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Long-term monitoring of estuarine nekton has many practical and ecological benefits but efforts are hampered by a lack of standardized sampling procedures. This study provides a rationale for monitoring nekton in shallow (<#60; 1 m), temperate, estuarine habitats and addresses some important issues that arise when developing monitoring protocols. Sampling in seagrass and salt marsh habitats is emphasized due to the susceptibility of each habitat to anthropogenic stress and to the abundant and rich nekton assemblages that each habitat supports. Extensive sampling with quantitative enclosure traps that estimate nekton density is suggested. These gears have a high capture efficiency in most habitats and are small enough (e.g., 1 m2) to permit sampling in specific microhabitats. Other aspects of nekton monitoring are discussed, including spatial and temporal sampling considerations, station selection, sample size estimation, and data collection and analysis. Developing and initiating long-term nekton monitoring programs will help evaluate natural and human-induced changes in estuarine nekton over time and advance our understanding of the interactions between nekton and the dynamic estuarine environment.  相似文献   

To define water quality, the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) demands complex assessments through physicochemical, biological, and hydromorphological controls of water bodies. Since the biological assessment became the central focus with hydrochemistry playing a supporting role, an evaluation of the interrelationships within this approach deems necessary. This work identified and tested these relationships to help improve the quality and efficiency of related efforts. Data from the 384 km2 Weisseritz catchment (eastern Erzgebirge, Saxony, Germany and northern Bohemia, Czech Republic) were used as a representative example for central European streams in mountainous areas. The data cover the time frame 1992 to 2003. To implement WFD demands, the analysis was based on accepted German methods and classifications, WFD quality standards, and novel German methods for the biological status assessment. Selected chemical parameters were compared with different versions of the German Saprobic Index, based on macroinvertebrate indicator taxa. Relevant dependencies applicable for integrated stream assessment were statistically tested. Correlation analysis showed significant relationships. The highest scores were found for nutrients (NO2 ???, Ninorg, and total N), salinity (Cl???, SO4 2???, conductivity), and microelements (K?+?, Na?+?, Ca2?+?, Mg2?+?). The Saprobic Index used in the Integrated Assessment System for the Ecological Quality of Streams and Rivers throughout Europe using Benthic Macro-invertebrates program seems to be the most sensitive indicator to correlate with chemical parameters.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional hydrodynamic model was created to study the Danshuei River estuarine system and adjacent coastal ocean in Taiwan. The model was verified using measurements of the time-series water surface elevation, tidal current, and salinity from 1999. We conclude that our model is consistent with these observations. Our particle-tracking model was also used to explore the transport of particles released from the Hsin-Hai Bridge, an area that is heavily polluted. The results suggest that it takes a much longer time for the estuary to be flushed out under low freshwater discharge conditions than with high freshwater discharge. We conclude that the northeast and southwest winds minimally impact particle dispersion in the estuary. The particles fail to settle to the bottom in the absence of density-induced circulation. Our model was also used to simulate the ocean outfall at the Bali. Our experimental results suggest that the tidal current dominates the particle trajectories and influences the transport properties in the absence of a wind stress condition. The particles tend to move northeast or southwest along the coast when northeast or southwest winds prevail. Our data suggest that wind-driven currents and tidal currents play important roles in water movement as linked with ocean outfall in the context of the Danshuei River.  相似文献   

Constructed wetland (CW) and constructed pond (CP) are commonly utilized for removal of excess nutrients and certain pollutants from stormwater. This study characterized shallow groundwater quality for pre- and post-CW and CP system conditions using data from monitoring wells. Results showed that the average concentrations of groundwater phosphorus (P) decreased from pre-CW to post-CW but increased from pre-CP to post-CP. The average concentrations of groundwater total Kjeldahl nitrogen and ammonium ( $ {\mathrm{NH}}{_4^{ + }} $ ) increased from pre-CW (or CP) to post-CW (or CP), whereas the average concentrations of groundwater arsenic (As), chromium, nickel, and zinc (Zn) decreased from pre-CW to post-CW regardless of the well locations. Variations of groundwater cadmium, copper, and Zn concentrations were larger in pre-CP than in post-CP and had a tendency to decrease from pre-CP to post-CP. In general, the average concentrations of groundwater aluminum and manganese decreased and of groundwater calcium, iron, magnesium, and sodium increased from pre-CP to post-CP. The average values of water levels (depth from the ground surface), redox potential, and conductance decreased and of chloride and sulfate ( $ {\mathrm{SO}}{_4^{{ - 2}}} $ ) increased after the wetland and pond were constructed regardless of the well locations. Results further revealed that there were significant differences (α?=?0.05) between the pre- and post-CW (or CP) for redox potential, water level, and As. This study suggests that the CW–CP system had discernible effects on some of the shallow groundwater quality constituents. This information is very useful for fully estimating overall performance of stormwater treatment with the CW–CP system.  相似文献   

Three representative areas (lowland, semi-mountainous, and coastal) have been selected for the collection of drinking water samples, and a total number of 28 physical, chemical, and biological parameters per water sample have been determined and analyzed. The mean values of the physical and chemical parameters were found to be within the limits mentioned in the 98/83/EEC directive. The analysis of biological parameters shows that many of the water samples are inadequate for human consumption because of the presence of bacteria. Cluster analysis (CA) first was used to classify sample sites with similar properties and results in three groups of sites; discriminant analysis (DA) was used to construct the best discriminant functions to confirm the clusters determined by CA and evaluate the spatial variations in water quality. The standard mode discriminant functions, using 17 parameters, yielded classification matrix correctly assigning 96.97% of the cases. In the stepwise mode, the DA produced a classification matrix with 96.36% correct assignments using only ten parameters (EC, Cl???, NO3 ???, HCO3 ???, CO3 ???2, Ca?+?2, Na?+?, Zn, Mn, and Pb). CA and factor analysis (FA) are used to characterize water quality and assist in water quality monitoring planning. CA proved that two major groups of similarity (six subclusters) between 17 physicochemical parameters are formed, and FA extracts six factors that account for 66.478% of the total water quality variation, when all samples’ physicochemical data set is considered. It is noteworthy that the classification scheme obtained by CA is completely confirmed by principal component analysis.  相似文献   

A range of organotin compounds including tributyltin (TBT), dibutyltin (DBT) and monobutyltin (MBT) were measured in sediment cores collected from contaminated freshwater and estuarine sites in Essex and Suffolk, U.K. Butyltin compounds were found in significant quantities at depths of up to 60 cm within the sediments of marina and boatyard complexes with TBT concentrations ranging from <3 ng g–1 (the detection limit) to >3000 ng g–1. In general sediment TBT concentrations decreased with depth, but maximum enrichment tended to occur just below the surface. It was evident from these core profiles that the accumulation of organotins in surface deposits was on the decline and coincided approximately, with the implementation in 1987 of the UK retail ban on the sale of TBT based antifouling paints for application on vessels <25 m in length. The degradation rate for TBT in sediments was found to exhibit first order kinetics with half lives ranging from 0.9–5.2 years between different sites. Estimated degradation rates have also been determined for DBT and MBT. These ranged from 1.5–3.0 years for DBT and 1.8–3.7 years for MBT.  相似文献   

Corpus Christi Bay (Texas, USA) is a shallow wind-driven bay which experiences hypoxia (dissolved oxygen < 2 mg/L) during the summer. Since this bay is a very dynamic system, the processes that control the hypoxia can last on the order of hours to days. Monitoring systems installed on a single type of platform cannot fully capture these processes at the spatial and temporal scales of interest. Therefore, we have integrated monitoring systems installed on three different platform types: (1) fixed robotic, (2) mobile, and (3) remote. On the fixed robotic platform, an automated profiler system vertically moves a suite of water quality measuring sensors within the water column for continuous measurements. An integrated data acquisition, communication and control system has been configured on our mobile platform (research vessel) for synchronized measurements of hydrodynamic and water quality parameters at greater spatial resolution. In addition, a high-frequency radar system has been installed on remote platforms to generate surface current maps for the bay. With our integrated system, we were able to capture evidence of a hypoxic event in summer 2007; moreover, we detected low dissolved oxygen conditions in a part of the bay with no previously reported history of hypoxia.  相似文献   

Heavy metal pollution of sediments is a growing concern in most parts of the world, and numerous studies focussed on identifying contaminated sediments by using a range of digestion methods and pollution indices to estimate sediment contamination have been described in the literature. The current work provides a critical review of the more commonly used sediment digestion methods and identifies that weak acid digestion is more likely to provide guidance on elements that are likely to be bioavailable than other traditional methods of digestion. This work also reviews common pollution indices and identifies the Nemerow Pollution Index as the most appropriate method for establishing overall sediment quality. Consequently, a modified Pollution Index that can lead to a more reliable understanding of whole sediment quality is proposed. This modified pollution index is then tested against a number of existing studies and demonstrated to give a reliable and rapid estimate of sediment contamination and quality.  相似文献   

Estuaries are marine areas at great contamination risk due to their hydrodynamic features. PAH are wide and ubiquitous contaminants with a high presence in these marine environments. Chemical analysis of sediments can provide information, although it does not give a direct measure of the toxicological effect of such contaminants in the biota. Samples of Venerupis pullastra, Cerastoderma edule, and Mytilus galloprovincialis were collected from two locations in Corcubión estuary (Norhwest of Spain). The level of PAH in sediment and biota, and its possible origin were assessed. A moderate level of contamination was observed with a predominance of PAH of a pyrogenic origin. Genotoxic damage, measured as single-strand DNA breaks with the comet assay, was evaluated in gill tissue and in hemolymph. The values of DNA damage obtained showed a higher sensitivity of clams and cockles to the pollution load level. These differences among species make us suggest the use of some other species coupled with mussels as an optimal tool for biomonitoring estuarine environments.  相似文献   

A several year program is underway in Israel for monitoring a wastewater reclamation and storage complex for agriculture irrigation. The program covers wastewater treatment and storage, irrigation, aquifers, air pollution, crops, soil, geography and meteorology, and is operated by one Principal Institution and several Participant Institutions. The institutions feed their data to a central database. Multi-institutional databases are fed by research teams whose areas of activity are traditionally unrelated. The main problem of the Database Administrator consists in combining data created by different methods under different basic assumptions. And to make them available to investigators from several disciplines and institutions who are used to different data analysis procedures. Database Administrator's background should cover both computer and environmental sciences fields. The selection of a flexible multipurpose software is recommended, but there are several decisions on database design that depend not on the software but on the characteristics and requirements of the Monitoring Program. Entering the data from different sources in independent files facilitates input, debugging, administrative control of the contribution of each institution, and changes in units and parameters. This multi-file design also overcomes difficulties due to excessive file size, and better matchs the actual usage of the database in a multi-institutional program. To enter the data with their original characteristics and units also matchs better the database usage. Ready-to-use routines for file merging and unit conversion, and debugging and documentation needs are also discussed. The Database-User interactions are the mechanism that maintains an evolving dynamic Database.  相似文献   

Dynamics of heavy metals such as Fe, Mn, Zn, Cr, Cu, Co, Ni, Pb, and Cd in surface water of Mahanadi River estuarine systems were studied taking 31 different stations and three different seasons. This study demonstrates that the elemental concentrations are extremely variable and most of them are higher than the World river average. Among the heavy metals, iron is present at highest concentration while cadmium is at the least. The spatial pattern of heavy metals suggests that their anthropogenic sources are possibly from two major fertilizer plants and municipal sewage from three major towns as well as agricultural runoff. The temporal variations for metals like Fe, Cu, and Pb exhibit higher values during the monsoon season, which are related to agricultural runoff. Concentrations of Ni, Pb, and Cd exceed the maximum permissible limits of surface water quality in some polluted stations and pose health risks. Dissolved heavy metals like Fe, Mn, Cr, Ni, and Pb exhibit a non-conservative behavior during estuarine mixing, while Zn, Cu, and Co distribution is conservative. Distribution of cadmium in the estuarine region indicates some mobilization which may be due to desorption. The enrichment ratio data suggest that various industrial wastes and municipal wastes contribute most of the dissolved metals in the Mahanadi River. The Mahanadi River transports 18.216 × 103 t of total heavy metals into the Bay of Bengal and the calculated rate of erosion in the basin is 128.645 kg km − 2 year − 1.  相似文献   

A coupled three-dimensional hydrodynamic and water quality model has been developed and applied to the Danshuei River estuarine system and adjacent coastal sea. The water quality model considers various species of nitrogen, phosphorus, organic carbon, and phytoplankton as well as dissolved oxygen and is driven by a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model. The hydrodynamic and water quality models were validated with observations of water surface elevation, velocity, salinity distribution, and water quality parameters. Statistical error analysis shows that predictions of hydrodynamics, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and nutrients from the model simulation quantitatively agreed with the observed data. The validated model was then applied to predict water quality conditions as a result of a reduction in nutrient loadings based on different engineering strategies. The simulated results revealed that the dissolved oxygen concentration would increase significantly and would be higher than 2 mg/L in the main stream and in three tributaries to meet the minimum statutory requirement for dissolved oxygen. Active estuarine management focused on the reduction of anthropogenic nutrient loads is needed for improvement in water quality.  相似文献   

In this study, the hydrochemical characteristics of shallow groundwater were analyzed to get insight into the factors affecting groundwater quality in a typical agricultural dominated area of the North China Plain. Forty-four shallow groundwater samples were collected for chemical analysis. The water type changes from Ca·Na-HCO3 type in grass land to Ca·Na-Cl (+NO3) type and Na (Ca)-Cl (+NO3+SO4) type in construction and facility agricultural land, indicating the influence of human activities. The factor analysis and geostatistical analysis revealed that the two major factors contributing to the groundwater hydrochemical compositions were the water-rock interaction and contamination from sewage discharge and agricultural fertilizers. The major ions (F, HCO3) and trace element (As) in the shallow groundwater represented the natural origin, while the nitrate and sulfate concentrations were related to the application of fertilizer and sewage discharge in the facility agricultural area, which was mainly affected by the human activities. The values of pH, total dissolved solids, electric conductivity, and conventional component (K, Ca, Na, Mg, Cl) in shallow groundwater increased from grass land and cultivated land, to construction land and to facility agriculture which were originated from the combination sources of natural processes (e.g., water-rock interaction) and human activities (e.g., domestic effluents). The study indicated that both natural processes and human activities had influences on the groundwater hydrochemical compositions in shallow groundwater, while anthropogenic processes had more contribution, especially in the reclaimed water irrigation area.  相似文献   

Studies on abundance and types of various pollution indicator bacterial populations from tropical estuaries are rare. This study was aimed to estimate current levels of pollution indicator as well as many groups of human pathogenic bacteria and their seasonal variations in different locations in Mandovi and Zuari Rivers in the central west coast of India. The sampling covered the estuarine and upstream regions of these rivers representing premonsoon (May 2005), monsoon (September 2006) and post-monsoon (November 2005). Both the abundance and types of autochthonous and allochthonous microbial populations in the near shore environments are affected by land drainages, domestic sewage outfalls and other discharges. The overall ranges (and their mean abundance; no. ml(-1)) of the monitored groups of bacteria were: total coliforms: 0-29,047 (3,134 ml(-1)); total streptococci: 3-14,597 (798); total vibrios: 13-42,275 (2,530); Escherichia coli: 0-1,333 (123); Vibrio cholerae: 0-3,012 (207); Salmonella spp: 0-1,646 (90); Streptococcus faecalis: 0-613 (88) and Aeromonas spp: 0-2,760 (205). In general, abundance of sewage pollution indicator bacteria such as total coliforms and total streptococci was lower than that reported from many other locations worldwide.  相似文献   

A comprehensive monitoring program was conducted during 2005-2007 to investigate seasonal variations of hydrologic stability and water quality in the Yeongsan Reservoir (YSR), located at the downstream end of the Yeongsan River, Korea. A principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to identify factors dominating the seasonal water quality variation from a large suite of measured data--11 physico-chemical parameters from 48 sampling sites. The results showed that three principal components explained approximately 62% of spatio-seasonal water quality variation, which are related to stratifications, pollutant loadings and resultant eutrophication, and the advective mixing process during the episodic rainfall-runoff events. A comparison was then made between YSR and an upstream freshwater reservoir (Damyang Reservoir, DYR) in the same river basin during an autumn season. It was found that the saline stratification and pollutant input from the upstream contributed to greater concentrations of nutrients and organic matter in YSR compared to DYR. In YSR, saline stratification in combination with thermal stratification was a dominant cause of the longer period (for two consecutive seasons) of hypoxic conditions at the reservoir bottom. The results presented here will help better understand the season- and geography-dependent characteristics of reservoir water quality in Asian Monsoon climate regions such as Korea.  相似文献   

太湖微囊藻毒素与湖泊物理因素之间的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
应用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)监测了太湖2001年的微囊藻毒素的周年变化,探讨了微囊藻毒素浓度(Microcystin-LR,MCLR)和水温、光照、悬浮质、溶解氧、风浪等湖泊物理因素之间的关系,显示微囊藻毒素在夏秋季节较高,但各采样点微囊藻毒素浓度的最高值及其变化趋势与各采样点所处地理位置,水动力学变化及样点周围水域藻类生长情况等有密切关系,从湖泊物理因素来看,微囊藻毒素浓度受风浪和水温的影响较大。  相似文献   

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