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The distributions of radionuclides in plant components as to radionuclide transfer to animals are important for understanding the dynamics of radionuclides in an agricultural field. Most of the non-edible parts in these components are returned to the soil as organic fertilizer where they may again be utilized in the soil-plant pathway and/or are mixed with feed for livestock. Rice plants were grown in an experimental field and separated at harvest into different components, including polished rice, rice bran, hull, leaves, stem and root, and then the distributions of radioactive 137Cs, stable 133Cs and K in these components were determined. The distribution of 137Cs in polished rice and rice bran was similar to that of 133Cs, while that of K was different. The concentration ratios of 133Cs/K in leaf blade positions increased with aging, which means that the translocation rate of 133Cs in rice plants was slower than that of K. At harvest the distribution of dry weight in polished rice to entire rice plants was 34%, and the distributions of 133Cs in the polished rice and the non-edible parts were 7 and 93%, respectively, whereas those of K in the polished rice and the non-edible parts were 2 and 98%, respectively. Findings suggest that the transfer and distribution of 133Cs, not of K, provide better information on the long-term fate of 137Cs in an agricultural environment.  相似文献   

螺蛳等供试生物能很快地吸收水体中的^137Cs,并随着时间的延长而不断增加,吸收过程可用直线方程来表达,螺蛳、喜旱莲子草和金鱼藻可以用来净化被^137Cs的吸收较少,其中稗草和喜旱莲子草较高;由于K^+与Cs^+之间的拮抗作用,帮可用施钾肥方法减少作物以土壤中^137Cs的吸收。  相似文献   

Toxicity, uptake, and transformation of atrazine [2-chloro-4-(ethylamino)-6-(isopropylamino)-s-triazine] by three species of poplar tree were assessed. Poplar cuttings were grown in sealed flasks with hydrophonic solutions and exposed to various concentrations of atrazine for a period of two weeks. Toxicity effects were evaluated by monitoring transpiration and measuring poplar cutting mass. Exposure to higher atrazine concentrations resulted in decrease of biomass and transpiration accompanied by leaf chlorosis and abscission. However, poplar cuttings exposed to lower concentrations of atrazine grew well and transpired at a constant rate during experiment periods. Poplar cuttings could take up, hydrolyze, and dealkylate atrazine to less toxic metabolites. Metabolism of atrazine occurred in roots, stems, and leaves and became more complete with increased residence time in tissue. These results suggest that phytoremediation is a viable approach to removing atrazine from contaminated water and should be considered for other contaminants.  相似文献   

The Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station (PBAPS) has contributed measurable quantities of radioactivity to Conowingo Reservoir, an impoundment of the lower Susquehanna River. As part of an ongoing radiological assessment program, concentrations of plant-related radionuclides in sediments have been monitored in spring and fall since 1980. Mass balance estimates derived from grab samples of surface sediments (< 10 cm) indicate that less than 20% of reactor released (60)Co, (65)Zn, (134)Cs and (137)Cs is present in these sediments. Significant seasonal variations in radionuclide trapping efficiency by the reservoir are not apparent. Deep core samples (c. 200 cm) confirm that some, but not all, of this surface sediment radionuclide inventory remains within the reservoir-trapped in discrete locations by subsequent sediment accumulation. The remaining radionuclide mass, in dissolved or particle-associated form, appears to be transported downstream, through Conowingo Dam, to upper Chesapeake Bay. The detection of PBAPS-derived radionuclides in the sediments of upper Chesapeake Bay, primarily the Susquehanna Flats, confirms the transport of these radionuclides from the lower Susquehanna River.  相似文献   

Soils from a local reservoir had been analyzed for their physical and chemical properties, distribution coefficients Kd and sorption rates for 137Cs. It was found that soils in Hong Kong were relatively low in organic matter and more acidic than those in some other countries. In sorption experiments, the rates of decrease in water activity concentration were initially very high, higher for larger mass of soils added, and then slowed down. The larger the mass, the shorter was the time for equilibrium. Three isotherms had been obtained by varying one of the three parameters (initial water activity concentration, slurry ratio and particle size) at a time. For constant initial water activity concentration and random sizes, percent sorption increased with slurry ratio. For soils of constant mass and random sizes. percent sorption decreased with increasing initial water activity concentration. For constant initial water activity concentration and slurry ratio, percent sorption increased with decreasing size of soil particles. A simple logistic model was developed to explain some of the findings.  相似文献   


This paper presents the results of long-term investigations of 137Cs activity concentrations in chicken meat and eggs from northwest Croatia for the period 1987–2018. The research has been done as a part of monitoring program of radioactive contamination in Croatia. The highest activity concentrations in both of these foodstuffs were measured in 1987 and have been decreasing exponentially ever since. The Fukushima-Daiichi accident in 2011 did not cause any increase of 137Cs activity concentrations. The ecological half-life for 137Cs was estimated to be 8.0 and 8.4?years for chicken meat and eggs respectively. The correlation between 137Cs in fallout and chicken meat as well as between 137Cs in fallout and eggs is very good, the respective correlation coefficients being 0.79 and 0.72, indicating that fallout was the main source of 137Cs contamination in both foodstuffs. The estimated effective doses received by adult members of the Croatian population due to the intake of radiocaesium by chicken meat and egg consumption for the overall observed period are very small, 2.0 and 0.6 µSv respectively. Therefore, chicken meat and chicken egg consumption was not a critical pathway for the transfer of radiocaesium to humans.  相似文献   

Following the Chernobyl accident in late April 1986, central Finland was subjected to considerable radioactive fallout. The radioactive isotope of caesium, (137)Cs, was potentially the most harmful isotope in the fallout because of its long half-life (30 years). (137)Cs activities remained unexpectedly low within the biota (algae, zooplankton, aquatic moss, fish) of some humic forest lakes in southern Finland compared to the clear water lakes within the same district. This observation suggested that humic substances, by binding (137)Cs chemically, may reduce its bioavailability in lake water. Our laboratory experiments (throughflow systems; gel chromatography) demonstrated that binding of (137)Cs by humic substances was negligible in untreated lake waters; only when most of the alkali metals had been removed with an ion exchange resin was any binding of (137)Cs by low molecular humic fractions apparent. Instead, the concentrations of cations (especially potassium) were of overwhelming importance for the bioavailability of (137)Cs within the lacustrine ecosystems. The concentrations of (137)Cs within food chains are expected to stay at a high level for many years especially in lakes with long water renewal times.  相似文献   

The distribution coefficient of (137)Cs has been determined in 58 soils from 12 sampling points from Biscay by treating 10 g with 25 ml of an aqueous solution with an activity of 1765 Bq in the radionuclide, by shaking during 64 h and measuring the residual activity with a suitable detector. Soils were characterised by sampling depth, particle size analysis and the usual chemical parameters. Soils were thereafter treated to fix the chemical forms of (137)Cs speciation by successive extractions in order to determine fractions due to exchangeable, associated with carbonates, iron oxide and organic matter fractions, obtaining by difference the amount taken by the rest of the soil constituents. For this research, 16 soils from four points were selected from the previous samples. The greatest mean percentages of (137)Cs sorption were with the rest (69.93), exchangeable (13.17) and organic matter (12.54%) fractions. This paper includes also the calculation of partial distribution coefficients for chemical species as well as relations of distribution coefficients both among them and with soil parameters.  相似文献   

CRS and SIT are two (210)Pb-based models widely used in the radiometric dating of recent sediments. (210)Pb chronologies should be validated using at least one independent tracer, such as (137)Cs. This paper demonstrates that simple methods based on the identification of (137)Cs fallout peaks cannot provide a definitive support for CRS and SIT chronologies. Two main arguments will support this assertion: Firstly, the (137)Cs time-marks cannot support a CRS or SIT chronology if the derived sedimentation rates cannot explain the whole (137)Cs activity profile without postulating mixing. Secondly, the support by the (137)Cs time-marks for a given CRS or SIT chronology cannot be considered as definitive if other dating models can equally explain the whole set of data, thereby producing a different chronology. Several case studies selected from the literature are used to support the present discussion.  相似文献   

The transfer of radioactive caesium from soils to plants has been well researched. In contrast there is limited knowledge on natural stable 133Cs and its potential role as a predictor for radiocaesium behaviour. In a pot experiment with Agrostis capillaris close correlations were found between plant 137Cs and plant 133Cs concentrations (R2 90-96%). Season and leaf age had significant effects with concentrations increasing 10-30-fold between June and December. Simultaneously the plant concentrations of K, the nutrient analogue of Cs, decreased to around one third. In the soil the exchangeable fractions of K and 137Cs declined. No clear relationships were found between 137+133Cs in the plant and exchangeable K in the soil. However, at the end of the experiment the K content of the above-ground biomass was higher than the exchangeable pool in the soil, suggesting that depletion of soil K could be a key factor in the observed increase of plant 137+133Cs over time.  相似文献   

Leaves of linden (Tilia tomentosa L. and Tilia cordata Mill.) and horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) were analysed as biomonitors of radionuclides in urban air. Samples of soils, leaves and aerosols were collected in Belgrade, Serbia. Activities of 137Cs, 40K, 210Pb and 7Be in the samples were measured on an HPGe detector by standard gamma spectrometry. “Soil-to-leaves” transfer factors were calculated. Student’s t test and linear Pearson correlation coefficients were used for statistical analysis. Differences in local conditions at the sampling sites were not significant, and the mechanisms of the radionuclides’ accumulation in both plant species are similar. Ceasium-137 was detected in some of the leaf samples only. Transfer factors for 137Cs and 40K were (0.03–0.08) and 1.3, respectively. The concentrations of 210Pb and 7Be in leaves were higher in autumn than in spring, and there were some similarities in their seasonal patterns in leaves and in air. Weak to medium correlation was obtained for the 210Pb and 7Be activities in leaves and aerosols. Large positive correlation was obtained for the 210Pb activities in linden leaves and the mean activity in aerosols for the preceding months. Different primary modes of radionuclides accumulation in leaves were observed. Since large positive correlation was obtained for the 210Pb activity in linden leaves and the mean in aerosols for the preceding months, mature linden leaves could be used as biomonitors of recent 210Pb activity in air.  相似文献   

Wild rodents were collected alive in a suburban area to the north of Rome before, during, 6 months and 1 year after the Chernobyl accident. Radionuclide determinations to assess their content of (137)Cs and mutagenicity tests (bone-marrow micronucleus test and sperm abnormalities assay) were performed on the captured animals. The results obtained for the species Mus musculus domesticus (which was the rodent captured in highest numbers), compared with the results obtained before the fallout, showed an increase of both micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (MPCEs/1000 PCEs) and (137)Cs content during and after the fallout.  相似文献   

The distribution coefficients (Kd) and desorption rates of 137Cs and 241Am radionuclides in bottom sediments at different locations in the Black Sea were studied under laboratory conditions. The Kd values were found to be 500 for 137Cs and 3800 for 241Am at the steady state and described exponential curves. Rapid uptake of the radionuclides occurred during the initial period and little accumulation happened after four days. The desorption rates for 137Cs in different bottom sediments were best described by a three-component exponential model. The desorption half-times of 137Cs ranged from 26 to 50 d at the slow components. However, the desorption rate of 241Am described one component for all sediment samples and desorption half-time was found to be 75 d. In general, the results showed that the 241Am radionuclide is more effectively transferred to bottom sediment and has longer turnover time than 137Cs under Black Sea conditions.  相似文献   

Evidence of extensive leaching losses of nutrients, particularly of K, suggest that loss of 137Cs by foliar leaching could be considerable and could stimulate further root uptake and redistribution of 137Cs in plants. This study investigated the foliar leaching of 137Cs from two deciduous graminoid species, Eriophorum vaginatum and Scirpus caespitosus and one evergreen shrub, Erica tetralix. Plants were labelled with 137Cs via the roots and subjected to a leaching treatment in August and November and changes in both leachate and plant 137Cs activity were determined. Leaching losses were significantly reduced in November compared with August in the deciduous species, but not in the evergreen E. tetralix. A reduction in the total activity of 137Cs of leached plants was observed not only in leaves but also in stems and roots in some instances, suggesting that 137Cs from these organs had been redistributed to replenish that lost by leaching from the leaves. The data suggest that leaching losses were greater from older and senescent leaves than from younger leaves of E. vaginatum. The extent to which this is an accurate representation of foliar leaching of field-grown plants by rainfall, and the likely fate of 137Cs lost by foliar leaching are discussed.  相似文献   

In case of an accident at a nuclear power plant with liberation of radioactive material into the atmosphere, knowledge about the behavior of plant species when in contact with radionuclides is indispensable for safety reasons. The leaf-fruit translocation is an important route through which agricultural products are contaminated by radionuclides. To quantify the leaf-fruit translocation factors for 137Cs and 90Sr in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) an experiment was carried out in a greenhouse with a randomized block design. 137Cs activity was determined by gamma-ray spectrometry, while chemical separation followed by beta counting of 90Y was used for 90Sr determination. The model applied for translocation indicated functional dependence between the moment of tracer application and the physiological development of the bean plant. Translocation factors obtained for 137Cs and 90Sr were 0.16 and less than 0.005, respectively.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Due to the limited studies dealing with isotopes levels in benthic macroinvertebrates other than Mytilus sp. in period 2011–2018,...  相似文献   

Poplar shoots were exposed for 3–4 weeks to filtered air, ambient (maximum values 50–60 nl -1) or two times ambient O3-concentrations under controlled environmental conditions in fumigation chambers. A sensitive (Populus nigra ‘Brandaris’) and a tolerant (P. euramericana ‘Robusta’) cultivar were used. At regular intervals the uptake of O3, transpiration and CO2 assimilation rate (Pn) of full-grown leaves were measured with leaf cuvettes. For unaffected leaves, the measured flux of O3 into the leaves appeared to be larger than can be calculated using the stomatal conductance for O3 (gs,o) estimated from the transpiration rates of the same leaves. Resistance analysis revealed that the difference was partly a result of a reaction with the external leaf surface. However, when the O3 flux into the leaf was corrected for this reaction, it was still larger than can be estimated using gs,o. As a consequence, negative residual or internal resistances (ri) for O3 transport into the leaves were assessed. It is postulated that O3 molecules moving into the leaf follow a shorter pathway than effluxing H2O-molecules. P. ‘Brandaris’ leaves showed a reduction in Pn after 12 days of exposure to ambient O3-concentrations, whereas for P. ‘Robusta’ a reduction in Pn was only observed at two times ambient concentrations. A simultaneous decline in the O3-flux was found in both cases. The decline occurred before a decrease in gs,o was observed suggesting that the O3 flux into the affected leaves was first hindered by internal factors. The measured flux of the affected leaves became smaller than the flux estimated using gs,o and, consequently, positive ri-values were estimated. The change in ri suggests that O3 molecules not only penetrated deeper into the leaf, but also were accumulating at a prolonged exposure. Our results indicate that ri may be a potentially important component of the overall resistance for O3-uptake, which may have important consequences for estimating O3 uptake from water vapour flux data.  相似文献   

Microorganisms play an important role in the fixation of radionuclides in forest soils. In particular, fungi have the capacity to absorb and translocate radionuclides. The role of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Hebeloma crustuliniforme in the uptake of radiocaesium (134Cs) and radiostrontium (85Sr) into seedlings of Norway spruce (Picea abies) was investigated in a pouch test system. Inoculated and non-inoculated seedlings; seedlings inoculated during 8 and 15 weeks; seedlings exposed during 2 and 3 weeks to the radioactive solution; and seedlings grown under low and high ammonium conditions prior to the application of the radionuclides were compared. The final 134Cs and 85Sr activity was determined in fine-roots, main-roots, stems and needles. The results showed that ectomycorrhizae reduced the uptake of 134Cs and 85Sr. The degree of ectomycorrhization was of crucial importance and seemed to be governed by the period during which ectomycorrhizae were allowed to develop and by the ammonium concentration in the nutrient solution. The radionuclide uptake increased with increasing exposure time. Both radionuclides were predominantly accumulated in fine-roots. However, needles proved to describe best the result of net root uptake and translocation to the shoot. The uptake-and and translocation-rates of 85Sr were smaller than those of 134Cs. It is assumed that the translocation is coupled with the intensity of water fluxes through the xylem and that 85Sr is more readily adsorbed into mycelium or plant tissue relative to 134Cs. The effect of high ammonium growth conditions was overcome by the effect of ectomycorrhization, except in needles with a very large biomass which behaved as a strong sink and led to a high accumulation of 134Cs.  相似文献   

Uptake of aromatic hydrocarbons (AH) by ice crystals during vapor deposit growth was investigated in a walk-in cold chamber at temperatures of 242, 251, and 260 K, respectively. Ice crystals were grown from ambient air in the presence of gaseous AH namely: benzene (C6H6), toluene (methylbenzene, C7H8), the C8H10 isomers ethylbenzene, o-, m-, p-xylene (dimethylbenzenes), the C9H12 isomers n-propylbenzene, 4-ethyltoluene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene (1,3,5-TMB), 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene (1,2,4-TMB), 1,2,3-trimethylbenzene (1,2,3-TMB), and the C10H14 compound tert.-butylbenzene. Gas-phase concentrations calculated at 295 K were 10.3–20.8 μg m−3. Uptake of AH was detected by analyzing vapor deposited ice with a very sensitive method composed of solid-phase micro-extraction (SPME), followed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS).Ice crystal size was lower than 1 cm. At water vapor extents of 5.8, 6.0 and 8.1 g m−3, ice crystal shape changed with decreasing temperatures from a column at a temperature of 260 K, to a plate at 251 K, and to a dendrite at 242 K. Experimentally observed ice growth rates were between 3.3 and 13.3×10−3 g s−1 m−2 and decreased at lower temperatures and lower value of water vapor concentration. Predicted growth rates were mostly slightly higher.Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) were not detected in ice above their detection limits (DLs) of 25 pg gice−1 (toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes) and 125 pg gice−1 (benzene) over the entire temperature range. Median concentrations of n-propylbenzene, 4-ethyltoluene, 1,3,5-TMB, tert.-butylbenzene, 1,2,4-TMB, and 1,2,3-TMB were between 4 and 176 pg gice−1 at gas concentrations of 10.3–10.7 μg m−3 calculated at 295 K. Uptake coefficients (K) defined as the product of concentration of AH in ice and density of ice related to the product of their concentration in the gas phase and ice mass varied between 0.40 and 10.23. K increased with decreasing temperatures. Values of Gibbs energy (ΔG) were between −4.5 and 2.4 kJ mol−1 and decreased as temperatures were lowered. From the uptake experiments, the uptake enthalpy (ΔH) could be determined between −70.6 and −33.9 kJ mol−1. The uptake entropy (ΔS) was between −281.3 and −126.8 J mol−1 K−1. Values of ΔH and ΔS were rather similar for 4-ethlytoluene, 1,3,5-TMB and tert.-butylbenzene, whereas 1,2,3-TMB showed much higher values.  相似文献   

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