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The tendency to aggregate with conspecifics is a common type of social behavior, and interspecific differences in degree of sociality may indicate that evolutionary changes in sociality have been shaped by past selection pressures. A pre-requisite for such evolutionary change is that the behavior in question has an additive genetic basis. I investigated parent-offspring resemblance in two characteristics of sociality (colony size and nearest neighbor distance) in the semi-colonial barn swallow Hirundo rustica. Heritability estimates of these phenotypic characters were statistically significant. Offspring that were transferred to foster nests as part of brood size manipulation or cross-fostering experiments resembled their original parents more than their foster parents with respect to sociality. There was little evidence of phenotypic characteristics of mothers being significantly related to colony size or nearest neighbor distance of their offspring. Maintenance of genetic variation in sociality in this species may be related to the facts that the relationship between reproductive success and colony size differs among years, and that individuals differing in phenotypic quality have different optimal colony sizes.  相似文献   

Eastern towhees, Pipilo erythrophthalmus, (Emberizidae, Passeriformes) in Florida estimate source sound-pressure level (SPL; i.e., sound amplitude) and often misjudge speaker distance in the field when vocalization source SPL is varied experimentally. Sound frequencies below ~3.5 kHz attenuate reliably with distance in comparison with higher sound frequencies in Florida scrub habitat. As a result, I predicted that towhees should use SPL as an auditory distance cue when they hear stimuli produced with sound frequencies below ~3.5 kHz but use another cue when they hear stimuli produced with sound frequencies above ~3.5 kHz. Subjects often misjudged speaker distance when approaching playbacks of SPL-altered stimuli produced with sound frequencies below ~3.5 kHz but rarely misjudged speaker distance when played SPL-altered stimuli produced with sound frequencies above ~3.5 kHz. I discuss the possibility that towhees employ a duplex sound localization strategy.  相似文献   

Dispersal attempts can be costly and may often end in failure. Individuals should therefore only disperse when the benefits of dispersal outweigh the costs. While previous research has focussed on aspects of the individual that may affect dispersal success, social factors may also influence dispersal outcomes. One way of achieving successful dispersal could be through cooperative, or coalition dispersal. I investigated this possibility in the cooperatively breeding Arabian babbler Turdoides squamiceps. I found that coalition dispersal appears to be an effective strategy to ensure the success of dispersal attempts, with coalitions more successful than lone individuals at taking over the breeding position in a new group. Lone dispersal was more costly than coalition dispersal, with lone individuals suffering a greater loss of body mass during dispersal attempts. These results suggest a substantial short-term benefit for this type of cooperative behaviour. There was no evidence for dispersal polymorphism in the population, with no detectable phenotypic difference between dispersers and non-dispersers or those that dispersed as part of a coalition compared with those that dispersed alone.  相似文献   

In polygynous mammals, males are usually responsible for gene flow while females are predominantly philopatric. However, there is evidence that in a few mammalian species female offspring may disperse to avoid breeding with their father when male tenure exceeds female age at maturity. We investigated offspring dispersal and local population structure in the Neotropical bat Lophostoma silvicolum. The mating system of this species is resource defense polygyny, with the resource being active termite nests, excavated by single males, which are then joined by females. We combined field observations of 14 harems during 3 years and data about the genetic structure within and between these groups, calculated with one mitochondrial locus and nine nuclear microsatellite loci. The results show that both male and female offspring disperse before maturity. In addition, we estimated life span of excavated termite nests and the duration they were occupied by the same male. Our findings suggest that long male tenure of up to 30 months is indeed a likely cause for the observed dispersal by female offspring that can reach maturity at a low age of 6 months. We suggest that dispersal by offspring of both sexes may occur quite frequently in polygynous tropical bats and thus generally may be more common in mammals than previously assumed.  相似文献   

An organism’s pattern of resource allocation to reproduction and growth over time critically impacts on its lifetime reproductive success. During times of low resource availability, there are two fundamental, mutually exclusive strategies of energy investment: maintenance of somatic tissues to support survival and later reproduction or investment into an immediate reproductive event at the risk of subsequent death. Here, we examine energy allocation patterns in the coral Montipora digitata to determine whether energy investment during periods of resource shortage favours growth or reproduction in a sessile, modular marine species. We manipulated light regimes (two levels of shading) on plots within a shallow reef flat habitat (Orpheus Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia) and quantified energy uptake (rates of net photosynthesis), energy investment into reproduction (E R ), tissue growth per unit surface area (E T ) and energy channelled into calcification (E C ). With declining resource availability (i.e. reduced photosynthesis), relative energy investment shifted from high (~80%) allocation to tissue growth (E R :E T :E C  = 11:81:8%) to an increasing proportion channelled into reproduction and skeletal growth (20:31:49%). At the lowest light regime, calcification was maintained but reproduction was halted and thus energy content per unit surface area of tissue declined, although no mortality was observed. The changing hierarchy in energy allocation among life functions with increasing resource limitation found here for an autotrophic coral, culminating in cessation of reproduction when limitations are severe, stands in contrast to observations from annual plants. However, the strategy may be optimal for maximising fitness components (growth, reproduction and survival) through time in marine modular animals.  相似文献   

Larvae of marine organisms often need specific resources or environments at settlement, and their success at settlement might be strongly influenced by the abundance and distribution of such specific resources. The larvae of hermit crabs need small shells to settle, so it is thought that the distribution and abundance of small shells influence the settlement pattern of hermit crabs. To investigate the influence of small shell distribution on the settlement of pagurid hermit crab larvae, we conducted a field experiment at an intertidal rocky shore in Hakodate Bay, Japan. From the line-transect sampling in the field, we found that Pagurus middendorffii settled extensively in the offshore side of the intertidal zone while P. nigrofascia settled in the uppermost area of the intertidal zone. Small shells were most abundant in a narrow shallow trough, slightly offshore from the uppermost area of the intertidal zone. For both species, settler abundance was high where adults were abundant, but settler abundance did not appear to be related to shells abundance. An experiment to clarify settlement patterns showed that larval recruits tended to be similar to those in the line-transect sampling of settlers. Thus shells may not be a primary factor affecting settlement patterns at relatively large scale within the intertidal flat. However, when we analyzed the relationship of settlers and shells separately within each transect, the distribution of settlers was well explained by shell resource availability. Therefore on a smaller scale, shell availability may influence the number of settlers. Settlement periods of P. middendorffii and P. nigrofascia fully overlapped, so their larvae probably were affected by similar transport factors, such as current and tidal movement. Nevertheless they showed different spatial patterns of settlement.Communicated by T. Ikeda, Hakodate  相似文献   

Understanding the processes leading to population declines in fragmented landscapes is essential for successful conservation management. However, isolating the influence of disparate processes, and dispersal in particular, is challenging. The Grey Shrike-thrush, Colluricincla harmonica, is a sedentary woodland-dependent songbird, with learned vocalizations whose incidence in suitable habitat patches falls disproportionally with decline in tree cover in the landscape. Although it has been suggested that gaps in tree cover might act as barriers to its dispersal, the species remains in many remnants of native vegetation in agricultural landscapes, suggesting that it may have responded to habitat removal and fragmentation by maintaining or even increasing dispersal distances. We quantified population connectivity of the Grey Shrike-thrush in a system fragmented over more than 120 years using genetic (microsatellites) and acoustic (song types) data. First, we tested for population genetic and acoustic structure at regional and local scales in search of barriers to dispersal or gene flow and signals of local spatial structuring indicative of restricted dispersal or localized acoustic similarity. Then we tested for effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on genetic and acoustic connectivity by fitting alternative models of mobility (isolation-by-distance [the null model] and reduced and increased movement models) across treeless vs. treed areas. Birds within -5 km of each other had more similar genotypes and song types than those farther away, suggesting that dispersal and song matching are limited in the region. Despite restricted dispersal detected for females (but not males), populations appeared to be connected by gene flow and displayed some cultural (acoustic) connectivity across the region. Fragmentation did not appear to impact greatly the dispersal of the Grey Shrike-thrush: none of the mobility models fit the genetic distances of males, whereas for females, an isolation-by-distance model could not be rejected in favor of the models of reduced or increased movement through treeless gaps. However, dissimilarities of the song types were more consistent with the model of reduced cultural connectivity through treeless areas, suggesting that fragmentation impedes song type sharing in the Grey Shrike-thrush. Our paper demonstrates that habitat fragmentation hinders important population processes in an Australian woodland bird even though its dispersal is not detectably impacted.  相似文献   

Baer SG  Blair JM 《Ecology》2008,89(7):1859-1871
The traditional logic of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) interactions in ecosystems predicts further increases or decreases in productivity (positive feedback) in response to high and low fertility in the soil, respectively; but the potential for development of feedback in ecosystems recovering from disturbance is less well understood. Furthermore, this logic has been challenged in grassland ecosystems where frequent fires or grazing may reduce the contribution of aboveground litter inputs to soil organic matter pools and nutrient supply for plant growth, relative to forest ecosystems. Further, if increases in plant productivity increase soil C content more than soil N content, negative feedback may result from increased microbial demand for N making less available for plant growth. We used a field experiment to test for feedback in an establishing grassland by comparing aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) and belowground pools and fluxes of C and N in soil with enriched, ambient, and reduced N availability. For eight years annual N enrichment increased ANPP, root N, and root tissue quality, but root C:N ratios remained well above the threshold for net mineralization of N. There was no evidence that N enrichment increased root biomass, soil C or N accrual rates, or storage of C in total, microbial, or mineralizable pools within this time frame. However, the net nitrogen mineralization potential (NMP) rate was greater following eight years of N enrichment, and we attributed this to N saturation of the microbial biomass. Grassland developing under experimentally imposed N limitation through C addition to the soil exhibited ANPP, root biomass and quality, and net NMP rate similar to the ambient soil. Similarity in productivity and roots in the reduced and ambient N treatments was attributed to the potentially high nitrogen-use efficiency (NUE) of the dominant C4 grasses, and increasing cover of legumes over time in the C-amended soil. Thus, in a developing ecosystem, positive feedback between soil N supply and plant productivity may promote enhanced long-term N availability and override progressive N limitation as C accrues in plant and soil pools. However, experimentally imposed reduction in N availability did not feed back to reduce ANPP, possibly due to shifts in NUE and functional group composition.  相似文献   

Invasive species are a global threat to biodiversity and the functioning of natural ecosystems. Here, we report on a two-year experiment aimed at elucidating the combined and relative effects of three key controls on plant invasions: propagule supply, soil nitrogen (N) availability, and herbivory by native insects. We focus on the exotic species Lespedeza cuneata, a Rank 1 invasive species. Propagule supply and soil N-availability interacted to control the density and foliar cover of L. cuneata. In low N plots, density and foliar cover of L. cuneata were higher in the propagule addition plots than in the plots to which propagules were not added. Surprisingly, this interaction was significant only when the abundance of herbivores was experimentally reduced. This experiment provides evidence that native insect herbivores mediate the interactive effects of propagule supply and resources on invasion by a widespread invasive plant species.  相似文献   

We developed and tested patch occupancy models for an endemic understory bird with limited dispersal ability, the Chucao Tapaculo (Scelorchilus rubecula), in two South American temperate rain forest landscapes that differed in levels and duration of forest loss. We assessed cover changes since 1961 in each landscape and surveyed patches for Chucao Tapaculo occupancy. We then developed incidence-based predictive models independently for each landscape and tested each model reciprocally in the alternative study area. We thereby assessed the domain of model applicability and identified those predictor variables with general effects and those that varied between the two landscapes. The two models were consistent regarding variable selection, and predictive accuracy of each model was high in the landscape where training data were collected. However, the models differed substantially in the magnitudes of effects related to patch size, with larger unoccupied patches observed in the landscape with the more advanced stage of fragmentation. Due to this discrepancy, each model performed poorly when applied to the alternative landscape, potentially reflecting the contrasting stages of habitat loss. Although it was impossible to dissociate effects of level and duration of forest loss, we viewed the landscapes as representing two extremes along a continuum of fragmentation, providing insights into potential trajectories for portions of the biome where deforestation is occurring. Further, our data suggest that static equilibrium models developed from distribution patterns in recently fragmented landscapes may overestimate persistence when used as a forecasting tool, or when extrapolated to alternative landscapes where fragmentation is more advanced. Thus, we suggest that landscapes used as standards for model building should be selected with caution. We recommend that distribution patterns be obtained from landscapes where fragmentation is advanced, preferably with histories of fragmentation long enough that time-delayed extinctions already would have occurred.  相似文献   

We tested joint effects of predator loss and increased resource availability on the grazers’ trophic level and the propagation of trophic interactions in a benthic food web by excluding larger predatory fish from cages and manipulating nutrients in the coastal zone of the Baltic Sea. The combination of nutrient enrichment and excluding larger predators induced an increase in medium-sized predatory fish (three-spined stickleback). The meso-predator fish in turn did not change the total abundance of the invertebrate herbivores, but did cause a substantial shift in their community composition towards the dominance of gastropods by reducing amphipods by 40–60%, while gastropods were left unchanged. The shift in grazer composition generated a 23 times higher producer biomass, but only under nutrient enrichment. Our results show that top-predator declines can substantially shift the species composition at the grazers’ level, but that cascading effects on producers by a trophic cascade strongly depend on resource availability.  相似文献   

Since the Pleistocene, Arctic foxes, Alopex lagopus, on Mednyi Island in the North Pacific have been isolated in a small area with rich food resources and no other terrestrial carnivores. This situation provides an unusually simple system within which the effect of food dispersion on demography and social organisation was examined. We studied the composition, location and dispersal of 67 Arctic fox groups and mapped their major food resources (seabird colonies) during 1994–2000 on Mednyi. We compared our observations with the predictions of models of sex-ratio determination. Our observations are most consistent with the predictions of Julliard's (2000) model, where mothers are expected to produce more offspring of the most dispersing sex in low-quality habitats, and more offspring of the most philopatric sex in high-quality habitats. The polygynous foxes on Mednyi Island lived where the principal food resources were patchily distributed (present on 11% of the shoreline), and cub survival to dispersal age or reproductive adult was higher in rich (25/45) than in poor (24/79) home ranges. Furthermore, dispersal was strongly sex-biased: most females (60%) remained on their natal ranges, whereas very few males (9%) did so. Significantly more female than male cubs (54 compared with 24) emerged from dens in resource rich ranges, whereas the sex ratio on poor ranges was approximately equal (51 females and 56 males). While our observations are also to some extent consistent with the local resource enhancement (LRE) hypothesis (which predicts a bias towards the sex most likely to cooperate with parents), this does not account for the observed spatial variability.  相似文献   

The significance of adult buck aggression as a proximate factor driving yearling male dispersal in roe deer, Capreolus Capreolus, was studied in Sweden during the dispersal season (April–June) in 1988–1991. In roe there is a well established positive correlation between yearling antler size and dispersal tendency. I tested the prediction that yearlings with large antlers will experience more agonism from adult bucks than those with smaller antlers. Additionally, I studied the relationship between antler size and level of sexual maturity, by recording date of velvet shedding, and sampling testes weights from culled yearlings during the breeding season. The amount of agonism experienced by yearlings was positively correlated with the size of their antlers during April and May, whereas in June no such relationship was found. Aggression towards all yearlings tended to increase as the season progressed. A positive correlation between antler size and testes weight was evident, and the larger the antlers of yearlings the earlier the velvet shedding occured. These results indicate: firstly, that adult buck agonism is an important proximate factor underlying yearling male dispersal; and secondly, that agonism is mainly directed towards the sexually most mature yearlings. This, in turn, suggests mate competition to be the ultimate cause of male-male agonism, and thus male dispersal in this species.  相似文献   

Summary Ten years of data collected from a population of savanna baboons, Papio cynocephalus anubis, residing near Gilgil, Kenya were analyzed to ascertain the extent to which social and ecological factors influence reproductive maturation in females. First sexual swelling occurred at an average age of 4.79 years and first birth occurred at an average age of 6.92 years. Age at first menses was significantly correlated with age at first sexual swelling, but age at first sexual swelling was not a good predictor of age at first birth. The amount of rainfall in the 6 months preceding first sexual swelling and resource availability were significantly correlated with age at first sexual swelling. When ecological factors were taken into account, dominant females had an earlier age at onset of puberty, but not an earlier age at first birth, than did subordinate females. We suggest that nutritional and social stress operate at the same physiological level to disrupt GnRH pulsatility and retard reproductive maturation in some females. Given that socioecological variables modify the timing of life history events related to fitness in female baboons, the task for the future is to unravel how socioecological factors influence different life history components and generate variation in lifetime reproductive success. Correspondence to: F.B. Bercovitch  相似文献   

Rowe RJ  Terry RC  Rickart EA 《Ecology》2011,92(6):1366-1375
Changes in climate and land use can impact natural systems across all levels of ecological organization. Most documented and anticipated effects consider species' properties, including phenologies, geographic distributions, and abundances. Responses of higher-level aggregate community or ecosystem properties have not been considered as they are assumed to be relatively stable due to compensatory dynamics and diversity-stability relationships. However, this assumption may not be as fundamental as previously thought. Here we assess stability in the aggregate properties of total abundance, biomass, and energy consumption for small-mammal communities in the Great Basin, using paired historical and modern survey data spanning nearly a century of environmental change. Results show marked declines in each aggregate property independent of spatial scale, elevation, or habitat type, and a reallocation of available biomass and energy favoring diet and habitat generalists. Because aggregate properties directly reflect resource availability, our findings indicate a regionwide decline in resources of 50% over the past century, which may signal a resource crisis. This work illustrates the power of using aggregate properties as indicators of ecological conditions and environmental change at broad spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

Natal dispersal is an important event in the life history of many species. Timing of natal dispersal can influence survivorship and subsequent reproductive success. A variety of individual proximal factors determine if and when offspring disperse from the natal territory by influencing the costs of dispersing and the benefits of delaying dispersal. I examined the influence of multiple factors on dispersal age in the banner-tailed kangaroo rat (Dipodomys spectabilis), a solitary species lacking extreme sex-biased dispersal. I used an information theoretic approach to compare Cox proportional hazards regression models of dispersal age for 121 offspring over a 3-year period consisting of low and high population densities. The top-ranked models indicated that dispersal age was influenced by a combination of socioecological factors related to resource competition, environmental conditions, kin competition, and a lesser extent sex. Circumstances that likely reduced the probability of successful dispersal such as intense resource competition at high population density and being born earlier in the breeding season when environmental conditions were poor lead to longer delays in natal dispersal. Offspring in larger litters also dispersed earlier possibly to avoid competition with kin. Sex was weakly supported in top models but may only influence dispersal age at high population densities. These results suggest that the proximal factors that trigger dispersal are influenced by a combination of multiple effects related to the costs of dispersing and the benefits of remaining at home, even in species that do not form long-term social groups or have extreme sex-biased dispersal.  相似文献   

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