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The creatine kinase activity of amniotic fluid was measured in samples collected at fetoscopy. In our first study, the control sample range was 0-25 IU/1, although four samples had activities of 35–85 IU/1. Elevated values did not correlate with the activities in the fetal or maternal circulations. Electrophoresis revealed the presence of the BB isozyme of creatine kinase rather than just the MM form as expected. This suggested that the source of the elevated enzyme activity was from the myometrium, damaged by insertion of the trocar and cannula. In a further series the first 2 ml of amniotic fluid withdrawn yielded a much higher creatine kinase activity than a second aliquot. A control series of such second samples (first 2 ml discarded) gave an activity range of 0–7 IU/1 with no spuriously high values. This compares favourably with a series from single samplings taken by amniocentesis. Normal creatine kinase activities were found in the amniotic fluids from 20 pregnancies at risk for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. We conclude that for accurate measurement of amniotic fluid enzyme activity the first portion withdrawn should be discarded. Amniotic fluid creatine kinase activity is of no value for the prenatal diagnosis of Duchenne muscular dystrophy.  相似文献   

Over a five-year period in the West Midlands there were 34 pregnancies to women who were possible carriers for Duchenne muscular dystrophy and who were known to the Department of Clinical Genetics. Fetal sexing was performed in only ten of 26 pregnancies to women of high or moderate risk, and of the five male fetuses discovered, only two were aborted. Overall, the 34 pregnancies resulted in one miscarriage, 14 males (of whom two were aborted and two were affected) and 19 females. Information was also obtained on five further possible carriers who were ascertained solely because they had an amniocentesis. These five pregnancies led to the birth of one affected male and to the termination of one male fetus.  相似文献   

A fetal thigh muscle biopsy was performed at 18 weeks and 6 days' gestation using an automatic 18-gauge biopsy needle. A positive immunoreaction with antisera to the amino- and carboxy-terminals of dystrophin excluded Duchenne muscular dystrophy from this at-risk male.  相似文献   

Of 126 families referred for counselling of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), DNA analysis has been suggested to 119 families with at least one affected child or with an affected close male relative of the woman at risk of being a DMD carrier. A large proportion (about 80 per cent) of the families were represented by sporadic cases (only one affected individual). By means of multiplex polymerase chain reactions with different sets of oligoprimers providing amplification of 10–11 different exons, altogether 49 dystrophin gene deletions were identified (41 per cent). Eighteen deletions clustered in the 5′ ‘hot spot’ region of DMD cDNA and 36 in the distal half of the central rod domain around exons 43–53. An unusually high frequency (18 per cent) of deletions involving exons 17–19 was discovered. Large deletions extending through both ‘hot spot’ regions and thus occupying over 30–40 exons were recorded in five cases (10 per cent). Seventy-six of 94 families were found to be informative by RFLP analysis for intragenic or extragenetic DNA probes. Carrier status was ascertained in 20 and rejected in 32 female relatives in 40 DMD families. Eight DMD-affected fetuses were diagnosed prenatally by direct deletion testing or by RFLP analysis. Feasible interpopulation variations in the dystrophin gene deletion pattern are discussed. The prospects for more effective prenatal diagnosis and carrier detection in high-risk DMD families in Russia are briefly outlined.  相似文献   

A pregnant woman with indeterminate Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) carrier status, but with DMD diagnosed in her deceased brother (unavailable for study), presented for prenatal diagnosis, intending to continue the pregnancy only if proven unaffected with DMD with near absolute certainty. Creatine kinase (CK) assays to clarify carrier status were inconclusive. Male sex in the fetus was identified, but DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis was not yet available to this centre to investigate the possible transmission of the DMD gene, and the pregnancy was terminated. Tissue histology and dystrophin protein analysis demonstrated the absence of DMD. In a situation with proven maternal carrier status, future fetal inheritance of the opposite maternal X chromosome would indicate the presence of DMD. However, maternal carrier status remained in doubt through a second pregnancy, even with RFLP studies, and was finally established when dystrophin analysis confirmed the presence of DMD in the second fetus. Histologic findings are presented, contrasting features in the two fetuses. The value of dystrophin analysis for establishing the diagnosis of fetal DMD, in this case proving maternal carrier status in a difficult situation, and for demonstrating DMD gene:RFLP haplotype relationships is illustrated.  相似文献   

A case of fetal pleural effusion in a fetus affected with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is reported. This case is discussed in the context of the previous observation of frequent stillbirths among male fetuses in DMD families.  相似文献   

Accurate carrier testing and prenatal diagnosis in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) families is facilitated when an Xp21 deletion is found to be segregating within a family. We discuss the results of the DNA testing in two families, one in which DNA from affected males was available for study and the other in which no DNA from an affected male was available. Factors complicating the counselling of DMD deletion families are outlined.  相似文献   

A technique for sampling pure fetal blood in twin pregnancies using a single uterine entry with a fetoscope is described. The fetoscope was inserted into one sac and after blood had been obtained from that, twin, the fetus in the other sac was sampled by trans-septal passage of the blood-sampling needle. This was done in six out of seven patients, the first in the series having two separate insertions of the fetoscope, one into each sac. Pure fetal blood was taken from all 14 fetuses, either from the placental insertion of the umbilical cord or the umbilicus, and the volume of the samples ranged from 200 μl to 1200 μl. In six patients the fetuses were at risk of β-thalassaemia and in one of haemophilia A. Some observations are made relating zygosity to the ultrasonic and fetoscopic appearance of the septum between the sacs.  相似文献   

The fetal karyotype was determined in 42 out of 45 cases from fetal blood obtained by fetoscopy for prenatal diagnosis of β-thalassemia. The procedure described is quick and reliable and it is recommended for women over 35 years of age undergoing prenatal diagnosis for haemoglobinopathies.  相似文献   

Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy (D/BMD) are usually problematical when trying to determine the carrier status of at-risk women, which usually has to be based on haplotype or dosage analysis on Southern blots. Using multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis, we have detected deletions in 20 out of 44 D/BMD families with living affected members (45·5 per cent), more often in sporadic cases of DMD (14/22 with detectable deletion) than in familial ones (4/15), the majority (15/20) occurring in the distal region of the D/BMD gene. Four highly informative short tandem repeat polymorphisms (STRPs), which lie within the distal deletion hot spot of the D/BMD gene, can show loss of heterozygosity in carrier females, providing direct evidence of their carrier status. These STRPs greatly improve informativity, with a combined heterozygosity of 100 per cent and with the majority of families informative for three of the four STRPs. In 14/15 (93 per cent) of the families with distal deletions, the STRPs provided direct information on carrier status, and in some cases, they provide valuable information on recombination breakpoints and non-paternity.  相似文献   

Family studies including the proband are usually needed before a prenatal diagnosis may be performed for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. We report here on prenatal diagnosis in a family where the solitary index case was dead, and where the consultand and her mother were assumed to be carriers by independent evidence. DNA anaylsis revealed that both the consultand and her mother had an X chromosome deleted for DNA material in the Xp21 region. The female fetus also carried the deleted X chromosome.  相似文献   

We report the use of fetal blood for the prenatal diagnosis of Fanconi anaemia (FA). The clastogenic action of Mitomycin C (MMC) is compared in blood cultures from different fetuses, normal controls and FA heterozygotes. The fetus at risk is shown to suffer from FA on the grounds of excessive chromosome breakage, both spontaneous and MMC induced.  相似文献   

Seventy-one fetal blood samplings (FBS) were attempted from the intrahepatic portion of the umbilical vein (IHV) at 18–34 weeks; 54 were attempted primarily and 17 secondarily after a failed attempt at the placental cord insertion. Fetal blood was obtained in 89 per cent of the cases. Intravascular transfusion (IVT) was attempted on 31 occasions and successful in 24 (77 per cent). In all cases of failed sampling or transfusion via the IHV, prenatal diagnosis and/or therapy was accomplished using alternative procedures. On only one occasion was the procedure postponed. There were no losses or neonatal morbidity attributable to the procedure. FBS from the IHV may be considered as an alternative approach to sampling the placental cord insertion. It is recommended in cases where the approach to the placental cord insertion is difficult or hazardous.  相似文献   

Samples of pure fetal blood from 116 fetuses of 15–21 weeks' gestation were obtained by direct vision fetoscopy. Ninety nine of these fetuses, presumed to be haematologically normal, were suitable for analysis. The data obtained show that the erythropoietic system is evolving rapidly in this gestational age range. The myeloid series shows no significant increase or decrease in numbers apart from eosinophils and basophils which increase significantly with gestational age whereas the platelet count remains constant. The growing application of fetoscopic blood sampling to the prenatal diagnosis and management of fetal blood disorders renders mandatory a knowledge of normal fetal blood values.  相似文献   

The majority of Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy cases are caused by deletions observable in Southern blots with cDNA probes for the gene. When the deletion includes polymorphic probes, they may be used to determine carrier status by deletion segregation analysis: non-inheritance of parental alleles, or heterozygosity. The polymorphic genomic probe P20 is deleted in a large percentage of probands. P20 hybridizes with two constant fragments of 6.7 and 0.8 kb in Taql digests. In a number of probands, only the larger P20 Taq1 fragment is deleted. This study demonstrates that this fragment corresponds with the polymorphic EcoRV and Mspl fragments of P20. Families in which the upper Taql fragment is deleted may be screened for carrier status using non-inheritance of parental alleles or heterozygosity of P20 in EcoRV or Mspl digests.  相似文献   

Fetal blood sampling for the diagnosis of alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency using protein isoelectric focusing was carried out in the period 1980–1985. The results of 25 cases from 18 mothers are reported. All had a previous history of a PiZ child affected by liver disease. The method was found to be technically satisfactory and the fetal results were subsequently confirmed in all 18 cases where follow-up was possible. The fetus was found to be PiZ in nine cases and all these pregnancies were terminated. Of the remaining pregnancies three cases aborted or were delivered prematurely and 13 proceeded to term without complications.  相似文献   

Two twin pregnancies at risk for a sex-linked disorder are described. Both pregnancies were dichorionic. Transabdominal sampling was chosen for prenatal diagnosis. Molecular genetic techniques raised suspicion with regard to the accuracy of the samples in one case. Second-trimester amniocentesis confirmed the error. Selective feticide of the affected fetus was performed. When first-trimester prenatal diagnosis is offered in dichorionic twin pregnancies, confirmation through molecular genetic testing can confirm that villi have been obtained from different fetuses. All parties must be aware that additional invasive diagnostic procedures in the second trimester may be required in cases of doubt.  相似文献   

Fetal cells unequivocally exist in and can be isolated from maternal blood. Erythroblasts, trophoblasts, granulocytes and lymphocytes have all been isolated by various density gradient and flow sorting techniques. Chromosomal abnormalities detected on isolated fetal cells include trisomy 21, trisomy 18, Klinefelter syndrome (47,XXY) and 47,XYY. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology has enabled the detection of fetal sex, Mendelian disorders (e.g. β-globin mutations), HLA polymorphisms, and fetal Rhesus (D) blood type. The fetal cell type that has generated the most success is the nucleated erythrocyte; however, trophoblasts, lymphocytes and granulocytes are also considered to be present in maternal blood. Fetal cells circulate in maternal blood during the first and second trimesters, and their detection is probably not affected by Rh or ABO maternal-fetal incompatibilities. Emphasis is now directed toward determining the most practical and efficacious manner for this technique to be applied to prenatal genetic diagnosis. Only upon completion of clinical evaluations could it be considered appropriate to offer this technology as an alternative to conventional invasive and non-invasive methods of prenatal cytogenetic diagnosis.  相似文献   

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