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This article reports the results of a retrospective study designed to examine the responses of couples to genetic amniocentesis and subsequent therapeutic abortions due to birth defects. Fourteen women and 12 men were interviewed by experienced interviewers using a structured format designed by the authors, and each interview was audiotaped for later rating. The 5 raters (all women) were instructed to independently rate each interview using forms designed by the authors to elicit information about many aspects of the participant's individual responses as well as perceptions of spouse's responses to the process of pregnancy, amniocentesis, therapeutic abortion, and sequelae. Ratings of all 5 raters were conjoined and an homogeneous narrative was constructed for each interview. Results indicate, in general, that the respondent couples coped well with this experience. In fact 70 per cent of the respondent couples described their marital relationships as becoming closer as a result of their experience. Only a few participants reported long-term deleterious effects. Most couples coped by relying on relatives, friends, and occasionally, professional counsellors. In addition, most participants in this study suggested ways to improve the medical and psychological aspects of this experience.  相似文献   

In the period of a retrospective study (1979–1984 inclusive) forty cases of sex chromosome aneuploidy were identified at amniocentesis in Oxford, England and in Kuopio, Finland; 25 of these pregnancies were subsequently terminated. A decision to continue was made more often for XYY and XXX karyotypes, by older mothers and older fathers, by couples with more previous children, and by couples living in England. A decision to terminate was made more often for XXY and non-mosaic 45,X karyotypes, by younger mothers and younger fathers, by couples with few previous children, in all cases with abnormal ultrasound findings, when post-amniocentesis counselling was given by an obstetrician, and by couples living in Finland. Previous miscarriages, or terminations of pregnancy, previous problems with infertility, marital status, or the type of counselling given before amniocentesis, appeared not to influence a couples' decision. Religious and ethical ideas were not studied systematically at the time and cannot be reported on.  相似文献   

Meconium ileus was the presenting feature of cystic fibrosis in 46 per cent of the couples which have been referred for prenatal diagnosis. In fetuses which have been aborted on the basis of alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes assays, meconium ileus represented the only pathological feature of cystic fibrosis, and was observed in three fourths of the cases. Real-time sonographic examination of fetuses at the time of amniocentesis was able to show an echogenic mass in the abdomen corresponding to the meconium ileus, and thus may afford a complementary means of diagnosis.  相似文献   

Ninety-six women of advanced maternal age were interviewed about the way they obtained information on prenatal diagnosis and about how the decision was made as to what procedure was to be performed (transabdominal chorionic villus sampling (TA-CVS) or amnio-centesis). In the CVS group, women visited their physician or midwife earlier in pregnancy (mean 7.1 weeks) than those in the amniocentesis group (mean 10.7 weeks). The availability of prenatal diagnosis was not mentioned during the first antenatal visit in 55 per cent of women from the amniocentesis group as opposed to 25 per cent from the TA-CVS group. Approximately 40 per cent of women eligible for prenatal diagnosis did not receive any information from the referring body prior to counselling at our centre. Only 29 per cent of women who underwent amniocentesis had actually chosen this procedure; 71 per cent were too late to undergo TA-CVS at 12 weeks. It is concluded that information to the patient must be improved in order to ensure early referral for prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the relation between chromosomal translocation and the outcome of pregnancy, 50 couples were examined. Subjects consisted of 35 couples that included a reciprocal translocation carrier; 13 included a Robertsonian translocation carrier and 2 included a carrier of a mosaic reciprocal translocation. The reasons for performing chromosomal examinations were mainly infertility and abnormality of neonates. The rates of miscarriages and neonatal abnormalities in prior pregnancies were significantly higher than the birth rate of morphologically normal newborns. The presence of a translocation is closely related to reproductive failure because of the chromosomal imbalance. However, prenatal chromosomal examination after the 15th gestational week in subsequent pregnancies revealed that almost half of the fetuses showed normal karyotypes and only 12.8 per cent of the fetuses showed a chromosomal imbalance. Many chromosomally imbalanced fetuses are spontaneously aborted before amniocentesis. The risk of chromosomal imbalance is relatively low in prenatal diagnosis, but partial trisomies of small rearrangements tend to be preserved.  相似文献   

The reproductive history of 45 couples at increased risk for neural tube defect (NTD) who came for genetic counselling in 1970 and 1971 were compared with a similar number counselled in 1975 and 1976, when prenatal diagnostic tests were freely offered. They were subsequently interviewed in their homes and had their reproductive history recorded to the end of 1973 and 1978 respectively. Nearly all had a previous child with an NTD and none of the women were pregnant at the time of counselling. The effect of prenatal diagnosis was to speed somewhat the decision about further pregnancies, but the number of couples deciding on no further children and on having further pregnancies were almost identical in the two groups. The average number of pregnancies was 2·8 per family, with only 1·2 surviving children. The pregnancy outcomes are discussed as are the reasons for not attempting further pregnancies in both groups, which included very high risk of recurrence, a surviving spina bifida child, inability to accept the tests or its implications. Ninety per cent of the second group had tests. Their reactions to the tests were favourable but all complained of the waiting time between amniocentesis and obtaining the results. They all would have tests again in any future pregnancy. The reason for women not having prenatal diagnostic tests included inability to accept termination. It is concluded that couples in South Wales decide either to have no more children or to have further pregnancies regardless of tests. but tests speed a decision and enable the women to enjoy the pregnancy after obtaining the results, and that an NTD greatly reduces the number of children per family. A termination for an NTD is much more acceptable to most than an NTD at term. The reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to: (1) calculate revised estimates and projections of United States annual Down syndrome (DS) births for 1970–2002, and (2) estimate the effects of amniocentesis on these baseline DS birth projections. Three models of amniocentesis utilization among 30–34 and ≧ 35-year-old women were considered. The recently revised Census Bureau birth projections, and new single year maternal age DS risk rates estimated from a 1970–1983 Ohio data set, were used. Data from all three Census Bureau projection series were analysed; series II was considered in depth since it is consistent with recent fertility levels. Assuming no use of amniocentesis, total estimated DS births dropped from about 4770 in 1970 to 4120 in 1980 (a 14 per cent decline), but are projected to a plateau of about 5100 by the year 1990 (a 24 per cent increase). DS births to women ≧ 35 would increase dramatically from about 1050 in 1980 to 1900 in 2000 (an 81 per cent increase). Assuming 1983 Ohio prenatal diagnosis ratios for women aged 30–34 (1.7 per cent) and ≧ 35 (23.4 per cent) are used nationally, an annual reduction of about 7 per cent of DS births in 1986 and 9 per cent in 2002 would result. Fifty and 70 per cent utilization among women 30–34 and 235, respectively, would reduce DS births by about 33 per cent in 1986 and 38 per cent in 2002. Therefore, if the projected increase in DS births is to be averted, utilization of prenatal diagnosis by ≧ 30-year-old women must increase substantially.  相似文献   

Postpartum women ≧ 33 years were interviewed about their attitudes to and knowledge and use of prenatal diagnosis. Overall, 68 per cent had heard of prenatal diagnosis; nevertheless, only 30 per cent of those ≧ 35 had actually been tested. The only significant difference between eligible women who were tested and those who were not was maternal age. Of those tested, half requested it for themselves; conversely, only two-thirds of women requesting the procedure actually received it. Among women not tested, 82 per cent were never offered the procedure by the physician. Expressed attitudes to prenatal diagnosis were strongly positive among all women, with 75 per cent continuing to want testing after learning both their age-specific risk of having an affected child and the possible risks of amniocentesis. The data document a potential demand for amniocentesis far in excess of current use and present service facilities. They suggest, moreover, that underuse may reflect professional hesitation and underreferral more than consumer lack of demand or reluctance to be tested.  相似文献   

With growing awareness of the problems associated with prenatal cytogenetic diagnoses after CVS, attempts have been made to provide early amniocentesis as an alternative to CVS. Since 1990, at our clinic the gestational age limit for routine diagnostic amniocentesis has been successively lowered, first to 14 and then to 13 weeks of gestation. Thus, 811 prenatal diagnoses were performed after early amniocentesis at 13 weeks (n = 217) and at 14 weeks of gestation (n = 594). No problems were encountered. Culture failure was never observed in the early samples. Using the criteria ‘number of colonies’ and ‘culture duration until harvest’, early samples taken at 14 weeks did not differ significantly from the controls after standard amniocentesis performed at 15 and 16 weeks, respectively, whereas a minority of samples taken at 13 weeks experienced some delay in culturing. However, in each group at least 85 per cent of samples led to a diagnosis fulfilling our standard criteria of a safe diagnosis (at least 20 metaphases of at least five colonies from at least one primary culture after trypsinization) within 15 days. Some differences between the different groups can be recognized: culture duration of less than 11 days tends to be increasing after standard amniocentesis, whereas long culture duration (more than 20 days) is more often associated with early amniocentesis. However, this trend is only minimal and did not result in an increased risk of missing a diagnosis.  相似文献   

Prenatal diagnosis of aneuploidies currently relies on invasive procedures such as chorionic villous sampling and amniocentesis. These methods can provide an accurate diagnosis of the fetal karyotype but are relatively invasive. Here, we report a case of the prenatal detection of triple X using fetal cells obtained by lavage of the endocervical canal prior to amniocentesis, following ultrasound diagnosis of hydrops fetalis. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Data were tabulated and compared for cases involving prenatal diagnostic procedures performed in the 8 years between January 1985 and December 1992. Of a total of 2781 pregnancies, 2546 cases (91·5 per cent) were diagnosed by amniocentesis, and 235 (8·5 per cent) by chorionic villus sampling (CVS). These findings reflect the fact that amniocentesis has taken deep root as the prenatal diagnostic procedure widely acknowledged by society, whereas even the existence of CVS has yet to be generally recognized. Analysis of our clinical and laboratory results and complication rates, however, suggests that CVS is a safe and accurate alternative to amniocentesis which should and can be positively presented to all patients who are candidates for prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to summarize as completely as possible what is known about the prenatal diagnosis of amino– and organic acidurias by direct measurement of characteristic metabolites in amniotic fluid, and to indicate which disorders can potentially be diagnosed prenatally by direct quantitation of metabolites. Furthermore, the disorders are mentioned in which the prenatal diagnosis was proven to be unsuccessful by this approach. The prenatal diagnoses of a case of propionic acidemia and a case of tyrosinemia type I in the 11th and 12th week of gestational age, respectively, are reported and the prospects of performing amniocentesis in the first trimester for prenatal diagnosis are discussed.  相似文献   

Three hundred and twenty-six French families with a cystic fibrosis-affected child who were referred for prenatal diagnosis were analysed by sibship size: 74.2 per cent of the couples had no further pregnancies to term after the affected child, who was deceased in 34.6 per cent of cases. These couples were followed prospectively after prenatal diagnosis and 77 had two or more consecutive pregnancies with prenatal diagnosis. The aim of these couples was to succeed in constituting a family with two normal children.  相似文献   

In routine obstetrical practice, prior to offering invasive prenatal diagnosis, it is crucial to weigh the risks attendant on amniocentesis against the individual's risk of aneuploidy. We took advantage of a policy of follow-up of patients undergoing Down syndrome maternal serum screening to compare the rates of fetal loss before 24 weeks and of early premature delivery at 24–28 weeks between women who underwent amniocentesis and women who did not. A total of 54 902 patients entered the study, of whom 4039 (7.35%) were lost to follow-up and 387 were excluded because of a severe fetal abnormality. Of the 50 476 remaining patients, 3472 had an amniocentesis whereas 47 004 had not and served as controls. In the amniocentesis group, the fetal loss rate before 24 weeks was 1.12% (95% CI=1.08–1.15) and the 24–28 weeks premature delivery rate was 0.40% (95% CI=0.39–0.41) which was significantly higher than in controls (0.42% with 95% CI 0.41–0.43 and 0.24% with 95% CI 0.23–0.25, respectively). The 0.86% difference in adverse outcome rates between the amniocentesis and control groups may be attributable to amniocentesis and compares favourably with the positive predictive value of maternal serum markers (1.70%) observed in the present study. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The article presents the results of a 4-month-period survey by questionnaire among all women attending the Marseille Centre for Prenatal Diagnosis for amniocentesis. Socio-cultural status of women getting access to amniocentesis is significantly higher than in the general population of pregnant women in the same geographic area of south-eastern France. Sociocultural status is also higher among women who have to cover costs of procedure to get access to amniocentesis than among those who benefit from it free-of-charge according to French Social Security regulations. In contrast, risk perception and attitudes toward termination of pregnancy are similar in these two groups. A total of 24·4 per cent of respondents declared that they got access to amniocentesis ‘on their own initiative’, the remaining 75·6 per cent declaring that they ‘were following medical advice’. Multidimensional analysis shows that the women who do not benefit from free-of-charge amniocentesis, and who have a high level of education and no antecedents of fetal and perinatal deaths, are more likely to perceive themselves as ‘self-referring’. The study indicates that institutional coverage may be effective in reducing socio-cultural inequities in access to prenatal diagnosis. But such a policy may conflict with the respect of women' s individual autonomy in the amniocentesis decision.  相似文献   

More than 10 years after a chromosomal anomaly screening programme was set up in France for pregnant women of advanced age, amniocentesis is still a controversial issue. The reasons why eligible women did not utilize the test and whether or not the existence of social welfare coverage determined women's access to prenatal diagnosis were studied. A group of 291 women aged ⩾35 years who recently gave birth to normal liveborns was interviewed by telephone. Among those aged 38 years and over, who automatically qualified for social security coverage, 75 per cent had undergone amniocentesis as opposed to 23 per cent in the 35 to 37-year-old non-covered age group who did not qualify for social security coverage. In both groups, access to amniocentesis was found to depend on the physicians', women's and male partners' attitudes towards prenatal diagnosis and abortion. Among the younger group, the uptake depended mainly on socio-economic factors. Institutional policies should ensure greater equality of access while allowing for individual preferences.  相似文献   

Chorionic villi are derivates of the trophoectoderm and therefore have the same genetic constitution as the embryo. The recently developed techniques of chorionic villi sampling in the 9th to 11th week of pregnancy and the cytogenetic analysis of this material open a new field in the prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal aberrations. With this method, a result is obtained about 8 weeks earlier than with the classical procedures performed by amniocentesis. This offers major advantages to both patient and physician.  相似文献   

The effectiveness and costs of prenatal screening programmes for Down's syndrome using maternal serum markers will vary significantly depending on the biological cut-off values chosen in order to select women, at each maternal age, who will be sent for amniocentesis. On the basis of the first French prospective study of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) measurement in maternal serum, this paper shows that the screening protocol currently used in France, where hCG cut-off values are defined in order to offer amniocentesis to women of all ages with a 1 percent fetal risk of Down's syndrome, would detect 64·06 per cent of all cases of trisomy 21 at birth and would be highly profitable for the French social security system. On the basis of a representative sample of 100 000 pregnant women, the total costs of screening would reach $8 302 000 but would generate net potential savings of $32 186 000 in terms of life-long costs of care for trisomic 21 children which would be ‘avoided’ by termination of pregnancy following a positive diagnosis of Down's syndrome. Economic assessment shows that cost-benefit analysis would justify lower hCG cut-off values and a higher detection rate of fetal Down's syndrome (74·45 per cent) than the current French protocol. This paper concludes that it is ethical and value-laden issues, such as the consequences for women and couples of false positives and false negatives of screening, rather than economic and financial arguments that may set limits to the utilization of screening for Down's syndrome using maternal serum markers like hCG.  相似文献   

An alternative method to the culture of amniotic fluid cells for prenatal diagnosis of chromosome disorders is proposed. Microculture of fetal blood can be used when fetal blood is drawn at amniocentesis through accidental puncture of the placenta. An easy discrimination of fetal red cells, a good response of fetal lymphocytes to PHA and the possibility of identification of the fetal karyotype from the maternal one are the technical bases of this method. This technique offers some undoubted advantages: a reduced need for repeating amniocentesis because of a lack of growth of AF cells due to massive contamination with red cells; a result may be obtained sooner. Thirty-seven cases out of 1092 amniocenteses were processed in this way (3·4 per cent). In two cases no mitoses were obtained but in the others the diagnosis was confirmed by the results of AF cell culture and/or by the outcome of pregnancy.  相似文献   

Prenatal analyses were performed in the pregnancy of the mother of a patient with β-mannosidase deficiency. Partial deficiency of β-mannosidase activity in the chorionic villi indicated a heterozygous fetus and this first-trimester diagnosis was subsequently confirmed by amniocentesis.  相似文献   

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