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We report a study which examined whether the decision of 135 couples to accept prenatal cystic fibrosis (CF) carrier screening would be influenced by the advent of gene therapy. A majority (91 couples; 67 per cent) felt that gene therapy for CF would not influence their decision to be screened. Twenty-two couples (16 per cent) stated that they would decline to be screened and an equal number felt ambivalent. Even if the life expectancy of a CF sufferer were increased by gene therapy to normal, 78 per cent of couples would still wish to avail themselves of prenatal carrier screening. A majority of women who decline screening do so because they are opposed to termination of pregnancy. The availability of gene therapy could increase the proportion of couples who accept screening.  相似文献   

One hundred and fifty-one women of advanced maternal age who underwent genetic termination of pregnancy (TOP) were studied for their reproductive behaviour and the type of procedure for prenatal diagnosis in a subsequent pregnancy. A total of 59 women (39 per cent) had a further pregnancy. In all continuing pregnancies prenatal diagnosis was performed, of which 75 per cent consisted of chorionic villus sampling (CVS). Reproductive behaviour following a genetic termination was negatively correlated with maternal age and parity. Both reproductive behaviour and the choice to undergo a diagnostic procedure in the next pregnancy were independent of the type of diagnostic procedure in the previous affected pregnancy.  相似文献   

The outcome of the pregnancy following (a) a mid-trimester termination of pregnancy (TOP) for fetal neural tube defect (NTD) (77 women=group 1); (b) mid-trimester TOP for fetal Down's syndrome (13 women=group 2); (c) delivery of a baby with NTD (119 women=group 3) was studied. The prenatal fetal loss was relatively high in all groups. In group 1 it was similar to that found in other studies after first trimester TOP, in group 2 it was associated with advanced maternal age and the unexpected finding in group 3 was not attributable to advanced maternal age. It is suggested that a previous NTD per se might increase the risk of fetal loss in the next pregnancy. A previous mid-trimester TOP for NTD was not associated with an increase in premature labour, small for dates babies or congenital abnormality in the next pregnancy, but there was a slight increase in the number of babies weighing less than 2500 g.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to evaluate the psychological reaction of two groups of parents to a pregnancy termination after they had undergone a prenatal diagnostic procedure. The analysis involved interviews with a study group of 76 patients who were at risk of giving birth to a child with a genetic disease or defect and a comparison group of 124 who had a pregnancy termination after a major anomaly had been detected by routine ultrasound and who were not at known risk for a genetic disease. Only patients in the study group had received counselling before the prenatal diagnosis and were aware that the fetus could be affected. The overall reaction of the comparison group was one of shock, denial of fetal abnormality, and guilt over ‘abandoning the fetus’. A feeling of guilt was expressed by patients in the comparison group (73 per cent versus 29 per cent) in the period immediately following the interruption. One-third of patients in both groups felt obliged to undergo a therapeutic abortion. More patients in the study group than in the comparison group expressed the need to see a psychiatrist at the time of the study (19 per cent versus 7 per cent) and viewed future pregnancies as a replacement for the lost pregnancy (63 per cent versus 19 per cent). The recommendations of the study focus on information sessions to personnel, nursing support, analgesia during the expulsion period, an atmosphere of respect that should be present at the time that the fetus is viewed, the anticipation of mourning, and the long-term follow-up of the couple to ensure that counselling for future pregnancies and psychological support are provided when needed.  相似文献   

Data from 1550 consecutive pregnancies after first-trimester prenatal diagnosis by transcervical chorionic villus sampling (TC-CVS) are presented. The sampling efficacy was 97.8 per cent; the mean amount of collected villus tissue was 23 mg (range 5–100 mg). There were 97 affected fetuses, mainly (73.2 per cent) with a chromosomal abnormality or a male karyotype in carriers of X-linked disease. Pregnancy termination in these and four other women for social reasons resulted in 1449 continuing pregnancies. In these pregnancies, the fetal loss rate up to 28 weeks of gestation was 5.1 per cent with the highest loss rate (3.9 per cent) before 16 weeks. When relating this fetal loss rate to maternal age, this was 6.1 per cent in the advanced maternal age group (⩾36 years) against 3.1 per cent in the younger age group. In 1376 pregnancies continuing beyond 28 weeks, the perinatal mortality rate was 1.1 per cent; the percentage of non-genetic congenital anomalies was 0.9 per cent. The reproductive pattern of women at high genetic risk after CVS followed by pregnancy termination was evaluated. Within 12 months after the first CVS followed by pregnancy termination, 70 percent of women again requested CVS in a subsequent pregnancy.  相似文献   

Genetic counselling in a dizygotic twin pregnancy is complicated by the large number of possible pregnancy outcomes and by the conceivable differences in the parental valuation of these outcomes. We present the probability distributions of the pregnancy outcomes in dizygotic twin pregnancies for women from 35 to 45 years old without prenatal diagnosis and with transabdominal chorionic villus sampling (TA-CVS) or amniocentesis (AC), using data from the literature. TA-CVS always gives a higher probability of a favourable pregnancy outcome (the birth of one or two infants with a normal karyotype) than AC. For a 35-year-old woman, a 0·7 per cent risk of an unfavourable pregnancy outcome without prenatal diagnosis has to be weighed against the 2·1 per cent excess risk of loss of the entire pregnancy after TA-CVS. For a 45-year-old woman, a 10·2 per cent risk of an unfavourable pregnancy outcome without TA-CVS has to be balanced against a 4·4 per cent excess risk of pregnancy loss after TA-CVS. This study provides a quantitative tool for the support of individual parents with respect to the decision to undergo prenatal diagnosis in a dizygotic twin pregnancy.  相似文献   

Three hundred and twenty-six French families with a cystic fibrosis-affected child who were referred for prenatal diagnosis were analysed by sibship size: 74.2 per cent of the couples had no further pregnancies to term after the affected child, who was deceased in 34.6 per cent of cases. These couples were followed prospectively after prenatal diagnosis and 77 had two or more consecutive pregnancies with prenatal diagnosis. The aim of these couples was to succeed in constituting a family with two normal children.  相似文献   

Molecular karyotyping using chromosome microarray analysis (CMA) detects more pathogenic chromosomal anomalies than classical karyotyping, making CMA likely to become a first tier test for prenatal diagnosis. Detecting copy number variants of uncertain clinical significance raises ethical considerations. We consider the risk of harm to a woman or her fetus following the detection of a copy number variant of uncertain significance, whether it is ethically justifiable to withhold any test result information from a woman, what constitutes an ‘informed choice’ when women are offered CMA in pregnancy and whether clinicians are morally responsible for ‘unnecessary’ termination of pregnancy. Although we are cognisant of the distress associated with uncertain prenatal results, we argue in favour of the autonomy of women and their right to information from genome-wide CMA in order to make informed choices about their pregnancies. We propose that information material to a woman's decision-making process, including uncertain information, should not be withheld, and that it would be paternalistic for clinicians to try to take responsibility for women's decisions to terminate pregnancies. Non-directive pre-test and post-test genetic counselling is central to the delivery of these ethical objectives. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

By means of questionnaires, 100 women were asked for their experiences concerning prenatal diagnosis. At four standardized stages of the pregnancy a questionnaire was filled in asking for: expectation, knowledge, attitude towards termination of the pregnancy in case of abnormal findings, reactions to the counselling and the obstetric treatment, interpretation of own risk, experiences since the normal test results were known and ideas to improve the treatment. With regard to the effect of pre-amniocentesis counselling it is concluded that the counselling had little impact on decision making; the counselling caused an increase of factual knowledge: somewhat more than half of the women who did not give a correct answer before counselling, indicated the right answer some time afterwards. Presumed differences in reaction patterns for a number of characteristics were not affirmed by the study; the reactions during the procedure of prenatal diagnosis seem to be highly individual and difficult to predict. In addition to the reactions of the 100 women described in this study, the responses to the first questionnaire of another 16 patients, declining amniocentesis after counselling, are presented.  相似文献   

In the period of a retrospective study (1979–1984 inclusive) forty cases of sex chromosome aneuploidy were identified at amniocentesis in Oxford, England and in Kuopio, Finland; 25 of these pregnancies were subsequently terminated. A decision to continue was made more often for XYY and XXX karyotypes, by older mothers and older fathers, by couples with more previous children, and by couples living in England. A decision to terminate was made more often for XXY and non-mosaic 45,X karyotypes, by younger mothers and younger fathers, by couples with few previous children, in all cases with abnormal ultrasound findings, when post-amniocentesis counselling was given by an obstetrician, and by couples living in Finland. Previous miscarriages, or terminations of pregnancy, previous problems with infertility, marital status, or the type of counselling given before amniocentesis, appeared not to influence a couples' decision. Religious and ethical ideas were not studied systematically at the time and cannot be reported on.  相似文献   

Current measures of livebirth prevalence of Down syndrome are derived from data obtained up to 20 years ago, before the introduction of the prenatal diagnostic tests amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (CVS). For women aged 36–52 years, but who were not tested prenatally, we proposed to make a direct estimate of current livebirth prevalence of Down syndrome. We could also determine prevalence at the time of CVS and amniocentesis in women of the same age undergoing prenatal testing. Differences in these prevalences allow an estimation of the relative loss of Down syndrome during pregnancy. In Victoria, Australia, we identified 3041 women having CVS, 7504 having amniocentesis, and 13 139 having no test. Smoothed regression estimates of age-specific livebirth prevalence were found to be higher than in the early studies. The estimate of spontaneous loss was 17 per cent between the time of CVS and amniocentesis, and 18 per cent after the time of amniocentesis. The latter figure is lower than previous estimates and may be explained by a greater likelihood of a Down syndrome fetus surviving to be liveborn, given the modern approach to early obstetric intervention. These current risk estimates of livebirth may be useful updates for genetic counselling, but perhaps more importantly, may be used as precise maternal age-related risk figures, necessary in the design and implementation of prenatal screening programmes for Down syndrome.  相似文献   

A retrospective study to investigate the psychosocial sequelae of a second-trimester termination of pregnancy (TOP) for fetal abnormality (FA) is described. After appropriate consent was obtained, 84 women and 68 spouses were visited 2 years after the event and asked to complete an extensive questionnaire. Most couples reported a state of emotional turmoil after the TOP. There were differences in the way couples coped with this confusion of feelings. After 2 years about 20 per cent of the women still complained of regular bouts of crying, sadness, and irritability. Husbands reported increased listlessness, loss of concentration, and irritability for up to 12 months after the TOP. In the same period, there was increased marital disharmony in which 12 per cent of the couples separated for a while and one couple obtained a divorce. These problems could be attributed to a lack of synchrony in the grieving process. Confusing and conflicting feelings led to social isolation and lack of communication. Difficulties in coming to terms with the fetal loss were not found to be linked to the type of fetal abnormality or religious beliefs but were related to parental immaturity, inability to communicate needs, a deep-rooted lack of self-esteem before the pregnancy, lack of supporting relationships, and secondary infertility. Suggestions for improved management are given.  相似文献   

Parental decisions concerning the continuation of pregnancy following prenatal detection of abnormal chromosomes were evaluated for 80 patients whose diagnosis and prenatal counselling were performed in our centre. Twenty-two anomalies were diagnosed by chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and 58 by amniocentesis. The severity of the chromosome anomaly and associated ultrasound findings in the first vs. second trimester were correlated with patients' decisions. No difference was found in the likelihood of parental decisions to interrupt or continue a pregnancy between CVS and amniocentesis for either the‘severe’ or the‘questionable’ group of chromosome anomalies. Ninety-three per cent of patients with severe prognosis and 27 per cent with questionable prognosis opted for pregnancy termination (p <0·0001). The association of ultrasound anomalies and termination was highly significant (p< 0·001). The severity of the chromosome anomaly, and, to a lesser extent, the visualization of anomalies on ultrasound were the major determinants of parental decisions to terminate the pregnancy. The diagnosis of an anomaly in the first trimester was no more likely ito lead to a termination of pregnancy than in the second trimester.  相似文献   

A survey was carried out to determine the effect of prenatal screening and therapeutic abortion on births in 1985 with anencephaly and spina bifida in England and Wales. Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein tests were done on 399 288 women (60 per cent of pregnant women): 4 per cent were reported as being screen-positive and 1 per cent had an amniocentesis. An estimated 534 pregnancies associated with anencephaly were terminated and an estimated 445 pregnancies associated with spina bifida (but without anencephaly) were terminated. Most (63 per cent) of the anencephalic pregnancies were first suspected from an ultrasound examination; 57 per cent of the spina bifida pregnancies were first suspected from a positive maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein test, 35 per cent by ultrasound, and the remaining 8 per cent by other means. The birth prevalence of anencephaly declined by 94 per cent between 1964–1972 and 1985, but when the terminations of pregnancy on account of having a fetus with anencephaly are added to the births the decline in prevalence was only 50 per cent. The birth prevalence of spina bifida declined by 68 per cent over the same period but when the terminations were added to the births the decline in prevalence was only 32 per cent. Among births with anencephaly 66 per cent had had no screening or diagnostic tests in early pregnancy, but in those that did nearly all were positive–usually in twin pregnancies where one fetus was affected but not the other. Among births with spina bifida, 48 per cent had no tests and in those that did the results were mainly negative. We conclude that in order to monitor adequately the national screening programme for anencephaly and spina bifida a special neural tube defects register should be formed.  相似文献   

A large number of chorionic villi samples obtained from women undergoing elective first trimester termination of pregnancy was analysed by enzyme assays similar to those applied to cultured amniotic cells. The levels of 15 lysosomal enzymes were compared to those observed in tissue cultures of amniotic cells obtained through amniocentesis at 16-18 weeks of pregnancy and the results were discussed in order to assess the usefulness of trophoblast biopsy for first trimester diagnosis of hereditary lysosomal diseases. The data suggest the applicability of this source of fetal cells for prenatal diagnosis of fifteen respective genetically determined enzyme deficiencies with the probable exception of α-L -iduronidase deficiency. Enzyme determinations were performed on chorionic villi samples of two pregnancies at risk for Tay-Sachs disease, three pregnancies for GM1 gangliosidosis type 1, one for mucopolysaccharidosis type VI and one for Wolman's disease.  相似文献   

This review article discusses prenatal screening and diagnosis of neural tube defects (NTD). High detection rates occur in countries operating ultrasound screening programmes because classical two-dimensional ultrasound cranial signs (lemon shaped head, banana cerebellum, ventriculomegaly) are important diagnostic clues to the presence of spina bifida. Careful evaluation of both the spine and a search for other abnormalities is warranted. Important prognostic information for spina bifida relates to the lesion level, with a “watershed” between L3 and L4 marking a very high chance of being wheelchair bound with the higher lesions. Three-dimensional ultrasound using multiplanar views can achieve diagnostic accuracy within one vertebral body in around 80% of patients. There are high rates of pregnancy termination for spina bifida in many European countries, but the use of new imagining techniques allow better prediction of outcome, and consequently a refinement of prenatal counselling. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ninety-six women of advanced maternal age were interviewed about the way they obtained information on prenatal diagnosis and about how the decision was made as to what procedure was to be performed (transabdominal chorionic villus sampling (TA-CVS) or amnio-centesis). In the CVS group, women visited their physician or midwife earlier in pregnancy (mean 7.1 weeks) than those in the amniocentesis group (mean 10.7 weeks). The availability of prenatal diagnosis was not mentioned during the first antenatal visit in 55 per cent of women from the amniocentesis group as opposed to 25 per cent from the TA-CVS group. Approximately 40 per cent of women eligible for prenatal diagnosis did not receive any information from the referring body prior to counselling at our centre. Only 29 per cent of women who underwent amniocentesis had actually chosen this procedure; 71 per cent were too late to undergo TA-CVS at 12 weeks. It is concluded that information to the patient must be improved in order to ensure early referral for prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to examine the efficacy for early prenatal diagnosis of uterine cavity lavage at the level of the internal os and to assess the rate of maternal contamination. In phase I, uterine cavity lavage was performed in 38 women scheduled for pregnancy termination between 6 and 12 weeks. In addition to short- and long-term cultures, one-colour FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization) with Y and X probes was used for fetal sexing. Two-colour FISH was used in all known male fetuses for the assessment of maternal contamination. In phase II, lavage was performed on 16 women. Fetal sex was diagnosed with direct labelled X and Y probes and common numerical chromosomal aberration was attempted with 18 and 21 direct labelled probes. Fetal sexing was successful in all cases in phases I and II. Out of 34 patients in which tissue was obtained, only FISH was done in six. Long-term cell cultures were successful in the other 28 cases, but complete karyotyping in 19 (56 per cent). No chromosomal aberration was found with the direct labelled probes 18 and 21 in FISH. Maternal contamination was assessed to be 5–10 per cent. This simple and easy-to-master technique is very effective in obtaining fetal cells early in pregnancy for genetic diagnosis, especially by FISH. However, the safety of the procedure must be tested in ongoing pregnancies.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the relation between chromosomal translocation and the outcome of pregnancy, 50 couples were examined. Subjects consisted of 35 couples that included a reciprocal translocation carrier; 13 included a Robertsonian translocation carrier and 2 included a carrier of a mosaic reciprocal translocation. The reasons for performing chromosomal examinations were mainly infertility and abnormality of neonates. The rates of miscarriages and neonatal abnormalities in prior pregnancies were significantly higher than the birth rate of morphologically normal newborns. The presence of a translocation is closely related to reproductive failure because of the chromosomal imbalance. However, prenatal chromosomal examination after the 15th gestational week in subsequent pregnancies revealed that almost half of the fetuses showed normal karyotypes and only 12.8 per cent of the fetuses showed a chromosomal imbalance. Many chromosomally imbalanced fetuses are spontaneously aborted before amniocentesis. The risk of chromosomal imbalance is relatively low in prenatal diagnosis, but partial trisomies of small rearrangements tend to be preserved.  相似文献   

The reactions of women who had had a termination of pregnancy for fetal abnormality in the second trimester have been studied retrospectively using a semi-structured questionnaire. The severity of the grief reaction was measured and the outcome at 6months was compared with the findings from a previous study in South Wales which had led to the introduction of skilled support from genetic fieldworkers and formal genetic counselling after the termination. Of the 69 women interviewed, 55 (80 per cent) experienced an acute grief reaction and 17 (25 per cent) had not resolved their grief 6 months after the termination, compared with 37 (77 per cent) and 22 (46 per cent) out of 48 respectively in the previous study. Fifty-seven (83 percent) women had found the fieldworker's intervention useful or very useful, some describing her support as essential. An association between poor resolution of the grief reaction with increasing maternal age and with poor perceived support from partners was noted. Improved follow-up support and counselling have lessened the adverse emotional consequences and support should therefore be offered to all women undergoing termination for fetal malformation.  相似文献   

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