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Using water curtain system to forced mitigate ammonia vapor cloud has been proven to be an effective measure. Currently, no engineering guidelines for designing an effective water curtain system are available, due to lack of understanding of complex interactions between ammonia vapor cloud and water droplets, especially the understanding of ammonia absorption into water droplets. This paper presents numerical calculations to reproduce the continuous ammonia release dispersion with and without the mitigating influence of a downwind water curtain using computational fluid dynamic (CFD) software ANSYS Fluent 14.0. The turbulence models kɛ and RNG were used to simulate the ammonia cloud dispersion without downwind water curtain. The simulated results were compared with literature using the statistical performance indicators. The RNG model represents better agreement with the experimental data and the kɛ model generates a slightly lesser result. The RNG model coupled with Lagrangian discrete phase model (DPM) was used to simulate the dilution effectiveness of the water curtain system. The ammonia absorption was taken into account by means of user-defined functions (UDF). The simulated effectiveness of water curtains has good agreements with the experimental results. The effectiveness of water mitigation system with and without the ammonia absorption was compared. The results display that the effectiveness mainly depends on the strong air entrainment enhanced by water droplets movement and the ammonia absorption also enhances the effectiveness of water curtain mitigation system. The study indicates that the CFD code can be satisfactorily applied in design criteria for an effective mitigation system.  相似文献   

首先采用拟牛顿法(Broyden方法),基于MATLAB编程对地下矿山角联通风网络进行了编程解算,此种方法避免了复杂的数学方程建立过程,使解算过程在计算机上便可全部完成,并且收敛快,精度高。通过对解算结果的对比分析,可以了解角联分支对通风系统的影响,论文重点通过FLUENT软件,对角联通风网络进行了数值模拟,分别模拟了角联分支内有风流流过以及无风流流过的情况,通过选取不同的通风巷道截面,观察速度云图以及矢量图等,可以清楚的看到角联巷道内风流的特性以及效果,为角联巷道内风流特性的研究提供了一定的依据,文章最后指出了在矿山实际情况中,在处理角联通风网络时应注意的一些问题。  相似文献   

液氨储罐事故性泄漏扩散过程模拟分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
液氨是化工企业常用的原料,而每年因为液氨储罐的泄漏造成的事故也十分频繁,液氨属于高度危险性物质,一旦泄漏极可能造成灾难性后果。本文探讨了描述液氨储罐事故性泄漏及扩散过程的数学模型,并用所建模型针对某市化学园区某化工公司液氨储罐工程建设项目进行模拟分析。从模拟结果来看,采用数学模型的方法对事故后果进行预测和分析具有一定程度的可靠性,对于救灾、重大危险源编制应急事故预案以及对新建项目进行危险性预评价都具有一定程度的指导意义。  相似文献   

In industries some dangerous liquefied gases may accidentally release and it may form a flammable or toxic mixture after mixing with air. One tool that is being developed in industry for two-phase cloud dispersion modeling is computational fluid dynamics (CFD). In this paper, the dispersion processes of different dangerous materials including liquefied chlorine, liquefied ammonia and liquefied petroleum gas were simulated in the same condition to analyze the characteristics of the initial expansion processes by CFD tool. The heat and mass transfer between droplets and the vapor after an instantaneous release event was calculated by using the Eulerian–Lagrangian method. The results from a number of 3-D CFD based studies were compared with the available small-scale experimental results. The results show that the present model and numerical simulation are reliable.  相似文献   

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) approach has been successfully applied to simulate the small-scale instantaneous flashing release experiment by Pettitt. A model for dispersion of the release event is provided based on relevant theories and existing experimental data. An application of the CFD method to the dispersion simulation is illustrated. Furthermore, a new methodology based on discrete phase model for setting computational initial conditions is provided. An initial expansion and subsequent turbulence dispersion can be characteristically identified from both volume and temperature variation of the cloud obtained by the simulation. The possible mechanism for these phenomena has also been discussed and analyzed. The study deepens the understanding of the physical process of this event and provides one more reliable tool for relevant safety systems.  相似文献   

为进一步提高体育馆类大空间建筑的防火水平,有效减少火灾损失,针对大空间建筑防火的特殊性,采用CFD计算软件FLUENT 6.3建立某体育馆火灾温度场模型,并比较馆内各种自然通风状态下的温度场变化.模拟馆内东墙的通风设备完全开启、部分开启和馆内北墙的通风设备完全开启这3种情况下的体育馆火灾温度场.结果表明,体育馆内自然通风设施的数量和所处方位对温度场的变化有较大影响,这为体育馆设施的资金投入方向提供了参考.研究表明,FLUENT软件能较好地模拟大空间火灾温度场.  相似文献   

Water curtains have been suggested as a way of limiting the spread of ammonia in the event of an accidental release. Several field experiments have already been performed to investigate the interaction between a water curtain and a cloud of ammonia, most recently by Bara and Dusserre (1997, J. Loss Prev. Ind., 10(3), 179–183). Those experiments have been modelled numerically, using the computational code Mercure. The calculated velocities and concentrations agree reasonably well with the measurements.  相似文献   

为分析运输过程中液氨罐车在隧道内泄漏的危险性,利用Fire Dynamics Simulator(FDS)软件模拟氨气在隧道内的扩散过程,发展了隧道内氨气泄漏扩散体积分数分布特征经验公式。采用大涡模拟处理湍流流动,以便兼顾计算精度和计算效率。考虑储罐车发生泄漏后停止不动,液氨在泄漏瞬间转变为气体,模拟在连续点源泄漏情况下的氨气射流及扩散过程。结果表明,高体积分数危险区域主要集中在隧道顶棚附近,更高截面的体积分数处于爆炸极限的区域更长。泄漏源与洞口之间的隧道中段区域的体积分数梯度相对两端较小,此中段区域也是人员安全高度截面最高氨气体积分数发生位置。最大泄漏量情况下氨气在沿纵向扩散过程中平均运动速率保持在0.63~1.06 m/s,扩散速率随纵向距离增加而降低。顶棚氨气体积分数升高程度随纵向距离增加呈幂函数降低,体积分数沿纵向衰减规律适用于其他泄漏量的情况。后期工作可考虑开展缩尺试验,并同时考虑通风条件等因素对氨气泄漏扩散的影响研究。发展的氨气在隧道内泄漏扩散的体积分数分布经验公式可为氨气事故后果评价、应急处置等工作提供参考。  相似文献   

The use of LNG (liquefied natural gas) as fuel brings up issues regarding safety and acceptable risk. The potential hazards associated with an accidental LNG spill should be evaluated, and a useful tool in LNG safety assessment is computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation. In this paper, the ADREA-HF code has been applied to simulate LNG dispersion in open-obstructed environment based on Falcon Series Experiments. During these experiments LNG was released and dispersed over water surface. The spill area is confined with a billboard upwind of the water pond. FA1 trial was chosen to be simulated, because its release and weather conditions (high total spill volume and release rate, low wind speed) allow the gravitational force to influence the cold, dense vapor cloud and can be considered as a benchmark for LNG dispersion in fenced area. The source was modeled with two different approaches: as vapor pool and as two phase jet and the predicted methane concentration at sensors' location was compared with the experimental one. It is verified that the source model affect to a great extent the LNG dispersion and the best case was the one modeling the source as two phase jet. However, the numerical results in the case of two phase jet source underestimate the methane concentration for most of the sensors. Finally, the paper discusses the effect of neglecting the ?9.3° experimental wind direction, which leads to the symmetry assumption with respect to wind and therefore less computational costs. It was found that this effect is small in case of a jet source but large in the case of a pool source.  相似文献   

针对架空天然气管道泄漏引起的火灾爆炸问题,采用事件树分析泄漏扩散引起的事故后果,并在数值模拟中着重分析了模拟数学模型的选择。在三种不同泄漏孔径、两种不同风速、两种不同运行压力条件下分别应用ALHOA软件对事故后果进行数值模拟,结果表明:泄漏孔径、运行压力与危害影响范围成正比关系;在闪火和蒸气云爆炸中,风速与危害影响范围成反比关系,而风速对射流火灾的热辐射范围基本没有影响。  相似文献   

比较FDS和FLUENT在池火灾模拟中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
热辐射是池火灾燃烧的主要危害之一,可能导致人员伤亡或设备设施损坏。油罐火灾是典型的池火灾。本文通过对无风情况下油罐火灾火焰形状进行理论模型分析,建立了各自的物理模型和几何模型。应用计算流体动力学软件Fluent和火灾动力学模拟软件FDS,对无风情况下池火灾对周围大气环境的热辐射强度进行模拟,得到了火焰周围入射热流密度分布图,运用软件Statistica拟合得出热辐射强度与距离火焰中心的水平距离的对应关系,分别计算出轻伤半径区域下的最小安全距离。数值模型模拟结果与池火灾经验模型进行比较,发现FDS辐射强度结果与经验模型结果吻合较好。分析了利用这两种模型模拟油罐火灾各自的优点和缺点,最后提出了运用FDS软件模型模拟油罐火灾时的优势。  相似文献   

以概率分布表示液氨罐区各安全系统的失效率,用贝叶斯蒙特卡罗对安全系统进行动态分析.首先,构建事件树;然后,用无信息的均匀分布作为各个安全系统失效率的先验分布,由结果事件发生次数得到似然函数,进而得到安全系统失效的后验分布;最后,由蒙特卡罗模拟得到事件树结果事件发生的概率值.结果表明,火灾和中毒发生的概率比先验值大,液氨罐区总体安全性能降低.报警器、自动关断系统和灭火系统失效率比先验失效率高;浓度传感器、手动关断系统和防火系统失效率比先验失效率低.后验分布的方差逐渐减小,风险评估的不确定性降低.因此,动态分析更能够反映液氨罐区安全系统的安全状态,有利于决策人员及时采取相应措施.  相似文献   

This study presents a numerical model to analyze the sudden failure of compressed natural gas (CNG) cylinder onboard a CNG vehicle. The model is developed using COMSOL. It accounts for the real gas effects, physical energy, and combustion of the flammable gas. The model is tested using experimental data.The study highlight compression energy as one of the serious concern. An unintentional rupture of a compressed cylinder filled with natural gas would generate a rapid energy release in the form of the pressure energy (blast). The release of energy and gas would cause rapid mixing and generate overpressure and may also cause flash fire. A detailed failure frequency analysis is also done to analyze the effectiveness of barriers. This study identifies critical points for the safe operation of the CNG system onboard a vehicle.  相似文献   

Dimethyl ether (DME) has been focused as a substitute for diesel fuel, and a number of studies have investigated engines fueled with DME because DME has a low auto-ignition temperature and does not generate particulate matter (PM). Therefore, in the last few years, the construction of DME filling stations for trucks in Japan has been planned. The introduction of DME vehicles requires expansion of DME supply stations, which in turn requires the collection of safety data and the establishment of safety regulations. The present paper describes an experimental investigation of the hypothetical scenario in which liquid DME is accidentally released and an explosion occurs. In the present study, large-scale leakage and ignition of DME were investigated and flame propagation data was obtained. We also measured the overpressure of the blast wave and the heat flux from the fireball. When the ignition position is near the nozzle, the flame propagation velocity is higher. The overpressure from the DME fireball is stronger than that from DME/air mixture deflagration. In summary, these results provide safety data for safety management of DME filling stations.  相似文献   

基于S-A模型的气田井喷失控射流数值模拟的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究气田井喷失控污染物扩散规律,建立了井喷失控射流的Spalart Allmaras(S-A)湍流模型,应用FLUENT软件进行数值模拟.以"12·23"井喷失控事故案例进行验证,与实际情况比较.结果表明,数值模拟结果与实际情况相符,说明了数值模拟方法的实用性和有效性.  相似文献   

基于区域网络人员疏散模型的计算机仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析国内外已有安全疏散模型的基础上,结合区域模型思想,提出了以功能单元为基础的精细网格区域疏散模型(区域网格疏散模型).区域网格疏散模型根据建筑单元的功能设置各单元的人员密度,而疏散过程中人员运动速度受人员密度的影响.以MATLAB为开发平台,完成了界面窗口建立、各控件内部计算处理函数语句编程等工作,开发了区域网格疏散仿真程序(Zone Grid Evacuation Simulation Software,ZGESS).该程序可显示各楼层不同时刻的人员分布情况及整个建筑物人数随时间的变化.对建筑人员疏散的实例分析表明,区域网格疏散仿真程序能够模拟人员疏散的运动过程,并可将各单元及整个区域内的疏散全过程动态显示出来.  相似文献   

液氨装卸站泄漏事故分析及后果模拟   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
通过搜集大最液氨泄漏事故,统计分析了液氨泄漏事故的种类和原因,并针对发生事故频率高危害大的液氯装卸站,分析了造成液氰装卸软管泄漏的各种原因;采用挪威船级社(DNV)的PHAST软件分析了装卸软管泄漏和破裂时液氨泄漏的危害范围,提出了控制和预防该类事故的安全措施.  相似文献   

高校宿舍火灾数值仿真模拟   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
高等院校的学生人数众多,住宿比较密集,存在不少安全隐患,宿舍火灾对学生的自身安全和财物安全构成重大威胁。宿舍灭火以及人员疏散的关键在于掌握火灾发生中的重要参数变化。笔者采用美国国家标准和技术研究院(NIST)开发的FDS(Fire Dynamic Simulator)软件,建立高校宿舍模型,对宿舍火灾进行全尺寸模拟。通过模拟实验给出了火灾发生过程中烟气运动、纵向温度变化和氧气浓度变化的规律,最后笔者提出一种有效的灭火防灾方案,并进行模拟和验证,为学校防火防灾决策提供有力的依据。  相似文献   

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