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An attempt was made to identify all the cases of abdominal wall defects occurring in the West of Scotland over a 7-year period to determine the current incidence, prenatal diagnosis, management, and prognosis for fetuses and neonates with abdominal wall defects. Cases were identified because they presented either for prenatal diagnosis, or to the Department of Pathology following termination or spontaneous pregnancy loss, or as neonates to the Neonatal Surgical Department. The incidence of abdominal wall defects was found to be 1 in 2500 births. Exomphalos was diagnosed before birth in 66 per cent of cases, and in 30 per cent of cases it was associated with another major abnormality. There was a 20 per cent intact survival in the cases diagnosed prenatally who had no fetal anomaly and who opted to continue with the pregnancy. Gastroschisis was diagnosed before delivery in 70 per cent of cases, and in the group who continued with the pregnancy there was an intact survival of 77 per cent. Body stalk anomalies were all diagnosed prenatally and terminated. Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein was elevated in 89 per cent of the cases with exomphalos and in 100 per cent of the cases with gastroschisis and body stalk anomalies in which it was tested.  相似文献   

Amniotic fluid samples received for routine prenatal diagnosis of open neural tube defects were used for a study to compare amniotic fluid acetylcholinesterase (AChE) determination using a monoclonal antibody (4F19) enzyme antigen immunoassay and amniotic fluid alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) measurement as diagnostic tests for open neural tube defects. The study was based on 9964 women with singleton pregnancies and known outcome (including 6 with anencephaly and 18 with open spina bifida) having an amniocentesis at 14–23 weeks of gestation. The AChE immunoassay yielded detection rates for anencephaly of 100 per cent (95 per cent confidence interval (CI) 54·07–100 per cent), for open spina bifida of 100 per cent (95 per cent CI 81·47–100 per cent), for anterior abdominal wall defects of 20 per cent (95 per cent CI 0-51-71-64 per cent), and a false-positive rate of 0·22 percent (95 per cent CI 0·14–0·34 per cent) excluding anencephaly, open spina bifida, and anterior abdominal wall defects. For similar detection rates the false-positive rate of the AFP test was significantly higher, 0·74 per cent (95 per cent CI 0·58–0·94 per cent). On the basis of these findings, it is recommended that the technically simple AChE immunoassay should be used on all samples; the AFP test should only be used on the 0·5 per cent of the samples with concentrations of AChE activity ⩾ 8·5 nkat/1 for clear samples and blood-stained samples becoming clear after centrifugation, and ⩾ 25·0 nkat/1 for blood-stained samples that are discoloured after centrifugation; an AFP cut-off level of 2·0 MOM is recommended for this policy. Thereby, the detection rates for anencephaly, open spina bifida, and anterior abdominal wall defects would be 100, 100, and 20 per cent, respectively (95 per cent CIs 54·07–100, 81·47–100, and 0·51–71·64 per cent, respectively), and the false-positive rate would be 0·08 per cent (95 per cent CI 0·03–0·16 per cent) (excluding anencephaly, open spina bifida, and anterior abdominal wall defects).  相似文献   

We analysed maternal serum human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in 16 pregnancies with fetal abdominal wall defects previously identified prenatally by elevated maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) or at birth. The AFP levels had a mean of 6·38 MOM (range 0·34–15·65), as expected with these defects. The hCG levels had a mean of 1·82 MOM (range 0·23–4·11). The hCG levels in five pregnancies (31·25 per cent) were above 2·30 MOM. Elevated levels of hCG may be associated with fetal abdominal wall defects.  相似文献   

Ultrasonographic features of a fetus at 18 weeks of gestation suggesting a body stalk anomaly are presented. These included a large abdominal anterior wall defect in apparent continuity with the placenta, severe kyphoscoliosis of the lower spine, the absence of one kidney, and a very short umbilical cord with only one umbilical artery. The amniotic fluid was reduced and the fetus was almost immobile at short-interval ultrasound examinations. The pregnancy was terminated and autopsy of the fetus showed abnormalities compatible with maldevelopment of both cephalic and caudal embryonic folds.  相似文献   

We present a case of fetal abdominal cystic hygroma that presented at 19 weeks of gestation. Ultrasonographic evaluation of the fetus revealed soft tissue enlargement of the left leg and a retroperitoneal mass in the left pelvis and abdomen. This represents the first reported case of prenatal diagnosis of abdominal cystic hygroma.  相似文献   

As the use of ultrasonography has become a routine procedure in the care of pregnant women, fetal congenital malformations have been frequently diagnosed prenatally. During a 4-year period abdominal wall defects (AWD) were diagnosed in 14 cases, five were gastroschises and nine were omphaloceles, seven females and seven males. Concomitant malformations were present in one case of gastroschisis and in five cases of omphalocele. Eleven AWD's were diagnosed in the second trimester and six pregnancies were interrupted. Eight children with AWD were born; two boys with omphalocele and one girl and one boy with gastroschisis are still alive. Alpha-fetoprotein was determined in amniotic fluid in 11 cases and also in maternal serum prior to the amniocentesis in eight cases. Chromosomal investigations were performed in 13 cases, 11 on amniotic fluid cells and two on lymphocytes from a blood sample made postnatally. Two abnormal karyotypes, 47,XX + 18 were found.  相似文献   

Stored amniotic fluid samples collected in Oxford and East Birmingham as part of the Collaborative Acetylcholinesterase Study were assayed for the presence of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) using a monoclonal antibody (4F19) enzyme antigen immunoassay. These results were compared with the results of a gel AChE which had been performed earlier. A total of 5689 samples from singleton pregnancies were analysed (including 36 with anencephaly, 77 with open spina bifida and 17 with anterior abdominal wall defects). The gel test yielded detection rates of 97% for anencephaly, 99% for open spina bifida and 94% for abdominal wall defects; the false positive rate (excluding pregnancies associated with serious abnormalities, miscarriages and intrauterine deaths) was 0·24%. The monoclonal test yielded similar results; using appropriate cut-off values to allow for differences in acetylcholinesterase levels in blood stained and clear samples, a similar false-positive rate of 0·22% was associated with detection rates of 97%, 95 % and 71 % respectively for the three types of defect. Although the detection rates and the false positive rate were slightly higher for the gel test, a result that might be explained by a decrease in AChE activity caused by storage of the samples, the monoclonal test has the advantages of requiring less interpretative expertise, it can be performed on a larger number of samples a day and it is not affected by contamination with fetal calf serum.  相似文献   

A case of a prenatally diagnosed fetal ovarian cyst is presented. The pregnancy was complicated only by polyhydramnios, and some degree of fetal bowel obstruction could be recognized on sonogram. The newborn was delivered vaginally in the 39th week of pregnancy, and the cyst was removed by laparotomy on the day of the delivery. The etiology of this rare fetal condition is unknown.  相似文献   

During a follow-up study of 19 790 pregnancies at risk for a genetic disease, from 1968 to 1989, 1083 fetuses were found to have an anomaly during the second trimester, leading to 977 terminations of pregnancy. Neural tube defects (31.4 per cent), chromosomal disorders (27.1 per cent), and Mendelian or multifactorial diseases (10.6 per cent) were the main causes of fetal anomaly. More than half (52.9 per cent) of the fetal anomalies were detected by routine ultrasound examination. Forty-two per cent of cystic hygromas were secondary to a chromosomal defect. We stress the importance of a comprehensive fetal and newborn examination to ensure an accurate diagnosis so that subsequently accurate counselling can be provided.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether there is increased leakage of neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and S-100 protein into amniotic fluid in pregnancies with neural tube defects, since both these proteins are produced by neural tissue, and to compare the value of these substances for detecting such defects with that of the more conventional techniques of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) gel electrophoresis. Amniotic samples from 25 mid-pregnancies (15–17 weeks' gestation) with neural tube defects (14 with open spina bifida and 11 with anencephaly) and from seven mid-pregnancies with abdominal wall defects were compared with a control material consisting of 80 amniotic fluid samples from 80 consecutive mid-pregnancy amniocenteses, with normal karyotypes and AFP concentrations. All of the above cases of abnormalities were primarily detected through increased AFP levels in the amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid samples from 13 pregnancies with fetuses with autosomal chromosomal abnormalities and seven amniotic fluid samples contaminated with blood were also included in the investigation. It is concluded from the results that the conventional AFP assay combined with AChE gel electrophoresis is the best method for screening amniotic fluid for neural tube defects and defects of the abdominal wall. Neither NSE nor S-100 assay alone proved to be superior for the detection of these cases in mid-trimester amniotic fluid. The S-100 assay, however, could give additional information in cases where AChE gel electrophoresis is not decisive; for example, in samples contaminated with blood.  相似文献   

Amniotic fluid cholinesterases tested on polyacrylamide gel and rapidly adhering cell analysis were compared in their efficiency at diagnosing fetal neural tube defects in three cases where the alphafetoprotein results were equivocal. While rapidly adhering cells were also equivocal, the cholinesterases consistently gave a clear indication of fetal abnormality.  相似文献   

A survey was carried out to determine the effect of prenatal screening and therapeutic abortion on births in 1985 with anencephaly and spina bifida in England and Wales. Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein tests were done on 399 288 women (60 per cent of pregnant women): 4 per cent were reported as being screen-positive and 1 per cent had an amniocentesis. An estimated 534 pregnancies associated with anencephaly were terminated and an estimated 445 pregnancies associated with spina bifida (but without anencephaly) were terminated. Most (63 per cent) of the anencephalic pregnancies were first suspected from an ultrasound examination; 57 per cent of the spina bifida pregnancies were first suspected from a positive maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein test, 35 per cent by ultrasound, and the remaining 8 per cent by other means. The birth prevalence of anencephaly declined by 94 per cent between 1964–1972 and 1985, but when the terminations of pregnancy on account of having a fetus with anencephaly are added to the births the decline in prevalence was only 50 per cent. The birth prevalence of spina bifida declined by 68 per cent over the same period but when the terminations were added to the births the decline in prevalence was only 32 per cent. Among births with anencephaly 66 per cent had had no screening or diagnostic tests in early pregnancy, but in those that did nearly all were positive–usually in twin pregnancies where one fetus was affected but not the other. Among births with spina bifida, 48 per cent had no tests and in those that did the results were mainly negative. We conclude that in order to monitor adequately the national screening programme for anencephaly and spina bifida a special neural tube defects register should be formed.  相似文献   

Bilateral cleft lip and cleft palate can be diagnosed by ultrasonography prior to 20 weeks of pregnancy. The anomaly produces an abnormal facial profile and, on cross-section, the clefts in the maxilla are demonstrable. The method is illustrated by sonograms from a fetus in which the defect was diagnosed before trisomy 13 became known by karyotyping.  相似文献   

Anomalies of the thorax and abdomen can be found in a number of genetic syndromes. Whilst it may not be possible to make a definitive diagnosis before birth, knowledge of the potential associations can be useful for the prenatal diagnostician when examining the fetus and counselling the parents. In this article, we describe conditions where other features may be detectable using prenatal ultrasound. We describe the features, potential diagnostic aids and prognosis. The tables list other potential features that may be identified. The range of conditions that can occur emphasises the value of genetic input in the management of a fetus with an apparently normal karyotype and multiple anomalies, the need to save material for future molecular analysis and the requirement of a detailed examination after delivery. These are needed in order to make accurate diagnoses and advise parents with regard to recurrence risks and the potential for prenatal diagnosis in future pregnancies. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ultrasound examination of a 31-year-old woman at 27 weeks' gestation revealed fetal growth retardation, a bilateral cleft lip and palate, and the absence of median cerebral structures. Chromosome analysis after cordocentesis showed an abnormal karyotype with a structural abnormality of the long arm of chromosome 7: 46,XX,—7,+der(7), t(7;18) (q34;q21.3)mat. The pregnancy was terminated at week 29. The ultrasound findings were confirmed by post-mortem examination, which also revealed a semilobar holoprosencephaly.  相似文献   

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