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A one-day symposium on global energy problems as they affect Australia and Japan was held in Sydney, 29 October 1979. The sponsors were the Australian Coal Association, the Australian Mining Industry Council, the Uranium Information Centre, the Japanese Embassy, the International Visual Information Centre (Tokyo), and the Japan Trade Centre. More than 300 participants included representatives of the mining industry, universities, financial institutions, and state and federal government offices and organizations from both Australia and Japan. The specific purpose of the symposium was to explore the potential of Japan as a major importer of Australian steaming coal, uranium, liquid natural gas (LNG) and liquid petroleum gas (LPG), and to assess the degree to which Australia could provide the projected Japanese demand for these energy fuels. Australia- Japan Energy Symposium, Sydney, Australia, 29 October 1979.  相似文献   

The buff-coloured volumes of collected papers of the biennial symposia jointly sponsored by the US Bureau of Mines and the Illinois Institute of Technology Research Institute are now essential reference tools for all workers in the field of resource recovery. Since their inception in 1968, the events have widened in scope and the 6th symposium included 47 papers delivered during six sessions, over a period of two days. 6th Mineral Waste Utilization Symposium, Chicago, 2–3 May 1978.  相似文献   

Since 1985, there has been rapid growth in the presence of Australian exploration and mining companies in Africa. This paper sets out the reasons for the interest of those companies, now 20 in number, in various African mineral opportunities. Australian companies spent about US$16 million in 1992 on African exploration and evaluation, with over US$130 million spent on new mine development or expansion. The 20 Australian companies operate in 16 African countries, with two areas of focus, West Africa and Southern Africa. Using the responses to a survey sent to Australian companies operating in Africa in 1991, and to companies known to be interested in prospects there, the paper identifies and categorizes the policy and regulatory requirements needed by investors. Although a gloomy picture has often been painted of investment in Africa, Australian companies recognize that their risk taking, in the light of a declining investment climate in other mining areas, could promote a renaissance of world-scale mining in Africa.  相似文献   

The impacts of materials substitution in the automobile industry were examined in a symposium at the 99th Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Papers were contributed by W.D. Compton of the Ford Motor Company, R.B. Gavert of the Office of Technology Assessment, US Congress, J.T. Herridge and R.W. Hale of Battelle Columbus Laboratories, A.H. Purcell of Technical Information Project Incorporated, and M.B. Bever of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Symposium on Measurements of the Impacts of Material Substitution – A Case Study in the Automobile Industry, San Francisco, 10–15 December 1978.  相似文献   

Potential for rainwater use in high-rise buildings in Australian cities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rainwater is a traditional but underutilized water resource that has today had a resurgence due to the worldwide water crisis. This paper demonstrates the outcomes of research on the feasibility of rainwater use in high-rise residential envelopes for four Australian cities of Melbourne, Sydney, Perth and Darwin. Different climate patterns and various levels of water demand management were established for determination of storage dimensions; annual tank water use; reduction in both imported water flow and stormwater disposal; and water spillage from tanks. High level water demand management was a profoundly effective tool for reducing potable water supply, especially in combination with rainwater use. The economic feasibility of rainwater use systems were estimated; with Sydney having the shortest payback period compared to other cities either both with 3A rated appliances (8.6 years) or 5A ones installed (10.4 years). That was due to the higher and more consistent rainfall in Sydney. An outcome of this study was that Sydney was likely most suited to rainwater use, followed by Perth, Darwin, and then Melbourne. The objective of this study was to fill in the gap in estimating feasibility of rainwater use in various Australian cities. This investigation endeavors to provide assistance to water authorities and urban planners of Australian cities with the consideration of the potential of rainwater harvesting.  相似文献   

Overseas mineral exploration and mining investment by Australian companies increased dramatically from the early 1990s until 1997. In the wake of the Asian economic crisis and lower commodity prices it declined somewhat in 1998 and 1999. Reflecting their international competitiveness, Australian resource companies were actively involved in projects in about eighty nations in 1999. This study assesses the extent of growth in exploration and mining operations, the distribution between large and small companies and the changing regional focus which has been occurring. It also reflects on some of the key influences on this development. These include a strong domestic finance sector, supporting mining services provision, technological competitiveness, a growing attractiveness of offshore locations and increasing structural impediments at home.  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, mining and mineral exploration companies have adopted various environmental management practices in response to society’s pressure for better environmental protection. The literature highlights a number of benefits and challenges for companies adopting environmental management practices with the Greek Mining and Mineral Industry (GMMI) facing similar issues. In order to analyze the challenges faced by the GMMI, a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis was conducted, which examined the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats faced by the industry when adopting environmental management practices. The analysis prescribes policy recommendations both for the government and industry which, if adopted, could facilitate improved environmental performance.  相似文献   

A Contrast is made between indigenous resource rights in North America and Australia. The extent to which the indigenous people of these two continents may prevent mining and exploration on their land is examined. It is demonstrated that whereas some Australian Aboriginals have recently acquired limited veto rights to prevent development, the veto rights of the indigenous people in North America are long-standing and unqualified. In addition, the terms and conditions of mining and petroleum agreements which have been entered into by indigenous people in North America are discussed. These agreements are shown to be better than agreements signed with Australian Aboriginals.  相似文献   

Whereas the ultimate world supply of minerals is controlled by geological factors, the actual supply at any particular time is controlled by economic factors. Mineral production is a function of investment in exploration, mining, and processing - and research in these fields. Given the long lead time between a decision to explore and actual production from any deposit found, the increasing difficulty of finding deposits in the well prospected parts of the world, the political barriers to exploration in the less developed countries, the energy barriers to mining and processing ever lower grade ores, and the lengthy time required to develop new exploration, extraction, and processing techniques, adjustments in supply in response to changes in demand cannot be assumed to be automatic.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the question: How can mining companies assess social investment projects so that projects create value for the company and communities in which they operate? Mining companies are still wrestling with the limits of their responsibility in relation to social development even though they accept the business case for community investment at a general level. Fully aware of the practical hazards involved in taking an active role in facilitating local development, companies increasingly avoid methods that are overly paternalistic or assume the functions of the national or local governments. Gaining senior management's commitment to long-term social projects, which are characterised by uncertainty and complexity, is made easier if projects are shown to benefit the site's strategic goals. Case study research on large global mining companies, including interviews with social investment decision makers, has assisted in developing a Social Investment Decision Analysis Tool (SIDAT), a decision model for evaluating social projects. Multi-criteria decision analysis techniques integrating business planning processes with social impact assessment have proved useful in assisting mining companies think beyond seeking reputational benefits, to how they can meet their business goals and contribute to sustainable development.  相似文献   

The impact of agriculture on regional air quality creates significant challenges to sustainability of food supplies and to the quality of national resources. Agricultural emissions to the atmosphere can lead to many nuisances, such as smog, haze, or offensive odors. They can also create more serious effects on human or environmental health, such as those posed by pesticides and other toxic industrial pollutants. It is recognized that deterioration of the atmosphere is undesirable, but the short- and long-term impacts of specific agricultural activities on air quality are not well known or understood. These concerns led to the organization of the 2009 American Chemical Society Symposium titled . An outcome of this symposium is this special collection of 14 research papers focusing on various issues associated with production agriculture and its effect on air quality. Topics included emissions from animal feeding operations, odors, volatile organic compounds, pesticides, mitigation, modeling, and risk assessment. These papers provide new research insights, identify gaps in current knowledge, and recommend important future research directions. As the scientific community gains a better understanding of the relationships between anthropogenic activities and their effects on environmental systems, technological advances should enable a reduction in adverse consequences on the environment.  相似文献   

探究区域内矿区土壤重金属变化并对其进行污染评价,旨在为该区域环境保护及污染治理提供一定的理论依据,以期实现矿山地质环境保护与矿产资源开发并行的矿业绿色发展.以铅、锌、镉、砷含量为评价指标,结合《土壤环境质量标准》(GB 15618-2018),采用重金属单因子污染指数法与内梅罗综合污染指数法进行重金属污染评价,并对该区...  相似文献   

Mineral production from sub-Saharan Africa is an important contributor to the economy at the country, regional and global levels. As an example, in relation to global production, the region provides 40% of diamonds, 20% of bauxite and 20% of rutile. However, with two or three notable exceptions, the region's share of mineral production has been declining compared to that of other regions. Whereas in some cases ore reserve depletion has been a factor, the most important underlying cause has been the absence of an enabling environment to attract high-risk exploration investment and to support private sector mining development. There has also been insufficient re-investment by the region's state dominated mining enterprises. Overall, growth is unlikely to occur unless an enabling environment is created to secure and maintain the appropriate levels of investment. The World Bank has recently initiated an African Mining Policy Study with the objective of recognizing and then introducing required adjustment processes into the region's mining industry.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide contents of coals in the Sydney Basin vary both aerially and stratigraphically. In places, the coal seam gas is almost pure CO2 that was introduced from deep magmatic sources via faults and replaced pre-existing CH4. In some respects this process is analogous to sequestration of anthropogenic CO2. Laboratory studies indicate that CO2:CH4 storage capacity ratios for Sydney Basin coals are up to ∼2 and gas diffusivity is greater for CO2 by a factor of up to 1.5.Present-day distribution of CO2 in the coals is controlled by geological structure, depth and a combination of hydrostatic and capillary pressures. Under present-day PT conditions, most of the CO2 occurs in solution at depths greater than about 650 m; at shallower depths, larger volumes of CO2 occur in gaseous form and as adsorbed molecules in the coal due to rapidly decreasing CO2 solubility. The CO2 has apparently migrated up to structural highs and is concentrated in anticlines and in up-dip sections of monoclines and sealing faults. CO2 sequestered in coal measure sequences similar to those of the Sydney Basin may behave in a similar way and, in the long term, equilibrate according to the prevailing PT conditions.In situ CO2 contents of Sydney Basin coals range up to 20 m3/t. Comparisons of adsorption isotherm data measured on ground coal particles with in situ gas contents of Sydney Basin coals indicate that the volumes of CO2 stored do not exceed ∼60% of the total CO2 storage capacity. Therefore, the maximum CO2 saturation that may be achieved during sequestration in analogous coals is likely to be considerably lower than the theoretical values indicated by adsorption isotherms.  相似文献   

Popular calls to buy products with fewer embodied greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions belie the complexity involved in providing accurate information necessary for such consumer decisions to be effective. This study follows greenhouse-grown tomatoes from Australian farms to fruit shops in Sydney, Australia and investigates practicalities of accounting for GHG emissions in this fresh food chain. Data came from semi-structured interviews with farmers, wholesalers who operate at the (wholesale) Sydney Markets and retailers. GHG emissions were estimated using quantitative methodologies including Australian National Greenhouse Account Factors. A qualitative analysis of stakeholder views and knowledge was also conducted. Conclusions include that, per unit of tomatoes, on-farm GHG emissions appear far greater than those from fuel used for transport to Sydney Markets, and from wholesale or retail activities. Food mile or more comprehensive carbon labelling would probably not be practical for this supply chain. Factors likely to affect potential change among higher emitting participants are costs and availability of lower GHG-emitting practices. Mixed-method studies help identify parts of a chain to target emission reduction efforts.  相似文献   

Australia is prospective for platinum group metal (PGM) mineralisation (in particular primary magmatic reef, primary magmatic by-product, late magmatic and hydrothermal, and alluvial placer type) but its known PGM endowment is negligible compared to that of South Africa, Russia, the USA and Canada. Most Australian PGM projects are operated by mid-cap or junior companies and form part of larger, more diverse project portfolios held by these explorers. Most projects were ‘hot’ while market conditions were favourable. However, as other metals became ‘fashionable’ and market conditions for PGM changed, so did the focus of these companies. Pure PGM companies are rare in Australia. The search for and development of PGM-only deposits in Australia are high risk business activities. No new primary PGM deposits have been discovered since the mid to late 1980s and none of the significant deposits that were discovered or evaluated in the 1980s have been mined. This review suggests that at least several A$10 million but more likely several A$100 million were sunk into PGM exploration and development projects but none advanced to the mining stage. The viability of Australian PGM projects is very sensitive to (1) metal prices, (2) the US$/A$ exchange rate, and (3) large capital expenditure requirements relative to the small size of Australian PGM-only deposits. Most PGM-only projects were initiated at times of high PGM prices. However, advanced exploration, feasibility studies and project development always lagged behind the price booms. South Africa, Russia and Canada contain approximately 98% of the known global PGM reserves. This situation has a very negative effect on the Australian PGM industry as the well-endowed nations continue to receive the lion's share of exploration spend and new projects.  相似文献   

《Resources Policy》2005,30(3):156-167
Mining represents one of the most hazardous work environments. Health and safety standards tend to vary across countries, depending on the state of infrastructures, technological development, and exploration and development priorities within the sector. Following an overview of hypotheses on work accident exposure and related earnings differentials, the analysis examines the rationale for testing some of these hypotheses through alternative panel data models, by eventually accounting for unobserved heterogeneity, weak exogeneity and persistence. Regressions are estimated on an unbalanced panel of 12 industrial and developing economies. Factors related to the local economy and institutional background, are found to explain varying levels of the two dependent variables across time and space. Mine fatal injury exposure appears to decline with increasing levels of development and higher private investment rates. Earnings differentials with other sectors tend to widen with a large mining sector and high rates of unemployment. The hypothesis that differentials in gross earnings in mining relative to other economic sectors are also determined by increased fatal accident risk is not substantiated by econometric estimates.  相似文献   

Financial markets recognise maximisation of expected value (E), in an essentially risk-neutral context, as the main corporate financial objective of private enterprise. This may be valid for large, integrated mining companies. Yet, most junior and middle-size exploration companies behave in a risk-averse fashion when making decisions about progressively more expensive exploration programs. From their perspective, a potential increase in expected value from either an increase in target value or related probability of discovery, or both, may not be a sufficient incentive to embark in an exploration programme if the resultant increase in expected value is accompanied by a significant increase in possible maximum loss. Risk-averse explorers may be unwilling to bear larger, albeit less probable losses, when the cost of successive exploration programmes is taken into account. The paper provides a practical methodology for such explorers to optimise the decision whether to progress to the next stage of exploration or to farm out a risky project. It uses a decision-tree model incorporating the effectiveness of the proposed exploration programme, the explorer's risk tolerance and related utility values and the probability distribution of the possible value of the exploration target.  相似文献   

/ The paper investigates how the Canadian nonferrous sector is tackling the challenge of sustainable development. Although there is no consensus as to what sustainable development means in practice for management in the sector, at least three dimensions must be taken into account: (1) metals are recyclable, the availability of this resource is not a concern for the foreseeable future; (2) the need to minimize environmental impacts of metals exploration, extraction, transformation, consumption, and recycling; and (3) production activities should not be socially or culturally disruptive. The nonferrous mining industry faces several environmental problems. Some of the most significant are acid mine drainage, sulfur emissions, recycling, and metals toxicity. The industry has developed a number of responses to address these specific concerns as well as other more general challenges. Six strategies are described and analyzed: (1) research and development, (2) an effort of consensus building among stakeholders known as the Whitehorse Mining Initiative, (3) international networking, (4) active involvement in the development of environmental management standards, (5) management reorganization and (6) voluntary agreements. The importance of external factors in the shaping of corporate environmental management practices is discussed, in particular the role of government. Progress has been achieved in three areas: (1) managerial practices and organization, (2) reducing the impacts of ongoing operations and (3) minimizing future liabilities, but two significant fields of conflict remain, namely mining in wilderness areas and projects on aboriginal lands.KEY WORDS: Canada; Environmental management; Minerals industry; Nonferrous metals; Sustainable development; Whitehorse Mining Initiative  相似文献   

Research on environmental activism remains poorly integrated and ill-defined and to date, there has been little examination of the relationship of environmental activism, pro-environmental behaviour and social identity. 131 students from an Australian University (M = 25.04 years old, SD = 8.17) voluntarily participated by returning an anonymous questionnaire containing an environmental activism scale, a pro-environmental behaviour scale and a social identity scale. The results revealed that while there was a significant relationship between social identity and environmental behaviour, only the citizenship component of environmental behaviour significantly predicted environmental activism. In other words, the relationship between social identity and environmental activism was indirect. This research presents the opportunity for further exploration of these relationships and to further investigate their relationship to inter-group processes.  相似文献   

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