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Long-term biodegradation of MSW in an aerobic landfill bioreactor was monitored as a function of time during 510 days of operation. Operational characteristics such as air importation, temperature and leachate recirculation were monitored. The oxygen utilization rates and biodegradation of organic matter rates showed that aerobic biodegradation was feasible and appropriate to proceed in aerobic landfill bioreactor. Leachate analyses showed that the aerobic bioreactor could remove above 90% of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and close to 100% of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) from leachate. Ammonium (NH4+), nitrate (NO3-) and sulphate (SO4(2-)) concentrations of leachate samples were regularly measured. Results suggest that nitrification and denitrification occurred simultaneously, and the increase in nitrate did not reach the levels predicted stoichiometrically, suggesting that other processes were occurring. Leachate recirculation reduced the concentrations of heavy metals because of the effect of the high pH of the leachate, causing heavy metals to be retained by processes such as sorption on MSW, carbonate precipitation, and hydroxide precipitation. Furthermore, the compost derived from the aerobic biodegradation of the organic matter of MSW may be considered as soil improvement in the agricultural plant production. Bio-essays indicated that the ecotoxicity of leachate from the aerobic bioreactor was not toxic at the end of the experiment. Finally, after 510 days of degradation, waste settlement reached 26% mainly due to the compost of the organic matter.  相似文献   

The practice of operating municipal solid waste landfills as bioreactor landfills has become more common over the past decade. Because simulating moisture balance and flow is more critical in such landfills than in dry landfills, researchers have developed methods to address this problem using the hydrologic evaluation of landfill performance (HELP) model. This paper discusses three methods of applying the HELP model to simulate the percolation of liquids added to landfill waste: the leachate recirculation feature (LRF), the subsurface inflow (SSI) feature, and additional rainfall to mimic liquids addition. The LRF is simple to use but may not be able to bring the landfill to bioreactor conditions. The SSI feature provides a convenient user interface for modeling liquids addition to each layer. The additional rainfall feature provides flexibility to the model, allowing users to estimate the leachate generation rate and the leachate head on bottom liner associated with daily variation in the liquids addition rate. Additionally, this paper discusses several issues that may affect the HELP model, such as the time of model simulation, layers of liquids addition, and the limitations of the HELP model itself. Based on the simulation results, it is suggested that the HELP model should be run over an extended period of time after the cessation of liquids addition in order to capture the peak leachate generation rate and the head on the liner (HOL). From the perspectives of leachate generation and the HOL, there are few differences between single-layer injection and multiple-layer injection. This paper also discusses the limitations of using the HELP model for designing and permitting bioreactor landfills.  相似文献   

Using first-order kinetic empirical models to estimate landfill gas (LFG) generation and collection rates is well recognized in the literature. The uncertainty in the estimated LFG generation rates is a major challenge in evaluating performance of LFG collection and LFG to energy facilities. In this investigation, four methods for quantifying first-order LFG generation model parameters, methane generation potential, L0, and methane generation rate constant, k, were evaluated. It was found that the model is insensitive to the approach taken in quantifying the parameters. However, considering the recognition of using the model in the literature, the optimum method to estimate L0 and k is to determine L0 using disposed municipal solid waste composition and laboratory component specific methane potential values. The k value can be selected by model fitting and regression using the first-order model if LFG collection data are available. When such data are not available, k can be selected from technical literature, based on site conditions. For five Florida case-study landfills L0 varied from 56 to 77 m3 Mg−1, and k varied from 0.04 to 0.13 yr−1 for the traditional landfills and was 0.10 yr−1 for the wet cell. Model predictions of LFG collection rates were on average lower than actual collection. The uncertainty (coefficient of variation) in modeled LFG generation rates varied from ±11% to ±17% while landfills were open, ±9% to ±18% at the end of waste placement, and ±16% to ±203% 50 years after waste placement ended.  相似文献   

Quantifying landfill gas to energy (LFGTE) potential as a source of renewable energy is difficult due to the challenges involved in modeling landfill gas (LFG) generation. In this paper a methodology is presented to estimate LFGTE potential on a regional scale over a 25-year timeframe with consideration of modeling uncertainties. The methodology was demonstrated for the US state of Florida, as a case study, and showed that Florida could increase the annual LFGTE production by more than threefold by 2035 through installation of LFGTE facilities at all landfills. The estimated electricity production potential from Florida LFG is equivalent to removing some 70 million vehicles from highways or replacing over 800 million barrels of oil consumption during the 2010-2035 timeframe. Diverting food waste could significantly reduce fugitive LFG emissions, while having minimal effect on the LFGTE potential; whereas, achieving high diversion goals through increased recycling will result in reduced uncollected LFG and significant loss of energy production potential which may be offset by energy savings from material recovery and reuse. Estimates showed that the power density for Florida LFGTE production could reach as high as 10 Wm(-2) with optimized landfill operation and energy production practices. The environmental benefits from increased lifetime LFG collection efficiencies magnify the value of LFGTE projects.  相似文献   

Landfill gas (LFG) emissions from municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills are an important environmental concern in Brazil due to the existence of several uncontrolled disposal sites. A program of laboratory and field tests was conducted to investigate gas generation in and emission from an Experimental Cell with a 36,659-ton capacity in Recife/PE - Brazil. This investigation involved waste characterisation, gas production and emission monitoring, and geotechnical and biological evaluations and was performed using three types of final cover layers. The results obtained in this study showed that waste decomposes 4-5 times faster in a tropical wet climate than predicted by traditional first-order models using default parameters. This fact must be included when considering the techniques and economics of projects developed in tropical climate countries. The design of the final cover layer and its geotechnical and biological behaviour proved to have an important role in minimising gas emissions to the atmosphere. Capillary and methanotrophic final cover layers presented lower CH4 flux rates than the conventional layer.  相似文献   

Sustainable landfilling has become a fundamental objective in many modern waste management concepts. In this context, the in situ aeration of landfills has been recognised for its potential to convert conventional anaerobic landfills into biological stabilised state, whereby both current and potential (long-term) emissions of the landfilled waste are mitigated. In recent years, different in situ aeration concepts have been successfully applied in Europe, North America and Asia, all pursuing different objectives and strategies.In Austria, the first full-scale application of in situ landfill aeration by means of low pressure air injection and simultaneous off-gas collection and treatment was implemented on an old, small municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill (2.6 ha) in autumn 2007. Complementary laboratory investigations were conducted with waste samples taken from the landfill site in order to provide more information on the transferability of the results from lab- to full-scale aeration measures. In addition, long-term emission development of the stabilised waste after aeration completion was assessed in an ongoing laboratory experiment. Although the initial waste material was described as mostly stable in terms of the biological parameters gas generation potential over 21 days (GP21) and respiration activity over 4 days (RA4), the lab-scale experiments indicated that aeration, which led to a significant improvement of leachate quality, was accompanied by further measurable changes in the solid waste material under optimised conditions. Even 75 weeks after aeration completion the leachate, as well as gaseous emissions from the stabilised waste material, remained low and stayed below the authorised Austrian discharge limits. However, the application of in situ aeration at the investigated landfill is a factor 10 behind the lab-based predictions after 3 years of operation, mainly due to technical limitations in the full-scale operation (e.g. high air flow resistivity due to high water content of waste and temporarily high water levels within the landfill; limited efficiency of the aeration wells). In addition, material preparation (e.g. sieving, sorting and homogenisation) prior to the emplacement in Landfill Simulation Reactors (LSRs) must be considered when transferring results from lab- to full-scale application.  相似文献   

Nuisance-causing flies were studied in and around a West Midlands, UK, landfill site from mid-January 2003 to mid-January 2004. The most important species was the common housefly, Musca domestica, which made up more than 92% of the total catch on traps in premises and was also frequent on the landfill site. An estimated 2 million common houseflies were imported to the site in waste as eggs, larvae or pupae during the peak month, July. Most did not apparently survive to maturity, only about 20 000 per month emerging from the tipped refuse. Lesser houseflies (Fannia canicularis) were also very commonly imported but they seemed unable to survive the conditions on the tip in their immature stages and few were found in emergence traps. No correlation was found between the distance separating premises from the landfill site and the number of M. domestica trapped in those premises. White sticky traps were effective for monitoring changes in fly populations over the longer term whereas the Scudder grill was more useful for making objective 'snapshots' of fly activity. There is scope to improve both the monitoring of fly activity and the investigation of complaints made by the general public about flies.  相似文献   

The understanding of long-term landfill settlement is important for landfill design and rehabilitation. However, suitable models that can consider both the mechanical and biodecomposition mechanisms in predicting the long-term landfill settlement are generally not available. In this paper, a model based on unsaturated consolidation theory and considering the biodegradation process is introduced to simulate the landfill settlement behaviour. The details of problem formulations and the derivation of the solution for the formulated differential equation of gas pressure are presented. A step-by-step analytical procedure employing this approach for estimating settlement is proposed. The proposed model can generally model the typical features of short-term and long-term behaviour. The proposed model also yields results that are comparable with the field measurements.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the possibility of applying the stoichiometric methane potential using elemental analysis, to landfill gas modeling at the Sudokwon 2nd Landfill Site in South Korea, where most of the household and demolition waste from more than twenty million citizens is disposed. The used model structure is based on the first order decay equation. The theoretical stoichiometric methane potential was corrected by multiplying the ratio of decomposable carbon which was obtained by biochemical decomposable carbon test. Then the optimum reaction constant k was found by sensitivity analysis and the Monte Carlo method. Under these input conditions, the modeling results showed that the discrepancies between the measured and modeled values of total quantity of methane and the mean deviation were 1.6 and 3.2%, respectively. Thus, it can be established that the application of stoichiometric method using elemental analysis data could be a useful methods to apply to landfill gas modeling.  相似文献   

Estimating water content in an active landfill with the aid of GPR   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Landfill gas (LFG) receives a great deal of attention due to both negative and positive environmental impacts, global warming and a green energy source, respectively. However, predicting the quantity of LFG generated at a given landfill, whether active or closed is difficult due to the heterogeneities present in waste, and the lack of accurate in situ waste parameters like water content. Accordingly, ground penetrating radar (GPR) was evaluated as a tool for estimating in situ water content. Due to the large degree of subsurface heterogeneity and the electrically conductive clay cap covering landfills, both of which affect the transmission of the electromagnetic pulses, there is much scepticism concerning the use of GPR to quantify in situ water content within a municipal landfill.Two landfills were studied. The first landfill was used to develop the measurement protocols, while the second landfill provided a means of confirming these protocols. GPR measurements were initially completed using the surface GPR approach, but the lack of success led to the use of borehole (BH) GPR. Both zero offset profiling (ZOP) and multiple offset gathers (MOG) modes were tried, with the results indicating that BH GPR using the ZOP mode is the most simple and efficient method to measure in situ water content. The best results were obtained at a separation distance of 2 m, where higher the water content, smaller the effective separation distance. However, an increase in water content did appear to increase the accuracy of the GPR measurements. For the effective separation distance of 2 m at both landfills, the difference between GPR and lab measured water contents were reasonable at 33.9% for the drier landfill and 18.1% for the wetter landfill. Infiltration experiments also showed the potential to measure small increases in water content.  相似文献   


Bad choices in municipal waste (MW) management cause negative effects on sustainability. Evolving regulation has identified prevention and recycling as the best strategies; nevertheless, disposal in landfilling sites plays an essential role since a complete zero-waste scenario is not realistic, currently. Nowadays, policies require a preliminary waste stabilization to decrease the putrescible content. Therefore, mechanical biological treatment (MBT) has replaced the previous crushing, aimed at simple volume reduction. Literature has proved the effectiveness of MBT when MW collection system is ineffective. The present paper considered a facility in an area with a high-performance MW collection system. A long-term (1999–2019) on-site sampling allowed the comparison between two sites of the facility: the old site (before the MBT activation) and the new area, where the stabilized waste is disposed of. Monitoring of biogas, leachate (analyzed parameters: pH, BOD5, COD, ammonia-nitrogen) and odorous emissions was performed to verify the effect of the stabilization process. The considered long period and the on-site sampling support the relevance of the results, compared to the available literature, often referred to as laboratory scale. The results proved the relatively low benefit of stabilization at the considered facility, which cannot justify the energy consumption of MBT.


Landfill leachate (LL) usually contains low concentrations of heavy metals due to the anaerobic conditions in the methanogenic landfill body after degradation of easily degradable organic matter and the neutral pH of LL, which prevents mobilization and leaching of metals. Low average concentrations of metals were also confirmed in our extensive study on the rehabilitation of an old landfill site with vegetative landfill cover and LL recirculation after its treatment in constructed wetland. The only exception was chromium (Cr). Its concentrations in LL ranged between 0.10 and 2.75 mg/L, and were higher than the concentrations usually found in the literature. The objectives of the study were: (1) to understand why Cr is high in LL and (2) to understand the fate and transport of Cr in soil and vegetation of landfill cover due to known Cr toxicity to plants. The total concentration of Cr in LL, total and exchangeable concentrations of Cr in landfill soil cover and Cr content in the plant material were extensively monitored from May 2004 to September 2006. By obtained data on Cr concentration in different landfill constituents, supported with the data on the amount of loaded leachate, amount of precipitation and potential evapotranspiration (ETP) during the performance of the research, a detailed picture of time distribution and co-dependency of Cr is provided in this research. A highly positive correlation was found between concentrations of Cr and dissolved organic carbon (r = 0.875) in LL, which indicates the co-transport of Cr and dissolved organic carbon through the system. Monitoring results showed that the substrate used in the experiment did not contribute to Cr accumulation in the landfill soil cover, resulting in percolation of a high proportion of Cr back into the waste layers and its circulation in the system. No negative effects on plant growth appeared during the monitoring period. Due to low uptake of Cr by plants (0.10–0.15 mg/kg in leaves and 0.05–0.07 mg/kg in stems of Salix purpurea), the estimated Cr offtake from LL by plants represented only a small proportion of the LL Cr mass load during the observation period, resulting in no dispersion of Cr into the environment through leaf drop.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - An assessment of municipal solid waste (MSW) settlement models was carried out based on analyses of field-scale data measured at landfill #1 of the...  相似文献   

This study investigates the feasibility of using a silty soil excavated in highway construction as landfill liner material. The tests were conducted both at laboratory and in situ scales, and the soil was tested in pure and lime treated forms. Different levels of compaction energy were used. For the field study, a test pad was constructed and in situ hydraulic conductivity experiments were conducted by sealed double ring infiltrometers (SDRI). Laboratory testing revealed that while lime treatment improved the shear strength, it resulted in higher hydraulic conductivity values compared to pure soil. It was observed that leachate permeation did not change the hydraulic conductivity of the pure and lime treated samples. Laboratory hydraulic conductivities were on the order of 10(-9) m/s and met the 1.0E-08 m/s criterion in the Turkish regulations, which is one order of magnitude higher than the value allowed in most developed countries. SDRI testing, which lasted for 6 mo, indicated that lime treatment increased the hydraulic conductivity of pure soil significantly in the field scale tests. In situ hydraulic conductivities were on the order of 1E-08 and 1E-07 m/s, and exceeded the allowable value in the Turkish regulations. Undisturbed samples collected from the test pad were not representative of field hydraulic conductivities. Contrary to laboratory findings, higher compaction efforts did not result in lower hydraulic conductivities in field scales. The study verified the importance of in situ hydraulic conductivity testing in compacted liners.  相似文献   

According to the European Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC and the related Italian Legislation (“D. Lgs. No. 36/2003”), monitoring and control procedures of landfill gas emissions, migration and external dispersions are clearly requested. These procedures could be particularly interesting in the operational circumstance of implementing a temporary cover, as for instance permitted by the Italian legislation over worked-out landfill sections, awaiting the evaluation of expected waste settlements.A possible quantitative approach for field measurement and consequential evaluation of landfill CO2, CH4 emission rates in pairs consists of the static, non-stationary accumulation chamber technique. At the Italian level, a significant and recent situation of periodical landfill gas emission monitoring is represented by the sanitary landfill for non-hazardous waste of the “Fano” town district, where monitoring campaigns with the static chamber have been annually conducted during the last 5 years (2005-2009). For the entire multiyear monitoring period, the resulting CO2, CH4 emission rates varied on the whole up to about 13,100 g CO2 m−2 d−1 and 3800 g CH4 m−2 d−1, respectively.The elaboration of these landfill gas emission data collected at the “Fano” case-study site during the monitoring campaigns, presented and discussed in the paper, gives rise to a certain scientific evidence of the possible negative effects derivable from the implementation of a temporary HDPE cover over a worked-out landfill section, notably: the lateral migration and concentration of landfill gas emissions through adjacent, active landfill sections when hydraulically connected; and consequently, the increase of landfill gas flux velocities throughout the reduced overall soil cover surface, giving rise to a flowing through of CH4 emissions without a significant oxidation. Thus, these circumstances are expected to cause a certain increase of the overall GHG emissions from the given landfill site.  相似文献   

As planning for sustainable municipal solid waste management has to address several inter-connected issues such as landfill capacity, environmental impacts and financial expenditure, it becomes increasingly necessary to understand the dynamic nature of their interactions. A system dynamics approach designed here attempts to address some of these issues by fitting a model framework for Newark urban region in the US, and running a forecast simulation. The dynamic system developed in this study incorporates the complexity of the waste generation and management process to some extent which is achieved through a combination of simpler sub-processes that are linked together to form a whole. The impact of decision options on the generation of waste in the city, on the remaining landfill capacity of the state, and on the economic cost or benefit actualized by different waste processing options are explored through this approach, providing valuable insights into the urban waste-management process.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - The enactment of the Waste Act in 2008 represents a milestone in Indonesian waste management legislation, particularly in relation to landfill...  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Leaching of fine fraction (<10 mm) obtained from landfill mining activities in an Estonian landfill was done. On-site excavation...  相似文献   

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