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The activities of the disaccharidases maltase and sucrase in 4 amniotic fluid from cystic fibrosis (CF) pregnancies have been compared to those of 120 non CF-pregnancies. Very low levels were found in 3 of the CF-fluids. The fourth CF-fluid was normal in all measured microvillar enzyme activities. Elevated levels of disaccharidases in meconium from one of the patients born with CF, supports the idea that these enzymes are trapped in the intestinal cavity by sticky meconium.  相似文献   

The potential value of microvillar enzymes in the prenatal diagnosis of cystic fibrosis (CF) has previously been demonstrated and is corroborated in the present comparative study. Maltase and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activities were studied in the amniotic fluids of 57 pregnancies with a 1 in 4 risk for CF or with a known CF outcome and in 489 controls. A simple assay for maltase activity (MU-maltase) with the fluorogenic substate 4-methylumbelliferyl α-glucoside, offers great technical advantages and an at least equal detection rate of CF, when compared to the previously used test with maltose as substrate. Intestinal ALP was estimated either as phenylalanine inhibitable activity (PI-ALP) or as the proportions of residual activity in the presence of the inhibitors phenylalanine or homoarginine. MU-maltase and PI-ALP appeared the most successful methods: both tests were able to detect 14 of the 16 (88 per cent) pregnancies with fetal CF. Each of the two tests alone also allowed a correct prediction in 24 of the 25 pregnancies at risk but with normal outcome; however all 25 cases could be correctly predicted by a combined evaluation. It is suggested that more than one intestinal enzyme activity should be evaluated to allow optimal results in the prenatal monitoring of pregnancies at high risk for CF.  相似文献   

Calcium concentrations were measured in supernatant amniotic fluid in order to establish whether they may be used as a marker for cystic fibrosis. No difference in values were found, whether the sample was derived from a normal pregnancy or from a pregnancy which resulted in a baby affected with cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   

The activities of two microvillar enzymes, gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (GGTP) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) have been determined in amniotic fluid (AF) samples from 39 pregnancies with a 1-in-4 risk of cystic fibrosis. Seventeen of these were investigated prospectively. A reduced proportion of the fetal specific intestinal ALP isoenzyme was found in 7 of a total of 13 pregnancies with cystic fibrosis and in one pregnancy of confirmed normal outcome. Eight of the affected pregnancies were tested for AF GGTP activity and depressed levels were found in 15. None of the 3 liveborn cystic fibrosis cases in the prospective series was identified by the ALP assay although 2 had significantly reduced GGTP activity. There were several amniotic fluid samples from cases of cystic fibrosis, trisomy 18 and normal outcome which had discordant GGTP and ALP results. Four of the 6 cases of cystic fibrosis misclassified by the ALP assay had amniocentesis at 15 or 16 weeks gestation. Evidence is presented which confirms a previous suggestion that amniocentesis after 17 weeks gestation improves the predictability of the ALP isoenzyme assay for the prenatal diagnosis of cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   

Changes in the protease activity in amniotic fluid has been proposed as a valid method for the prenatal detection of cystic fibrosis (CF). We have studied by quantitative and qualitative procedures, sixty four amniotic fluids: two of them from CF-affected fetuses. Interpretation of the benzoyl arginine ethyl ester (BAEE)-staining patterns after isoelectric focusing was often difficult, and repeated experiments gave variable results. In order to improve gel discrimination, we performed amniotic fluid electrofocusing in the presence of detergents: 0.1 per cent Triton X-100, 0.1 per cent DOC, or 0.1 per cent SDS. In these conditions, the pattern revealed by BAEE was modified, but no differences were observed between CF and normal amniotic fluids.  相似文献   

Meconium ileus was the presenting feature of cystic fibrosis in 46 per cent of the couples which have been referred for prenatal diagnosis. In fetuses which have been aborted on the basis of alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes assays, meconium ileus represented the only pathological feature of cystic fibrosis, and was observed in three fourths of the cases. Real-time sonographic examination of fetuses at the time of amniocentesis was able to show an echogenic mass in the abdomen corresponding to the meconium ileus, and thus may afford a complementary means of diagnosis.  相似文献   

A prenatal diagnosis was performed in 51 pregnancies with a 1-in-4 risk of having a child with cystic fibrosis. The criteria for determining an affected fetus were based on the results of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) residual activity after inhibition by phenylalanine and by homoarginine, of total ALP activity, and of gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (GGTP) activity in the amniotic fluid taken between 16 and 19 weeks of pregnancy. The chromosomal analysis of amniotic fluid cells showed trisomy 13 in one case which was excluded from the analysis of biochemical assays. The biochemical assays were in the normal ranges in the amniotic fluid of 35 pregnancies: 26 have reached term and a normal infant has been born, 9 are still in progress. A deficiency of the ALP phenylalanine-inhibitable form, depressed values of total ALP and GGTP were observed in the amniotic fluid of 15 pregnancies: one pregnancy went to term and the infant had CF, in 14 cases the pregnancy was terminated, and meconium ileus was observed in ten of these cases. It was observed that the changes towards abnormal values became more significant with advancing gestational age and that 18 weeks appeared to be the optimum time for diagnostic amniocentesis.  相似文献   

We have analysed the sensitivity, specificity, and reliability of biochemical diagnosis based on microvillar membrane enzyme assay and using discriminant analysis in amniotic fluid samples obtained from 54 pregnancies at high risk for cystic fibrosis and 125 normal pregnancies. Our results show that amniotic fluid trehalase, alkaline phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes and gamma-glutamyltransferase enzyme activities measured during 16–20 gestational weeks, in spite of their non-specificity for cystic fibrosis, have a very good predictive value for fetal cystic fibrosis or exclude the possibility of the disease. Overall enzyme activity analysis provided over 90 per cent reliability of the method.  相似文献   

Intestinal disaccharidases in amniotic fluid were studied in 41 pregnancies with a recurrence risk for cystic fibrosis (CF). In 11 out of 13 pregnancies with CF fetuses the maltase and sucrase activities were either below the control range (8 cases) or below the 10th percentile of control values (3 cases). Trehalase and lactase were slightly less informative indicators of CF. Of the other 28 pregnancies 3 had low amniotic fluid activities of several intestinal enzymes and were terminated, 12 resulted in the birth of a healthy child and 13 are continuing. The findings in fetal CF suggest an impairment of the defaecation of intestinal contents into the amniotic fluid. Reduced or low amniotic fluid disaccharidase activities were also found in other fetal disorders with demonstrated or presumed intestinal anomalies: e.g. anal atresia (2 cases), anencephaly (3 our of the 7 cases), trisomy 13 (5 cases), trisomy 18 (3 of the 5 cases) and trisomy 21 (19 of the 22 cases). Reduced amniotic fluid disaccharidase activities, although not specific for CF, are highly informative in pregnancies at high risk for CF. Using the 10th percentile of the normal range for amniotic fluid disaccharidase activities as an action line, the sensitivity of CF detection is estimated at 80 to 90 per cent, which could in high risk pregnancies reduce the risk of having another affected child from 1 in 4 to 1 in 20.  相似文献   

Four often fetuses carrying a risk of 1:4 for cystic fibrosis were found to have low levels of microvillar enzymes in the amniotic fluid obtained between 17 and 18 weeks' gestational age. On sonography performed prior to the amniocentesis, three fetuses showed enlarged bowel loops. At autopsy, meconium ileus was detected. Enlarged bowel loops are a sign which has not been described previously so early in pregnancies.  相似文献   

We present a case of fetal abdominal cystic hygroma that presented at 19 weeks of gestation. Ultrasonographic evaluation of the fetus revealed soft tissue enlargement of the left leg and a retroperitoneal mass in the left pelvis and abdomen. This represents the first reported case of prenatal diagnosis of abdominal cystic hygroma.  相似文献   

This paper presents data collected in Europe on 107 prenatal diagnoses of cystic fibrosis (CF) using linked DNA markers. To date, 38 children have been born without CF, as predicted, demonstrating the present rapid move from research to clinical genetic service.  相似文献   

Among 2207 women eligible to be screened for cystic fibrosis (CF) carrier status during pregnancy, 325 (15 per cent) declined to be tested. Of these, 260 (80 per cent) answered a questionnaire soliciting their reasons for not participating. The main factor was opposition to termination of pregnancy, with 43 per cent being against termination for any reason and another 11 per cent against termination of a CF fetus. Other reasons given were partner's disapproval or non-participation (10 per cent), perceived risk of a CF child being low (7 per cent), the error rate of the test (6 per cent), and the generation of unacceptable levels of anxiety (5 per cent). Eleven women (4 per cent) said that they did not wish to be tested during pregnancy, but only six of these would have accepted screening at another time.  相似文献   

First-trimester prenatal diagnosis of cystic fibrosis (CF) using linked DNA markers is usually only possible if there is an index affected child to establish the haplotype of the parental chromosomes. We describe a prenatal diagnosis where fibroblasts, cultured from the skin of a deceased affected child and then held in frozen storage for 3 years, were used as the starting point for tracking the CF gene. The fetus was diagnosed as a homozygous normal and the diagnosis confirmed by immunoreactive trypsin testing after birth. It was also possible to establish heterozygosity in the aunt of the affected child.  相似文献   

Eight pregnancies at risk for cystic fibrosis have been monitored by first-trimester prenatal diagnosis with DNA amplification analysis. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used in all cases to amplify the region detected by KM 19. In two cases, the region detected by CS·7, another DNA probe tightly linked to the CF locus, was also examined. The results of the PCR determinations were confirmed using the Southern blotting procedure, by segregation analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) relative to XV-2c, J3·11, metH, metD, and KM19 probes.  相似文献   

We studied 101 couples to determine how far their reproductive behaviour was affected by the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis (CF) on its first occurrence in the couple's progeny and by the availability of prenatal diagnosis (PD). The couples were all resident in the Veneto and Trentino regions and attending the Verona CF Centre. CF had been diagnosed in the first affected child, during the period 1 January 1980-1 July 1990, before the age of 1 year. Couples received a questionnaire regarding socio-demographic status, reproduction data, and awareness of PD. Reproductive history was divided into three phases: prior to diagnosis of CF in the first affected child; from this time until PD was made available; and after the couples had learned of PD. In phase 2 (awareness of the genetic risk but not of PD), 54 couples showed a marked decrease in reproduction, none of the few pregnancies that occurred being taken to term. When couples became aware of PD, some resumption of reproductive activity occurred and 11 per cent of the 101 couples had another child; PD was used in 65 per cent of pregnancies and the abortion rate decreased to 35 per cent. All couples who opted for PD had no children without CF.  相似文献   

The concentration of 17OH-progesterone was measured in second trimester amniotic fluid samples from 12 mothers who previously had had an infant with congenital adrenal hyper-plasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency. In 4 affected pregnancies, the concentrations were more than 2 S.D. higher than those determined in 44 samples from normal pregnancies (mean ± S.D., 8·1 ± 2·4 nmol/1). The remaining 8 pregnancies were predicted to be unaffected based on the results of amniotic fluid concentrations within the normal range. In each instance, the infant was normal. The results indicate that measurement of amniotic fluid 17OH-progester-one concentrations during the second trimester is an accurate prenatal test for 21-hydroxylase deficiency. The results should be supplemented with determination of fetal sex by karyotype analysis on the amniotic fluid cells.  相似文献   

Nineteen pregnancies at risk for the Martin–Bell syndrome have been monitored during the second trimester for the presence of the fragile Xq27. Of the 19 potential carrier mothers, 14 showed the presence of the fragile X in their lymphocytes at a level of 4 per cent or above. As one was a twin pregnancy, fetal blood was obtained at fetoscopy from 20 fetuses and amniotic fluid obtained simultaneously from 19 of them. Of the 20 fetuses, 18 were males (including both of the twins) and two were females. Of these 18 males, seven were found to carry the fragile Xq27 in lymphocytes and subsequently six of the seven were terminated. The diagnosis was confirmed in five of the six terminated fetuses (the sixth case was a patient whose pregnancy was terminated abroad) and also in a full-term male baby. Five of the seven males without the marker X who came to term had their karyotypes confirmed post natally. Of the two female fetuses one was found to be a carrier of the fragile X and the other was not. Both babies had full-term deliveries and both had their karyotypes confirmed post natally. In some cases the diagnosis made in fetal lymphocytes was confirmed later in amniocytes.  相似文献   

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