryological grounds. Prenatal diagnoses seem to confirm this observation, as can be demonstrated in our cases and those reported in the literature. Increased echogenicity and renal enlargement are the main ultrasonographic signs of ARPKD; oligohydramnios is characteristic but not always present. Repeated sono-graphic measurements of the kidney length seem to be the most useful parameter. As differential diagnoses, autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease as well as Meckel syndrome have to be taken into consideration. The prognosis of cases with oligohydramnios is usually poor. In genetic counselling, the possibility of prenatal diagnosis in the second trimester of pregnancy should be given with caution.  相似文献   

Left-sided gastroschisis is very rare. We report a case of left-sided gastroschisis associated with bilateral multicystic dysplastic kidneys. This combination of anomalies is unknown. The pathogenesis of gastroschisis is not well understood. It is now viewed as a malformation rather than disruption. The findings in this case support this view. The combination of dysplastic kidneys with ventral body wall defect suggests an early developmental defect. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cases where initial prenatal diagnosis was made of isolated unilateral multicystic kidney (UMCK) were reviewed to determine appropriate counselling and management strategies. For the 73 cases, chromosome abnormalities, pregnancy complications and family histories were reviewed. In addition, subsequently diagnosed birth defects, and pediatric medical and surgical outcomes were available for 54 cases. Of those with outcome information available renal/genital–urinary tract abnormalities were diagnosed subsequently in 33% and non-renal abnormalities in 16% of cases. Of the non-renal abnormalities, congenital heart defects were most frequent (7%). One chromosome abnormality, a trisomy 21, was present among 32 cases where karyotypes were known (3%). Amniotic fluid volume abnormalities were present in 11 cases but not predictive of associated anomalies, with the exception of one case where polyhydramnios accompanied multiple malformations consistent with VATER association. A family history of structural renal anomalies was reported in 11 cases (20%). There were 14 cases of partial or complete involution (25%), including two cases of complete prenatal involution of the cystic kidneys. No long-term associated morbidity such as hypertension or malignancy was present in our cohort. Based on our study and corroborating literature, amniocentesis should be offered to women when a seemingly isolated UMCK is detected on routine prenatal ultrasound. Furthermore, a detailed ultrasound with careful assessment of the fetal heart and contralateral kidney is indicated at diagnosis and during the third trimester to assess for further evidence of structural abnormalities, as well as amniotic fluid volume abnormalities. Careful assessment of the newborn is indicated with appropriate speciality referral as required. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The prenatal diagnosis by ultrasound of an unusual case of supernumerary head is reported. The problems of differential diagnosis, the pathological findings after voluntary interruption of the pregnancy, and the problems of obstetric management are presented.  相似文献   

A mother who had given birth to a child with Schwartz–Jampel syndrome (SJS) with neonatal manifestations (myotonia, congenital contractures, bowing of femora and tibiae) underwent ultrasonic fetal examination during the 17th and 19th week of her second pregnancy. Moderately decreased fetal motor activity and constant flexion of the fingers were observed at both examinations. In addition, there was mild bowing and shortening of the femora. At birth, the child presented with the characteristic pattern of SJS similar to her older brother. Prenatal ultrasonic diagnosis of Schwartz–Jampel syndrome is possible, at least for the form with neonatal onset of myotonia and contractures.  相似文献   

Prenatal diagnosis performed by fetal ultrasound scan is now a routine part of antenatal care in many countries. That an increasing number of fetal anomalies may be detected on prenatal ultrasound is beyond doubt. What is possible is not, however, always practical, especially when congenital heart diseases (CHDs) are concerned and when whole antenatal populations are screened rather than high-risk groups. Thanks to our registry of congenital anomalies, a retrospective study was undertaken to evaluate the prenatal detection of CHDs by ultrasound scan in 131 760 consecutive pregnancies of known outcome from 1979 to 1988. Only 84 out of 912 malformed fetuses with CHDs without chromosomal anomalies were detected (9.2 per cent). The sensitivity of detection varied from around 38 per cent for malformations such as hypoplastic left heart and single ventricle to around 5 per cent for ventricular and atrial septal defects. The effectiveness of the detection of some forms of major congenital heart disease has increased dramatically since 1987 by including routine examination of the four-chamber view and of the inflow and outflow tracts of the fetal heart. Our results stress the need to obtain a definite clear four-chamber view, to perform scans at ⩾ 18 weeks of gestation, and to train sonographers in order to improve the prenatal detection of CHDs.  相似文献   

Prenatal diagnosis of chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) was performed in four male high risk fetuses. The male sex was previously determined by an amniotic cell karyotype. Three kinds of test were performed on fetal blood obtained by umbilical venous puncture under fetoscopy at the 20th gestational week: nitroblue tetrazolium reduction (NBT) cytochemical test with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) as activator; luminol enhanced chemiluminescence with activation by serum opsonized zymosan (STZ) or PMA; superoxide anion (0) production by measurement of the superoxide dismutase inhibitable reduction of cytochrome c with PMA as activator. Results were compared to those obtained in six fetuses investigated for other inherited diseases. In one case, absence of granulocyte defects was confirmed at birth. In three other cases, the tests showed deficient metabolic oxidative granulocytes. The pregnancy was terminated and the CGD diagnosis was confirmed on the products of abortion. The use of three different techniques performed on whole blood for CGD prenatal diagnosis is recommended instead of a single isolated test to ensure a higher confidence in the diagnosis.  相似文献   

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