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Fruit, vegetable, flower waste (FVFW), dairy products waste (DPW), meat waste (MW) and sugar waste (SW) obtained from a supermarket chain were anaerobically digested, in order to recover methane as a source of renewable energy. Batch mesophilic anaerobic reactors were run at total solids (TS) ratios of 5%, 8% and 10%. The highest methane yield of 0.44 L CH4/g VSadded was obtained from anaerobic digestion of wastes (FVFW + DPW + MW + SW) at 10% TS, with 66.4% of methane (CH4) composition in biogas. Anaerobic digestion of mixed wastes at 5% and 8% TS provided slightly lower methane yields of 0.41 and 0.40 L CH4/g VSadded, respectively. When the wastes were digested alone without co-substrate addition, the highest methane yield of 0.40 L CH4/g VSadded was obtained from FVFW at 5% TS. Generally, although the volatile solids (VS) conversion percentages seemed low during the experiments, higher methane yields could be obtained from anaerobic digestion of supermarket wastes. A suitable carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio, proper adjustment of the buffering capacity and the addition of essential trace nutrients (such as Ni) could improve VS conversion and biogas production yields significantly.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to compare the types and levels of volatile methyl siloxanes (VMS) present in biogas generated in the anaerobic digesters and landfills, evaluate the energetics of siloxane transformations under anaerobic conditions, compare the conditions in anaerobic digesters and municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills which result in differences in siloxane compositions. Biogas samples were collected at the South District Wastewater Treatment Plant and South Dade Landfill in Miami, Florida. In the digester gas, D4 and D5 comprised the bulk of total siloxanes (62% and 27%, respectively) whereas in the landfill gas, the bulk of siloxanes were trimethylsilanol (TMSOH) (58%) followed by D4 (17%). Presence of high levels of TMSOH in the landfill gas indicates that methane utilization may be a possible reaction mechanism for TMSOH formation. The free energy change for transformation of D5 and D4 to TMSOH either by hydrogen or methane utilization are thermodynamically favorable. Either hydrogen or methane should be present at relatively high concentrations for TMSOH formation which explains the high levels present in the landfill gas. The high bond energy and bond distance of the Si–O bond, in view of the atomic sizes of Si and O atoms, indicate that Si atoms can provide a barrier, making it difficult to break the Si–O bonds especially for molecules with specific geometric configurations such as D4 and D5 where oxygen atoms are positioned inside the frame formed by the large Si atoms which are surrounded by the methyl groups.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to observe the economic sustainability of three different biogas full scale plants, fed with different organic matrices: energy crops (EC), manure, agro-industrial (Plants B and C) and organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) (Plant A). The plants were observed for one year and total annual biomass feeding, biomass composition and biomass cost (€ Mg?1), initial investment cost and plant electric power production were registered. The unit costs of biogas and electric energy (€ Sm?3biogas, € kW h?1EE) were differently distributed, depending on the type of feed and plant. Plant A showed high management/maintenance cost for OFMSW treatment (0.155  Sm?3biogas, 45% of total cost), Plant B suffered high cost for EC supply (0.130 € Sm?3biogas, 49% of total cost) and Plant C showed higher impact on the total costs because of the depreciation charge (0.146  Sm?3biogas, 41% of total costs). The breakeven point for the tariff of electric energy, calculated for the different cases, resulted in the range 120–170  MW h?1EE, depending on fed materials and plant scale. EC had great impact on biomass supply costs and should be reduced, in favor of organic waste and residues; plant scale still heavily influences the production costs. The EU States should drive incentives in dependence of these factors, to further develop this still promising sector.  相似文献   

Solid adsorbent materials, prepared from waste cement powder and concrete sludge were assessed for removal of arsenic in the form of arsenic (As(V)) from water. All the materials exhibited arsenic removal capacity when added to distilled water containing 10–700 mg/L arsenic. The arsenic removal isotherms were expressed by the Langmuir type equations, and the highest removal capacity was observed for the adsorbent prepared from concrete sludge with heat treatment at 105 °C, the maximum removal capacity being 175 mg-As(V)/g. Based on changes in arsenic and calcium ion concentrations, and solution pH, the removal mechanism for arsenic was considered to involve the precipitation of calcium arsenate, Ca3(AsO4)2. The enhanced removal of arsenic for the adsorbent prepared from concrete sludge with heat treatment was thought to reflect ion exchange by ettringite. The prepared adsorbents, derived from waste cement and concrete using simple procedures, may offer a cost effective approach for arsenic removal and clean-up of contaminated waters, especially in developing countries.  相似文献   

Due to the increase in energy cost by constantly high oil prices and the obligation to reduce greenhouse effect gases, landfill gas is frequently used as an alternative energy source for producing heat and electricity. Most of landfill gas utility facilities, however, are experiencing problems controlling siloxanes from landfill gas as their catalytic oxidizers are becoming fouled by silicon dioxide dust. To evaluate adsorption characteristics of siloxanes, an adsorption equilibrium test was conducted and parameters in the Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms were analyzed. Coconut activated carbon (CA1), coal activated carbon (CA2), impregnated activated carbon (CA3), silicagel (NCA1), and activated alumina (NCA2) were used for the adsorption of the mixed siloxane which contained hexamethyldisiloxane (L2), octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4), and decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5). L2 had higher removal efficiency in noncarbon adsorbents compared to carbon adsorbents. The application of Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherm demonstrated that coconut based CA1 and CA3 provided higher adsorption capacity on L2. And CA2 and NCA1 provided higher adsorption capacity on D4 and D5. Based on the experimental results, L2, D4, and D5 were converted by adsorption and desorption in noncarbon adsorbents. Adsorption affinity of siloxane is considered to be affect by the pore size distribution of the adsorbents and by the molecular size of each siloxane.  相似文献   

In an effort to convert waste streams to energy in a green process, glycerol from biodiesel manufacturing has been used to increase the gas production and methane content of biogas within a mesophilic anaerobic co-digestion process using primary sewage sludge. Glycerol was systematically added to the primary digester from 0% to 60% of the organic loading rate (OLR). The optimum glycerol loading range was from 25% to 60% OLR. This resulted in an 82–280% improvement in specific gas production. Following the feeding schedule described, the digesters remained balanced and healthy until inhibition was achieved at 70% glycerol OLR. This suggests that high glycerol loadings are possible if slow additions are upheld in order to allow the bacterial community to adjust properly. Waste water treatment plant operators with anaerobic digesters can use the data to increase loadings and boost biogas production to enhance energy conversion. This process provides a safe, environmentally friendly method to convert a typical waste stream to an energy stream of biogas.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to increase biogas production and methane yield from landfill leachate in anaerobic batch reactors by using low frequency ultrasound as a pretreatment step. In the first part of the study, optimum conditions for solubilization of organic matter in leachate samples were investigated using various sonication durations at an ultrasound frequency of 20 kHz. The level of organic matter solubilization during ultrasonic pretreatment experiments was determined by calculating the ratio of soluble chemical oxygen demand (sCOD) to total chemical oxygen demand (tCOD). The sCOD/tCOD ratio was increased from 47% in raw leachate to 63% after 45 min sonication at 600 W/l. Non-parametric Friedman’s test indicated that ultrasonic pretreatment has a significant effect on sCOD parameter for leachate (p < 0.05). In the second part of the study, anaerobic batch reactors were operated for both ultrasonically pretreated and untreated landfill leachate samples in order to assess the effect of sonication on biogas and methane production rate. In anaerobic batch reactor feed with ultrasonically pretreated leachate, 40% more biogas was obtained compared to the control reactor. For statistical analysis, Mann–Whitney U test was performed to compare biogas and methane production rates for raw and pretreated leachate samples and it has been found that ultrasonic pretreatment significantly enhanced biogas and methane production rates from leachate (p < 0.05) in anaerobic batch reactors. The overall results showed that low frequency ultrasound pretreatment can be potentially used for wastewater management especially with integration of anaerobic processes.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effect of feedstock ratios in biogas production, anaerobic co-digestions of rice straw with kitchen waste and pig manure were carried out. A series of single-stage batch mesophilic (37 ± 1 °C) anaerobic digestions were performed at a substrate concentration of 54 g/L based on volatile solids (VS). The results showed that the optimal ratio of kitchen waste, pig manure, and rice straw was 0.4:1.6:1, for which the C/N ratio was 21.7. The methane content was 45.9–70.0% and rate of VS reduction was 55.8%. The biogas yield of 674.4 L/kg VS was higher than that of the digestion of rice straw or pig manure alone by 71.67% and 10.41%, respectively. Inhibition of biogas production by volatile fatty acids (VFA) occurred when the addition of kitchen waste was greater than 26%. The VFA analysis showed that, in the reactors that successfully produced biogas, the dominant intermediate metabolites were propionate and acetate, while they were lactic acid, acetate, and propionate in the others.  相似文献   

Desulfurization adsorbents were prepared from the mixtures of various compositions of New York City sewage sludge and fly ashes from SASOL, South Africa, by pyrolysis at 950 degrees C. The resulting materials were used as adsorbents of hydrogen sulfide from simulated dry digester gas mixture or moist air. The adsorbents before and after H(2)S removal were characterized using adsorption of nitrogen, elemental analysis, pH measurements, XRF, XRD, and thermal analysis. It was found that the addition of fly ash decreases the desulfurization capacity in comparison with the sewage sludge-based materials. The extent of this decrease depends on the type of ash, its content and the composition of challenging gas. Although the presence of CO(2) deactivates some adsorption sites to various degrees depending on the sample composition, the addition of ashes has a more detrimental effect when the adsorbents are used to remove hydrogen sulfide from air. This is likely the result of hydrophobicity of ashes since the H(2)S removal capacity was found to be strongly dependent on the reactivity towards water/water adsorption. On the other hand, the addition of ashes strongly decreases the porosity of materials where sulfur, as a product of hydrogen sulfide oxidation, can be stored.  相似文献   

Vacuum evaporation consists in the boiling of a liquid substrate at negative pressure, at a temperature lower than typical boiling temperature at atmospheric conditions. Condensed vapor represents the so called condensate, while the remaining substrate represents the concentrate.This technology is derived from other sectors and is mainly dedicated to the recovery of chemicals from industrial by-products, while it has not been widely implemented yet in the field of agricultural digestate treatment. The present paper relates on experimental tests performed in pilot-scale vacuum evaporation plants (0.100 and 0.025 m3), treating filtered digestate (liquid fraction of digestate filtered by a screw-press separator). Digestate was produced by a 1 MWe anaerobic digestion plant fed with swine manure, corn silage and other biomasses. Different system and process configurations were tested (single-stage and two-stage, with and without acidification) with the main objectives of assessing the technical feasibility and of optimizing process parameters for an eventual technology transfer to full scale systems.The inputs and outputs of the process were subject to characterization and mass and nutrients balances were determined.The vacuum evaporation process determined a relevant mass reduction of digestate.The single stage configuration determined the production of a concentrate, still in liquid phase, with a total solid (TS) mean concentration of 15.0%, representing, in terms of mass, 20.2% of the input; the remaining 79.8% was represented by condensate. The introduction of the second stage allowed to obtain a solid concentrate, characterized by a content of TS of 59.0% and representing 5.6% of initial mass.Nitrogen balance was influenced by digestate pH: in order to limit the stripping of ammonia and its transfer to condensate it was necessary to reduce the pH. At pH 5, 97.5% of total nitrogen remained in the concentrate. This product was characterized by very high concentrations of total Kjeldhal nitrogen (TKN), 55,000 mg/kg as average.Condensate, instead, represented 94.4% of input mass, containing 2.5% of TKN. This fraction could be discharged into surface water, after purification to meet the criteria imposed by Italian regulation. Most likely, condensate could be used as dilution water for digestion input, for cleaning floor and surfaces of animal housings or for crop irrigation.The research showed the great effectiveness of the vacuum evaporation process, especially in the two stage configuration with acidification. In fact, the concentration of nutrients in a small volume determines easier transportation and reduction of related management costs. In full scale plants energy consumption is estimated to be 5–8 kWhe/m3 of digestate and 350 kWht/m3 of evaporated water.  相似文献   

冀云  赵远  董向阳  王霞  操林海  刘钰 《化工环保》2019,39(2):153-157
在中试吹脱装置上,通过投加低浓度促脱剂协同传统吹脱法处理高氨氮工业废水(氨氮质量浓度2 369~3 600 mg/L)。结果表明:在相同处理条件下,阴离子促脱剂的氨氮去除效果优于阳离子促脱剂,且促脱剂的碳数越高越有利于氨氮的去除;废水处理的最佳工艺条件为废水pH 12.0、废水温度50℃、吹脱时间5 h、促脱剂投加量25 mg/L、气液比600∶1;该条件下,以木质素磺酸钠为促脱剂协同吹脱法处理高氨氮废水,氨氮去除率可达99%以上,高于传统吹脱法20个百分点以上。  相似文献   

钢渣净化水中磷素的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在对国内外钢渣除磷研究现状进行总结的基础上,介绍了铜渣的组成及其物理、化学性质,并进一步阐述了其在除磷过程中涉及到的反应机理,提出了钢渣应用于含磷废水处理时存在的问题及今后的研究发展方向。  相似文献   

赵毅  齐萌 《化工环保》2018,38(3):256-260
燃煤烟气中汞的排放控制是大气污染治理的研究热点之一。氧化法可将烟气中不溶于水的气态单质汞(Hg~0)转化为易溶于水的氧化态汞(Hg~(2+)),然后利用湿式吸收设备去除。综述了国内外燃煤烟气氧化法脱汞技术的研究进展,比较了非催化氧化法和催化氧化法的优势与局限,对今后的发展趋势进行了展望。指出:选择使用高效且环境友好的氧化剂以及催化剂,研发高效、低成本、可回收的金属氧化物催化剂是该领域的主要研究方向。  相似文献   

简单介绍了炼油碱渣废水的来源及特点,综述了近年来炼油碱渣废水中硫化物的去除技术(包括沉淀技术、氧化技术、生物技术、超声波技术、电化学技术等)的研究进展。结合各技术的特点分析指出:以催化氧化为核心,以高效、经济、条件缓和为主要目标的组合工艺的优化与集成以及新型催化剂的研发,是炼油碱渣废水中硫化物去除技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Brominated high-impact polystyrene (HIPS-Br), which contained decabromodiphenyl ether flame retardant, and brominated acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS-Br), which contained bromine-containing epoxy-type flame retardant, were degraded at 450°C individually and in a 1/1 mixture by a thermal and catalytic procedure using folded sheet mesoporous (FSM) and ZSM-5 zeolite in liquid phase contact mode. The two polymers produced similar degradation oils but at a higher yield for HIPS-Br. However, the composition and distribution of Br-, N-, and O-containing compounds depended on the type of flame retardant in HIPS-Br and ABS-Br. Multiphase catalytic systems consisting of FSM in liquid phase contact mode and various CaH-, FeO-, CoMo-, and NiMo-based catalysts, or combinations of these catalysts, in vapor phase contact mode were used to decrease the amount of heteroatoms (Br, N, and O) in the degradation oils. Each system gave particular results in terms of mass balance and concentrations of heteroatoms. A FSM (liquid phase contact)/CaHC (vapor phase contact) combination was the best catalytic system to remove Br-, N-, and O-containing compounds from degradation oils.  相似文献   

采用电絮凝法,以新疆油田蒸汽辅助重力泄油(SAGD)工艺高温采出水为研究对象,考察了电流、反应时间、反应温度和初始pH等实际生产中较为可控的工艺条件对电絮凝除硅效果的影响.实验结果表明:在1.0 L的反应器中,反应时间不少于4 min,电流不小于0.8 A,即可达到较好的除硅效果,过大的电流无法提高电絮凝除硅能力;反应...  相似文献   

化学法去除循环水排污水中的磷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了聚合氯化铝、硫酸铁、氯化铁及生石灰等除磷剂对循环水排污水的除磷效果,考察了反应温度、反应时间、污水p H和除磷剂投加方式对除磷效果的影响。实验结果表明:聚合氯化铝和硫酸铁的除磷效率相当,其次是氯化铁,生石灰的除磷效率最低;最终选用聚合氯化铝作为除磷剂,对循环水排污水进行除磷处理时无需调节其p H,反应可在室温下进行,反应时间需大于300 s;聚合氯化铝最佳投加量为40 mg/L,二次性投加聚合氯化铝的除磷效果明显好于一次性投加;二次性投加出水TP为0.37 mg/L。  相似文献   

以水为吸收液,采用旋转填充床分离微生物厌氧发酵沼气中的CO_2,考察了工艺条件对CO_2吸收效果的影响。实验结果表明:进液量越大、气液比越小、进口CO_2体积分数越小、操作压力越大、进液温度越低则CO_2的吸收效果越好,而床转速以适中为宜;在进液量60 L/h、气液比3.3、床转速1 000 r/min、进口CO_2体积分数40%、操作压力1.2 MPa、进液温度5℃的条件下,CO_2吸收率为57.4%,提纯后气体的CO_2体积分数为17%。  相似文献   

高效除磷材料的除磷特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了高效除磷材料(Efficient Phosphorus Removal Composite,EPRC)的除磷特性,以及以此材料为填料的吸附柱对模拟含磷废水的除磷效果.试验结果表明: EPRC颗粒在15℃、25℃、35℃时的最大饱和吸附量分别达到1.9535mg/g、2.281mg/g、3.6724mg/g.以EPRC颗粒填充吸附柱处理模拟含磷废水时,停留时间8h、连续进水、运行8d,磷的平均去除率为93%,废水pH值略有升高.  相似文献   

陈逸斌  吴明红  杨洁  王旌  徐刚  姜勇 《化工环保》2019,39(5):532-537
以一水合柠檬酸(CA)为洗涤剂,分别采用吐温80(TW80)、十二烷基磺酸钠(SDS)、β-环糊精(BCD)和腐植酸(HA)4种表面活性剂与CA联合洗涤高黏性土壤中的重金属,考察表面活性剂与CA的联合洗脱效果。实验结果表明:添加4种表面活性剂均可提高CA对Cu、Zn和Pb的去除率;处理时无需调节体系pH;在表面活性剂与CA的混合液与土壤的液固比为10:1(mL/g)的条件下,采用一次洗涤即可。经4种表面活性剂与CA联合洗涤后,土壤中Cu、Zn和Pb的离子交换态、碳酸盐结合态和铁锰氧化结合态的占比均下降,而硫化物及有机结合态和残渣态的占比有所提升。  相似文献   

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