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ABSTRACT: Because of its importance and the perceived inability of private sector sources to meet water demands, many countries have depended on the public sector to provide water services for their populations. Yet this has resulted in many inefficient public water projects and in inadequate supplies of good quality and reliable water. Decentralization of water management, including the use of water markets, cannot solve all of these water problems, but it can improve the efficiency of water allocation. When given adequate responsibility and authority, water user associations have effectively taken over water management activities at a savings to tax payers. Moreover, water markets add the potential benefit of improving water efficiency within a sector as well as providing a mechanism for reallocating water among sectors. The key question involves developing innovative mechanisms for reducing the transaction costs of organizing water users and of making water trades. Water rights need to be established which are recorded, tradable, enforceable, and separate from land if markets are to operate effectively. Also, institutions are needed that effectively resolve conflicts over water rights, including third party impacts and water quality concerns.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Federal-state relations over the management and regulation of ground water resources have undergone a number of changes in recent years. There are a variety of reasons that the role of the federal government in ground water management may increase in the future. One important reason federal policymakers may become involved concerns the extent of competition for ground water resources that cross state and national borders. This article summarizes reasons that interstate and international competition for ground water resources may provide the impetus for federal intervention in ground water management and presents the results of a survey conducted to determine the extent of that competition.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The UN conference on Human Settlements (HABITAT) held in June 1976 at Vancouver, Canada, concluded that nearly two-thirds of the population of the developing world lacked access to safe drinking water and that a larger proportion lacked the means for hygienic human waste disposal. The conference urged governments to give priority to these two areas in their developement process. In March 1977, the UN Water Conference, held at Mar del Plata, Argentina, called for establishing the 1980's as the Decade for Drinking Water and Sanitation. The goal would be to bring clean water and sanitation to all peoples in the world by 1990. Since March 1979, four separate UN bodies have passed resolutions supporting the Decade and calling on all governments to support the Decade's goals. The U.S. Government, other OECD member states, and the private sector must combine to make this Decade a success.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Effectively teaching water resources policy to university science and engineering students is both important and difficult. Most careers in the water resources field require an understanding of the comprehensive governmental regulatory structure affecting water use. Also, few science and engineering curricula encourage their students to take policy courses. Successful approaches to teaching water resources policy might include epistemological comparisons, case studies, issue maps, and interactive simulations. Obstacles to the effective teaching of this subject include students' insufficient preparation and student disdain and cynicism. These obstacles may be mitigated by requiring a prerequisite, developing a glossary of policy-related terms, and introducing the course through lectures emphasizing realistic views of the water resources management field and the nature of the American political system.  相似文献   

Understanding social goals and objectives and incorporating them in water resources planning, management, education and engineering processes is the key to solving many current and emerging water resources problems. Water resources professionals must turn more of their attention to this issue. Various avenues are open for their involvement. They include lobbying, participating in government, education and research, publishing, establishing institutions, interacting with the public and analyzing existing systems.  相似文献   

Seven considerations which bear upon the achievement of better water management are discussed. First, separation of judgments of fact from judgements of value is helpful in deciding upon what actions to take. Second, separation of social values from matters of individual or group interest is crucial to institutional design. Third, achieving economically efficient water management may create a surplus of benefits which can be divided among the parties in order to resolve conflicts. Fourth, surpluses also can be used inappropriately, whether to reward undesirable behavior or to penalize unjustly. Fifth, avoidance of external costs is best achieved through restructuring of rewards and penalties. Sixth, technological solutions are too easily selected in place of less costly institutional change. Seventh, water management technology is too often selected in place of more cost-effective, water-related technology. Selected examples of each of these considerations are offered. However, better water management is not easy to define. The social process criterion adopted in this paper is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Genetic algorithms (GA) and simulated annealing (SA), two global search techniques, are coupled with MODFLOW, a commonly used groundwater flow simulation code, for optimal management of ground water resources under general conditions. The coupled simulation-optimization models allow for multiple management periods in which optimal pumping rates vary with time to reflect the changing flow conditions. The objective functions of the management models are of a very general nature, incorporating multiple cost terms such as the drilling cost, the installation cost, and the pumping cost. The models are first applied to two-dimensional maximum yield and minimum cost water supply problems with a single management period, and then to a multiple management period problem. The strengths and limitations of the GA and SA based models are evaluated by comparing the results with those obtained using linear programming, nonlinear programming, and differential dynamic programming. For the three example problems examined in this study, the GA and SA based models yield nearly identical or better solutions than the various programming methods. While SA tends to outperform GA in terms of the number of forward simulations needed, it uses more empirical control parameters which have significant impact on solution efficiency but are difficult to determine.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The water resources manager, concerned with providing for citizen needs for water in all its varied aspects, is obliged to consider the public interest in his decision making. But the public interest, although inferring the superiority of public over purely private interests, is more of a concept of political ethics than an operational objective. Recent attacks on water resources developments place in question just how responsive the water resources manager has been to the public at large during the planning process. The recent broadening of planning objectives beyond economic efficiency to include greater attention to social goals is an encouraging development. Efforts should be expanded toward greater citizen participation and more attention should be given to sampling surveys to determine citizen attitudes on water resources proposals. In the last analysis, the decision-making process must combine the expertise of the water resources manager and the participation of the people through the political process.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper examines the critical interaction between existing Texas water law and the state's water resources. Conjunctive use and management of interrelated water resources, though seldom practiced, is generally considered desirable. However, a significant barrier to the coordinated, efficient use and management of water resources is the legal division of water in the various phases of the hydrologic cycle into different classes and recognition of well-defined water rights in the separate phases. Several examples of the problems which relate to, or result from, present Texas water law and which prevent correlated water resource management are discussed. Any substantive revision of Texas law, particularly ground water law, will apparently be difficult to achieve in the immediate future, primarily because of the large number of recognized private water rights and the political power inherent in them. Data necessary for operation of conjunctive management systems are gradually being acquired, and perhaps someday other hydrologic phases can be integrated with surface and ground water. Nevertheless, Texas courts and the legislature have sufficient information on the interrelated hydrologic cycle so that prospective water conflicts should be anticipated and avoided. Great care must be exercised in the recognition of new types of private water rights or extension of existing rights, because this institutional structure, once established, presents a formidable obstacle to desirable revisions of the law.  相似文献   

Traditional conservation measures may not be, and usually are not, all that is needed to assure a quality environment. They are, however, fundamental. A national course of action involving land and water management is determined (1) at the market place, (2) at the ballot box, and (3) in the hearts and minds of individuals. To inform people about environmental management and conservation and appropriate uses of land, water and related resources is an exceedingly difficult problem. Research, action and educational programs dealing with environmental problems must have greater attention and support.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A methodology has been developed to predict the responses of a range of water supply sources in Wales to global warming scenarios. Hydrologically effective rainfall is predicted from temperature and precipitation for each season based on site specific formulae developed using the Meteorological Office Rainfall and Evaporation Calculation System (MORECS) and UK Surface Water Archive databases. Comparisons are then made between the effects predicted for the scenarios established from equilibrium simulations and the new Hadley Centre High Resolution Model (UKHI) transient mode results. Though very different, both suggest increased stress on water resources late in the hydrological year.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper examines the potential to manage Mississippi River water levels for ecological benefits. The study focuses on the Weaver Bottoms, a 4,000 acre backwater marsh in southeastern Minnesota (Pool 5) highly valued for fish and wildlife habitat. The Weaver Bottoms has suffered increasing loss of aquatic vegetation and associated habitat degradation since the 1960s, largely due to persistent high water, sedimentation, wave re-suspension of sediments, and poor light penetration. In other reaches of the Mississippi River, water level reductions exposing backwater sediments have produced strong vegetative responses due to subaerial exposure of seeds and sediment compaction. Water level management scenarios for Pool 5 were developed using the HEC-2 water surface profile model. Results indicate that in many years it would be possible to reduce water levels sufficiently to expose much of the Weaver Bottoms, generating a substantial vegetative response. Additional benefits could be expected since both sediment compaction and increased vegetation would reduce re-suspension of sediments. Shifting management priorities to improve habitat would temporarily impact many river users, including both commercial and recreational boaters. Water level reductions must be coordinated with their needs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: River Environment Classification (REC) is a new system for classifying river environments that is based on climate, topography, geology, and land cover factors that control spatial patterns in river ecosystems. REC builds on existing principles for environmental regionalization and introduces three specific additions to the “ecoregion” approach. First, the REC assumes that ecological patterns are dependent on a range of factors and associated landscape scale processes, some of which may show significant variation within an ecoregion. REC arranges the controlling factors in a hierarchy with each level defining the cause of ecological variation at a given characteristic scale. Second, REC assumes that ecological characteristics of rivers are responses to fluvial (i.e., hydrological and hydraulic) processes. Thus, REC uses a network of channels and associated watersheds to classify specific sections of river. When mapped, REC has the form of a linear mosaic in which classes change in the downstream direction as the integrated characteristics of the watershed change, producing longitudinal spatial patterns that are typical of river ecosystems. Third, REC assigns individual river sections to a class independently and objectively according to criteria that result in a geographically independent framework in which classes may show wide geographic dispersion rather than the geographically dependent schemes that result from the ecoregion approach. REC has been developed to provide a multiscale spatial framework for river management and has been used to map the rivers of New Zealand at a 1:50,000 mapping scale.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Societal trends indicate an increased need for university water researchers to develop and improve working relationships with state legislatures to help ensure that water related legislation is based on sound water resources information. Recommendations for providing technical support to state legislatures on water resources issues include: the necessity for researchers to take the initiative; the importance of researchers capitalizing on existing linkages; the need to maintain a continuous link between key legislators, legislative staff, and researchers; and the need for researchers to provide comprehensible information in a timely manner.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Several chlorinated solvent plumes threaten the sole‐source aquifer underlying the Massachusetts Military Reservation at the western end of Cape Cod. Sensitive surface water features including ponds, cranberry bogs, and coastal wetlands are hydraulically connected to the aquifer. For one of the plumes (CS‐10 the original remedy of 120 extraction and reinjection wells has the potential for significant disruption of surface water hydrology, through the localized drawdown and mounding of the water table. Recirculating wells with in‐well air stripping offer a cost‐effective alternative to conventional pump‐and‐treat technology that does not adversely affect the configuration of the water table. Pilot testing of a two well system, pumping 300 gpm, showed a capture radius of > 200 feet per well, in‐well trichloroethylene (TCE) removal efficiencies of 92 to 98 percent per recirculation cycle, an average of three recirculation cycles within the capture zone, and no measurable effect on water table elevations at any point within the recirculation/treatment zone. During 120 days of operation, the mean concentration of TCE in the treatment zone was reduced by 83 percent, from 1,111 μg/l to 184 μg/l. Full‐scale design projections indicate that 60 wells at an average spacing of 160 feet, having an aggregate recirculation 11 MGD, can contain the CS‐b plume without ground water extraction or adverse hydraulic effects on surface water resources. The estimated capital costs for such a system are about $7 million, and annual operations‐and‐maintenance costs should be about $1.4 million, 40 percent of those associated with a pump and treat system over a 20‐year period.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, has been called a revolutionary piece of legislation. It has changed, and is still changing the traditional ways of governmental decision-making. NEPA has strongly influenced the field of water resources management. An environmental statement can now be seen not as a document to support or justify a plan, but an objective assessment of what environmental costs and benefits are involved. New York State has seized upon NEPA as an important feature of its environmental quality management programs and has used the opportunity to comment upon draft environmental statements under NEPA to increase its influences upon Federal decision-making. The Department of Environmental Conservation coordinates and synthesizes all comments and provides one unified State response on a statement. At the State level, lacking a comprehensive “little NEPA”, an extensive environmental analysis program has been built by utilizing a wide spectrum of Federal and State Laws and administrative regulations.  相似文献   

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