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Iguanid lizards communicate threat, courtship and territorial advertisement through stereotyped headbob displays. It has been hypothesized that slight interindividual differences in these displays might enhance individual recognition and maintain dominance relationships within populations, but the precise display elements responsible have not been determined. The purpose of this study was to examine if experimentally induced differences in displays would decrease recognition of individual conspecifics. Specifically, social interactions between adult male green iguanas (Iguana iguana) were examined at normothermic and hypothermic body temperatures. Whereas the cadence (rate of muscle contraction) of stereotypic displays of individual lizards was slowed at hypothermic body temperature (Q 10 1.6), the amplitude (maximal muscle contraction) of hypothermic displays remained constant relative to normothermic displays. Normothermic lizards viewing a display from a hypothermic lizard responded to that display as if it were performed at a normothermic cadence. During paired encounters between lizards (one hypothermic, one normothermic), dominant/subordinate dyads within the group were unusually maintained regardless of which individual was hypothermic. The exception occurred when dominant individuals at the lowest experimental body temperatures retreated from subordinate individuals. The results suggest that individual lizards recognized their relative social status even when cadence of displays was radically altered, indicating that cadence alone probably does not function in individual recognition. Other morphological, display elements, or scent cues may provide information useful in individual recognition.Communicated by G.M. Klump  相似文献   

Crayfish are excellent model organisms to study the proximate mechanisms underlying the maintenance of dominance hierarchies in invertebrates. Our aim here was to investigate whether Procambarus clarkii males use social eavesdropping to discriminate dominant from subordinate crayfish. To this end, we conducted an experiment composed of a “passive” and an “active” phase. In the passive phase, “focal” individuals were allowed (treatment 1) or not (treatment 2) to see and smell two size-matched crayfish fighting while, in the subsequent active phase, they were allowed to freely interact with the fighting dyad. None of the recorded variables showed any significant difference between the two treatments, but, invariably, focal individuals were able to promptly discriminate dominant from subordinate crayfish. This study provides evidence that male crayfish recognize the social status of a conspecific without the need of direct or indirect experience with it and avoid dominants—and thus dangerous opponents—by means of a badge of status. A form of “winner and loser effects” could also contribute to the structuring of dominance/subordinate relationships. The implication of these results in understanding the maintenance of dominance hierarchies in invertebrates are discussed and compared with findings previously achieved in the context of mate choice by P. clarkii females, who do appear to use eavesdropping to identify dominants and subordinates.  相似文献   

Species differ widely with regard to parental investment strategies and mechanisms underlying those strategies. The passing of benefits to likely genetic offspring can be mediated through a number of different computational and behavioral systems. We report results from an agent-based model in which offspring maintain proximity with parents and parents transmit benefits to offspring without the capacity of either parent or offspring to “recognize” one another. Instead, parents follow a simple rule to emit benefits after reproducing and offspring follow a simple rule of moving in the direction of positive benefit gradients. This model differs from previous models of spatial kin-based altruism in that individuals are modeled as having different behavioral rules at different life stages and benefits are transmitted unidirectionally from parents to offspring. High rates of correctly directed parental investment occur when mobility and sociality are low and parental investment occurs over a short period of time. We suggest that strategies based on recognition and bonding/attachment might serve to increase rates of correctly directed parental investment under parameters that are shown here to otherwise lead to high rates of misdirected and wasted parental investment.  相似文献   

For dioecious species, choosing a mate of the same sex can have reproductive costs. For sex-changing animals, however, a lack of sex recognition may not carry a reproductive cost, as pairs that were initially same-sex can become opposite-sex pairs as one partner changes sex. The strength of sex discrimination in sex changers, then, should depend on the duration of mating associations and whether the time of sex change is influenced by social situation (“flexible” sex change). We studied two species of marine snails that change sex from male to female, one with flexible sex change and long-term or permanent mating associations (Crepidula fornicata) and one with short-term pairings and relatively fixed time of sex change (Crepidula convexa), to determine whether either species exhibits sex recognition and whether members of C. convexa show stronger sex discrimination. In laboratory experiments, small males, the choosing animals, were placed with either a male or a female conspecific (no-choice experiments) or given a choice of a male or female (choice experiments). We controlled for shell length in all experiments, as relative size may influence sex change or choice. Males of both species paired more often with females than males, but, as predicted, males of C. convexa showed stronger discrimination: When given a choice, no C. convexa male paired with another male. In contrast, some C. fornicata males always chose other males even when given the choice of a female. These results suggest that sex recognition can be adaptive even for sex changers but demonstrate that the level of sex recognition will depend on other aspects of reproductive behavior.  相似文献   

Kin discrimination in nepotistic as well as in sexual contexts is widespread in animals including humans. However, the underlying mechanisms of kin discrimination are assumed to vary between species and—within species—between contexts. During solitary life stages, kin recognition based on social learning is assumed to be less reliable because kin templates that are not continuously updated may get lost. Therefore, self-referent phenotype matching (“armpit effect”), i.e., the comparison of unknown phenotypes with own characteristics, should be particularly relevant when no social cues are available. However, experimental evidence for this mechanism is scarce. Here, we examine self-referent kin recognition in a mate-choice context in adult male Pelvicachromis taeniatus, a socially monogamous cichlid fish from West Africa with biparental brood care and pronounced kin-mating preferences. Juvenile P. taeniatus live in groups, whereas adult males compete for access to breeding sites which they aggressively defend against rivals. Using computer-animated females as standardized visual stimuli in combination with olfactory cues of related and unrelated females, we show that adult males reared isolated from kin since egg stage were able to discriminate sisters from unrelated females. As males could have learned kin cues only from themselves, our study provides evidence for self-referent kin recognition and indicates that the observed inbreeding preferences are mediated by self-derived olfactory cues. Male preferences for sisters were correlated with male body size. We discuss the implications of quality-related mate choice for the evolution of kin-mating preferences.  相似文献   

Pollimyrus adspersus discriminates the individually variable waveforms of Electric Organ Discharges (EODs) of conspecifics of only 150–250 s duration. We examined: (1) the discrimination threshold for artificially generated EODs of similar waveform, (2) the mechanism of signal analysis (spectral vs temporal) present, by determining the discrimination between different waveforms of identical amplitude spectra, and (3) the threshold field intensity and reach of discrimination. The triphasic P. adspersus EOD waveform was artificially generated by superimposing two Gaussians, one wide, the second narrow, inverted, and of threefold amplitude. The natural variability among individual EOD waveforms was simulated by phase-shifting one Gaussian relative to the other. The symmetrical waveform where the peaks of the two Gaussians coincided was used as a reference (phase shift=0, rewarded stimulus S+). Results were: (1) in food-rewarded conditioning experiments, trained fish (N=7) detected a phase-shift in artificial EOD stimuli as low as 2 s (N=2 fish), 6 s (N=1) and 10 s (N=1). (2) All fish tested (N=3) discriminated between artificial EODs of identical amplitude spectra but different waveforms (hence, different phase spectra), demonstrating a temporal mechanism of signal analysis. (3) The maximum reach of waveform discrimination was 130 cm at 4.9 Vp-p/cm and 100 S/cm water conductivity (test signal generated at natural amplitude), that is, similar to the reach of EOD detection. Therefore, among the three kinds of electroreceptor organ present in mormyrids, we consider Knollenorgane the relevant sensory organs for EOD waveform discrimination.Communicated by J. Krause  相似文献   

In group-level recognition, discriminators use sensory information to distinguish group members and non-members. For example, entrance guards in eusocial insect colonies discriminate nestmates from intruders by comparing their odour with a template of the colony odour. Despite being a species-rich group of eusocial bees closely related to the honey bees, stingless bee nestmate recognition is a relatively little-studied area. We studied Frieseomelitta varia, a common Brazilian species of stingless bee known as marmelada. By measuring the rejection rates of nestmate and non-nestmate worker bees by guards, we were able to show that guards became significantly less accepting (from 91 to 46%) of nestmates that had acquired odour cues from non-nestmate workers; however, guards did not become significantly more accepting (from 31 to 42%) of non-nestmates that had acquired equivalent amounts of odour cues from the guard’s nestmates. These data strongly suggest that guards use an “undesirable–absent” system in recognition, whereby incoming conspecific workers are only accepted if undesirable cues are absent, despite the presence of desirable cues. We suggest that an undesirable–absent system is adaptive because robbing by conspecifics may be an important selective factor in F. varia, which would lead to selection for a non-permissive acceptance strategy by guards.  相似文献   

Conspicuous male colouration is expected to have evolved primarily through selection by female choice. In what way conspicuous colours could be advantageous to males scrambling for mates remains largely unknown. The moor frog (Rana arvalis) belongs to the so-called explosive breeders in which spawning period is short; intrasexual competition is strong, and males actively search and scramble for females. During breeding, male body colouration changes from a dull brown (similar to females) to a conspicuous blue, and we wanted to test if male blueness influences mating success or facilitates male mate recognition. To do so, we first measured the colour of mated and non-mated males using a spectrophotometer. In an experiment, we then analysed interactions of actual male moor frogs in natural spawning aggregations with a brown (resembling a female or a non-breeding male) and a blue model frog. Mated and non-mated males did not differ in colouration, suggesting that female choice based on colour traits was unlikely. In our behavioural experiment, male moor frogs spent significantly more time in contact and in amplexus with the brown model than with the blue model. Our results suggest that the nuptial colouration in moor frogs can act as a new type of visual signal in anurans evolved to promote instantaneous mate recognition allowing males to quickly move between rivals while scrambling for females.  相似文献   

Nestmate recognition in eusocial insects has received a lot of attention in the last decades. Recognition in subsocial species, in contrast, has been ignored almost completely and consequently, and little is known about proximate mechanisms of recognition in subsocial systems. We studied one subsocial species, the biparental brood caring burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides, an interesting model organism for studies of recognition because of its ability to discriminate between breeding partners and conspecific competitors. Recognition appears to be based on a chemical cue closely linked to the breeding status of individuals. Breeding and non-breeding beetles consistently differ in their relative proportions of polyunsaturated cuticular hydrocarbons. To investigate the function of these polyenes in the burying beetles’ recognition system, we quantified their concentration on the cuticle during the early state of a breeding attempt and tested the response of breeding beetles in corresponding behavioural experiments. We observed a rapid increase in the proportion of polyunsaturated hydrocarbons of both males and females after they were provided with a carcass suitable for reproduction. Furthermore, we found that the relative amount of polyenes on an individual’s surface was closely correlated with its chance of being accepted as breeding partner. Our results support the idea that polyunsaturated hydrocarbons are involved in breeding partner recognition in N. vespilloides, functioning as a signal that conveys information about the individual’s breeding status. Breeding females have greater amount of polyenes than breeding males, and females ingest more carrion during the first days on the carcass, which supports our hypothesis that precursors for the respective polyenes are derived from ingested carrion.  相似文献   

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