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A series of 2029 consecutive amniotic fluid specimens studied for prenatal genetic diagnosis were reviewed and reassessed so as to evaluate the frequency and clinical significance of hypermodal cells in amniotic fluid cell cultures. Hypermodal cells were defined as those with more than 46 chromosomes, and were characterized by an additional structurally normal or structurally abnormal chromosome. Of 2029 specimens, 47 (2.31 per cent) contained a total of 167 hypermodal cells. True fetal mosaicism was detected in three cases (0.14 per cent). All had hypermodal cells in more than one culture flask or colony which contained the same aberrant chromosome complement. In all but one case the babies were normal when only one cell was hypermodal, or when several cells were hypermodal but present in only one colony or one culture vessel. One case had an extra No. 20 chromosome in one cell. Although the child had multiple anomalies, they were not characteristic of trisomy 20, and subsequent chromosomal study on the baby postnatally revealed a 46,XX karyotype. The in situ coverslip technique is recommended as the preferred method for prenatal diagnosis, and it is useful as an aid in differentiating true mosaicism from pseudomosaicism.  相似文献   

This paper represents the analysis of 1916 routine amniotic fluid specimens harvested by an in situ fixation technique in a prospective study with regard to cultural chromosome anomalies. Excluding constitutional abnormalities, 2·9 per cent of 19432 cells analysed showed some form of chromosome anomaly, terminal deletions (57 percent) and chromatid/chromosome breaks and gaps (18 per cent) being the most frequent, followed by interchange aberrations (13 per cent) and trisomy (5 per cent). No case was found of more than one colony from the same culture showing the same anomaly without it being present in other cultures from the same fluid. The wholly abnormal colonies had a surplus of trisomies and from the mathematical considerations presented one may infer that these are likely to reflect the presence of abnormal cells in the amniotic fluid. Partly abnormal colonies appeared at a frequency that would correspond to virtual absence of selection against chromosomally abnormal cells when cultured in vitro. The aberrations found were similar to those seen as single cell anomalies, except for chromatid breaks and exchanges. The data suggest a basic preferential induction of trisomy for chromosomes 2,18,21, and the Y-chromosome. Structural aberrations showed a marked clustering of breakpoints around the centromeres. The frequency of mutant cells was low (1·4 × 10−3) before culture was initiated. At harvest, the frequency of abnormal cells was much higher (3 × 10−2) corresponding to 3 × 10−3 mutations per cell per generation accumulating over approximately ten generations in vitro.  相似文献   

This study was designed to test the usefulness of the common definitions for maternal cell contamination, true mosaicism, and pseudomosaicism for amniotic fluid specimens processed by in situ culture and robotic harvesting. We prospectively studied 4309 consecutive amniotic fluid specimens processed with these methods and found that 0.84 per cent had maternal cell contamination, 0.28 per cent had true mosaicism, and 5.4 per cent had pseudomosaicism. Although the frequencies of maternal cell contamination and true mosaicism were comparable to those in similar published studies, the frequency of pseudomosaicism was more than twice as high as that in previous reports. This finding is most likely not due to the method, but rather to a more accurate estimate of the actual frequency of pseudomosaicism in amniotic fluid cultures than reported heretofore. Follow-up clinical information was available on 72 per cent of the cases. In three cases of true mosaicism involving structural anomalies, the results of cytogenetic follow-up studies on the neonates were normal. None of the pseudomosaic cases involving trisomy 8, 13, 18, or 21; triple X; or monosomy X were associated with newborns who had birth defects.  相似文献   

This paper describes a case of pseudomosaic centric fission of chromosome 4 detected in amniotic fluid cell culture. The pregnancy went to term and the newborn had a normal chromosomal constitution.  相似文献   

Two patients undergoing amniocentesis are described in which the resulting amniotic fluid was unavoidably bloodstained. The results suggest that it may be beneficial in such cases to reserve a small volume of bloodstained liquor for culture with phytohaemagglutinin since the presence of a few fetal lymphocytes can lead to a prenatal diagnosis within 72 h.  相似文献   

Reduction in serum requirement for culture of primary human amniotic fluid cells can be achieved by the addition of 10 growth-promoting factors to the nutrient medium. This supplemented medium preserves cell types normally found in amniotic fluid cell cultures supplemented with 20–30 per cent fetal bovine serum. The volume of amniotic fluid required to initiate culture can be as little as 1 ml. Amniotic fluid samples contaminated with red blood cells with no visible clot also grow well in the low serum medium. Cell-free amniotic fluid combined with equal parts of supplemented medium is useful in initiating cell culture.  相似文献   

The influence of culture conditions on the ultrastructure and enzyme activities of amniotic fluid cells are reported. Morphological changes were determined as a function of the number of lysosomal-like inclusion bodies per cell, and these results correlated to the activity of Thiexosaminidase, a-mannosidase, β-glucuronidase, arylsulphatase C and 5′ nucleotidase. The parameters examined were pH of the culture media, type of media, increasing cell passage and day of harvest. Our results indicate that enzyme activities are less sensitive to changes in culture conditions as compared to ultrastructural changes. We therefore recommend that in order to obtain reliable ultrastructural results for the diagnosis of storage disorders, cultures should be grown in MEM as the culture medium, the pH of the medium carefully monitored to remain below pH 7·4, examining the cultures no later than the eighth cell passage and no later than the 10th day after subculture.  相似文献   

A simple method for preparing prometaphase chromosomes from amniotic fluid cell cultures is described. The technique is based upon several key steps including: (1) reduced colcemid concentration, (2) reduced exposure to trypsin-EDTA, and (3) maintaining cells in single suspension by adjusting cell concentration appropriately. Chromosomes with banding resolution up ot 800 bands per haploid set can be routinely produced. The described methodology is particularly useful in defining and establishing the clinical significance of subtle structural aberrations.  相似文献   

Growth of cells from amniotic fluid was studied with respect to cell concentration in the inoculum, blood contamination of the fluid, fluid colour, fluid clarity, gestational age of the pregnancy, and growth factors. Dependent variables measured were colony formation, colony size, and colony morphology after 7, 11, and 14 days of culture. The following conclusions were established from these studies: small sample volumes are the most efficient for producing colonies; cells from very bloody or dark brown fluids have a slower rate of growth; growth of cells from cloudy (noncontaminated) fluids is better than growth of cells from clear fluids; the proportion of colonies that are epithelioid varies with gestational age; the stimulating effect of 100 ng/ml fibroblast growth factor on cells from amniotic fluid was confirmed.  相似文献   

DNA from 16 sets of samples comprising DNA from uncultured amniotic fluid cells, cultured amniotic fluid cells, fetal tissue, and maternal blood was analysed by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with AC-repeat primers. The analysis was performed to investigate the presence of contaminating maternal cells in amniotic fluid which would affect the reliability of DNA studies for prenatal diagnosis. In three sets, maternal contamination of uncultured amniotic fluid cells was detected. In one of the three sets, maternal contamination was present in both uncultured and cultured amniotic fluid cells. The use of amniotic fluid cells as a source of DNA for prenatal diagnosis should be limited to cases where the purity of the DNA can be demonstrated prior to the diagnostic test being performed. This limitation in the use of amniotic fluid DNA also extends to other forms of diagnosis relying on the purity of amniotic fluid samples, particularly the new in situ hybridization methods currently being developed.  相似文献   

An alternative method to the culture of amniotic fluid cells for prenatal diagnosis of chromosome disorders is proposed. Microculture of fetal blood can be used when fetal blood is drawn at amniocentesis through accidental puncture of the placenta. An easy discrimination of fetal red cells, a good response of fetal lymphocytes to PHA and the possibility of identification of the fetal karyotype from the maternal one are the technical bases of this method. This technique offers some undoubted advantages: a reduced need for repeating amniocentesis because of a lack of growth of AF cells due to massive contamination with red cells; a result may be obtained sooner. Thirty-seven cases out of 1092 amniocenteses were processed in this way (3·4 per cent). In two cases no mitoses were obtained but in the others the diagnosis was confirmed by the results of AF cell culture and/or by the outcome of pregnancy.  相似文献   

A high resolution technique was applied to amniotic fluid cells by synchronization. After inoculation, the cells were incubated for 30 h in the presence of either thymidine or 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU). After removal of the blocking agent and addition of a low concentration of thymidine, the cells were incubated for another 6 1/2–7 h, then harvested in prometaphase without colcemid. This technique gives a mitotic index of 3·7 per cent after thymidine synchronization and of 3·2 per cent after BrdU synchronization, and more than half of the mitoses were in the earlier phases with the chromosomes showing more than 550 bands per haploid set. GBG, GTG, and RHG prometaphases are presented. Precise high-resolution banding of chromosomes of amniotic fluid cells can increase diagnostic accuracy.  相似文献   

A relatively simple method of obtaining high resolution chromosomes from amniotic fluid cells is described. The elongated chromosomes are achieved by adding ethidium bromide (5μg/ml) to the culture 4 1/2 hours before harvesting and the high resolution banding can be produced by usual banding procedures.  相似文献   

Accurate diagnosis of mosaicism in amniotic fluid cell cultures represents a major problem. If insufficient cells are analysed, true fetal mosaicism may go undetected. False-positive diagnosis is also possible since a second cell line may arise in vitro and not reflect the true fetal genetic constitution. These difficulties apply to both flask and in situ culture techniques, to varying degrees. The relative accuracy of flask versus in situ culture techniques in excluding mosaicism was determined by statistical analysis of experimental data from ten pairs of mixed male-female amniotic fluid specimens. The data support the idea that the majority of in situ colonies are independent of one another. The following conclusions are drawn: (1) analysis of a single metaphase from a number of different colonies enhances the confidence for excluding mosaicism; (2) analysis of more than one cell per colony offers little advantage; (3) exclusion of a given level of mosaicism requires analysis of fewer metaphases using the in situ method; (4) the confidence for excluding mosaicism is high with both in situ and flask techniques, using the provided guidelines; and (5) it is shown that the two-stage approach used by many laboratories is currently the most efficient way to exclude mosaicism.  相似文献   

Experience indicates that the most likely explanation for a mixture of 46,XX/46,XY cells in an amniotic fluid sample is that of maternal cell contamination and that a normal male child is to be expected at birth. We report the birth of a normal female child following prenatal diagnosis of such a mixture. Extensive postnatal studies failed to reveal an XY cell line. The possible sources of the XY cell line are discussed, as are the various techniques that were applied in an effort to discover it's origin. Cross-contamination of samples could be ruled out and there was no evidence of an unsuspected twin pregnancy. It is clear from this case that not all 46,XX/46,XY results obtained in amniotic fluid can be assumed to represent maternal cell contamination and some effort should be made to eliminate other potential sources for such a mixture.  相似文献   

The growth-promoting activities of three different bovine sera have been compared in primary and secondary amniotic fluid cell cultures. In secondary amniotic fluid cell micro- cultures, aseptically collected calf serum (CS) was slightly, though not significantly more effective than fetal calf serum (FCS) in promoting DNA synthesis, while newborn calf serum (NCS) was significantly less effective than either CS or FCS. All three sera were optimally effective at concentrations of 10 per cent (v/v). Significant variation in quality occurred within four batches of each of CS and FCS, but not within four batches of NCS. A selected batch of CS was significantly more effective in promoting the growth of primary amniotic fluid cell cultures than were a number of batches of FCS then in routine laboratory use. It is suggested that CS may serve as an effective and economical alternative to FCS in the culture of amniotic fluid cells, thereby expanding the scope of serum batch testing. A possible explanation for the varying growth-promoting activities of different sera is discussed.  相似文献   

Cultured amniotic fluid cells from four anencephalic pregnancies were characterized in indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) microscopy using specific antibodies against different types of cytoskeletal intermediate filaments. Most of the cells showed a fine fibrillar cytoplasmic fluorescence with antibodies against glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFA), indicating that amniotic fluid cells in anencephalic pregnancies are of glial origin. The GFA-positive cells were rapidly adhering and proliferating. They remained as the major cell type also in long term cultures, and could easily be recovered from liquid nitrogen without losing their GFA positivity. GFA-positive cells were pleomorphic in appearance, and occurred in several morphologically different shapes. Amniotic fluid from one of the anencephalic cases contained typical neuronal cells, which in IIF were GFA-negative but could specifically be stained with anti-neurofilament antibodies. Most of the GFA-negative cells in all the cases were fibroblasts, identified by their fluorescence only with antibodies against vimentin. Epithelial cells showing positive keratin-fluorescence in IIF, were seen only occasionally.  相似文献   

We describe a patient with a significantly elevated serum alphafetoprotein (AFP) concentration at 17 weeks of gestation, who showed only a marginally increased amniotic fluid AFP and lacked the second rapidly migrating band of acetylcholinesterase electrophoresis. Ultrasound examination revealed an encephalocele and ventriculomegaly. Autopsy showed that the encephalocele was not covered by skin.  相似文献   

We describe a fetus with epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica and a fetus with aplasia cutis congenita who were normal by careful ultrasound examination but whose midtrimester amniotic fluids exhibited elevated concentrations of alpha-fetoprotein and presence of acetyl-cholinesterase. These cases show that serious fetal skin pathology can be a source of amniotic fluid acetylcholinesterase and elevated alpha-fetoprotein concentration and should be considered as part of the differential diagnosis of these amniotic fluid findings.  相似文献   

Human amniotic fluid (HAF) is a dynamic system whose characteristics depend on continuous interchanges between fetal and maternal circulations. HAF reflects not only the environment of the fetus but may also provide information about fetal development or pathology. The concentration of HAF constituents varies with gestational age and pathological states. The number of the compounds currently implicated in fetal developmental pathology are relatively few. Currently used assay methods are not adequate to totally explain or predict the complex biochemistry of the fetus. The purpose of this work was to investigate HAF with NMR spectroscopy. In the present study HAF was obtained from 47 women undergoing routine amniocentesis. Cells were separated for karyological analysis and the supernatant was acid-extracted, lyophilized and re-suspended in D20 resulting in a concentration increase over native fluid. 1H NMR spectra were obtained at 360 MHz and 60 MHz. Eighteen compounds including several amino acids, were identified using parallel reference and standard addition protocols. NMR spectroscopy detected compounds of known clinical importance including glucose, leucine, isoleucine, lactate and creatinine. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that a number of physiologically relevant compounds are readily observable in HAF using 1H NMR spectroscopy. This technique can currently provide valuable information regarding HAF composition and has the potential of being used in vivo in the future.  相似文献   

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