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Introduction of combined screening with maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein and human chorionic gonadotropin (MShCG) assays for fetal chromosome defects requires establishment of the normal range for twins. This report documents that the normal range for MShCG between 15 and 19 weeks in twin gestations was 1.84–2.41 multiples of the singleton median. Of the 192 twin pregnancies studied, 31.7 and 47.9 per cent had MShCG values ≥2.5 and ≥ 2.0 multiples of the singleton median, respectively.  相似文献   

Two twin pregnancies at risk for a sex-linked disorder are described. Both pregnancies were dichorionic. Transabdominal sampling was chosen for prenatal diagnosis. Molecular genetic techniques raised suspicion with regard to the accuracy of the samples in one case. Second-trimester amniocentesis confirmed the error. Selective feticide of the affected fetus was performed. When first-trimester prenatal diagnosis is offered in dichorionic twin pregnancies, confirmation through molecular genetic testing can confirm that villi have been obtained from different fetuses. All parties must be aware that additional invasive diagnostic procedures in the second trimester may be required in cases of doubt.  相似文献   

A technique for sampling pure fetal blood in twin pregnancies using a single uterine entry with a fetoscope is described. The fetoscope was inserted into one sac and after blood had been obtained from that, twin, the fetus in the other sac was sampled by trans-septal passage of the blood-sampling needle. This was done in six out of seven patients, the first in the series having two separate insertions of the fetoscope, one into each sac. Pure fetal blood was taken from all 14 fetuses, either from the placental insertion of the umbilical cord or the umbilicus, and the volume of the samples ranged from 200 μl to 1200 μl. In six patients the fetuses were at risk of β-thalassaemia and in one of haemophilia A. Some observations are made relating zygosity to the ultrasonic and fetoscopic appearance of the septum between the sacs.  相似文献   

Maternal serum free α-human chorionic gonadotrophin (free α-hCG) levels were determined in twin and singleton pregnancies at 15–22 weeks of gestation using a set of stored serum samples relating to 200 twin pregnancies and 600 singleton control pregnancies matched for gestational age and duration of storage. Free α-hCG values are, on average, 1·66 times greater in twin pregnancies than in singleton pregnancies (95 per cent confidence interval 1·56–1·76). If maternal serum free α-hCG is used in screening for Down's syndrome, values in twin pregnancies can be adjusted using this result so that screening can be performed in twin pregnancies as well as in singleton pregnancies.  相似文献   

Free β-human chorionic gonadotrophin values are, on average, 1·90 times greater in twin pregnancies than in singleton pregnancies [95 per cent confidence interval (CI) 1·69–2·13]. This information can be used in screening for Down's syndrome, so that twin pregnancies can be interpreted in addition to singleton pregnancies.  相似文献   

Maternal serum inhibin levels were measured in 19 second-trimester pregnancies affected by fetal Down's syndrome and 95 unaffected control pregnancies matched for gestational age. A statistically significant elevation was found in the affected pregnancies compared with the controls (Wilcoxon rank sum test: one-tail P=0·02). The median level in the cases was 1·3 times that in the controls, with 95 per cent confidence limits of 0·9–1·9. Although the inhibin levels were unrelated to those of alpha-fetoprotein and unconjugated oestriol in the same samples, there was a statistically significant correlation with human chorionic gonadotropin. This together with the relatively small elevation in cases suggests that inhibin would be of limited value in maternal serum screening for Down's syndrome.  相似文献   

Genetic counselling in a dizygotic twin pregnancy is complicated by the large number of possible pregnancy outcomes and by the conceivable differences in the parental valuation of these outcomes. We present the probability distributions of the pregnancy outcomes in dizygotic twin pregnancies for women from 35 to 45 years old without prenatal diagnosis and with transabdominal chorionic villus sampling (TA-CVS) or amniocentesis (AC), using data from the literature. TA-CVS always gives a higher probability of a favourable pregnancy outcome (the birth of one or two infants with a normal karyotype) than AC. For a 35-year-old woman, a 0·7 per cent risk of an unfavourable pregnancy outcome without prenatal diagnosis has to be weighed against the 2·1 per cent excess risk of loss of the entire pregnancy after TA-CVS. For a 45-year-old woman, a 10·2 per cent risk of an unfavourable pregnancy outcome without TA-CVS has to be balanced against a 4·4 per cent excess risk of pregnancy loss after TA-CVS. This study provides a quantitative tool for the support of individual parents with respect to the decision to undergo prenatal diagnosis in a dizygotic twin pregnancy.  相似文献   

We measured the maternal serum cancer antigen 125 (MS-CA 125) levels in 98 nonpregnant women, 765 first- and second-trimester pregnancies with chromosomally-normal fetuses, and 54 chromosomally-abnormal pregnancies. To determine the MS-CA 125 concentration, we used a new automated microparticle enzyme immunoassay with low inter-assay variability. The median MS-CA 125 level decreased from the first to the second trimester of pregnancy and was higher than that in non-pregnant women. We found no difference between normal and Down's syndrome (n = 29) pregnancies ( t-test: t = 0·57, p >0·5). The MS-CA 125 levels in pregnancies with other chromosomal abnormalities showed no difference either, compared with the normals. We conclude that MS-CA 125 is not a useful marker for fetal Down's syndrome, nor for other chromosomal disorders in pregnancy.  相似文献   

Very low maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP) levels (<10 ng/mL) are known to be associated with non-viable pregnancies, including conditions such as fetal death, molar pregnancies, and non-pregnancies. There has not been agreement, however, as to whether very low MSAFP levels indicate already existing fetal deaths or are actually predictive. We analysed 230 pregnancies with MSAFP levels <10 ng/mL from among 15 807 women (1.5 per cent) screened consecutively during a three-year period and identified 26 non-viable pregnancies, 22 of which were diagnosed sonographically as part of the screening process (17 missed abortions, 3 blighted ova, 2 non-pregnancies). Furthermore, 20 of these 22 pregnancies were associated with essentially undetectable MSAFP levels (<5 ng/mL). Our data indicate that pregnancies with MSAFP values <5 ng/mL are the group most strongly associated with fetal non-viability and that very low MSAFP values are not strongly predictive for fetal death.  相似文献   

Maternal serum total activin-A concentration was measured in 45 pregnancies affected by trisomy 21 and 493 control unaffected pregnancies at 10–14 weeks of gestation. In the trisomy 21 pregnancies total activin-A concentration was significantly higher (1.36 MoM of the unaffected pregnancies) and in 16% of cases the level was above the 95th centile of normal. The log10 SD for the control group and the trisomy 21 group were 0.17 and 0.22, respectively. The median pregnancy associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) in this trisomy 21 series was 0.49 and for free β-hCG was 2.05. In the trisomy group there were significant positive associations between total activin-A and PAPP-A (0.6071) and free β-hCG (0.4255). The low median difference and the high overlap in values between trisomic and unaffected pregnancies make total activin-A of little practical use in first-trimester screening for trisomy 21. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Risks appropriate for mid-trimester prenatal screening for autosomal trisomies have been estimated from a combination of maternal age and maternal serum (MS) alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) levels at 16–20 weeks gestation. Published data on the frequency of Down's syndrome births relative to maternal age were modified to include the additional age-related frequency of trisomy 18 and trisomy 13 cases to provide an overall risk for an autosomal trisomy at midtrimester. MSAFP results from a retrospective study of 142 affected (114 trisomy 21, 19 trisomy 18, and 9 trisomy 13)and 113 000 unaffected pregnancies were converted to multiples of the appropriate gestational median (MOM). The AFP levels in the autosomal trisomy pregnancies were found to be significantly reduced at 0.72 MOM of the unaffected pregnancies. Risks (likelihood ratios) were derived from the overlapping log Gaussian distributions for affected and unaffected pregnancies and combined with maternal age risks to give the overall odds of an affected pregnancy. A mid-trimester cut-off risk of 1:280 gave an estimated 37 per cent detection rate for autosomal trisomies in the west of Scotland population for a follow-up (false-positive) rate of 6.6 per cent. These figures compare with a 30 per cent detection and 6.7 per cent false-positive rate if age 35 years and over is used as the sole criterion for selection of at-risk pregnancies.  相似文献   

Of 2882 women allocated to either transabdominal CVS (TA) or transcervical CVS (TC) at two large obstetric centres in Denmark, 2707 had blood samples drawn before and 30 min after CVS for maternal serum-alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP) measurement. 2535 of these women had cytogenetically normal pregnancies and 2091 of them went on to have samples drawn at the 18–20 week follow-up. Post-procedure MSAFP values were correlated to the biopsy method used, with mean MSAFP values significantly higher after TA than TC, 33 and 15 kU/l, respectively (P<0·001). Following TA procedures, 18 per cent of cases had feto-maternal transfusion higher than 0·1 ml; this occurred in only 5 per cent of TC cases. MSAFP levels were associated with spontaneous fetal loss in the TA group but not in the TC group. TC, however, was followed by more losses than TA. The post-CVS MSAFP value was positively correlated with the amount of villi aspirated. The difference in post-procedure elevation in MSAFP 30 min later (average 18 kU/l higher for TA than for TC) was not reflected in raised levels at the 18–20 week follow-up. Study medians at mid-trimester did not differ from reference group medians established from a group of singleton pregnancies with sonographically determined gestational age who did not experience invasive procedures and delivered normal infants. Our findings suggest that CVS does not compromise mid-trimester MSAFP for screening for neural tube defects (NTDs). Extremely high mid-trimester MSAFP values in the TC group could predict imminent loss.  相似文献   

Hydrops fetalis and fetal death caused by fetal parovirus B19 infection have been reported to be associated with elevated maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), based on a total of six cases. It has been suggested that the absence of AFP elevation may be reassuring. Maternal serum levels of the Down syndrome screening markers unconjugated oestriol and human chorionic gonadotropin in cases of fetal parvovirus infection have not been previously reported. We report four cases of hydrops fetalis and fetal death caused by fetal parvovirus infection, each with unremarkable second-trimester levels of AFP, unconjugated oestriol, and human chorionic gonadotropin.  相似文献   

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