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To learn the relationship between sunlight intensity and cyanobacterial proliferations for the further control of the heavy blooms, enclosure experiment were conducted in Meiliang Bay, Lake Taihu by regulating the natural light intensities with different shading ratio (0% (full sunlight), 10%, 25%, 50% and 75% of original natural sunlight intensities) from September to November in 2010. The results indicated that phytoplankton biomass (mean) decreased significantly when the shading ratios reached 50% or more. Higher shading ratios (e.g. 75%) were very efficient in controlling the average and total cyanobacterialbloom biomass, while 50% shading ratio was proven very effective either in controlling the peak value of phytoplankton biomass or postponing the occurrence of cyanobacterial blooms in Lake Talhu. In addition, phytoplankton composition and photosynthesis efficiency were also affected by altering the shading ratios, and in turn, they might also act on phytoplankton growth. Based on the results from the present study, intermediate shading strategies such as regulation of water level or turbidity through the hydrology regulations would probably be an effective and efficient method in controlling cyanobacterial blooms in large and shallow lakes.  相似文献   

太湖出入湖河道与湖体水质季节差异分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于2016年太湖16条主要河道及对应湖体的水质逐月监测数据,深入探讨了太湖流域不同分区河道的外源营养盐输入对湖体水质影响及其季节变化.结果发现:(1)太湖流域河道总氮(TN)、溶解性总氮(DTN)、总磷(TP)和溶解性总磷(DTP)的月平均浓度均高于对应湖体,主要入流区河道与临近湖体的营养盐浓度呈现显著正相关,表明外源补给对湖体营养盐浓度产生巨大影响;(2)无论是河道还是湖体的营养盐浓度,均呈现明显的季节变化,且峰值产生月份不同:河道平均TN最高值出现在3月,为4.82 mg·L-1,平均TP最高值出现在12月,为0.218 mg·L-1;湖体TN、TP峰值均出现在蓝藻水华暴发期间(7月),分别为4.13 mg·L-1和0.255 mg·L-1;(3)极端降水过程短期内能明显降低河道营养盐浓度,但会引起湖体营养盐外源负荷的明显增高,不利于湖体富营养化控制.本研究表明,对于空间异质性较高的大型浅水湖泊,流域河道入湖污染对湖体营养盐时空格局具有重要的塑造作用,而湖体的污染物自净能力、蓝藻水华物质的空间堆积及风浪引发的底泥再悬浮作用等也都对湖体营养盐浓度、时空格局产生重要影响.  相似文献   

The effect of cyanobacterial bloom decay on water quality and the complete degradation of cyanobacterial blooms in a short period were examined by an enclosure experiment in Gonghu Bay of Lake Taihu,China.Water quality parameters as well as taste and odor compounds during the breakdown of cyanobacterial blooms were measured.Results showed that the decay of cyanobacterial blooms caused anoxic water conditions,decreased pH,and increased nutrient loading to the lake water.The highest concentrations of dimethyl sulfide (DMS),dimethyl trisulfide (DMTS),and β-cyclocitral were observed in the anoxic water,at 62331.8,12413.3,and 1374.9 ng/L,respectively.2-Methylisoborneol was dominant during the live growth phase of cyanobacterial blooms,whereas DMS and DMTS were dominant during the decomposition phase.Dissolved oxygen,pH,and chlorophyll a were negatively correlated with DMS,DMTS,and β-cyclocitral,whereas total phosphorus,total nitrogen,and ammonium (NH4+-N) were positively correlated with DMS,DMTS,β-cyclocitral,and β-ionone.The experimental results suggested that preventing the anaerobic decomposition of cyanobacterial blooms is an important strategy against the recurrence of a malodor crisis in Lake Taihu.  相似文献   

反硝化作用是水生生态系统的主要脱氮过程,与蓝藻生长之间存在对氮素的竞争作用,然而气候变化背景下反硝化脱氮对蓝藻水华发生动态的影响仍不清楚.基于2017~2021年北太湖为期5 a的水质监测历史数据,结合不同温度下蓝藻生长和沉积物泥浆培养实验,探究了湖体反硝化脱氮与蓝藻水华之间的相互影响.监测数据表明,太湖水体藻类生物量(以Chla表示)高值主要出现在夏秋季节,而总氮浓度季节变化规律与藻类生物量完全相反,冬春季较高,夏秋季显著降低,溶解态无机氮主要以硝态氮为主,并且硝态氮浓度在夏秋季节几乎接近于零.总磷浓度与Chla浓度变化一致.蓝藻培养实验结果表明,20℃以下蓝藻不能大量生长繁殖.泥浆培养实验结果发现,太湖反硝化作用的最高温度阈值为25℃,在10~25℃之间反硝化潜力与温度呈现显著的线性关系(R2=0.99).反硝化作用发生的最高硝态氮浓度阈值为4 mg ·L-1,远高于太湖水体的硝态氮浓度,反硝化潜力最高达到(62.98±21.36)μmol ·(kg ·h)-1.太湖水体反硝化速率受到硝态氮浓度的限制,而气候变暖导致湖泊温度提前升高,会使蓝藻提前生长,蓝藻生长对硝态氮的同化吸收会和反硝化作用产生竞争,使得大量氮还未被反硝化作用脱除就被藻类吸收利用,从而加剧蓝藻水华暴发的态势.研究结果对于解释近年来气候变化背景下太湖蓝藻水华反弹的机制具有重要科学意义.  相似文献   

为探讨太湖水体中胶体对铜绿微囊藻生长的影响,在太湖藻型湖区梅梁湾采集水样,采用常规过滤与切向流超滤(CFF)相结合的方法,得到胶体浓缩液(1nm~1μm).分别将胶体浓缩液、灭菌的胶体浓缩液与纯水配制成体积百分比为5%、10%、25%的培养液,接种处于指数生长期的铜绿微囊藻.结果表明,添加天然胶体浓缩液或灭菌胶体浓缩液可以促进铜绿微囊藻的生长,灭菌胶体对铜绿微囊藻生长的促进作用更显著.胶体促进铜绿微囊藻生长的主要原因是胶体态有机磷促进了铜绿微囊藻对溶解性无机磷的摄取,胶体所吸附的营养盐的补充是另一个有利因素.此外,胶体作为微量元素载体也是胶体促进铜绿微囊藻生长的原因之一.  相似文献   

In order to monitor the changes of Microcystis along with temporal and spatial variations, seasonal variation of Microcystis in Lake Taihu was investigated by 16S-23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (16S-23S rRNA-ITS DGGE) and microscopic evaluation. Samples were collected quarterly at four sites (River Mouth, Meiliang Bay, Cross Area, and Lake Center) from August 2006 to April 2007. Results showed that Microcystis dominated total phytoplankton abundance at the four sites in all seasons except winter. The average annual abundance of Microcystis was relatively high at River Mouth and Meiliang Bay, reaching 81.22×106 and 61.32×106 cells/L, respectively. For temporal variations, Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H') according to DGGE profile revealed the richness of Microcystis in summer (H'=1.375±0.034) and winter (H'=1.650±0.032) was lower than that in spring (H'=2.078±0.031) and autumn (H'=2.365±0.032) (P<0.05). While for spatial variations, the richness of Microcystis at River Mouth (H'=2.015±0.074) was higher than at other sites during four seasons (P<0.01). Very few differences of Microcystis diversity in the same season were observed among the other three sites (P>0.05). Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was performed to elucidate the relationships between Microcystis operational taxonomic units (OTUs) composition and the environmental factors. Results of CCA revealed that temperature was strongly positively correlated with the first axis (r=0.963), while TSS was negative correlated with the second axis (r=-0.716). Phylogenetic tree based on the sequencing results of target bands on DGGE gel indicated that samples collected in summer and winter constituted two separated clusters.  相似文献   

After the appalling “Wuxi DrinkingWater Crisis”, increasing investigations concerning the contaminations of cyanobacterial blooms and their toxins in Lake Taihu have been performed and reported in the last two years. However, information regarding these issues before the crisis in 2007 remained insu cient. To provide some background data for further comparisons, the present study reported our investigations conducted in 2004, associated with the cyanotoxin contaminations as well as the eutrophication status in Lake Taihu. Results from the one-year-study near a drinking water resource for Wuxi City indicated that, unlike the status in recent two years, cyanobacteria and chlorophyta are the co-dominance species throughout the year. The highest toxin concentration (34.2 ng/mL) in water columns occurred in August. In bloom biomass, the peak value of intracellular toxin (0.59 g/mg DW) was determined in October, which was lag behind that in water column. In addition, MC-RR was the major toxin variant throughout the year. During the study period, nutrients levels of total nitrogen and phosphorus were also recorded monthly. Results from the present study will lead to a better understanding of the eutrophication status and the potential risks before “Wuxi Drinking Water Crisis”.  相似文献   

太湖梅梁湾浮游动物群落结构长期变化特征(1997~2017年)   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
杨佳  周健  秦伯强  权秋梅  黎云祥 《环境科学》2020,41(3):1246-1255
浮游动物作为水体食物链的重要组成部分,在湖泊生态系统中发挥着重要作用.然而,作为水质重要监测指标,由于浮游动物群落结构长期连续监测数据的缺失,导致关于浮游动物群落结构长期变化特征的认识较为缺乏.基于太湖梅梁湾1997~2017年逐月连续监测数据,研究了浮游动物群落结构的长期变化特征,探讨了其与环境因子的关系.结果显示,在此期间,太湖梅梁湾浮游动物丰度和生物量均显著下降(P<0.05).其中,轮虫和桡足类丰度和生物量均缓慢下降,枝角类丰度处于波动而生物量表现为显著下降(P<0.05).枝角类生物量对太湖梅梁湾浮游动物生物量的贡献最大.小型的枝角类和桡足类的优势度随着轮虫丰度的降低而增大,浮游动物的平均体型显著减小(P<0.05),浮游动物呈现出小型化演化特征,并潜在减弱对浮游植物的下行效应.此外,浮游动物丰度和生物量在春季呈上升趋势而在秋冬季呈下降趋势,并在9月达到最大值1406.70 ind.·L-1和25.64 mg·L-1.而在夏季它们的变化趋势则相反.Pearson相关性分析显示,浮游动物群落结构主要与水体物理特征(碱度、电导率、水深、悬浮物质和水温)、叶绿素a和氮元素密切相关(P<0.05),说明太湖梅梁湾水体富营养化对浮游动物的群落结构具有重要影响.  相似文献   

为了探讨太湖春季藻类生长的磷营养盐阈值,采用原位营养盐富集生物模拟实验,研究了太湖梅梁湾浮游植物对不同浓度无机磷(PO43--P)的生长响应.结果表明:外源磷添加能显著的促进浮游植物生长,但存在阈值.当磷浓度低于0.02mg/L时,藻类生长速率和生物量是可控的,当磷浓度高于0.02mg/L时,生长速率和生物量没有变化,因此春季藻类生长的无机磷阈值为0.02mg/L,相当于总磷阈值为0.059mg/L.太湖目前只有部分湖区总磷年平均浓度处于总磷阈值以下,控制流域的磷负荷,降低太湖的浮游植物生物量将是一个长期过程.  相似文献   

太湖梅梁湾理化指标分层的空间分布特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为了解大型浅水湖泊水体理化指标的空间分异特征,在太湖梅梁湾布设62个采样点,垂向分为3层,调查水体中Chla、TN、TDN(溶解性总氮)、TP、TDP(溶解性总磷)的质量浓度及SD(透明度)、DOS(溶解氧饱和度)等水体理化指标,统计分析了夏季太湖水体理化指标空间分布特征及影响因素. 结果表明:①梅梁湾水体理化指标垂向时空变幅不同,垂向相对变幅平均值ρ(TN)为68.0%,ρ(TDN)为40.1%,ρ(TP)为138.0%,ρ(TDP)为35.7%,ρ(Chla)为66.0%,DOS为79.0%,营养盐总量的垂向差异比溶解态大;②平面上,水华堆积区ρ(TN)、ρ(TDN)、ρ(TP)、ρ(TDP)、ρ(Chla)、DOS平均值分别为梅梁湾平均值的4.45、2.45、6.45、4.74、2.08、1.02倍,比垂向差异大;③风场驱动下蓝藻堆积对水体各理化指标空间分布的影响巨大;④ρ(Chla)垂向分层明显,ρ(Chla)的垂向变幅表层0.2m处显著高于下层,可达89.7μg/L. 浅水湖泊的水体理化指标时空变异大,受气象条件、水动力条件等因素的影响,故在监测点位布设及数据分析时,应考虑垂直分层采样、滨岸带采样并详细记录采样条件.   相似文献   

Two plant populations of Phragmites australis and Typha orientalis grown in gravel and sediment substrate were studied to assess their capabilities for purifying polluted water in Taihu Lake, China. The substrate displayed most significant effects on the suspended matter (P < 0.01), with the reduction of 76%-87% and 52%-63% for P. australis, and 83%-86% and 45%-62% for T. orientalis in gravel substrate and sediment substrate, respectively. Both species and substrates significantly decreased the N and P conc...  相似文献   

太湖流域耕地变化及其对生态服务功能影响研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人类活动驱动下的土地利用变化对生态系统服务功能影响是当前生态学研究的前沿和热点,中国东部沿海经济发达地区耕地变化对生态系统服务功能影响尚不清楚。论文以中国经济快速发展和典型商品粮基地--太湖流域为研究区,利用多期遥感解译数据、统计资料和历史文献,分析太湖流域25 a 来耕地变化情况,并选取农产品生产、碳蓄积、水源涵养三个关键指标探讨耕地变化对生态系统服务功能的影响。结果表明:① 25 a 来太湖流域耕地减少显著,以城市建设用地占用为主,1985-2000 年流域耕地仅减少1 346.82 km2,主要集中在上海市和江苏省,态势并不严峻;2000-2010 年是流域耕地减少的主要时期,减少面积达4 317.46 km2,县级市耕地减少明显加剧。② 25 a 间太湖流域耕地变化造成生态服务功能退化明显,供给服务功能中仅小麦产量有所提高,稻谷和油料产量分别下降39.60%、56.56%,调节服务功能中土壤碳储量降低显著,但对水源涵养能力影响较小。建议加强耕地保护力度,协调耕地保护、经济发展和生态服务之间的平衡,有助于减缓流域耕地减少对生态服务功能退化的压力。  相似文献   

长江口及东海赤潮海洋环境特征综合探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对我国东海及长江口邻近海域赤潮频繁发生的现象,本文通过大量文献查阅和研究追踪,分别从东海赤潮的生物化学、物理海洋和地质沉积三大方面对其爆发的海洋环境特征进行了综合研究。具体涉及浮游藻类密度、叶绿素a含量、初级生产力、海洋温盐流、地貌沉积八个分项的解释,从整体上对长江口及东海赤潮生消演变的海洋环境进行了初步的探讨,为进一步的认识赤潮提供了研究基础。  相似文献   

升温过程对藻类复苏和群落演替的影响   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
采用模拟升温方法培养太湖的冬季底泥,培养温度从5.5~30℃设计为8个水平,在各温度水平显微观察藻类群落组成,计算比生长速率,同时采用荧光法分析光合色素的浓度变化.结果表明,绿藻和硅藻在9℃时开始复苏,蓝藻在12.5℃开始复苏.虽然蓝藻复苏较晚,但是蓝藻复苏后的比生长速率高于绿藻和硅藻.12.5℃以后,藻类群落主要由蓝藻、绿藻、硅藻组成.在12.5℃和16℃时绿藻占优势;蓝藻在19.5℃以后占优势.叶绿素a浓度在9℃和16℃均明显升高,而藻蓝素浓度仅在16℃时明显升高.光合色素浓度的升高与绿藻和硅藻的复苏同步进行,但滞后于蓝藻的复苏.  相似文献   

To study how global warming and eutrophication affect water ecosystems, a multiplicative growth Monod model, modified by incorporating the Arrhenius equation, was applied to Lake Taihu to quantitatively study the relationships between algal biomass and both nutrients and temperature using long-term data. To qualitatively assess which factor was a limitation of the improved model, temperature variables were calculated using annual mean air temperature (AT), water temperature (WT), and their average temperature (ST), while substrate variables were calculated using annual mean total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and their weighted aggregate (R), respectively. The nine fitted curves showed that TN and AT were two important factors influencing algal growth; AT limited growth as algal photosynthesis is mainly carried out near the water surface; N leakage of phytoplankton and internal phosphorus load from sediment explains why TN was the best predictor of peak biomass using the Monod model. The fitted results suggest that annual mean algal biomass increased by 0.145 times when annual mean AT increased by 1.0℃. Results also showed that the more eutrophic the lake, the greater the effect AT had on algal growth. Subsequently, the long-term joint effect of annual temperature increase and eutrophication to water ecosystems can be quantitatively assessed and predicted.  相似文献   

在水槽中模拟研究了太湖中动力扰动作用引发底泥再悬浮对水体Cd、Cu、Pb、Fe、Mn、Zn等痕量金属的胶体相浓度的影响.结果表明,上覆水各元素的胶体相浓度在模拟扰动22h后均达最高值,其中,胶体相Cd、Fe、Cu、Mn浓度均与水动力扰动强度显著正相关(r=0.799、0.709、0.820、0.788,P=0.001、0.007、0.001、0.001),胶体Pb、Zn浓度均与水动力扰动作用不相关(r=0.542、0.523,P=0.056、0.067);水动力作用主要通过改变上覆水各痕量金属总量和胶体有机碳(COC)浓度而影响胶体相痕量金属的浓度,而且,其影响存在一定的滞后效应;由于上覆水中COC浓度低于太湖水体,使得其对胶体相痕量金属浓度的影响比在太湖中显著.  相似文献   

Water transfer is becoming a popular method for solving the problems of water quality deterioration and water level drawdown in lakes. However, the principle of choosing water sources for water transfer projects has mainly been based on the effects on water quality, which neglects the influence in the variation of phytoplankton community and the risk of algal blooms. In this study, algal growth potential (AGP) test was applied to predict changes in the phytoplankton community caused by water transfer projects. The feasibility of proposed water transfer sources (Baqing River and Jinsha River) was assessed through the changes in both water quality and phytoplankton community in Chenghai Lake, Southwest China. The results showed that the concentration of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) in Chenghai Lake could be decreased to 0.52 mg/L and 0.02 mg/L respectively with the simulated water transfer source of Jinsha River. The algal cell density could be reduced by 60%, and the phytoplankton community would become relatively stable with the Jinsha River water transfer project, and the dominant species of Anabaena cylindrica evolved into Anabaenopsis arnoldii due to the species competition. However, the risk of algal blooms would be increased after the Baqing River water transfer project even with the improved water quality. Algae gained faster proliferation with the same dominant species in water transfer source. Therefore, water transfer projects should be assessed from not only the variation of water quality but also the risk of algal blooms.  相似文献   

To study how global warming and eutrophication a ect water ecosystems, a multiplicative growth Monod model, modified by incorporating the Arrhenius equation, was applied to Lake Taihu to quantitatively study the relationships between algal biomass and both nutrients and temperature using long-term data. To qualitatively assess which factor was a limitation of the improved model, temperature variables were calculated using annual mean air temperature (AT), water temperature (WT), and their average temperature (ST), while substrate variables were calculated using annual mean total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and their weighted aggregate (R), respectively. The nine fitted curves showed that TN and AT were two important factors influencing algal growth; AT limited growth as algal photosynthesis is mainly carried out near the water surface; N leakage of phytoplankton and internal phosphorus load from sediment explains why TN was the best predictor of peak biomass using the Monod model. The fitted results suggest that annual mean algal biomass increased by 0.145 times when annual mean AT increased by 1.0°C. Results also showed that the more eutrophic the lake, the greater the e ect AT had on algal growth. Subsequently, the long-term joint e ect of annual temperature increase and eutrophication to water ecosystems can be quantitatively assessed and predicted.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional eutrophication model and application to Taihu Lake, China   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Taihu Lake, the largest freshwater shallow lake in eastern China, has suffered from severe eutrophication over the past two decades. This research developed a three-dimensional eutrophication model to investigate the eutrophication dynamics. The model fully coupled the biological processes and hydrodynamics, and also took into account the effects of sediment release and the external loads from the tributaries. After sensitivity analyses, the key parameters were defined and then calibrated by the field observation data. The calibrated model was applied to study the seasonal primary productions and its regional differences. The comparisons between model results and field data in year 2000 indicated that the model is able to simulate the eutrophication dynamics in Taihu Lake with a reasonable accuracy. From the simulation experiments, it was found that the meteorological forcing have significant influences on the temporal variations of the eutrophication dynamics. The wind-induced circulation and sediment distribution play an important role in the spatial distribution of the algae blooms.  相似文献   

Excessive nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) loading of aquatic ecosystems is a leading cause of eutrophication and harmful algal blooms worldwide, and reducing nutrient levels in water has been a primary management objective. To provide a rational protection strategy and predict future trends of eutrophication in eutrophic lakes, we need to understand the relationships between nutrient ratios and nutrient limitations. We conducted a set of outdoor bioassays at the shore of Lake Taihu. It showed that N only additions induced phytoplankton growth but adding only P did not. Combined N plus P additions promoted higher phytoplankton biomass than N only additions, which suggested that both N and P were deficient for maximum phytoplankton growth in this lake (TN:TP = 18.9). When nutrients are present at less than 7.75-13.95 mg/L TN and 0.41-0.74 mg/L TP, the deficiency of either N or P or both limits the growth of phytoplankton. N limitation then takes place when the TN:TP ratio is less than 21.5-24.7 (TDN:TDP was 34.2-44.3), and P limitation occurs above this. Therefore, according to this ratio, controlling N when N limitation exists and controlling P when P deficiency is present will prevent algal blooms effectively in the short term. But for the long term, a persistent dual nutrient (N and P) management strategy is necessary.  相似文献   

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