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Abstract:  Many prior studies have explored the implications of human population growth and environmentally problematic technologies for biodiversity loss and other forms of environmental degradation. Relatively few, however, have examined the impacts of the level and composition of consumption. We offer a framework that shows how the level and composition of a society's total consumption relate to the uses of various forms of capital and to the sustainability of natural resources and human well-being. We relate the framework to two main approaches—top–down macro studies and bottom–up computer models—for measuring whether overall consumption in the United States satisfies a sustainability requirement. Existing top–down studies have shortcomings that bias their results toward optimism, and current computer simulation models, although strong on revealing biophysical outcomes, are limited in their ability to evaluate impacts on human well-being. Although some ambiguities arise in determining whether overall consumption in the United States is excessive, our conclusions regarding the composition of U.S. consumption are unambiguous. Distorted consumption patterns and associated production methods lead to excessively rapid natural resource depletion; greater conservation would yield gains to current and future generations that more than compensate for the sacrifices involved. Public policies that deal with the composition problem not only would help conserve natural resources and improve current welfare but also would reduce the costs of meeting the goal of sustainability.  相似文献   

Water requirements for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) are thoroughly evaluated using publicly available information, data from actual field applications and information provided by knowledgeable EOR technologists in fourteen major oil companies. Water quanity and quality requirements are estimated for individual EOR processes (steam drive,in situ combustion and carbon dioxide, micellar-polymer, polymer and caustic flooding) in those states and specific geographical locations where these processes will likely play major roles in future petroleum production by the year 2000. The estimated quantity requirements represent thetotal water needed from all sources, e.g. aquifers, lakes and produced water. A reduction in these quantities can be achieved by reinjecting all of the produced water potentially available for recyle, e.g. some is lost in oil and water separation and water treatment processes, in the oil recovery method. For injection water quality requirements, it is noted that not all of the water used for EOR needs to be fresh. The use oftreated produced water can significantly reduce the quantities of fresh water that would be sought from other sources. Although no major EOR project to date has been abandoned because of water supply problems, competing regional uses for water, drought situations, and scarcity of high quality, e.g. low total dissolved solids, surface water and ground water could be impediments to certain projects in the near future.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2005,181(2-3):93-108
Highly complex spatio-temporal environmental data sets are becoming common in ecology because of the increasing use of large-scale simulation models and automated data collection devices. The spatial and temporal dimensions present real and difficult challenges for the interpretation of these data. A particularly difficult problem is that the relationship among variables can vary in dramatically in response to environmental variation; consequently, a single model may not provide adequate fit. The temporal dimension presents both opportunities for improved prediction because explanatory variables sometimes exert delayed effects on response variables, and problems because variables are often serially correlated. This article presents a regression strategy for accommodating these problems and exploiting serial correlation. The strategy is illustrated by a case study of simulated net primary production (SNPP) that compares ocean-atmosphere indices to terrestrial climate variables as predictors of SNPP across the conterminous United States, and describes spatial variation in the relative importance of terrestrial climate variables towards predicting SNPP. We found that the relationship between ocean-atmosphere indices and SNPP varies substantially over the United States, and that there is evidence of a substantive link only in the western portions of the United States. Evidence of multi-year delays in the effect of terrestrial climate effects on SNPP were also found.  相似文献   

When discussing strategies for realising an environmental friendly agricultural production, there are methods for quantifying environmental effects which do not originate in agricultural contexts. For instance, the methodology of Life Cycle Assessment is mainly developed from analyses of industrial production lines and products. Substance flow analyses in agriculture contain a complete analysis of agriculturally caused substance and energy flows, to which certain environmental effects are assigned, and also an assessment of these effects. For the provision of production means, balancing agricultural production procedures includes the extraction of energy sources and mineral resources from their reservoirs. The growth phase of the crops regarded (cereals, sugar beet, rape) is described depending on the nutrients nitrogen, phophor, potassium and calcium. The nitrogen flux within the system plant-soil-atmosphere is recorded referring to its temporal dynamic. In the framework of this study, selected environmental effects of agricultural production procedures of winter wheat are calculated regarding different conditions of locations and are supplemented by declining scenario simulations. Essential features of the structure of the substance flow net, which is implemented for the calculation and which can be used completely or as for single modules for further studies, are explained. Basing on selected categories of effectiveness, ecological optimisation potentials of varying agricultural provision of production means and procedures are estimated within the whole context of provision. Thereby, the effects of a reduced employment of fertilisers, of a change as for the kind of fertiliser and of the region of origin of the N-fertiliser, as well as variations concerning mechanical work in the fields are outlined for the cultivation of winter wheat.  相似文献   

Climate change, humidity, and mortality in the United States   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper estimates the effects of humidity and temperature on mortality rates in the United States (c. 1973-2002) in order to provide an insight into the potential health impacts of climate change. I find that humidity, like temperature, is an important determinant of mortality. Coupled with Hadley CM3 climate-change predictions, I project that mortality rates are likely to change little on the aggregate for the United States. However, distributional impacts matter: mortality rates are likely to decline in cold and dry areas, but increase in hot and humid areas. Further, accounting for humidity has important implications for evaluating these distributional effects.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Among the major agricultural crops in the southeastern United States, cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) generally provides the least suitable habitat for most early successional songbirds. Newer cropping approaches, such as use of conservation tillage and stripcover cropping, offer hope for improving the ecological value of cotton fields. We examined the effects of clover stripcover cropping with conservation tillage versus conventionally grown cotton with either conventional or conservation tillage on avian and arthropod species composition and field use in east-central Georgia. Stripcover fields had higher bird densities and biomass and higher relative abundance of arthropods than both conservation tillage and conventional fields. During migration and breeding periods, total bird densities on stripcover fields were 2–6 times and 7–20 times greater than on conservation and conventional fields, respectively. Abundance and biomass for epigeal arthropods were also greatest on stripcover fields during much of the breeding season. Although the clover treatment attracted the highest avian and arthropod densities, conservation fields still provided more wildlife and agronomic benefits than conventional management. Our findings suggest that both conservation tillage and stripcropping systems will improve conditions for birds in cotton, with stripcropped fields providing superior habitat. The reduction of inputs possible with the clover system could allow farmers to lower costs associated with conventional cotton production by $282–317/ha. This reduction of input, coupled with similar or possibly increased yield over conventional systems makes stripcover cropping not only a good choice for reducing negative impacts on wildlife and surrounding ecosystems, but also an economically desirable one.  相似文献   

This Impacts article proposes strategies for mitigating negative impacts of urbanization in rural locations in the United States. Issues addressed include impacts of population growth and development, loss of agricultural lands, and impacts of climate change on agriculture and rural communities. Conclusions are supported by stakeholder survey data, geographic information systems-based data, and desktop reviews of research journal publications. We propose a sustainable, diversified approach that supports mitigation of issues, including increasing demand on food production and decline of rural communities. A key issue that we address is where we will find suitable landscapes to reduce enough food for 9.6 billion people living in 2050.

Urban and rural development planners are grappling with solutions to escalating impacts global populations, stresses on food production, and effects of climate change. Solutions are identified, including strengthening rural and urban contexts by establishing connected and interdependent links that support diversification of rural and urban contexts as viable solutions to these issues.

Diversified rural-to-urban sustainable agriculture production is a promising approach to addressing climate change impacts. Organic agriculture principles exhibit strong diversity and are accredited by United States Department of Agriculture as the only federally certified sustainable agriculture practice in the United States. Sustainable agriculture practices are evolving into profitable diversified alternative food sources. We offer substantiated alternative solutions for remediating impacts of urbanization on rural agriculture and communities. Collectively, these solutions can strengthen symbiotic relationships between sustainable agriculture and rural communities, addressing our growing population issues and preserving our dwindling farmlands and rural communities.  相似文献   

美国露天采矿环境保护标准及其对我国的借鉴意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
概述了美国露天采矿环境保护标准并总结其特点:(1)一般性和特殊性相结合;(2)采矿破坏地生态恢复涵义广,涉及矿区内所有受扰地区;(3)管理当局可针对具体矿山更改某些要求;(4)有完善的配套法规保障标准的执行。基于美国在采矿环境保护方面的经验,提出了我国矿产开发生态保护与恢复标准制定的4点设想:(1)涵盖矿产开发造成生态影响的每一个环节和所有的受扰地区;(2)尽量考虑各种具体情况;(3)体现生态恢复的全面性;(4)完善相关法规,保障标准实施。  相似文献   

This analysis seeks to understand whether changes in oil regulation brought about by the shale revolution have restricted the pace of drilling and production. This hypothesis is tested using data on North Dakota and Montana both before and after North Dakota increased regulations that raise fixed costs. Results generally find that the new regulations had no statistical impact on the pace of drilling and production, however it is found that smaller operators reduced their production and exited. These results are instructive for policymakers who weigh the loss of economic welfare against improved environmental quality when deciding on new regulations.  相似文献   


The emerging concept of industrial ecology (IE) has been applied in practice in few case studies on local/regional industrial recycling networks. Analogously to a natural ecosystem, the aim is to develop material cycles and energy cascades between local cooperative actors. An optimal resource basis of an industrial ecosystem is the sustainable use of local renewable natural resources. In this paper, we consider the region of North Karelia in Finland, with 19 municipalities, and hence somewhat expand the system boundaries of an industrial ecosystem case study. The current situation and two scenarios of municipal heating energy production are presented. The heating system consists of individual, district and electric heating. The heat production and related greenhouse gas emissions are considered. The current fuel use is based on imported oil and regional fuels (peat, wood wastes). Also, shares for co-production of heat and electricity (CHP) are shown. In scenario one, we assume the majority of the fuel basis in oil and absence of CHP. Scenario two illustrates nearly complete dependence on regional wood wastes and firewood with the current share of CHP. The North Karelia region provides the IE theory with a fruitful case study because the supply of waste fuels and local renewables is vast and waste utilisation technologies (CHP, fluidized bed burning) constitute a significant part of energy production. Implications of the applied scenario approach are discussed in the context of regional decision making and, in particular, for its implementation with the concepts of a regional environmental management system (EMS) and a regional industrial ecosystem management system (RIEMS).  相似文献   

自1938年美国首先颁布管控化学品的法律以来,健康风险评估逐步发展,各个国家和地区相继颁布文件,并已形成较为完善的评估框架.由于在化学品健康风险评估的过程中,存在大量收集引用的数据及信息,因此数据质量评估是保证风险评估结果可信的关键.目前为止美国环保署(environmental protection agency,E...  相似文献   

Abstract:  The most efficient way to reduce future damages from nonindigenous species is to prevent the introduction of harmful species. Although ecologists have long sought to predict the identity of such species, recent methodological advances promise success where previous attempts failed. We applied recently developed risk assessment approaches to nonindigenous freshwater molluscs at two geographic scales: the Laurentian Great Lakes basin and the 48 contiguous states of the United States. We used data on natural history and biogeography to discriminate between established freshwater molluscs that are benign and those that constitute nuisances (i.e., cause environmental and/or economic damage). Two statistical techniques, logistic regression and categorical tree analysis, showed that nuisance status was positively associated with fecundity. Other aspects of natural history and biogeography did not significantly affect likelihood of becoming a nuisance. We then used the derived statistical models to predict the chance that 15 mollusc species not yet in natural ecosystems would cause damage if they become established. We also tested whether time since establishment is related to the likelihood that nonindigenous mollusc species in the Great Lakes and United States would cause negative impacts. No significant relationship was evident at the U.S. scale, but recently established molluscs within the Great Lakes were more likely to cause negative impacts. This may reflect changing environmental conditions, changing patterns of trade, or may be an indication of "invasional meltdown." Our quantitative analyses could be extended to other taxa and ecosystems and offer a number of improvements over the qualitative risk assessments currently used by U.S. (and other) government agencies.  相似文献   

● Reducing environmental impacts through socioeconomic structural transitions. ● Simulation of looping the dynamic material cycle should be concerned. ● Transboundary effects of socioeconomic transitions need to be analyzed. ● Facilitating interregional cooperation and synergetic control mechanisms. Rapid socioeconomic development has caused numerous environmental impacts. Human production and consumption activities are the underlying drivers of resource uses, environmental emissions, and associated environmental impacts (e.g., ecosystem quality and human health). Reducing environmental impacts requires an understanding of the complex interactions between socioeconomic system and environmental system. Existing studies have explored the relationships among human society, economic system, and environmental system. However, it is unclear about the research progress in the effects of socioeconomic activities on environmental impacts and the potential directions of future research. This critical review finds that existing studies have identified critical regions, sectors, and transmission pathways for resource uses, environmental emissions, and environmental impacts from supply chain perspectives. Moreover, scholars have characterized the impacts of socioeconomic transitions on resource uses and environmental emissions. However, existing studies overlook the dynamic nature of the interconnections among human society, economic system, and environmental system. In addition, the effects of socioeconomic structural transitions on environmental impacts remain unknown. This review proposes four prospects and possible solutions that will contribute to a better understanding of the complex interactions among human society, economic system, and environmental system. They can help identify more effective solutions to reduce environmental impacts through socioeconomic transitions.  相似文献   

Using Japanese facility-level data from an OECD survey, we estimate the effects of implementation of ISO14001 and publication of environmental reports on the facilities’ environmental performance. While most previous studies focused on an index of emissions toxicity, this study examines three areas of impacts, none of which have been explored in the literature: natural resource use, solid waste generation, and wastewater effluent. The study is also unique in that the effectiveness of ISO14001 is considered in relation to environmental regulations. Our findings are summarized as follows. First, both ISO14001 and report publication help reduce all three impacts; the former appears more effective in all areas except wastewater. Second, environmental regulations do not weaken the effect of ISO14001. Third, assistance programs offered by local governments—a voluntary approach—promote facilities’ adoption of ISO14001. These findings suggest that governments can use command-and-control and voluntary approaches concurrently.  相似文献   

Planting State-Listed Endangered and Threatened Plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distribution and planting of state-listed endangered and threatened plants is outlawed in most states of the United States, yet listed species are commonly used in landscaping and restorations. There is a need to re-examine policy regarding planting and propagation of endangered and threatened plants outside of planned recovery efforts. Potential advantages associated with increased outplanting of rare species include (1) improved public education and relations; (2) demographic security derived from creation of new populations; (3) provision of new, appropriate gene-flow opportunities; (4) applied research opportunities; and (5) ability to regulate a currently uncontrolled activity. Potential disadvantages are (1) confusion of natural and planted populations; (2) bureaucratic problems with protection of planted populations; (3) potential far inappropriate gene flow between natural and planted populations causing outbreeding depression and loss of genetic purity of natural populations; and (4) extension of the natural geographic and ecological range of the species. Policies, regulations, and nursery practices exist that would maximize the potential advantages and minimize the risks associated with the distribution of endangered and threatened plants. Policy considerations discussed include selection of appropriate species, production of appropriate and high-quality genetic stock, and regulation of outplanting programs. I weigh the risks and benefits of a program that would allow the general public access to some state-listed plants for natural landscaping. I conclude that a less restrictive but enforceable set of policies and regulations may be preferable to the status quo.  相似文献   

Land use and land cover (LULC) change occurs at a local level within contiguous ownership and management units (parcels), yet LULC models primarily use pixel-based spatial frameworks. The few parcel-based models being used overwhelmingly focus on small geographic areas, limiting the ability to assess LULC change impacts at regional to national scales. We developed a modified version of the Forecasting Scenarios of land use change model to project parcel-based agricultural change across a large region in the United States Great Plains. A scenario representing an agricultural biofuel scenario was modeled from 2012 to 2030, using real parcel boundaries based on contiguous ownership and land management units. The resulting LULC projection provides a vastly improved representation of landscape pattern over existing pixel-based models, while simultaneously providing an unprecedented combination of thematic detail and broad geographic extent. The conceptual approach is practical and scalable, with potential use for national-scale projections.  相似文献   

In the Ecuadorian Amazon roads play the major role in transforming land cover. Since the beginning of the oil development in this region, oil exploration and road building have been linked. The objectives of this paper are twofold: First, to present a scenario of future deforestation as result of expanding the oil frontier in the Ecuadorian Amazon until the year 2030. Second, to produce an analysis of possible carbon emission scenarios as results of the deforestation produced. This paper tries to shed light into how the development of new oil concessions impact land associated environmental services. The paper uses spatial explicit simulations, that are based on parameters built using past land transitions from areas that experimented oil development, and that explain possible outcomes in the year 2030 using current and predicted road network. Simulations indicate that under current transition probabilities and a conservative scenario road construction, more than 2 million hectares will be affected, which is 35% of the area covered by concessions, which would release 51 to 148 MT of carbon to the atmosphere. This paper illustrates the strong links between road building and deforestation, where even small amount of road construction can have large effects on land cover.  相似文献   

Nanomaterials are widely used in the field of engineering and in modern society. Although the unique characteristics of nanoparticles also enable them to provide environmental solutions to reduce the formation and emissions of pollutants, adverse effects on human health may occur from the exposure to nanomaterials during the manufacturing processes and when nanomaterials are released and they contaminate the environment. It is essential to understand the factors affecting the accumulation, aggregation, deposition, translocation, and distribution of nanomaterials (natural or engineered) in the ecosystem. This study presents an extensive review of the environmental effects of nanomaterials, including classification, adverse impacts on human health and the environment, transport pathways, monitoring methods, and the current regulations regarding nanomaterials. The review indicates that the diversity of nanoparticles and their properties make the identification and characterization of nanomaterials a difficult task, and an improvement in sensitivity and selectivity of analytical methods for detecting nanoparticles in the environment is required. Besides, few regulations have been established for the management of nanoparticles released into the environment. In order to expedite the environmental management of nanomaterials, this study proposes a risk assessment framework based on the findings in the review as a practice alternative for the environmental assessment and effective management of nanomaterials. Development of practical innovative risk-based management measures may help us to find answers to the concerns such as safety of engineering and applying nanomaterials and effective control of nanoparticle contamination in the environment.  相似文献   

Wetland Loss and Biodiversity Conservation   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
Abstract: Most species of wetland-dependent organisms live in multiple local populations sustained through occasional migration. Retention of minimum wetland densities in human-dominated landscapes is fundamental to conserving these organisms. An analysis of wetland mosaics was performed for two regions of the northeastern United States to assess the degree to which historical wetland loss alters the metrics of wetland mosaics and to assess potential future effects mediated by differently structured wetland regulations. These analyses indicated that profound reductions in wetland density and proximity are associated with increased human populations and that protections for all wetlands > 1 acre (0.4 ha) are likely required to retain wetland densities minimally sufficient to sustain the wetland biota.  相似文献   

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