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上海海陆风特征及其对臭氧浓度的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用2013—2016年常规气象观测数据和再分析资料,提出上海地区海陆风判断标准,统计了该地区的海陆风发生规律。同时,结合地面空气质量监测数据,分析了海陆风环流对臭氧(O3)浓度的影响。结果表明:上海地区的海陆风发生频率在3—8月份较高,与海陆温差年变化之间存在显著相关性;海风通常开始于当地时间9:00前后,结束于20:00前后,最大风速出现在15:00前后,平均风速为3. 9 m/s;海陆风发生时O3质量浓度峰值被抬高(16μg/m3),且峰值出现时间延后;海陆风的影响可深入上海内陆青浦淀山湖地区,对污染物浓度的影响程度沿海大于内陆。  相似文献   

为了解台州市市区大气降水化学成分组成特征及变化规律,对2010—2019年台州市市区降水监测数据进行了统计分析。结果表明:2010—2019年降水样品pH为4.20~4.84夏高冬低,强酸性降水频率下降显著,电导率平均值为3.16 mS/cm。SO_4~(2-)和NO_3~-是降水中最主要的阴离子,NH_4~+和Ca~(2+)是降水中最主要的阳离子。Ca~(2+)浓度在2018年开始有所抬升,SO_4~(2-)和NO_3~-浓度整体呈波动下降趋势。SO_4~(2-)与NO_3~-浓度比均值为1.50,呈下降趋势,同大气中SO_2与NO_2的质量浓度比变化趋势基本一致。SO_4~(2-)和NO_3~-相关性显著,Cl~-、Na~+及Mg~(2+)三者之间具有较好相关性。降水与气态污染物相关性不大,对颗粒物有明显冲刷去除作用。SO_2和NO_x的排放量显著下降,酸雨污染呈现改善过程。  相似文献   

通过统计分析2011—2019年铜陵市酸雨监测结果,研究该市酸雨变化趋势及其成因.结果表明:铜陵市降水pH年均值为5.04~6.38,酸雨污染状况虽在改善,但酸雨仍时有发生;铜陵市降水中SO2-4与NO3-的浓度比总体呈现下降趋势,从2011年的4.05下降到2019年的1.25,表明NO3-对降水酸度的影响逐渐增加,...  相似文献   

2003—2018年全国酸雨状况变化趋势研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于2003—2018年全国291个城市降水监测结果的分析表明:全国降水酸度明显降低,其中,2003—2006年有所升高,2006年之后呈降低趋势;酸雨区面积呈减小趋势,共减少约97万km2,酸雨发生频率超过5%的面积减少了20.9个百分点;全国酸雨城市比例为21.3%~40.9%,2009年开始总体呈下降趋势,2018年降为21.6%,重酸雨城市比例在2005年之后总体呈下降趋势;全国平均酸雨频率为11.7%~25.6%,2006年之后总体呈下降趋势,2018年酸雨频率在50%以上的城市比例较2006年下降了13.9个百分点。基于174个城市的降水离子组分分析结果显示:我国降水中的主要阴离子为硫酸根,其离子当量浓度占比为19.4%~32.9%,2003年以来年平均降低0.6个百分点;降水中的主要阳离子为钙离子和铵离子;硫酸根沉降通量年平均下降0.68 t/km2,硝酸根沉降通量年平均降低0.05 t/km2,全国SO2浓度变化趋势与硫酸根沉降通量变化趋势基本一致;我国降水中的硝酸根与硫酸根离子当量浓度比值总体呈升高趋势,表明硝酸根离子对降水酸度的影响逐渐增加,酸雨类型正由硫酸型向硫酸-硝酸混合型转变。  相似文献   

泰州市降水主要特征及酸雨成因浅析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对泰州市1996年—2000年降水主要特征及酸雨成因进行了分析。结果表明,泰州市酸雨出现频率高,5年来降水pH均值均<5.6,降水酸度和酸雨出现频率无明显变化;降水中化学成分以SO42-为主,NO3-质量浓度值呈上升趋势;酸雨出现频率的季节变化规律为:冬、春季>秋季>夏季,与SO2在不同季节质量浓度变化规律较一致;酸雨的形成可能受本地大气污染物和异地大气污染物的共同影响;酸性降水的形成与气象条件有关。  相似文献   

利用苏州市2010—2012年大气污染物逐时质量浓度数据和气象条件资料,分析4类高影响天气对该市大气污染物扩散的影响。研究表明:暴雨对污染物的清除作用主要与降水时间和强度等因子有关,且降水时间的影响大于降水强度;夏季高温日污染物平均质量浓度高于非高温日,PM10、PM2.5、O3、NO2分别增长了29.5%、19.2%、51.3%和13.5%,且O3质量浓度大于321.6μg/m3的日最高气温均在33℃以上;寒潮过境对污染物有很好的清除效应,可对不同污染物影响程度不同;台风带来的大风和降雨能使污染物浓度迅速降低,其来临前的外围下沉气流可能对污染物浓度升高有影响。  相似文献   

通过精河县气象站近56年观测的降水、气温、日照总量数据,分析了近56年来精河地区的气候变化特征.得出如下结论:①精河流域的降水有明显上升的趋势;气温也呈明显上升的总趋势,年、代际有较大起伏;年日照总量呈下降趋势,表明阴雨天增多,反应了新疆气候逐步向暖湿气候转型.②精河流域降水量年际变化的周期性振荡特征比较明显;气温年际变化的周期性振荡特征不太明显;日照总量周期性震荡比较明显.③精河流域全年的气温、降水和日照总量的相关程度并不高,随气温升高降水增加,降水升高日照总量降低.④气候的暖湿转型减少了研究区内沙尘暴天气的发生次数.  相似文献   

2001—2018年浙江省酸雨变化特征及影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2001—2018年浙江省32个城市酸雨观测资料,结合数理统计和GIS空间插值,分析了全省降水酸度变化、化学组分特征及其影响因素。研究结果表明,以2009年为拐点,浙江省酸雨污染呈先加重后减轻的趋势,降水酸度和酸雨率均得到显著改善。2009年后,轻酸雨城市的比例不断上升。至2018年,全省大部分城市均处于轻酸雨区,并有部分非酸雨城市出现。降水中的硫酸根离子浓度呈显著下降趋势,硝酸根离子浓度呈波动变化,但变化不显著。硫酸根离子与硝酸根离子的当量浓度比值呈显著下降趋势,由2002年的3.48降至2018年的1.35,酸雨类型由硫酸主导型向复合型转变。二氧化氮、硝酸根离子和可吸入颗粒物是影响降水pH的主要因素,氮氧化物对浙江省降水酸度的影响不断增大。因此,在加强区域硫氮协同控制的同时,着力加强氮氧化物深度减排是进一步改善浙江省酸雨状况的关键。  相似文献   

临安大气本底站酸雨污染变化特征与影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用临安大气本底站酸雨观测数据,研究临安大气本底站降水pH,酸雨发生频率的时间分布特征、变化趋势及其影响因素;借助后向轨迹分析法分析输送形势对临安大气本底站酸雨的影响。研究表明:最近6年间临安大气本底站降水pH各月均值均小于4.5,均达到强酸雨的程度;临安大气本底站的酸雨发生频率表现为夏季低、秋季高;1985—2009年临安大气本底站降水的年均pH全部达到酸雨程度。根据Daniel趋势检验,临安大气本底站年均降水pH总体上呈逐年下降的趋势。风速越小,酸雨出现频率就越高;降水pH受降水量的影响较大。临安大气本底站的酸雨与降水前的大气中SO2浓度存在负相关的关系。根据气团的来向与酸雨污染程度的关系分析,临安大气本底站的酸雨污染受到其北部地区和浙西地区的酸雨气体物输送的影响较大。临安大气本底站的酸雨污染特征已由原来的硫酸型转为硫酸型与硝酸型并重。  相似文献   

为了解降水和风对苏州地区细颗粒物(PM2.5)质量浓度的影响,利用2018—2022年逐日降水量、风向风速和环境空气质量数据,分析苏州市降水和ρ PM2.5)的月变化特征及日降水强度、降水时长和风向风速对ρ(PM2.5)变化的作用。结果表明,降水对PM2.5存在一定湿清除作用,全年雨日ρ(PM2.5)平均值较非雨日低21%,1—2月和11—12月最为显著。降水的湿清除效率受日降水量级和日降水时长等因素的影响,当日降水量达到中雨及以上量级时,ρ(PM2.5)下降样本数超过总样本数的60%,降水的湿清除效率随着降水量级的增加而显著提高;当日降水时长>6 h时,降水对污染物浓度的改善作用明显,ρ(PM2.5)下降样本数超过总样本数的50%。不同风向、风速的清除作用也有差异,静风或微风状态下,高温高湿的西南风最易造成苏州地区的霾污染;当西北风速>4m/s时,受到冷锋前的污染气团南下扩散影响,ρ(PM2.5)升高;对于东北风、西南风和东南风这3个风向,当风速达到5m/s时,对污染物具有有效的干清除作用。  相似文献   

Changes in urban surface areas and population growth have significantly affected the weather and environment. Emissions of nitrogen oxides are increasing in the Pearl River Delta region. Nitrogen compounds emitted by factories and motor vehicles are the major sources of nitric pollution. To study the impacts of urbanization and the relationship between pollutant diffusion and the atmospheric environment, the nonhydrostatic mesoscale forecast model MM5 (v3.73), which was developed by Penn State University and the National Center of Atmospheric Research, and a mass continuity equation for air pollutants, were used in this study. Two experiments were designed. One experiment (BE) applied horizontal grid resolutions of 27, 9, 3, and 1?km in four nested domains. The other experiment adopted new land-use data (in domain 4) directly retrieved from Landsat Thematic Mapper imagery to replace the 1980s data of the United States Geological Survey in BE. A 48-h simulation (from 0000?UTC on 21 October to 0000?UTC on 23 October 2008) was conducted, with the first 12?h being the spin-up time and the remaining 36?h being the effective simulation, so as to capture the diurnal features of the thermally induced winds associated with the land–sea breeze and urban heat island circulations. The different results obtained from the two tests for wind circulation and air pollution dispersion and transportation in the Pearl River Delta region were analyzed. The simulated results show that the both experiments can well simulate land–sea breeze circulation and remarkable land–sea breeze evolution, comparing with observation data. The height of the PBL had a significant diurnal cycle. The structure of the wind field can obviously impact the dispersion of the NO x in three dimensions. Nitrogen oxides mainly diffused along the dominant wind direction (east or southeast wind), therefore the majority of the pollutants accumulated in the northwest region of the fine domain in both simulation experiments. However, it induced the pollutants concentration in an irregular pattern due to the fine-resolution grid spaces and complicated inland wind field in the northwest area of the inner domain. Moreover, increasing the proportion of urban surface caused sensible heat flux increase, latent heat flux decrease and humility reducing relatively in the region of urban surface characteristics apparently. Urbanization will cause pollution accumulated severely over the urban surface.  相似文献   

Data on wind speed and wind direction from 27 air pollution monitoring stations in an urban area of Japan were analyzed and studied for the future assessment of the urban heat island phenomenon. A cluster analysis clarified the regionality of the wind speed and wind direction. In the study area, land and sea breeze developed and controlled the wind direction. On the other hand, the mountain and valley wind should be studied to determine their typical behavior.  相似文献   

The atmospheric haze over the Pearl River Delta (PRD) was investigated by using the Models-3 Community Multi-scale Air Quality modeling system with meteorological fields simulated by the Fifth-generation National Center for Atmospheric Research/Penn State University Mesoscale Model (MM5) from September 26th to September 30th, 2004. The model-simulated meteorological elements and particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter less than 10 μm (PM10) were compared with observations at four air quality-monitoring stations. The results showed that MM5 successfully reproduced the diurnal variations of temperature, wind speed, and wind directions at these stations. The temporal variations of the simulated values were consistent with those of the observed (such as temperature, wind speed, and wind direction). The correlation coefficient was 0.91 for temperature and 0.56 for wind speed. The modeling results show that the spatial distributions of simulated PM10 were closely related to the source emissions indicating three maxima of PM10 over the PRD. The sea–land breezes diurnal cycle played a significant role in the redistribution and transport of PM10. Nighttime land breeze could transport PM10 to the coast and the sea, while daytime sea breeze (SB) could carry the accumulated PM10 offshore back to the inland cities. PM10 could also be transported vertically to a height of up to about 1000 m because of strong turbulence in the SB front. Process analyses indicated that the emission sources and the vertical diffusion were the major processes to influence the concentrations of particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 μm (PM2.5).  相似文献   

特殊风场条件对太湖蓝藻水华迁移的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在高温、微风气象条件下,适宜蓝藻水华形成。在特殊非均一风场的驱动下,太湖蓝藻水华迁移过程与被均匀风场驱动有所不同。选取太湖典型风向进行分析,并采用三维水动力水质模型对表面非均一风场条件下的风生流流场及水质进行模拟,结果表明,在特殊非均一风场的驱动下,当太湖蓝藻浓度较高时,容易在西部湖区特别在竺山湖、梅梁湾湾内、岸边及湾口聚集,形成水华暴发,这有助于研究太湖污染物及蓝藻水华的输移及空间分布和机理。  相似文献   

In this paper, COSMO numerical weather prediction model is used to simulate land-sea breeze circulation in the north coast of Oman and to analyze the variability of the PBL depth. Typical summer day 1st August 2009 and winter day 1st January 2009 were simulated and verified by surface observations. The COSMO model was initialized using the German global model which runs as 40 km resolution and 40 vertical layers. The simulations show differences in the onset, strength, and inland penetration of the sea breeze. The high sea-land thermal contrast in the summer season induces earlier onset and progression of the sea breeze with larger horizontal and vertical extents. The summer and winter inland penetration is simulated around 150 and 65 km, respectively. The PBL depth was defined from the verticals profiles of the turbulence kinetic energy (TKE). The simulated PBL height varied at 1,600 m in summer and 700 m in the winter case. These results are in general in good agreement with the simulations of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction Global Data Assimilation System (NCEP-GDAS) model. The dispersive ability of the atmosphere was tested through the vertical mixing coefficient (VMC) generated by NCEP-GDAS simulations. The VMC during the summer simulated case is approximately four times larger than the respective one during the winter case. Consequently, during the advection of winter sea breeze, a shallow dome less than 100 m is shaped and forms an obstacle to the air-pollutant dispersion.  相似文献   

通过资料分析和数值模拟开展了2015年8月1日—10日台风“苏迪罗”对珠三角地区臭氧(O3)污染影响的机理研究。结果表明,2015年8月5—8日,在台风接近登陆点的过程中,台风外围天气导致了高温、高辐射和静小风等气象条件,促进了光化学反应的进行和污染物的局地积累。同时,高温、高辐射等气象条件加剧了植被源区生物源挥发性有机物(BVOCs)的排放。采用化学传输模式模拟发现,植被BVOCs对O3污染的贡献最高可达24×10-9。结合拉格朗日粒子扩散模式(LPDM)探索了影响珠三角地区的主导气团,发现珠三角城市地区和高BVOCs源区存在交互传输的现象。污染期间,高BVOCs源区的一次排放产物(BVOCs)和二次产物(O3)经区域输送加剧了珠三角地区O3的污染。此外,研究发现台风外围条件下珠三角内陆盛行的偏北风与海陆热力差异引起的海风在沿海地区辐合,造成污染物局地积累,加剧并延长了O3污染。研究有利于加强对O3污染机理的认识,进而更好地采取针对性措施,有助于减小O3污染带来的危害。  相似文献   

为了认识天津近岸海域水质主要污染指标及污染物随年份的演变规律,根据1996年—2007年天津近岸海域水质监测数据,对天津近岸海域水污染状况进行了时空分析。结果表明,天津近岸海域水质总体呈恶化趋势,劣Ⅳ类海域面积比例呈增加趋势,主要污染因子为无机氮。提出,应确立治海先治陆的思想理念,建立陆源污染排放总量控制制度;加强对海上作业的管理,加强保护开发海域的生态环境。  相似文献   

Vassova lagoon is a typical Mediterranean (small, shallow, micro-tidal, well-mixed) coastal lagoon, receiving limited seasonal freshwater inflows from direct precipitation and underground seepage. An intensive study was carried out in order to quantify the mechanisms responsible for the intra-tidal and residual transport of water, salt, nutrients and chlorophyll at the mouth of this lagoon and to assess the lagoon's flushing behavior. Results indicated that although the system is micro-tidal, tidal effects appeared to be the dominant factor for the longitudinal distribution of physical and chemical parameters, while the associated residual flow is also important and serves as a baseline measure of overall circulation. However, analysis of the net longitudinal currents and fluxes of water, salt and nutrients revealed the importance of non-tidal effects (wind effect and precipitation incidents) in the mean tidal transport. It is shown that the Eulerian residual currents transported water and its properties inwards under southern winds, while a seaward transport was induced during precipitation incidents and northern winds. The Stokes drift effect was found an order of magnitude lower than the Eulerian current, directed towards the lagoon, proving the partially-progressive nature of the tide. Nutrients and chlorophyll-α loads are exported from the lagoon to the open sea during the ebb phase of the autumn and winter tidal cycles, associated with the inflow of nutrient-rich freshwater, seeped through the surrounding drainage canal. The reverse transport occurs in spring and early summer, when nutrients enter the lagoon during the flood tidal phase, from the nutrient-rich upper layer of the stratified adjacent sea. Application of a tidal prism model shows that Vassova lagoon has a mean flushing time of 7.5 days, ranging between 4 to 18 days, affected inversely by the tidal oscillation.  相似文献   

为了探讨厦门金砖会晤期间的排放控制措施以及天气形势对大气颗粒物污染特征的影响,于2017年8月10日至9月10日对厦门气态污染物、细颗粒物(PM2.5)中的水溶性离子以及有机碳(OC)、元素碳(EC)等主要化学成分开展了高时间分辨率的在线监测。根据空气质量管控措施和天气形势将研究期分为6个阶段。管控前、管控期Ⅰ(非台风)和管控期Ⅱ(非台风) PM2.5质量浓度分别为(33. 12±9. 48)、(30. 30±17. 00)、(16. 01±4. 71)μg/m^3。管控期Ⅰ(台风)和管控期Ⅱ(台风) PM2.5质量浓度分别为(12. 40±3. 73)、(12. 45±3. 28)μg/m^3。结果表明:管控期Ⅰ(非台风)阶段受静稳天气的影响,管控效果削弱,PM2.5质量浓度下降幅度小;台风对颗粒物质量浓度下降的影响比管控更显著。管控初期,PM2.5中二次无机离子的质量浓度下降明显;台风对碳质组分质量浓度的影响不如无机组分显著。PMF源解析结果表明,二次无机源是PM2.5主要来源,随着管控措施的实行,扬尘源的贡献从21%降低到6%,而机动车源的贡献降幅不明显。台风期间SO4^2-、NO3^-、SO2、NO2以及硫酸盐氧化比值(SOR)均明显低于非台风期间,氮氧化比值(NOR)反而升高。台风和非台风期间NOR的日变化特征一致,NOR与阳离子的相关性分析结果表明,台风或高风速海风期间NOR与Na^+呈现很强的正相关性,说明海盐粒子可促进NO2非均相反应生成NO3-。  相似文献   

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