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多米诺效应的风险分析方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍与分析多米诺效应的相关研究,并针对多米诺效应的定量风险分析,建立了从多米诺场景辨识到后果分析的多米诺效应定量分析方法.通过分析初始事故带来的物理效应对邻近设备的影响,计算了二次设备的损坏概率;分析了多米诺场景,计算了多米诺事故频率,并根据多米诺事故的后果得到个人风险和社会风险曲线.多米诺效应的风险是工业区一个潜在的严重风险,加强多米诺效应的研究对工厂和工业区的安全管理与规划都有重要意义.  相似文献   

多米诺效应是引发化工重大事故的主要原因之一.本文综合国内外的研究成果,对火灾热辐射、冲击波超压等造成的多米诺效应进行了深入分析,建立基于多米诺效应的定量风险评价模型,其中包括了评价流程、传播概率、阈值距离计算、多米诺效应对事故频率的影响及后果分析的内容.最后利用Matlab7.1计算平台,以汽油储罐进行实例分析,结果表明该方法是一种适用于多米诺效应定量评价的良好方法,能够比较科学、有效的对危险单元进行风险评价,使重大事故风险评价更切合实际,为政府监管部门和化工企业进行事故的控制和预防提供决策技术.  相似文献   

为了评估火灾爆炸事故中相邻储罐由于多米诺效应而引发二次事故的风险,提出了基于热辐射、冲击波超压以及碎片冲击等三种物理效应共同作用下的事故多米诺效应耦合分析模型.模型采用概率组合方法计算事故影响区域内目标对象发生二次事故的最可能组合及概率.研究表明,火灾爆炸事故多米诺效应的产生受到多种因素影响,其中平面布局、防火间距是影响二次事故发生的主要因素.在计算设施失效概率的过程中,考虑了热辐射、爆炸冲击波以及碎片冲击三种物理效应的耦合作用效果,采用影响系数法对二次事故的可能单元组合加以研究.最后,以一储罐区蒸气云爆炸事故为例对可能发生的二次事故进行了模拟,得到了相邻储罐二次事故的单元组合及概率.  相似文献   

基于RBI与多米诺效应的输气站场设备定量风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对目前输气站场设备风险评价方法仅以单个设备为评价对象,并未考虑设备间相互影响的特点,提出将多米诺效应分析引入输气站场设备风险评价当中,再结合RBI(基于风险检测方法)对输气站场设备进行定量风险评价。首先,计算所评价设备的失效概率与危险指数,得到设备固有风险;然后对设备的多米诺效应风险进行计算;最后,得到设备总风险。实例分析表明,考虑多米诺效应风险后,站场单个设备的风险要明显增大。  相似文献   

Escalation of primary accidental scenarios triggering a “domino effect” have caused extremely severe accidental events in the chemical and process industry. The identification of possible escalation events is required in the safety assessment of sites where relevant quantities of hazardous substances are stored or handled. In the European Union, “Seveso-II” Directive requires the assessment of on-site and off-site possible escalation scenarios in sites falling under the obligations of the Directive. In the present study, a methodology developed for the quantitative assessment of risk due to domino effect was applied to the analysis of an extended industrial area. Recently developed equipment damage probability models were applied for the identification of the final scenarios and for escalation probability assessment. The domino package of the Aripar-GIS software was used for risk recomposition. The results evidence that quantitative risk assessment of escalation hazard is of fundamental importance in order to identify critical equipment and to address prevention and protection actions.  相似文献   

Accidents caused by the domino effect are the most destructive accidents related to industrial sites. The most typical primary incidents for a domino effect sequence are explosions (57%), followed by fires (43%) (Abdolhamidzadeh et al., 2010). These former can generate three escalation vectors (heat load, overpressure, and fragments), and may affect the surrounding equipments and/or facilities. If the affected targets are damaged, they may also explode and generate other threats to other surrounding facilities and so on. These chains of accidents may lead to catastrophic consequences and may affect not only the industrial sites, but also people, environment and economy. This paper presents a methodology for quantitative assessment of domino effects caused by fire and explosion on storage areas. The individual and societal risks are also estimated.  相似文献   

为了研究多米诺效应中多事故点协同作用的后果,将并联系统概率模型运用到贝叶斯概率计算过程中,体现出多事故点协同作用对多米 诺效应传播的概率影响;后果分析部分从人、物、环境3个方面出发,对事故的后果影响以及事故预防提出建议措施。最后运用模型对实例进行 了应用分析,结果表明:多事故点协同作用下储罐的多米诺失效概率增大,罐区危险性增强,可以通过对储罐设置安全屏障等措施,有效的切 断导致事故最大概率的链条。  相似文献   

The production and storage of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is gradually becoming larger and more intensive, which greatly increases the risk of the domino effect of an explosion accident in a storage tank area while improving production and management efficiency. This paper describes the construction of the domino effect scene of an explosion accident in an LPG storage tank area, the analysis of the characteristics of the LPG tank explosion shock wave and the target storage tank failure, and the creation of an ANSYS numerical model to derive the development trend and expansion law of the domino accident in the LPG storage tank area. The research showed that: 400 m3 tank T1 explosion shock waves spread to T2, T4, T5, T3, and T6, and the tank overpressures of 303 kPa, 303 kPa, 172 kPa, 81 kPa, and 61 kPa respectively. The critical values of the target storage tank failure overpressure-range threshold were 70 kPa and 60 m. After the explosion of the initial unit T1 tank, at 38 ms, the T2 and T4 storage tanks failed and exploded; at 56 ms, the T5 storage tank exploded for the third time; at 82 ms, the T3 storage tank exploded for the fourth time; and at 102 ms, the T6 storage tank exploded for the fifth time. With the increase of explosion sources, the failure overpressure of the target storage tank increased, and the interval between explosions continuously shortened, which reflected the expansion effect of the domino accident. The domino accident situation deduction in the LPG storage tank area provided a scientific basis for the safety layout, accident prevention and control, emergency rescue, and management of a chemical industry park.  相似文献   

化工事故多米诺效应定量风险评价研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
多米诺效应是引发化工生产过程中重大灾害性事故的主要原因之一。本文结合国内外多米诺效应的研究成果,综合论述了多米诺效应的定量风险评价过程,其包含了定量风险评价流程、扩展向量及扩展概率的确定、多米诺事故发生频率及后果分析等内容。最后对多米诺技术的发展方向做出展望,临界值标准和扩展概率的计算模型、碎片及计算机建模等方面有待进一步的研究。  相似文献   

Loss of the underground gas storage process can have significant effects, and risk analysis is critical for maintaining the integrity of the underground gas storage process and reducing potential accidents. This paper focuses on the dynamic risk assessment method for the underground gas storage process. First, the underground gas storage process data is combined to create a database, and the fault tree of the underground gas storage facility is built by identifying the risk factors of the underground gas storage facility and mapping them into a Bayesian network. To eliminate the subjectivity in the process of determining the failure probability level of basic events, fuzzy numbers are introduced to determine the prior probability of the Bayesian network. Then, causal and diagnostic reasoning is performed on the Bayesian network to determine the failure level of the underground gas storage facilities. Based on the rate of change of prior and posterior probabilities, sensitivity and impact analysis are combined to determine the significant risk factors and possible failure paths. In addition, the time factor is introduced to build a dynamic Bayesian network to perform dynamic assessment and analysis of underground gas storage facilities. Finally, the dynamic risk assessment method is applied to underground gas storage facilities in depleted oil and gas reservoirs. A dynamic risk evaluation model for underground gas storage facilities is built to simulate and validate the dynamic risk evaluation method based on the Bayesian network. The results show that the proposed method has practical value for improving underground gas storage process safety.  相似文献   

为了更合理地分析事故风险,提出了基于贝叶斯网络的多级多米诺效应计算方法及其计算步骤,并从个人风险和社会风险2个角度,定量分析了生产安全事故的多级多米诺效应。同时以某企业的2个汽油罐区为例,运用上述方法对其生产安全事故的多米诺效应进行定量计算,并将计算结果与未考虑多米诺效应、仅考虑一级多米诺效应时的计算结果进行比较。研究结果表明:基于贝叶斯网络的计算方法,同时考虑了多级多米诺效应和事故的协同效应,可以使计算的个人风险和社会风险更接近于实际。  相似文献   

We developed the movement equations for fragments with the size of the bursting vessel. The ground distributions of fragments, the probability of impact between the fragments and the target, the rupture probability of the impacted target, and the domino effect risk caused by fragments were investigated for different source types and sizes using Monte-Carlo simulations. The distribution of fragments from the lower half of the source vessels onto the ground was non-zero, that is, it is probable that the fragments would hit the target vessel close to the source. The relative difference of impact probability is larger than 10% when the target vessel is within eight times the source diameter for the three types of sources considered. The proportion of impacts of fragments from the lower part of the source to total impact decreased with distance, while that for fragments from the upper part increased. The proportion of upper and lower parts is equal for distance approximately five times the source diameter. The source size needs to be considered along with the distance from the source to the target when less than approximately 14 times the source diameter. Its effect on impact probability and domino effect risk was significant. The rupture probability of the target depended very little on the source size.  相似文献   

介绍了多米诺效应的基本原理和多米诺事故发生的概率分析方法。提出在一定条件下进行储罐区风险评价时,多米诺效应对个人风险值的影响不容忽视,并给出了考虑多米诺效应的个人风险计算方法。最后利用开发的个人风险计算软件通过分析计算,给出了某储罐区的个人风险等值线分布图。结果表明,该罐区正北方向相邻的一劳动密集型工厂需搬迁,或采取相应安全保护措施降低风险。该方法考虑了多米诺效应对装置事故发生概率的影响,能提高个人风险计算结果的真实性与准确性。  相似文献   

随着油品储罐区规模的不断扩大,近年来多储罐火灾事故呈上升趋势。现有的储罐防火间距是在以往事故经验的基础上设定的,通过罐组内的火灾多米诺效应概率计算,可从风险的角度为罐组内储罐防火间距的设定提供理论依据。通过综合考虑火灾环境下受辐射储罐失效时间和着火储罐火灾得到控制时间,确定了罐组内火灾多米诺效应的判定原则,并在火灾得到控制时间模型和储罐失效时间模型的基础上建立了火灾多米诺效应概率计算模型。以2万立外浮顶原油储罐为例进行模拟计算,得出在现行标准给出的防火间距下,发生罐组火灾多米诺效应的概率为3.94×10-8/a-1,属于可接受风险,为罐组内储罐的合理布局提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

In 1999, two earthquakes in northwest Turkey caused heavy damage to a large number of industrial facilities. This region is the most industrialized in the country, and heavy damage has a significant economic influence. Industrial storage tanks, ruptured by earthquakes, exascerbate damage through the spread of fire. Storage tanks are uniquely structured, tall cylindrical vessels, some supported by relatively short reinforced concrete columns. The main aim of this study is to evaluate the earthquake performance of Turkish industrial facilities, especially storage tanks in terms of earthquake resistance. Modeling a typical storage tank of an industrial facility helps to understand the structure’s seismic response. A model tank structure was modelled as a solid with lumped mass and spring systems. Performance estimation was done with 40 different earthquake data through nonlinear time history analyses. After the time history analyses, fragility analyses produced probabilistic seismic assessment for the tank model. For the model structure, analysis results were evaluated and compared. In the study, vulnerability of storage tanks in Turkey was determined and the probabilistic risk was defined with the results of the analysis.  相似文献   

The quantitative risk assessment of industrial facilities is based on integrated procedures to quantify human, environmental and economical losses related to relevant accidents. Accordingly, seismic risk analysis has to be integrated in order to obtain reliable results.In this work, some considerations regarding the intensity and probability of occurrence of earthquakes and the vulnerability of atmospheric storage tanks subjected to seismic actions are given.Structural vulnerability based on observational data has been processed in the form of “probit analysis”, a simple and useful statistic tool. Suggestions concerning industrial seismic-related accidental scenarios are also given.  相似文献   

为了更好地降低化工企业罐区事故造成多米诺效应的风险,提出1种基于保护层分析(LOPA)的定量风险评估程序。首先,阐述基于保护层分析(LOPA)逻辑的多米诺定量风险评估流程,即引入包括可用性、有效性及3种逻辑门定义及量化的安全屏障定量评估;然后,利用LOPA的分析逻辑将安全屏障融入多米诺定量风险评估框架中;最后,选取2×2 000 m3苯乙烯罐区为对象,识别防火层与喷淋冷却系统2种安全屏障并开展基于LOPA逻辑的罐区多米诺效应定量风险评估,得出安全屏障能有效地降低多米诺事故发生频率及罐区个人风险的结论。研究结果表明:该分析方法可为化工企业开展多米诺效应定量风险评估提供参考。  相似文献   

化工储罐爆炸后将产生大量碎片,这些抛射碎片一旦击中相邻罐体容易引发多米诺效应。碎片的抛射方位和抛射距离具有很大的随机性,已有研究多采用概率模型来描述碎片抛射的各分过程。通过总结和发展已有的分过程模型,建立了求取多米诺效应的综合概率模型,并基于蒙特卡罗算法编制了模拟软件,可对化工储罐多米诺效应的发生概率进行预测计算。选取若干常用化工球罐为相邻目标储罐进行实例分析,计算结果表明储罐间距和体积是影响多米诺效应发生概率的两个重要影响因素:随着距离的增大,多米诺效应发生概率不断减小;目标储罐体积越大,多米诺效应发生概率将越大。其中,爆炸碎片对目标储罐的击中概率受上述因素的影响程度更大。该文工作对化工储罐区的安全评价具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

油气储运设施事故风险指数模糊逻辑评估方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
油气储运设施风险是其事故发生概率和事故后果的综合度量,而事故概率和后果的定量评估结果往往是具有不确定性的数据,以确定性风险评估准则为基础的传统风险矩阵法和风险值法显然难以评估油气储运设施风险。为此提出开展油气储运设施事故风险的模糊逻辑推理法,首先,对风险矩阵的概率语言等级和损失语言等级的边界进行定量划分;然后,建立油气储运设施风险矩阵模糊集和模糊逻辑推理规则;最后,通过风险模糊推理运算和模糊风险解模糊化以确定油气储运设施的风险水平。实例应用与分析表明,利用推荐方法可得到较为详尽的风险数据信息,不但风险指数更加清晰,而且其所属风险等级类别也更加明确,评估结果能更好地指导油气储运设施的风险管理。  相似文献   

根据化工园区石化装置密集程度高的特点,提出了一种针对化工园区的多米诺效应风险分析方法.通过分析初始事故带来的物理效应对邻近设备的影响,对由冲击波超压引起的多米诺效应进行了研究,计算二次设备的损坏概率;分析多米诺场景,计算多米诺事故的扩展概率,定量分析多米诺事故的后果.通过该方法可以得到化工园区内设备的多米诺效应风险指数和多米诺事故的后果分析.  相似文献   

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