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ABSTRACT A synthetic storm rainfall hyetograph for a one-year design frequency is derived from the one-year intensity-duration curve developed for Cincinnati, Ohio. Detailed rainfall data for a three-year period were collected from three raingages triangulating the Bloody Run Sewer Watershed, an urban drainage areas of 2380 acres'in Cincinnati, Ohio. The advancement of the synthetic storm pattern is obtained from an analysis of the antecedent precipitation immediately preceding the maximum period of three selected durations. Rains which produced excessive runoff at least for some duration were considered only. The same approach can be used for other design frequencies. The purpose of this study is to provide synthetic storm hyetographs to be used as input in deterministic mathematical models simulating urban storm water runoff for the design, analysis and possible surcharge prediction of sewer systems.  相似文献   

A goal in urban water management is to reduce the volume of stormwater runoff in urban systems and the effect of combined sewer overflows into receiving waters. Effective management of stormwater runoff in urban systems requires an accounting of various components of the urban water balance. To that end, precipitation, evapotranspiration (ET), sewer flow, and groundwater in a 3.40‐hectare sewershed in Detroit, Michigan were monitored to capture the response of the sewershed to stormwater flow prior to implementation of stormwater control measures. Monitoring results indicate that stormflow in sewers was not initiated unless rain depth was 3.6 mm or greater. ET removed more than 40% of the precipitation in the sewershed, whereas pipe flow accounted for 19%–85% of the losses. Flows within the sewer that could not be associated with direct precipitation indicate an unexpected exchange of water between the leaky sewer and the groundwater system, pathways through abandoned or failing residential infrastructure, or a combination of both. Groundwater data indicate that groundwater flows into the leaky combined sewer rather than out. This research demonstrates that urban hydrologic fluxes can modulate the local water cycle in complex ways which affect the efficiency of the wastewater system, effectiveness of stormwater management, and, ultimately, public health.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A review of methods for planning-level estimates of pollutant loads in urban stormwater focuses on transfer of charac. teristic runoff quality data to unmonitored sites, runoff monitoring, and simulation models. Load estimation by transfer of runoff quality data is the least expensive, but the accuracy of estimates is unknown. Runoff monitoring methods provide best estimates of existing loads, but cannot be used to predict load changes resulting from runoff controls, or other changes of the urban system. Simulation models require extensive calibration for reliable application. Models with optional formulations of pollutant build up, washoff, and transport can be better calibrated and the selection of options should be based on a statistical analysis of calibration data. Calibrated simulation models can be used for evaluation of control alternatives.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Development type has emerged as an important focal point for addressing a wide range of social, cultural, and environmental concerns related to urban growth. Low impact development techniques that rely heavily on infiltration practices are increasingly being used to manage storm water. In this study, four development types (conventional curvilinear, urban cluster, coving, and new urbanism) were modeled both with and without infiltration practices to determine their relative effects on urban runoff. Modeling was performed with a modified version of the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) runoff method that enables evaluation of infiltration practices. Model results indicate that urban cluster developments produce the smallest volume of runoff due to the large portion of land kept in a natural condition. Infiltration practices are most effective for small storms and in developments with Hydrologic Group A soils. Significant reductions in runoff can be achieved in all four development types if infiltration practices treat many impervious surfaces. As more infiltration practices are implemented, the differences in runoff among development types diminish. With a strategic combination of site layout and infiltration design, any development type can reduce hydrologic impacts, allowing developers to consider other factors, such as convenience, marketability, community needs, and aesthetics.  相似文献   

Abstract: Dry weather runoff in arid, urban watersheds may consist entirely of treated wastewater effluent and/or urban nonpoint source runoff, which can be a source of bacteria, nutrients, and metals to receiving waters. Most studies of urban runoff focus on stormwater, and few have evaluated the relative contribution and sources of dry weather pollutant loading for a range of constituents across multiple watersheds. This study assessed dry weather loading of nutrients, metals, and bacteria in six urban watersheds in the Los Angeles region of southern California to estimate relative sources of each constituent class and the proportion of total annual load that can be attributed to dry weather discharge. In each watershed, flow and water quality were sampled from storm drain and treated wastewater inputs, as well as from in‐stream locations during at least two time periods. Data were used to calculate mean concentrations and loads for various sources. Dry weather loads were compared with modeled wet weather loads under a range of annual rainfall volumes to estimate the relative contribution of dry weather load. Mean storm drain flows were comparable between all watersheds, and in all cases, approximately 20% of the flowing storm drains accounted for 80% of the daily volume. Wastewater reclamation plants (WRP) were the main source of nutrients, storm drains accounted for almost all the bacteria, and metals sources varied by constituent. In‐stream concentrations reflected major sources, for example nutrient concentrations were highest downstream of WRP discharges, while in‐stream metals concentrations were highest downstream of the storm drains with high metals loads. Comparison of wet vs. dry weather loading indicates that dry weather loading can be a significant source of metals, ranging from less than 20% during wet years to greater than 50% during dry years.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A comprehensive study was conducted to implement the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) for urban areas in Kuwait. The updated version of the model designed to run on an IBM Personal Computer and compatibles (PCSWMM3.2C) was utilized. The study revealed that urban runoff simulation in arid areas by the SWMM model is a powerful and efficient tool in designing drainage systems and as such, a viable replacement of the commonly used rational method. It was found that only the streets and paved areas that are hydraulically connected to the drainage system contribute to runoff. Fine and coarse discretization approaches were used in the study. The difference between the hydrographs simulated by the two approaches were relatively small. The performance of the existing drainage system and the accuracy of the design method used were tested using a 25-year storm. The result of the simulation revealed that the storm sewers were oversized by factors ranging from 1.2 to 3.6. The SWMM model was used to estimate the storm water runoff volume collected from all urbanized areas in Kuwait City. The annual expected harvested runoff water was found to be significant; however, the quality of runoff water needs to be assessed before a decision is made on its reuse.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Infiltration trenches are an effective stormwater management alternative for the control of urban runoff from small areas. Perforated pipes buried within the gravel of an infiltration trench are used to distribute the inflowing runoff along the length of the trench. Laboratory tests are described that characterize the hydraulics of the orifices in perforated pipes. The results show that the steady-state exfiltration of water from the pipe into a surrounding gravel trench can be described by the orifice equation.  相似文献   

Abstract: The summertime heating of runoff in urban areas is recognized as a common and consistent urban climatological phenomenon. In this study, a simple thermal urban runoff model (TURM) is presented for the net energy flux at the impervious surfaces of urban areas to account for the heat transferred to runoff. The first step in developing TURM consists of calculating the various factors that control how urban impervious areas absorb heat and transfer it to moving water on the surface. The runoff temperature is determined based on the interactions of the physical characteristics of the impervious areas, the weather, and the heat transfer between the moving film of runoff and the impervious surface common in urban areas. Key surface and weather factors that affect runoff temperature predictions are type of impervious surface, air temperature, humidity, solar radiation before and during rain, rainfall intensity, and rainfall temperature. Runoff from pervious areas is considered separately and estimated using the Green‐Ampt Mein‐Larson rainfall excess method. Pervious runoff temperature is estimated as the rainfall temperature. Field measurements indicate that wet bulb temperature can be used as a surrogate for rainfall temperature and that runoff temperatures from sod average just 2°C higher than rainfall temperatures. Differences between measured and predicted impervious runoff temperature average approximately 2°C, indicating that TURM is a useful tool for determining runoff temperatures for typical urban areas.  相似文献   

Forecasting land use change and its environmental impact at a watershed scale   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Urban expansion is a major driving force altering local and regional hydrology and increasing non-point source (NPS) pollution. To explore these environmental consequences of urbanization, land use change was forecast, and long-term runoff and NPS pollution were assessed in the Muskegon River watershed, located on the eastern coast of Lake Michigan. A land use change model, LTM, and a web-based environmental impact model, L-THIA, were used in this study. The outcomes indicated the watershed would likely be subjected to impacts from urbanization on runoff and some types of NPS pollution. Urbanization will slightly or considerably increase runoff volume, depending on the development rate, slightly increase nutrient losses in runoff, but significantly increase losses of oil and grease and certain heavy metals in runoff. The spatial variation of urbanization and its impact were also evaluated at the subwatershed scale and showed subwatersheds along the coast of the lake and close to cities would have runoff and nitrogen impact. The results of this study have significant implications for urban planning and decision making in an effort to protect and remediate water and habitat quality of Muskegon Lake, which is one of Lake Michigan's Areas of Concern (AOC), and the techniques described here can be used in other areas.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A modeling framework was developed for managing copper runoff in urban watersheds that incorporates water quality characterization, watershed land use areas, hydrologic data, a statistical simulator, a biotic ligand binding model to characterize acute toxicity, and a statistical method for setting a watershed specific copper loading. The modeling framework is driven by export coefficients derived from water quality parameters and hydrologic inputs measured in an urban watershed's storm water system. This framework was applied to a watershed containing a copper roof built in 1992. A series of simulations was run to predict the change in receiving stream water chemistry caused by roof aging and to determine the maximum copper loading (at the 99 percent confidence level) a watershed could accept without causing acute toxicity in the receiving stream. Forecasting the amount of copper flux responsible for exceeding the assimilation capacity of a watershed can be directly related to maximum copper loadings responsible for causing toxicity in the receiving streams. The framework developed in this study can be used to evaluate copper utilization in urban watersheds.  相似文献   

The microbiological quality of diffuse impermeable surface runoff is described in terms of bacterial densities and pathogens observed within urban catchments in North London and Milton Keynes and the use of somatic bacteriophages as faecal indicators are evaluated. The studies show the occurrence of faecal indicator organisms (FIOs) and pathogens to be ubiquitous in stormwater runoff from all types of urban land use surfaces, with the possible exception of major highways. Urban catchments in North London show a progressive downstream increase in FIOs and pathogens consonant with increasing urbanization and incidence of stormwater outfalls and combined sewer overflows (CSOs). Surface water FIOs and pathogens appear to be predominantly of non‐human origin being primarily derived from animal and bird sources, although the effect is over‐ridden in the presence of misconnections and CSO discharges. A combination of infrastructure improvement, end‐of‐pipe detention, source control and more robust local authority regulation is recommended for effective management and remediation of bacteriological urban water quality.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper demonstrates how satellite image data [e.g., from Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM)], in conjunction with an urban growth model and simple runoff calculations, can be used to estimate future surface runoff and, by implication, water quality within a watershed. To illustrate the method, predictions of land use change and surface runoff are shown for Spring Creek Watershed, a medium sized urbanizing watershed in Central Pennsylvania. Land cover classifications for this watershed were created from images for summertime 1986 and 1996 and subsequently used as input to the Clarke urban growth model, called SLEUTH, to predict land use changes to the year 2025. Simulations with this model show a progressive growth in the percentage of urban pixels and in impervious surface area in the watershed but also an increase in woodland, primarily in previously clear‐cut areas. Given that woodland area will continue to increase in area, surface runoff into Spring Creek is predicted to remain only slightly above present level. However, should the woodland amount fail to increase, surface runoff is then predicted to increase more significantly during the next 25 years. Finally, the concept of urban sprawl is addressed within the context of predicted increases in urbanization by relating the implied increase in impervious surface area to population density within the watershed.  相似文献   

Abstract: A simple spreadsheet model was used to evaluate potential water quality benefits of high‐density development. The question was whether the reduced land consumed by higher density development (vs. standard suburban developments) would offset the worse water quality generated by a greater amount of impervious surface in the smaller area. Total runoff volume and per acre loadings of total phosphorous, total nitrogen, and total suspended solids increased with density as expected, but per capita loadings and runoff decreased markedly with density. For a constant or given population, then, higher density can result in dramatically lower total loadings than more diffuse suburban densities. The model showed that a simple doubling of standard suburban densities [to 8 dwelling units per acre (DUA) from about 3 to 5 DUA] in most cases could do more to reduce contaminant loadings associated with urban growth than many traditional stormwater best management practices (BMPs), and that higher densities such as those associated with transit‐oriented development could outperform almost all traditional BMPs, in terms of reduced loadings per a constant population. Because higher density is associated with vibrant urban life, building a better city may be the best BMP to mitigate the water quality damage that will accompany the massive urban growth expected for the next several decades.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An export coefficient modeling approach was used to assess the influence of land use on phosphorus loading to a Southern Ontario stream. A model was constructed for the 1995–1996 water year and calibrated within ± 3 percent of the observed mean concentration of total phosphorus. It was found that runoff from urban areas contributed most to the loading of phosphorus to the stream. When the model was assessed by running it for the 1977–1978 water year, using water quality and land use data collected independently, agreement within ± 7 percent was obtained. The model was then used to forecast the impact of future urban development proposed for the watershed, in terms of phosphorus loading, and to evaluate the reduction in loading resulting from several urban best management practices (BMP). It was determined that phosphorus removal will have to be applied to all the urban runoff from the watershed to appreciably reduce stream phosphorus concentration. Of the BMP designs assessed, an infiltration pond system resulted in the greatest phosphorus load reduction, 50 percent from the 1995–1996 baseline.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Peachtree Creek is a gaged watershed that has experienced a substantial increase in urbanization. The relationships of runoff to rainfall were studied for total annual flows, low flows, and peak flows. For each type of flow the relationship in the later, more urbanized period was compared to that in the earlier, less urbanized period. An increase in total runoff in wet years was observed as urbanization increased, but a decrease occurred during dry years. For low flows a similar decrease of runoff in dry years was found. An increase in peak runoff was observed over most of the range of precipitation. Increasing peak flows and declining low flows can be adequately explained by urban hydrologic theoryshed. which focuses on the effects of urban impervious surfaces upon direct runoff and infiltration. However, a decline of total runoff in dry years can be explained only by taking into account evapotranspiration as well. The concept of advectively assisted urban evapotranspiration, previously discovered by climatologists, is needed to explain such a loss of total runoff. Urban hydrologic theory must take into account vegetation and evapotranspiration, as well as impervious surfaces and their direct runoff, to explain the magnitude of total annual flows and low flows. Urban stormwater management should address the restoration of low flows, as well as the control of floods.  相似文献   

Abstract: Runoff from urban catchments depends largely on the amount of impervious surface and the connectivity of these surfaces to the storm sewer drainage system. In residential areas, pervious lawns can be used to help manage stormwater runoff by intercepting and infiltrating runoff from impervious surfaces. The goal of this research was to develop and evaluate a simple method for estimating the reduction in stormwater runoff that results when runoff from an impervious surface (e.g., rooftop) is directed onto a pervious surface (e.g., lawn). Fifty‐two stormwater runoff reduction tests were conducted on six residential lawns in Madison, Wisconsin during the summer of 2004. An infiltration‐loss model that requires inputs of steady‐state infiltration rate, abstraction (defined here as surface storage, vegetation interception and cumulative total infiltration minus steady‐state infiltration during the period prior to steady‐state), and inundated area was evaluated using experimental data. The most accurate results were obtained using the observed steady‐state infiltration rates and inundated areas for each test, combined with a constant abstraction for all tests [root mean squared (RMS) difference = 1.0 cm]. A second case utilized lawn‐averaged steady‐state infiltration rates, a regression estimate of inundated area based on flow‐path length, and lawn‐specific abstractions based on infiltration rate (RMS difference = 2.2 cm). In practice, infiltration rates will likely be determined using double‐ring infiltration measurements (RMS difference = 3.1 cm) or soil texture (RMS difference = 5.7 cm). A generalized form of the model is presented and used to estimate annual stormwater runoff volume reductions for Madison. Results indicate the usefulness of urban lawns as a stormwater management practice and could be used to improve urban runoff models that incorporate indirectly connected impervious areas.  相似文献   

Spatially disaggregated estimates of over 131 stream‐flow, ground water, and reservoir evaporation monthly time series in California have been created for 12 different climate warming scenarios for a 72‐year period. Such disaggregated hydrologic estimates of multiple hydrologic cycle components are important for impact and adaptation studies of California's water system. A statewide trend of increased winter and spring runoff and decreased summer runoff is identified. Without operations modeling, approximate changes in water availability are estimated for each scenario. Even most scenarios with increased precipitation result in less available water because of the current storage systems' inability to catch increased winter streamflow in compensation for reduced summer runoff. The water availability changes are then compared with estimated changes in urban and agricultural water uses in California between now and 2100. The methods used in this study are relatively simple, but the results are qualitatively consistent with other studies focusing on the hydrologies of single basins or surface water alone.  相似文献   

Landscaping paradigms that encourage high‐input, intensively managed and mono‐culture turf/lawn landscapes have raised concerns about water quality. We conducted a watershed‐scale assessment of landscaping practices that included turf, urban, forest, native meadow, and mixed landuse watersheds with a professional golf course and a parking lot. The turf site was moderately managed and had lower fertilizer inputs than those typically used by homeowners and golf courses. Stream water sampling was performed during base flow and storm events. Highest nitrate and total nitrogen concentrations in runoff were observed for the mixed watershed draining the golf course. In contrast, concentrations in base flow from the turf watershed were lower than expected and were comparable to those measured in the surrounding meadow and forest sites. Total nitrogen concentrations from the turf site increased sharply during the first storms following fertilization, suggesting that despite optimal management there exists a risk for nutrient runoff following fertilization. Overall, this study suggests that turf or lawns, when managed properly, pose minimal water quality risk to surface waters. Rate, timing of application, and the type of fertilizer appear to be the key factors affecting water quality. Better education of homeowners and landscaping professionals with regard to these factors may be a cost‐effective strategy to reduce nonpoint source pollution.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper describes the Continuous Stormwater Pollution Simulation System (CSPSS) as well as a site-specific application of CSPSS to the Philadelphia urban area and its receiving water, the Delaware Estuary. Conceptually, CSPSS simulates the quantity and quality or urban stormwater runoff, combined sewer overflow, municipal and industrial waste water effuent, and upstream flow on a continuous basis for each time step in the simulation period. In addition, receiving water dissolved oxygen, suspended solids, and lead concentrations resulting from these pollutant sources may be simulated. However, only rceiving water dissolved oxygen (DO) response is considered in this paper. The continuous Do receiving water response model was calibrated to existing conditions usinv observed data at Chester, Pennsylvnia, located on the Delaware Estuary approximately 10 miles down stream from the study area. Average annual pollutant loads to the receiving water were estimated for all major sources and receiving water quality improvements resulting from removal of various portions of these pollutant loads were estimated by application of the calibrated stimultion model. It was found that the removal of oxygen-demanding pollutants from combined sewer overflow and urban stormwater runoff would result in relatively minor improvements in the overall dissoved oxygen resources of the Delaware Estuary; whereas. removal of oxygen demanding pollutants from waste water treatment plant effluent would result in greater improvemens. The results of this investigation can be used along with appropriate economic techniques to identify the most cost-effective mix of point and nonpoint source pollution control measures.  相似文献   

The EPA Storm Water Management Model was used to model the effects of urban and agricultural development on storm water runoff from uplands bordering a Louisiana swamp forest. Using this model, we examined the effects of changing land use patterns. By 1995 it is projected that urban land on the uplands bordering the swamp will increase by 321 percent, primarily at the expense of land currently in agriculture. Simulation results indicate that urbanization will cause storm water runoff rates to be up to 4.2 times greater in 1995 than in 1975. Nutrient runoff will increase 28 percent for nitrogen (N) and 16 percent for phosphorus (P) during the same period. The environmental effects of these changes in the receiving swamp forest are examined.  相似文献   

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