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A method for the measurement of the concentration of succinylacetone and 4-hydroxyphenyllactic acid in amniotic fluid was developed for the prenatal diagnosis of hereditary tyrosinemia. Succinylacetone was converted to 5-methyl-3-isoxazolepropionic acid and isolated with 4-hydroxyphenyllactic acid by liquid partition chromatography and the trimethylsilyl derivatives quantified by ammonia chemical ionization selected ion monitoring gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with 2-hydroxy-n-caproic acid as the internal standard. The concentration of 4-hydroxyphenyllactic acid in normal amniotic fluid was 1.97±0.75 (S.D.) μmol/l while succinylacetone was undetectable. A pregnancy at risk for tyrosinemia type II was monitored. The concentration of 4- hydroxyphenyllactic acid was within the normal range and a healthy child was born.  相似文献   

Amniotic fluid from 72 pregnancies at risk for mucopolysaccharidosis have been analysed for glycosaminoglycans (GAG) by means of two-dimensional electrophoresis. Definite results were obtained in all cases and required only 3 days to report. Of the 66 cases for which GAG analysis was accompanied by enzyme assays on cultured amniotic fluid cells, there was agreement of results in 65. In the one case of disagreement the result of GAG analysis proved to be correct. Fourteen pregnancies were predicted to be affected and the predictions were confirmed by studies on fetal tissues and/or cultured cells, or in one case the birth of an affected infant. Of the 58 pregnancies predicted to be unaffected, 48 have so far gone to term and produced healthy infants. There have been no false negative predictions. The analytical method is simple, rapid, and, in this study, has been found completely reliable for prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

A sacrococcygeal teratoma was suspected by ultrasound examination at 24 weeks gestation. The amniotic fluid alphafetoprotein was markedly elevated, as was maternal serum AFP. Gel electrophoresis of amniotic fluid showed an acetylcholinesterase band. Labour began at 25 weeks gestation and the chromosomally normal male fetus was found to have a sacrococcygeal teratoma equal to three-quarters of the weight of the fetus.  相似文献   

A quantitative method for cholinesterases in amniotic fluid using the non-specific substrate α naphthyl acetate and the cholinesterase-specific inhibitor, eserine, is described. This assay was used to test 671 samples of amniotic fluid. The diagnoses for fetal ONTDs, based on the levels of AChE + ChE, were compared with those made for the same samples by the AFP method. Correct diagnoses were made by both methods with amniotic fluid from 35 women carrying fetuses with ONTDs and 631 carrying normal fetuses. There were five false-positive test results for normal fetuses by both methods when the cut-off points were 5 standard deviations above the mean for AFP and above the upper limit of the normal range (7. 5 milliunits) for cholinesterase (AChE + ChE). None of the false-positive samples from either method had the acetylcholinesterase band of activity characteristic of ONTDs after gel electrophoresis. In addition to the above 671 samples, 37 pregnancies with serious fetal abnormalities other than ONTDs were tested. Two were identified by both the AFP and AChE + ChE methods, two more by AFP assay and one other by the AChE + ChE assay.  相似文献   

Mucolipidosis IV (ML 1V) is a lysosomal storage disease presenting in infancy with cloudy cornea and psychomotor retardation. Our experience with 12 pregnancies at risk for ML IV, monitored by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies of cultured amniotic fluid cells, is presented. The prenatal diagnoses were confirmed in the 3 affected and the 8 un- affected pregnancies. In the one pregnancy where no definite diagnosis was reached the pregnancy was terminated. TEM examination of fetal tissues from this pregnancy showed no abnormal lysosomal storage bodies and a review of the cultured amniotic fluid cell sections revealed that the diagnosis of a normal fetus could have been made.  相似文献   

The significance of trisomy 20 mosaicism in cultured amniotic fluid cells is still confusing. We report a case of amniotic cell normal/trisomy 20 mosaicism diagnosed prenatally. The pregnancy was carried to term and a normal baby girl was delivered. The authors consider that in cases of amniotic fluid cell normal/trisomy 20 mosaicism the termination of pregnancy may not be advised, however, the parents should be fully informed.  相似文献   

The first prenatally diagnosed case of 49,XXXYY is reported. The pathological findings of the fetus included bilateral clinodactyly, decreased carrying angles (OO), and hypertelorism, slightly low set ears and mildly prominent forehead. A minimum of two independent non- disjunctional events are postulated for this polysomy to arise.  相似文献   

Bilateral cleft lip and cleft palate can be diagnosed by ultrasonography prior to 20 weeks of pregnancy. The anomaly produces an abnormal facial profile and, on cross-section, the clefts in the maxilla are demonstrable. The method is illustrated by sonograms from a fetus in which the defect was diagnosed before trisomy 13 became known by karyotyping.  相似文献   

The Antley-Bixler syndrome is characterized by multiple skeletal fusions including humero-radial synostosis, anterior bowing of the femora, cardiac and renal malformations and a high incidence of early postnatal lethality. In the pregnancy of a mother who had previously given birth to a child with the Antley-Bixler syndrome, prenatal ultrasound diagnosis was performed at 17 and 20 weeks. Fixed flexion of about 80° in both elbows was seen together with humero-radial synostosis and bowing of the ulnae. The fetus performed jerky cranio-caudal movements in its shoulders, but did not, during five hours of real-time observation, move at all in the elbows. Mild anterior bowing of the femora was also observed. The pregnancy was terminated at 21 weeks, and radiological examination of the female fetus confirmed the above mentioned findings including complete bilateral humero-radial synostosis. She also had cardiac and renal malformations. An ultrasound diagnosis of syndromes which have humero-radial synostosis as one feature is possible. Immobility and flexion in the elbows during a long period is probably the essential diagnostic finding.  相似文献   

Amniotic fluids were obtained from 19 mothers who had previously given birth to a child with cystic fibrosis. Measurement of methylumbelliferyl guanidinobenzoate (MUGB) reactive proteases suggested that all 19 would have unaffected babies. Amongst the first 10 cases to come to term there were 5 infants with cystic fibrosis. It is concluded that MUGB protease titration is not suitable for the early prenatal diagnosis of cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   

Nineteen pregnancies at risk for the Martin–Bell syndrome have been monitored during the second trimester for the presence of the fragile Xq27. Of the 19 potential carrier mothers, 14 showed the presence of the fragile X in their lymphocytes at a level of 4 per cent or above. As one was a twin pregnancy, fetal blood was obtained at fetoscopy from 20 fetuses and amniotic fluid obtained simultaneously from 19 of them. Of the 20 fetuses, 18 were males (including both of the twins) and two were females. Of these 18 males, seven were found to carry the fragile Xq27 in lymphocytes and subsequently six of the seven were terminated. The diagnosis was confirmed in five of the six terminated fetuses (the sixth case was a patient whose pregnancy was terminated abroad) and also in a full-term male baby. Five of the seven males without the marker X who came to term had their karyotypes confirmed post natally. Of the two female fetuses one was found to be a carrier of the fragile X and the other was not. Both babies had full-term deliveries and both had their karyotypes confirmed post natally. In some cases the diagnosis made in fetal lymphocytes was confirmed later in amniocytes.  相似文献   

A method for immunological detection of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and cholinesterase (ChE) in amniotic fluid is described. By addition of a small amount of antihuman-erythrocyte membrane antibody or anti-pseudocholinesterase antibody to the sample before electrophoresis the two esterase bands on polyacrylamide gel (PAG) can be absorbed away. Similar staining results can also be obtained by specific inhibition of the two esterases with either BW 284C51 (AChE inhibitor) or Lysivane (ChE inhibitor). In cases with a faint AChE band and in cases with blood contamination the immune absorption technique makes interpretation easier. Nearly identical staining results have been obtained by the immune absorption technique and the inhibition technique in the following samples with an AChE band: 34 samples from pregnancies with severe fetal malformation or intrauterine death (2 cases), 4 fetal serum samples, 4 samples of cerebrospinal fluid, 4 samples of fetal erythrolysate and 4 samples of adult erythrolysate. It can be concluded that an antibody prepared against erythrocyte AChE cross-reacts with AChE in cerebrospinal fluid, and that this antibody can be used for demonstration of AChE in amniotic fluid.  相似文献   

Total bile acid concentration in third trimester amniotic fluid was determined using an enzymatic technique and fluorometry. The technique was successfully applied to the prenatal diagnosis of intestinal obstruction in a 33-week fetus from a pregnancy presenting with polyhydramnios.  相似文献   

Intrauterine diagnosis of congenital hypothyroidism was established on the basis of TSH concentration in amniotic fluid in the 22nd week of gestation for the offspring of a couple both known to have an iodide organification defect. Prenatal treatment consisted of intramniotic injections of 500 meg Na-1-thyroxine, which was administered from the first amniocentesis until one week before delivery. Following delivery, the diagnosis was confirmed by the elevated level of TSH, 60-5 uU/ml, and a gradual decrease of fT4 to 0·8 ng/ml. Regular substitution therapy was commenced on the third day of life. The normal shape and location of the thyroid gland was demonstrated by Technetium scintiscan. At 18 months the infant revealed no significant deviation from normalcy in growth or mental capacity. This experience indicates that testing of amniotic fluid for TSH in the 22nd week of gestation can be diagnostic for congenital primary hypothyroidism. Furthermore, it is suggested that the treatment approach described is warranted in all cases in which there is a high risk of congenital primary hypothyroidism.  相似文献   

The growth-promoting activities of three different bovine sera have been compared in primary and secondary amniotic fluid cell cultures. In secondary amniotic fluid cell micro- cultures, aseptically collected calf serum (CS) was slightly, though not significantly more effective than fetal calf serum (FCS) in promoting DNA synthesis, while newborn calf serum (NCS) was significantly less effective than either CS or FCS. All three sera were optimally effective at concentrations of 10 per cent (v/v). Significant variation in quality occurred within four batches of each of CS and FCS, but not within four batches of NCS. A selected batch of CS was significantly more effective in promoting the growth of primary amniotic fluid cell cultures than were a number of batches of FCS then in routine laboratory use. It is suggested that CS may serve as an effective and economical alternative to FCS in the culture of amniotic fluid cells, thereby expanding the scope of serum batch testing. A possible explanation for the varying growth-promoting activities of different sera is discussed.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to summarize as completely as possible what is known about the prenatal diagnosis of amino– and organic acidurias by direct measurement of characteristic metabolites in amniotic fluid, and to indicate which disorders can potentially be diagnosed prenatally by direct quantitation of metabolites. Furthermore, the disorders are mentioned in which the prenatal diagnosis was proven to be unsuccessful by this approach. The prenatal diagnoses of a case of propionic acidemia and a case of tyrosinemia type I in the 11th and 12th week of gestational age, respectively, are reported and the prospects of performing amniocentesis in the first trimester for prenatal diagnosis are discussed.  相似文献   

A case is described in which prenatal paternity determination was required, on account of suspected incest. Chromosome heteromorphisms were uninformative, but discrimination was achieved by HLA typing.  相似文献   

The concentration of 17OH-progesterone was measured in second trimester amniotic fluid samples from 12 mothers who previously had had an infant with congenital adrenal hyper-plasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency. In 4 affected pregnancies, the concentrations were more than 2 S.D. higher than those determined in 44 samples from normal pregnancies (mean ± S.D., 8·1 ± 2·4 nmol/1). The remaining 8 pregnancies were predicted to be unaffected based on the results of amniotic fluid concentrations within the normal range. In each instance, the infant was normal. The results indicate that measurement of amniotic fluid 17OH-progester-one concentrations during the second trimester is an accurate prenatal test for 21-hydroxylase deficiency. The results should be supplemented with determination of fetal sex by karyotype analysis on the amniotic fluid cells.  相似文献   

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